package com.jbidwatcher;
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers)
import com.jbidwatcher.util.StringTools;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLParseException;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLElement;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLSerializeSimple;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.xml.XMLInterface;
import com.jbidwatcher.ui.util.OptionUI;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.http.Http;
import com.jbidwatcher.util.Constants;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.*;
public class UpdaterEntry extends XMLSerializeSimple {
protected String _version = "";
protected String _severity = "";
protected String _description = ""; // Optional
protected String _url = "";
protected String _changelogURL = "";
protected String _changelog;
protected boolean _valid;
protected ArrayList<XMLInterface> mConfigChanges;
public UpdaterEntry(String packageName, String updateFrom) {
StringBuffer loadedUpdate;
try {
URLConnection uc =;
loadedUpdate =;
_valid = true;
} catch(IOException e) {
loadedUpdate = null;
JConfig.log().handleException("UpdaterEntry: " + e, e);
_valid = false;
if(_valid && (loadedUpdate == null || loadedUpdate.length() == 0)) _valid = false;
if(_valid) {
loadFromString(loadedUpdate, packageName);
public void loadFromString(StringBuffer sb, String packageName) {
if(sb == null || packageName == null) {
//noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown
JConfig.log().handleException("loadFromString Failed with a null pointer!", new Exception("Updater got incorrect XML file."));
} else {
XMLElement xmlUpdate = new XMLElement(true);
if (xmlUpdate.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName)) {
} else {
throw new XMLParseException(xmlUpdate.getTagName(), "Updater got incorrect XML file.");
public XMLElement toXML() { throw new RuntimeException("toXML not supported by load-only class."); }
protected String[] infoTags = { "version", "severity", "description", "url", "config", "knownversion", "changelog" };
protected String[] getTags() { return infoTags; }
protected void handleTag(int i, XMLElement curElement) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
_version = curElement.getContents();
case 1:
_severity = curElement.getContents();
case 2:
_description = curElement.getContents();
case 3:
_url = curElement.getContents();
case 4:
boolean valid = true;
// Allow validating individual configuration settings by program version.
String vNum = curElement.getProperty("VERSION");
if(vNum != null) {
valid = vNum.equals(Constants.PROGRAM_VERS);
// Allow validating individual configuration settings by configuration settings.
String checkTrue = curElement.getProperty("CHECKTRUE");
if(checkTrue != null) {
if(JConfig.queryConfiguration(checkTrue, "true").equals("false")) valid = false;
if(valid) {
String strStamp = curElement.getProperty("STAMP");
if(strStamp == null) {
if(mConfigChanges == null) mConfigChanges = new ArrayList<XMLInterface>(5);
} else {
long stamp = Long.parseLong(strStamp);
long last = Long.parseLong(JConfig.queryConfiguration("updates.lastConfig", "0"));
if(stamp > last) {
if(mConfigChanges == null) mConfigChanges = new ArrayList<XMLInterface>(5);
case 5:
// If <knownversion>{this version}</...> exists, then don't alert to a new version.
String known = curElement.getContents();
if(known.equals(Constants.PROGRAM_VERS)) _version = known;
case 6:
_changelogURL = curElement.getContents();
// Do absolutely nothing. New tags (for later versions) should be
// ignored, and not cause errors.
public boolean isValid() { return _valid; }
public String getVersion() { return _version; }
public String getSeverity() { return _severity; }
public String getDescription() { return _description; }
public String getURL() { return _url; }
public URL getChangelogURL() {
if (_changelogURL != null && _changelogURL.length() != 0) {
try {
return new URL(_changelogURL);
} catch (MalformedURLException ignored) {
// This is ignored, and we return null.
return null;
public String getChangelog() {
URL changelog = getChangelogURL();
if(_changelog == null && changelog != null) {
_changelog =;
return _changelog;
public static void main(String[] args) {
UpdaterEntry ue = new UpdaterEntry(Constants.PROGRAM_NAME.toLowerCase(), "");
System.out.println("Available version is: " + ue.getVersion());
System.out.println("How strongly encouraged: " + ue.getSeverity());
System.out.println("What is new/necessary: " + ue.getDescription());
System.out.println("The URL to get that version at is: " + ue.getURL());
System.out.println("Changelog URL: " + ue.getChangelogURL().toString());
System.out.println("The changelog is: " + ue.getChangelog());
public boolean hasConfigurationUpdates() {
return mConfigChanges != null;
public void applyConfigurationUpdates() {
StringBuffer alert = null;
boolean cfgChanged = false;
long lastStamp = Long.parseLong(JConfig.queryConfiguration("updates.lastConfig", "0"));
for (XMLInterface cfg : mConfigChanges) {
String type = cfg.getProperty("TYPE", "config");
if (type.equals("message")) {
if (alert == null) {
alert = new StringBuffer(cfg.getContents());
} else {
} else if (type.equals("config")) {
String cfgVar = cfg.getProperty("VARIABLE");
if (cfgVar != null) {
// Save old values, in case we need to restore them later.
if (JConfig.queryConfiguration(cfgVar) != null) {
JConfig.setConfiguration("saved." + cfgVar, JConfig.queryConfiguration(cfgVar));
JConfig.setConfiguration(cfgVar, cfg.getContents());
cfgChanged = true;
} else if (type.equals("string")) {
String cfgVar = cfg.getProperty("STRING");
if (cfgVar != null) {
JConfig.setConfiguration("replace." + JConfig.getVersion() + "." + cfgVar, cfg.getContents());
cfgChanged = true;
} else if (type.equals("restore")) {
String cfgVar = cfg.getContents();
if (cfgVar != null) {
String oldCfg = JConfig.queryConfiguration("saved." + cfgVar);
if (oldCfg != null) {
JConfig.setConfiguration(cfgVar, oldCfg);
JConfig.kill("saved." + cfgVar);
cfgChanged = true;
} else if (type.equals("delete")) {
String cfgVar = cfg.getContents();
String oldCfg = JConfig.queryConfiguration(cfgVar);
if (oldCfg != null) {
cfgChanged = true;
String strStamp = cfg.getProperty("STAMP");
if (strStamp != null) {
long stamp = Long.parseLong(strStamp);
if (stamp > lastStamp) lastStamp = stamp;
JConfig.setConfiguration("updates.lastConfig", Long.toString(lastStamp));
if(cfgChanged) JConfig.updateComplete();
if(alert != null) {
OptionUI oui = new OptionUI();
Dimension aboutBoxSize = new Dimension(495, 245);
oui.showHTMLDisplay(alert, aboutBoxSize, Constants.PROGRAM_NAME + " News Alert...");