/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import plugins.Freetalk.Board;
import plugins.Freetalk.Configuration;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.Identity;
import plugins.Freetalk.Message;
import plugins.Freetalk.OwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.Quoting;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard.BoardMessageLink;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard.BoardReplyLink;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard.BoardThreadLink;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentityManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageRating;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.MessageNotFetchedException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchBoardException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageRatingException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NotInTrustTreeException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NotTrustedException;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.l10n.BaseL10n;
import freenet.support.HTMLNode;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.HTTPRequest;
* @author xor
public final class ThreadPage extends WebPageImpl {
private final SubscribedBoard mBoard;
private final String mThreadID;
private BoardThreadLink mThread;
private final boolean mMarktThreadAsUnread;
private boolean mFirstUnread = true;
private static final DateFormat mLocalDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
public ThreadPage(WebInterface myWebInterface, OwnIdentity viewer, HTTPRequest request, BaseL10n _baseL10n)
throws NoSuchMessageException, NoSuchBoardException, NoSuchElementException {
super(myWebInterface, viewer, request, _baseL10n);
String boardName = request.getParam("BoardName");
if(boardName.length() == 0) // Also allow POST requests.
boardName = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("BoardName", Board.MAX_BOARDNAME_TEXT_LENGTH);
String threadID = request.getParam("ThreadID");
if(threadID.length() == 0)
threadID = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("ThreadID", 256); // TODO: Use a constant for max thread ID length
mMarktThreadAsUnread = mRequest.isPartSet("MarkThreadAsUnread");
mBoard = mFreetalk.getMessageManager().getSubscription(mOwnIdentity, boardName);
mThreadID = threadID;
public final void make() {
try {
synchronized (mLocalDateFormat) {
// TODO: Optimization: We do NOT want to lock the identity manager here. We have to do it to prevent deadlocks because there is
// no non-locking getIdentity() which could be used in addThreadNotDownloadedWarning/addReplyNotDownloadedWarning
synchronized(mFreetalk.getIdentityManager()) {
// Normally, we would have to lock the MessageManager because we call storeAndCommit() on BoardMessageLink objects:
// The board might be deleted between getSubscription() and the synchronized(mBoard) - the storeAndCommit() would result in orphan objects.
// BUT BoardMessageLink.storeAndCommit() does a db.isStored() check and throws if the BoardMessageLink is not stored anymore.
synchronized(mBoard) {
mThread = mBoard.getThreadLink(mThreadID);
// Mark as unread first, then display
try {
Message threadMessage = mThread.getMessage();
if(threadMessage.isThread() == false)
else if(mBoard.contains(threadMessage) == false) // Do "else", one link to the original thread is enough.
addMessageBox(threadMessage, mThread);
catch(MessageNotFetchedException e) {
for(BoardReplyLink reference : mBoard.getAllThreadReplies(mThread.getThreadID(), true)) {
try {
addMessageBox(reference.getMessage(), reference);
} catch(MessageNotFetchedException e) {
// TODO: Ensure that the warning is not displayed before a message whose parent is present:
// An attacker whose is trying to attack a message X might post a message A with an invalid parent ID and set the date
// of A to the date of X. The SubscribedBoard code will then guess the date of A's parent as its date minus 1
// millisecond, resulting in the construction of a ghost BoardReplyLink for A's parent with date == date of X - 1ms.
// Therefore, the "Reply not downloaded" warning will be displayed before X even though X's parent might be available
// This problem is inherent to flat (i.e. non-treeview) thread display and therefore not fixed in SubscribedBoard...
// Right now this is only a TO-DO and not FIX-ME because the l10n of the not-downloaded-warning has been chosen carefully
// so it does not state that the not-downloaded message is parent of the next message, it just says "a message is missing here"
// After most of the displaying-code has not failed we mark as read
} catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
mThread = null;
HTMLNode alertBox = addAlertBox(l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadDeleted.Header"));
alertBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadDeleted.Text1"));
HTMLNode p = alertBox.addChild("p");
new String[] { "link", "boardname" },
new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.link(BoardPage.getURI(mBoard)), HTMLNode.text(mBoard.getName()) });
private void addThreadNotDownloadedWarning(BoardThreadLink ref) {
HTMLNode table = mContentNode.addChild("table", new String[] { "border", "width", "class", "id" },
new String[] { "0", "100%", "message", ref.getMessageID()});
HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr", "class", "message");
try {
addAuthorNode(row, mFreetalk.getIdentityManager().getIdentity(ref.getAuthorID()));
} catch(NoSuchIdentityException e) {
HTMLNode authorNode = row.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "valign", "rowspan", "width" },
new String[] { "left", "top", "2", "15%" }, "");
authorNode.addChild("b").addChild("i").addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadNotDownloadedWarning.Author"));
HTMLNode title = row.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "class" },
new String[] { "left", "title " + ((ref == null || ref.wasRead()) ? "read" : "unread") });
title.addChild("div", "class", "date", mLocalDateFormat.format(ref.getMessageDate()));
addMarkThreadAsUnreadButton(title, ref);
title.addChild("div", "class", "text", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadNotDownloadedWarning.Title"));
// Body of the message
row = table.addChild("tr");
HTMLNode text = row.addChild("td", "align", "left", "");
text.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-error", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadNotDownloadedWarning.Content"));
private void addReplyNotDownloadedWarning(BoardReplyLink ref) {
HTMLNode table = mContentNode.addChild("table", new String[] { "border", "width", "class", "id"},
new String[] { "0", "100%", "message", ref.getMessageID() });
HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr", "class", "message");
try {
addAuthorNode(row, mFreetalk.getIdentityManager().getIdentity(ref.getAuthorID()));
} catch(NoSuchIdentityException e) {
HTMLNode authorNode = row.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "valign", "rowspan", "width" },
new String[] { "left", "top", "2", "15%" }, "");
authorNode.addChild("b").addChild("i").addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ReplyNotDownloadedWarning.Author"));
HTMLNode title = row.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "class" },
new String[] { "left", "title " + ((ref == null || ref.wasRead()) ? "read" : "unread") });
title.addChild("div", "class", "date", mLocalDateFormat.format(ref.getMessageDate()));
title.addChild("div", "class", "text", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ReplyNotDownloadedWarning.Title"));
// Body of the message
row = table.addChild("tr");
HTMLNode text = row.addChild("td", "align", "left", "");
text.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-error", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ReplyNotDownloadedWarning.Content"));
private void addThreadIsNoThreadWarning(Message threadWhichIsNoThread) {
HTMLNode div = addAlertBox(l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadIsNoThreadWarning.Header")).addChild("div");
String realThreadID = threadWhichIsNoThread.getThreadIDSafe();
Board realThreadBoard;
// mBoard is a SubscribedBoard, getBoards() only returns a list of Board objects, so we must call getParentBoard()
// TODO: This should be encapsulated in a function Message.containedInBoard(Board board)
if(Arrays.binarySearch(threadWhichIsNoThread.getBoards(), mBoard.getParentBoard()) >= 0)
realThreadBoard = mBoard;
else {
try {
realThreadBoard = threadWhichIsNoThread.getReplyToBoard();
} catch(NoSuchBoardException e) {
// TODO: List all boards to which the original thread was sent, not only the first one
realThreadBoard = threadWhichIsNoThread.getBoards()[0];
new String[] { "link" },
new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.link(getURI(realThreadBoard.getName(), realThreadID)) });
private void addThreadBelongsToDifferentBoardWarning(Message thread) {
HTMLNode div = addAlertBox(l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ThreadBelongsToDifferentBoardWarning.Header")).addChild("div");
Board realThreadBoard;
try {
realThreadBoard = thread.getReplyToBoard();
} catch(NoSuchBoardException e) {
// TODO: List all boards to which the original thread was sent, not only the first one
realThreadBoard = thread.getBoards()[0];
new String[] { "link" },
new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.link(getURI(realThreadBoard.getName(), thread.isThread() ? thread.getID() : thread.getThreadIDSafe())) });
private void addAuthorNode(HTMLNode parent, WoTIdentity author) {
HTMLNode authorNode = parent.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "valign", "rowspan", "width", "class" }, new String[] { "left", "top", "2", "15%", "author" }, "");
authorNode.addChild("a", new String[] { "class", "href", "title" },
new String[] { "identity-link", Freetalk.WOT_PLUGIN_URI + "/ShowIdentity?id=" + author.getID(), "Web of Trust Page" })
.addChild("abbr", new String[] { "title" }, new String[] { author.getID() })
.addChild("span", "class", "name", author.getShortestUniqueName());
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.Posts") + ": " + mFreetalk.getMessageManager().getMessagesBy(author).size());
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.TrustersCount") + ": ");
try {
addTrustersInfo(authorNode, author);
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "addTrustersInfo() failed", e);
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.TrustersCountUnknown"));
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.TrusteesCount") + ": ");
try {
addTrusteesInfo(authorNode, author);
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "addTrusteesInfo() failed", e);
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.TrusteesCountUnknown"));
Integer intTrust = null;
if(author == mOwnIdentity) {
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.Yourself"));
} else {
// Your trust value
String trust;
try {
intTrust = ((WoTOwnIdentity)mOwnIdentity).getTrustIn(author);
trust = Integer.toString(intTrust);
} catch (NotTrustedException e) {
trust = l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.YourTrustNone");
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "getTrust() failed", e);
trust = l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.YourTrustUnknown");
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Author.YourTrust") + ": "+trust);
// Effective score of the identity
String txtScore;
try {
final int score = ((WoTIdentityManager)mFreetalk.getIdentityManager()).getScore((WoTOwnIdentity)mOwnIdentity, author);
txtScore = Integer.toString(score);
} catch(NotInTrustTreeException e) {
txtScore = l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.ScoreNull");
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "getScore() failed", e);
txtScore = l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.ScoreNull");
authorNode.addChild("#", l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.Score") + ": "+ txtScore);
authorNode.addChild("div", "class", "identicon").addChild("img", new String[] { "src", "width", "height" }, new String[] { Freetalk.WOT_PLUGIN_URI + "/GetIdenticon?identity=" + author.getID(), "128", "128"});
* Shows the given message.
* You have to synchronize on mLocalDateFormat when using this function
* @param message The message which shall be shown. Must not be null.
* @param ref A reference to the message which is to be displayed. Can be null, then the "message was read?" information will be unavailable.
private void addMessageBox(Message message, BoardMessageLink ref) {
final WoTIdentity author = (WoTIdentity)message.getAuthor();
HTMLNode table = mContentNode.addChild("table", new String[] { "border", "width", "class", "id" },
new String[] { "0", "100%", "message", ref.getMessageID()});
HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr", "class", "message");
if(mFirstUnread && !ref.wasRead()) {
row.addAttribute("id", "FirstUnreadMessage");
mFirstUnread = false;
addAuthorNode(row, author);
// Title of the message
HTMLNode title = row.addChild("td", new String[] { "align", "class" }, new String[] { "left", "title " + ((ref == null || ref.wasRead()) ? "read" : "unread") });
title.addChild("div", "class", "date", mLocalDateFormat.format(message.getDate()));
if(ref != null && ref instanceof BoardThreadLink)
addMarkThreadAsUnreadButton(title, (BoardThreadLink)ref);
if(author != mOwnIdentity) {
HTMLNode modButtons = title.addChild("div", "class", "button-row");
try {
WoTMessageRating rating = mFreetalk.getMessageManager().getMessageRating(mOwnIdentity, message);
addRemoveRatingButton(modButtons, message, rating);
} catch(NoSuchMessageRatingException e) {
Integer intTrust;
try {
intTrust = ((WoTOwnIdentity)mOwnIdentity).getTrustIn(author);
} catch(Exception e2) {
intTrust = null;
if(intTrust == null || (intTrust+10) <= 100) { // TODO: Use constants
addRateButton(modButtons, message, 10, (intTrust!=null ? intTrust : 0) + 10);
if(intTrust == null || (intTrust-10) >= -100) { // TODO: Use constants
addRateButton(modButtons, message, -10, (intTrust!=null ? intTrust : 0) - 10);
title.addChild("div", "class", "text", message.getTitle());
// Body of the message
row = table.addChild("tr", "class", "body");
HTMLNode text = row.addChild("td", "align", "left", "");
Quoting.TextElement element = Quoting.parseText(message);
elementsToHTML(text, element.mChildren, mOwnIdentity, mFreetalk.getIdentityManager());
addReplyButton(text, message.getID());
public static void elementsToHTML(HTMLNode parent, List<Quoting.TextElement> elements, OwnIdentity viewer, WoTIdentityManager identityManager) {
for (final Quoting.TextElement t : elements) {
switch(t.mType) {
case PlainText: {
addTextToNode(parent, t.mContent);
case Bold: {
HTMLNode child = parent.addChild("b", "");
elementsToHTML(child, t.mChildren, viewer, identityManager);
case Image:
if(viewer.wantsImageDisplay()) {
String uriText = t.getContentText().replaceAll("\n","").trim();
try {
FreenetURI uri = new FreenetURI(uriText);
parent.addChild(new HTMLNode("img", new String[] { "src", "alt" }, new String[] { "/" + uri.toString(), uri.toString() }));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
parent.addChild("span", "class", "error", uriText);
// Fall through and display as link.
case Link: {
String uriText = t.getContentText().replaceAll("\n","").trim();
try {
FreenetURI uri = new FreenetURI(uriText);
HTMLNode linkNode = new HTMLNode("a", "href", "/" + uri.toString());
HTMLNode linkText = new HTMLNode("abbr", "title", uri.toString(), uri.toShortString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
if (uriText.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) {
try {
final URI uri = new URI(uriText);
throw new URISyntaxException(uriText, "Does not have http protocol");
HTMLNode linkNode = new HTMLNode("a", "href", "/?_CHECKED_HTTP_="+ uri.toString(), uriText);
} catch(URISyntaxException syntaxError) {
parent.addChild("span", "class", "error", uriText);
parent.addChild("#", uriText);
case Italic: {
HTMLNode child = parent.addChild("i", "");
elementsToHTML(child, t.mChildren, viewer, identityManager);
case Code: {
HTMLNode child = parent.addChild("div", "class", "code");
elementsToHTML(child, t.mChildren, viewer, identityManager);
case Quote: {
HTMLNode child = parent.addChild("div", "class", "quote");
HTMLNode authorNode = child.addChild("div", "class", "author");
final String specifiedAuthor = t.mAttributes.get("author");
// TODO: Put a link to the message
// final String messageID = t.mAttributes.get("message");
if(specifiedAuthor == null) {
authorNode.addChild("b", "Quote");
} else {
authorNode.addChild("b", "Unvalidated quote of "); // TODO: l10n
// TODO: Move to proper class
// mNickname + "@" + mID + "." + Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT.toLowerCase();
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*?@(.*)."+ Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT.toLowerCase());
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t.mContent);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
authorNode.addChild("b", specifiedAuthor);
} else {
try {
final WoTIdentity author = (WoTIdentity)identityManager.getIdentity(matcher.group(1));
authorNode.addChild("a", new String[] { "class", "href", "title" },
new String[] { "identity-link", Freetalk.WOT_PLUGIN_URI + "/ShowIdentity?id=" + author.getID(), "Web of Trust Page" })
.addChild("abbr", new String[] { "title" }, new String[] { author.getID() })
.addChild("span", "class", "name", author.getShortestUniqueName());
} catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
authorNode.addChild("b", specifiedAuthor + " (Unknown identity)"); // TODO: l10n
authorNode.addChild("#", ":");
elementsToHTML(child, t.mChildren, viewer, identityManager);
case Error: {
addTextToNode(parent.addChild("span", "class", "error"), t.mContent);
private static void addTextToNode(HTMLNode parent, String text) {
String[] lines = text.split("\r?\n", -1);
parent.addChild("#", lines[0]);
for(int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
parent.addChild("#", lines[i]);
private void addTrustersInfo(HTMLNode parent, Identity author) throws Exception {
WoTIdentityManager identityManager = (WoTIdentityManager)mFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
int trustedBy = identityManager.getReceivedTrustsCount(author, 1);
int distrustedBy = identityManager.getReceivedTrustsCount(author, -1);
parent.addChild("abbr", new String[]{"title", "class"}, new String[]{ l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.TrustedByCount.Description"), "trust-count"},
parent.addChild("#", " / ");
parent.addChild("abbr", new String[]{"title", "class"}, new String[]{ l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.DistrustedByCount.Description"), "distrust-count"},
private void addTrusteesInfo(HTMLNode parent, Identity author) throws Exception {
WoTIdentityManager identityManager = (WoTIdentityManager)mFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
int trustsCount = identityManager.getGivenTrustsCount(author, 1);
int distrustsCount = identityManager.getGivenTrustsCount(author, -1);
parent.addChild("abbr", new String[]{"title", "class"},
new String[]{ l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.PositiveGivenTrustsCount.Description"), "trust-count"},
parent.addChild("#", " / ");
parent.addChild("abbr", new String[]{"title", "class"},
new String[]{ l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.NegativeGivenTrustsCount.Description"), "distrust-count"},
private void addReplyButton(HTMLNode parent, String parentMessageID) {
parent = parent.addChild("div", "align", "right");
HTMLNode newReplyForm = addFormChild(parent, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/NewReply", "NewReplyPage");
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", mBoard.getName()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "ParentThreadID", mThread.getThreadID()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "ParentMessageID", parentMessageID});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.ReplyButton") });
private void addRateButton(HTMLNode parent, Message message, int change, int newTrust) {
parent = parent.addChild("div", "class", "button-row-button");
HTMLNode newReplyForm = addFormChild(parent, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/ChangeTrust", "ChangeTrustPage");
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", mBoard.getName()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "ThreadID", mThread.getThreadID()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "MessageID", message.getID()});
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "TrustChange", String.valueOf(change)});
if(change >= 0) {
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit",
l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Rating.Rate.Good.Text", "points", "+" + change)});
} else { // distrust button
if(newTrust >= 0) {
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit",
l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Rating.Rate.Bad.Text", "points", Integer.toString(change))});
} else {
newReplyForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit",
l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Rating.Rate.Ignore.Text", "points", Integer.toString(change))});
private void addRemoveRatingButton(HTMLNode parent, Message message, WoTMessageRating rating) {
parent = parent.addChild("div", "class", "button-row-button");
HTMLNode removeRatingForm = addFormChild(parent, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/ChangeTrust", "ChangeTrustPage");
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()});
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", mBoard.getName()});
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "ThreadID", mThread.getThreadID()});
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "MessageID", message.getID()});
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "RemoveRating", "true"});
removeRatingForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit",
l10n().getString("ThreadPage.Rating.Remove.Text", "points", (rating.getValue() >=0 ? "+" : "") + rating.getValue()) });
private void addMarkThreadAsUnreadButton(final HTMLNode title, final BoardThreadLink ref) {
HTMLNode span = title.addChild("div", "class", "mark-unread-button");
HTMLNode markAsUnreadButton = addFormChild(span, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showThread", "ThreadPage");
markAsUnreadButton.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()});
markAsUnreadButton.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", mBoard.getName()});
markAsUnreadButton.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "ThreadID", mThread.getThreadID()});
markAsUnreadButton.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "MarkThreadAsUnread", "true"});
markAsUnreadButton.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("ThreadPage.MarkAsUnreadButton") });
private void addDebugInfo(HTMLNode messageBox, Message message) {
messageBox = messageBox.addChild("font", new String[] { "size" }, new String[] { "-2" });
messageBox.addChild("#", "uri: " + message.getURI());
messageBox.addChild("br", "ID: " + message.getID());
try {
messageBox.addChild("br", "threadID: " + message.getThreadID());
catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
messageBox.addChild("br", "threadID: null");
try {
messageBox.addChild("br", "parentID: " + message.getParentID());
catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
messageBox.addChild("br", "parentID: null");
private void makeBreadcrumbs() {
BreadcrumbTrail trail = new BreadcrumbTrail(l10n());
BoardPage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard);
if(mThread != null)
ThreadPage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard, mThread);
public static String getFirstUnreadURI(final SubscribedBoard board, final BoardThreadLink thread) {
return getURI(board, thread) + "#FirstUnreadMessage";
public static String getURI(final SubscribedBoard board, final BoardThreadLink thread) {
return getURI(board.getName(), thread.getThreadID());
public static String getURI(final String boardName, final String threadID) {
return Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showThread?BoardName=" + boardName + "&ThreadID=" + threadID;
public static URI getURI(final String boardName, final String threadID, final String messageID) {
try {
return new URI(Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showThread?BoardName=" + boardName + "&ThreadID=" + threadID + "#" + messageID);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* @param trail
* @param board
* @param firstMessageInThread The thread itself if it was downloaded already, if not, the first reply
* @param threadID
public static void addBreadcrumb(BreadcrumbTrail trail, SubscribedBoard board, BoardThreadLink myThread) {
Message firstMessage = null;
try {
firstMessage = myThread.getMessage();
catch (MessageNotFetchedException e) { // The thread was not downloaded yet, we use it's first reply for obtaining the information in the breadcrumb
synchronized(board) {
for(BoardReplyLink ref : board.getAllThreadReplies(myThread.getThreadID(), true)) {
try {
firstMessage = ref.getMessage();
} catch(MessageNotFetchedException e1) { }
if(firstMessage == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Thread neither has a thread message nor any replies: " + myThread);
trail.addBreadcrumbInfo(maxLength(firstMessage.getTitle(), 30), getURI(board, myThread));