Package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web

Source Code of plugins.Freetalk.ui.web.CreateIdentityWizard

/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web;

import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnIdentity;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.l10n.BaseL10n;

public class CreateIdentityWizard extends WebPageImpl {
  /* Step 1: Choose URI */
  private Boolean mGenerateRandomSSK = null;
  private FreenetURI[] mIdentityURI = null; /* insert URI at index 0 and request URI at index 1 */

  /* Step 2: Choose Nickname */
  private String mIdentityNickname = null;

  /* Step 3: Set preferences */
  private Boolean mIdentityPublishesTrustList = null;
  private Boolean mAutoSubscribe = null;
  private Boolean mDisplayImages = null;

   * TODO: Evaluate whether we need to ask the user whether he wants to
   * publish puzzles during identity creation. I cannot think of any privacy
   * problems with that. Does anyone else have an idea?
  /* private Boolean mIdentityPublishesPuzzles = null; */

  public CreateIdentityWizard(WebInterface myWebInterface, HTTPRequest request, BaseL10n _baseL10n) {
    super(myWebInterface, null, request, _baseL10n);

  public void make() {

   * TODO: In the future this function should maybe be cleaned up to be more
   * readable: Maybe separate it into several functions
  private void makeCreateIdentityBox() {
    HTMLNode wizardBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.CreateIdentityBox.Header"));
    HTMLNode backForm = addFormChild(wizardBox, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/CreateIdentity", "CreateIdentity");
    HTMLNode createForm = addFormChild(wizardBox, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/CreateIdentity", "CreateIdentity");
    Exception requestURIproblem = null;
    Exception insertURIproblem = null;
    Exception nicknameProblem = null;
    /* ======== Stage 1: Parse the passed form data ====================================================================================== */
    int requestedStep = mRequest.isPartSet("Step") ? Integer.parseInt(mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("Step", 1)) : 1;
    /* Parse the "Generate random SSK?" boolean specified in step 1 */
      mGenerateRandomSSK = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("GenerateRandomSSK", 5).equals("true");

    /* Parse the URI specified in step 1 */
    if(mRequest.isPartSet("RequestURI") && mRequest.isPartSet("InsertURI")) {
      mIdentityURI = new FreenetURI[2];

      try { mIdentityURI[0] = new FreenetURI(mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("InsertURI", 256)); }
      catch(Exception e) { insertURIproblem = e; }

      try { mIdentityURI[1] = new FreenetURI(mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("RequestURI", 256)); }
      catch(Exception e) { requestURIproblem = e; }

      if(insertURIproblem != null || requestURIproblem != null)
        mIdentityURI = null;

      /* TODO: Check whether the URI pair is correct, i.e. if the insert URI really is one, if the request URI really is one and
       * if the two belong together. How to do this? */

    if(mGenerateRandomSSK != null && mGenerateRandomSSK && mIdentityURI == null)
      mIdentityURI = mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getHLSimpleClient().generateKeyPair("");
    /* Parse the nickname specified in step 2 */
    if(mRequest.isPartSet("Nickname")) {
      try {
        mIdentityNickname = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("Nickname", 256);
      catch(Exception e) {
        nicknameProblem = e;
        mIdentityNickname = null;
    /* Parse the preferences specified in step 3 */
    if(requestedStep > 3) { /* We cannot just use isPartSet("PublishTrustList") because it won't be set if the checkbox is unchecked */
        mIdentityPublishesTrustList = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("PublishTrustList", 5).equals("true");
        mIdentityPublishesTrustList = false;
        mAutoSubscribe = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("AutoSubscribe", 5).equals("true");
        mAutoSubscribe = false;
        mDisplayImages = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("DisplayImages", 5).equals("true");
        mDisplayImages = false;
    /* ======== Stage 2: Check for missing data and correct requestedStep  =============================================================== */
    if(requestedStep > 1 && mIdentityURI == null) {
      requestedStep = 1;
    } else if(requestedStep > 2 && mIdentityNickname == null) {
      requestedStep = 2;
    } else if(requestedStep > 3 && (mIdentityPublishesTrustList == null || mAutoSubscribe == null || mDisplayImages == null)) {
      requestedStep = 3;
    /* ======== Stage 3: Display the wizard stage at which we are ======================================================================== */
    /* Step 1: URI */
    if(requestedStep == 1) {
      addHiddenFormData(createForm, requestedStep, requestedStep + 1);
      HTMLNode chooseURIbox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.Header"));
      chooseURIbox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.Text"));
      HTMLNode randomRadio = chooseURIbox.addChild("p");
      HTMLNode notRandomRadio = chooseURIbox.addChild("p");
      if(mGenerateRandomSSK == null || mGenerateRandomSSK == true) {
        randomRadio.addChild("input",   new String[] { "type", "name", "value" , "checked"},
                        new String[] { "radio", "GenerateRandomSSK" , "true", "checked"});
        notRandomRadio.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                          new String[] { "radio", "GenerateRandomSSK" , "false"});
      } else {

        randomRadio.addChild("input",   new String[] { "type", "name", "value"},
                        new String[] { "radio", "GenerateRandomSSK" , "true",});
        notRandomRadio.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value", "checked"},
                          new String[] { "radio", "GenerateRandomSSK" , "false", "checked"});
      randomRadio.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.GenerateNewKeyPairRadio"));
      notRandomRadio.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.UseExistingKeyPairRadio"));

      if(mGenerateRandomSSK != null && mGenerateRandomSSK == false) {
        HTMLNode enterParagraph = notRandomRadio.addChild("p", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.EnterKeyPair") + ":");
        if(requestURIproblem != null) {
          enterParagraph.addChild("div", "style", "color: red;",
                  l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.RequestUriError") + ": " + requestURIproblem.getLocalizedMessage());
        if(insertURIproblem != null) {
          enterParagraph.addChild("div", "style", "color: red;",
                  l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.InsertUriError") + ": " + insertURIproblem.getLocalizedMessage());
        enterParagraph.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.RequestUri") + ": ");
        enterParagraph.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "size", "value" },
                          new String[] { "text", "RequestURI", "70", mRequest.getPartAsString("RequestURI", 256) });

        enterParagraph.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step1.InsertUri") + ": ");
        enterParagraph.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "size", "value" },
                          new String[] { "text", "InsertURI", "70", mRequest.getPartAsString("InsertURI", 256) });
    /* Step 2: Nickname */
    else if(requestedStep == 2 ) {
      addHiddenFormData(createForm, requestedStep, requestedStep + 1);
      HTMLNode chooseNameBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step2.Header"));
      chooseNameBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step2.Text"));
      HTMLNode p = chooseNameBox.addChild("p");
      if(nicknameProblem != null) {
        p.addChild("p", "style", "color: red;").
        addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step2.NicknameError") + ": " + nicknameProblem.getLocalizedMessage());
      p.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step2.Nickname") + ": ");
      p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "size", "value" },
                new String[] { "text", "Nickname", "50", mRequest.getPartAsString("Nickname", 50) });

    /* Step 3: Preferences */
    else if(requestedStep == 3) {
            final String[] l10nBoldSubstitutionInput = new String[] { "bold", "/bold" };
            final String[] l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput = new String[] { "<b>", "</b>" };

      addHiddenFormData(createForm, requestedStep, requestedStep + 1);
      HTMLNode choosePrefsBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.Header"));
      HTMLNode tlBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.Header"));
      HTMLNode p;

      p = tlBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.Text1", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);
          p = tlBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.Text2", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);
          p = tlBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.Text3", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);
          p = tlBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.Text4", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);
      p = tlBox.addChild("p");
      if(mIdentityPublishesTrustList == null || mIdentityPublishesTrustList == true) {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value", "checked" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "PublishTrustList", "true", "checked"});
      } else {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "PublishTrustList", "true" });
      p.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.TrustList.PublishTrustListCheckbox"));
      HTMLNode autoSubscribeBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.AutoSubscribe.Header"));
      p = autoSubscribeBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.AutoSubscribe.Text", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);

      p = autoSubscribeBox.addChild("p");
      if(mAutoSubscribe != null && mAutoSubscribe) {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value", "checked" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "AutoSubscribe", "true", "checked"});
      } else {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "AutoSubscribe", "true" });       
      p.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.AutoSubscribe.AutoSubscribeCheckbox"));
      HTMLNode displayImagesBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.DisplayImages.Header"));
      p = displayImagesBox.addChild("p");
          l10n().addL10nSubstitution(p, "CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.DisplayImages.Text", l10nBoldSubstitutionInput, l10nBoldSubstitutionOutput);

      p = displayImagesBox.addChild("p");
      if(mDisplayImages != null && mDisplayImages) {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value", "checked" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "DisplayImages", "true", "checked"});
      } else {
        p.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                  new String[] { "checkbox", "DisplayImages", "true" });       
      p.addChild("#", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step3.DisplayImages.Checkbox"));
    /* Step 4: Create the identity */
    else if(requestedStep == 4 && mRequest.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
      addHiddenFormData(createForm, requestedStep, requestedStep);
      try {
        WoTOwnIdentity id = (WoTOwnIdentity)mFreetalk.getIdentityManager().createOwnIdentity(mIdentityNickname,
            mIdentityPublishesTrustList, mIdentityPublishesTrustList, mAutoSubscribe, mDisplayImages, mIdentityURI[1], mIdentityURI[0]);
        HTMLNode summaryBox = getContentBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step4.Header"));
        summaryBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step4.Success"));
        LogInPage.addLoginButton(this, summaryBox, id, l10n());
      catch(Exception e) {
        HTMLNode errorBox = getAlertBox(l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.Step4.Failure"));
        errorBox.addChild("p", e.getLocalizedMessage());

    if(requestedStep > 1) { // Step 4 (create the identity) will return; if it was successful so also display "Back" for it
      addHiddenFormData(backForm, requestedStep, requestedStep - 1);
      backForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "submit", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.BackButton") });
    if(requestedStep < 4)
      createForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "submit", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.ContinueButton") });
    else // There was an error creating the identity
      createForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "submit", l10n().getString("CreateIdentityWizard.RetryButton") });

   * Stores the form data which the user has already specified as hidden
   * elements.
   * @param myForm
   *            The HTMLNode of the parent form.
  private void addHiddenFormData(HTMLNode myForm, int currentStep, int nextStep) {
    myForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                 new String[] { "hidden", "Step", Integer.toString(nextStep)});
    boolean backStep = nextStep < currentStep;
    if(backStep || currentStep != 1) { // Do not overwrite the visible fields with hidden fields.
      if(mGenerateRandomSSK != null) {
        myForm.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                      new String[] { "hidden", "GenerateRandomSSK", mGenerateRandomSSK.toString() });
      if(mIdentityURI != null) {
        myForm.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                      new String[] { "hidden", "InsertURI", mIdentityURI[0].toString() });
        myForm.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                      new String[] { "hidden", "RequestURI", mIdentityURI[1].toString() });

    if(backStep || currentStep != 2) { // Do not overwrite the visible fields with hidden fields
      if(mIdentityNickname != null) {
        myForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "Nickname", mIdentityNickname });

    if(backStep || currentStep != 3) { // Do not overwrite the visible fields with hidden fields
      if(mIdentityPublishesTrustList != null) {
        myForm.addChild("input"new String[] { "type", "name", "value" },
                      new String[] { "hidden", "PublishTrustList", mIdentityPublishesTrustList.toString() });
      // FIXME TODO: Why don't we add mAutoSubscribe / mDisplayImages?

Related Classes of plugins.Freetalk.ui.web.CreateIdentityWizard

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