import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.xerial.snappy.Snappy;
import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedisPool;
public class RedisFile {
protected RedisDirectory directory;
protected ShardedJedisPool redisPool;
private String name;
protected long fileLength;
protected long currPos, currBlock;
private byte[] nameBytes;
private byte[] pathBytes;
protected int BufferLength;
protected boolean dirtyBuffer;
protected byte[] buffer;
protected boolean fileExtended;
public RedisFile(String name, RedisDirectory dir, ShardedJedisPool pool) throws IOException { = dir;
this.redisPool = pool; = name;
this.currBlock = this.currPos = 0;
this.BufferLength = RedisDirectory.FILE_BUFFER_SIZE;
this.buffer = null;
this.dirtyBuffer = false;
this.fileExtended = false;
public synchronized long size() {
ShardedJedis jd = redisPool.getResource();
byte [] p = jd.hget(directory.getDirNameBytes(), getNameBytes());
if( p != null && p.length == Long.SIZE/8 ){
this.fileLength = ByteBuffer.wrap(p).asLongBuffer().get();
return this.fileLength;
public synchronized void flush() throws IOException {
protected synchronized void flushBuffer() throws IOException {
if( dirtyBuffer ) {
ShardedJedis jd = redisPool.getResource();
if( RedisDirectory.COMPRESSED ){
byte[] compressed = Snappy.compress(buffer);
jd.set(blockAddress(), compressed);
jd.set(blockAddress(), buffer);
if( fileExtended ){
jd.hset(directory.getDirNameBytes(), getNameBytes(), ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE/8).putLong(fileLength).array());
fileExtended = false;
dirtyBuffer = false;
protected synchronized void readBuffer() throws IOException {
ShardedJedis jd = redisPool.getResource();
buffer = jd.get(blockAddress());
if( buffer != null && RedisDirectory.COMPRESSED) {
buffer = Snappy.uncompress(buffer);
if( buffer == null || buffer.length != BufferLength ){
buffer = new byte [this.BufferLength];
private byte[] blockAddress() {
ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(getPathBytes().length+(Long.SIZE/8));
return buff.array();
public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
public String getName() {
return name;
public byte[] getNameBytes() {
if( nameBytes == null ) {
nameBytes = name.getBytes();
return nameBytes;
public long blocksRequired(long size) {
return blockPos(size) + ((size % BufferLength == 0) ? 0 : 1);
public long blockPos(long i) {
return (i / BufferLength);
public synchronized void seek(long p) throws IOException {
// If seek remains within current block
if( blockPos(p) == currBlock ){
currPos = p;
if( fileLength < currPos ) {
fileLength = currPos;
fileExtended = true;
//Seeking somewhere within existing blocks
currPos = p;
currBlock = blockPos(p);
if( fileLength < currPos ) {
fileLength = currPos;
fileExtended = true;
public long tell() {
return currPos;
public synchronized void read(byte[] buff, int offset, long n) throws IOException {
int sourceBufferIndex = (int)(currPos % BufferLength);
int bytesRead = BufferLength - sourceBufferIndex;
int destBufferIndex = offset;
long bytesLeft = n;
if( bytesRead > bytesLeft ) bytesRead = (int) bytesLeft;
while( bytesLeft > 0 ){
//Read and move on!
System.arraycopy(buffer, sourceBufferIndex, buff, destBufferIndex, bytesRead);
seek(currPos + bytesRead);
bytesLeft -= bytesRead;
destBufferIndex += bytesRead;
sourceBufferIndex = 0;
bytesRead = BufferLength;
if( bytesRead > bytesLeft ) bytesRead = (int) bytesLeft;
public synchronized void write(byte[] buff, int offset, long n) throws IOException{
int sourceBufferIndex = (int)(currPos % BufferLength);
int bytesWrite = BufferLength - sourceBufferIndex;
int destBufferIndex = offset;
long bytesLeft = n;
if( bytesWrite > bytesLeft ) bytesWrite = (int) bytesLeft;
while( bytesLeft > 0 ){
//Read and move on!
System.arraycopy(buff, destBufferIndex, buffer, sourceBufferIndex, bytesWrite);
dirtyBuffer = true;
seek(currPos + bytesWrite);
bytesLeft -= bytesWrite;
destBufferIndex += bytesWrite;
sourceBufferIndex = 0;
bytesWrite = BufferLength;
if( bytesWrite > bytesLeft ) bytesWrite = (int) bytesLeft;
public synchronized void delete() {
ShardedJedis jd = redisPool.getResource();
jd.hdel(directory.getDirNameBytes(), getPathBytes());
dirtyBuffer = false;
public String getPath() {
String parent = "";
if( directory != null ) parent = directory.getDirName();
return String.format("@%s:%s", parent, name);
public byte[] getPathBytes() {
if( pathBytes == null )
pathBytes = getPath().getBytes();
return pathBytes;