/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web;
import plugins.Freetalk.Board;
import plugins.Freetalk.OwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.Message;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard.BoardThreadLink;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchBoardException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageException;
import freenet.l10n.BaseL10n;
import freenet.support.HTMLNode;
import freenet.support.api.HTTPRequest;
* A WebPage for displaying detailed and internal information about a Freetalk {@link Message}, such as its URI and other stuff.
* The MessagePage is supposed to be linked from the {@link ThreadPage}, therefore it accepts a BoardName and ThreadID as HTTP parameters even though only the
* message ID is required for identifying the message: BoardName and ThreadID are being used for displaying breadcrumbs.
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public class MessagePage extends WebPageImpl {
private final String mBoardName;
private final String mThreadID;
private final String mMessageID;
private SubscribedBoard mBoard;
private BoardThreadLink mThread;
private Message mMessage;
public MessagePage(WebInterface myWebInterface, OwnIdentity viewer, HTTPRequest request, BaseL10n _basel10n) {
super(myWebInterface, viewer, request, _basel10n);
String boardName = request.getParam("BoardName");
if(boardName.length() == 0) // Also allow POST requests.
boardName = request.getPartAsString("BoardName", Board.MAX_BOARDNAME_TEXT_LENGTH);
String threadID = request.getParam("ThreadID");
if(threadID.length() == 0) // Also allow POST requests.
threadID = request.getPartAsString("ThreadID", 256); // TODO: Use a constant for max thread ID length
String messageID = request.getParam("MessageID");
if(messageID.length() == 0) // Also allow POST requests.
messageID = request.getPartAsString("MessageID", 256); // TODO: Use a constant for max thread ID length
mBoardName = boardName;
mThreadID = threadID;
mMessageID = messageID;
public final void make() {
try {
MessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager();
synchronized(messageManager) {
mMessage = messageManager.get(mMessageID);
try {
mBoard = messageManager.getSubscription(mOwnIdentity, mBoardName);
mThread = mBoard.getThreadLink(mThreadID);
catch(NoSuchBoardException e) { }
catch(NoSuchMessageException e) { }
// ThreadPage.addMessageBox(mContentNode, mMessage);
} catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
HTMLNode alertBox = addAlertBox(l10n().getString("MessagePage.MessageDeleted.Header"));
alertBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("MessagePage.MessageDeleted.Text0"));
HTMLNode p = alertBox.addChild("p");
l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "MessagePage.MessageDeleted.Text1", new String[] { "link", "boardname" },
new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.link(BoardPage.getURI(mBoardName)), HTMLNode.text(mBoardName) });
private void makeBreadcrumbs() {
BreadcrumbTrail trail = new BreadcrumbTrail(l10n());
if(mBoard != null)
BoardPage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard);
if(mThread != null)
ThreadPage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard, mThread);
MessagePage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard, mThread, mMessage, mMessageID);
* Add the breadcrumb of a MessagePage to the existing trail. Can also be used if the board, thread or message does not exist anymore,
* then it's ID will be displayed.
* @param trail The existing breadcrumb trail. Must not be null
* @param board The board where the message was shown. Can be null.
* @param BoardThreadLink The thread where the message was shown. Can be null.
* @param message The given message. Can be null, then the ID will be displayed.
* @param messageID The ID of the message.
public static void addBreadcrumb(BreadcrumbTrail trail, SubscribedBoard board, BoardThreadLink thread, Message message, String myMessageID) {
final String breadcrumbURI = getURI(board != null ? board.getName() : null, thread != null ? thread.getThreadID() : null, myMessageID);
String breadcrumbText;
if(message != null) {
breadcrumbText = trail.getL10n().getString("MessagePage.Breadcrumb.Text", new String[] { "MessageID", "MessageTitle" },
new String[] { myMessageID, message.getTitle() });
} else {
breadcrumbText = trail.getL10n().getString("MessagePage.Breadcrumb.MessageDeletedText", "MessageID", myMessageID);
trail.addBreadcrumbInfo(breadcrumbText, breadcrumbURI);
* Get the FProxy URI of a MessagePage which shows information about the message with the given ID.
* @param myBoardName The board of the thread where the message is referenced. This can be null.
* @param myThreadID The ID of the thread in which this message is referenced. This can be null.
* @param myMessageID The ID of the message. Must not be null.
public static String getURI(String myBoardName, String myThreadID, String myMessageID) {
String uri = Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showMessage?MessageID= " + myMessageID;
if(myBoardName != null)
uri += "&BoardName=" + myBoardName;
if(myThreadID != null)
uri += "&ThreadID=" + myThreadID;
return uri;