/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.WoT;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import plugins.Freetalk.FetchFailedMarker;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageListFetcher;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageListException;
import com.db4o.ObjectContainer;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.InsertException;
import freenet.client.async.BaseClientPutter;
import freenet.client.async.ClientContext;
import freenet.client.async.ClientGetter;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.support.LRUQueue;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.TransferThread;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* Periodically wakes up and fetches "old" {@link MessageList}s from identities.
* "Old" means that the message list is known to exist because we have already fetched a message list with a higher index.
* The policy currently is the following:
* - We periodically wake up and check whether there are any old message lists to be fetched.
* If there are, we start up to MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_COUNT fetches
* - In the onSuccess() method, for each fetched <code>MessageList</code>, a fetch is started for another old message list It tries to fetch the
* most recent older ones first.
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public final class WoTOldMessageListFetcher extends TransferThread implements MessageListFetcher {
private static final int STARTUP_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (10 * 1000) : (5 * 60 * 1000);
private static final int THREAD_PERIOD = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (5 * 60 * 1000) : (15 * 60 * 1000); // TODO: Make configurable
* How many message lists do we attempt to fetch in parallel? TODO: This should be configurable.
private static final int MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_COUNT = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? 64 : 32;
* How many identities do we keep in the LRU Hashtable? The hashtable is a queue which is used to ensure that we fetch message lists from different identities
* and not always from the same ones.
private static final int IDENTITIES_LRU_QUEUE_SIZE_LIMIT = 1024;
private final Freetalk mFreetalk;
private final WoTIdentityManager mIdentityManager;
private final WoTMessageManager mMessageManager;
private final ClientContext clientContext;
private final RequestClient mRequestClient;
private final LRUQueue<String> mIdentities = new LRUQueue<String>();
private final Random mRandom;
private final WoTMessageListXML mXML;
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
public WoTOldMessageListFetcher(Freetalk myFreetalk, String myName, WoTMessageListXML myMessageListXML) {
super(myFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode(), myFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getHLSimpleClient(), myName);
mFreetalk = myFreetalk;
mIdentityManager = myFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
mMessageManager = myFreetalk.getMessageManager();
clientContext = mNode.clientCore.clientContext;
mRequestClient = mMessageManager.mRequestClient;
mRandom = mNode.fastWeakRandom;
mXML = myMessageListXML;
protected Collection<ClientGetter> createFetchStorage() {
return new HashSet<ClientGetter>(MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_COUNT * 2);
protected Collection<BaseClientPutter> createInsertStorage() {
return null;
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY;
protected long getStartupDelay() {
return STARTUP_DELAY/2 + mRandom.nextInt(STARTUP_DELAY);
protected long getSleepTime() {
return THREAD_PERIOD/2 + mRandom.nextInt(THREAD_PERIOD);
protected void iterate() {
public int getRunningFetchCount() {
return fetchCount();
* Starts fetches of MessageLists from MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_COUNT different identities. For each identity, it is attempted to start a fetch
* of the latest old message list.
* The identities are put in a LRU queue, so in the next iteration, fetches will not be allowed from identities of the previous iteration.
private synchronized void fetchMessageLists() {
final int fetchCount = fetchCount();
if(fetchCount >= MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_COUNT) { // Check before we do the expensive database query.
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Got " + fetchCount + " fetches, not fetching any more.");
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Trying to start more message list fetches, amount of fetches now: " + fetchCount);
if(fetchCount() == 0 && !mIdentities.isEmpty()) {
synchronized(mIdentities) {
private void fetchMessageListsCore() {
// TODO: Order the identities by date of modification
synchronized(mIdentities) {
for(WoTIdentity identity : mIdentityManager.getAllIdentities()) {
if(!mIdentities.contains(identity.getID()) && mIdentityManager.anyOwnIdentityWantsMessagesFrom(identity)) {
try {
long unavailableIndex = mMessageManager.getUnavailableOldMessageListIndex(identity);
fetchMessageList((WoTIdentity)identity, unavailableIndex);
catch(NoSuchMessageListException e) {
// This identity has no unavailable old list, we skip it
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Fetching of MessageList failed for " + identity, e);
* You have to synchronize on this <code>WoTMessageFetcher</code> when using this function.
private void fetchMessageList(WoTIdentity identity, long index) throws FetchException {
synchronized(mIdentities) {
// mIdentities contains up to IDENTITIES_LRU_QUEUE_SIZE_LIMIT identities of which we have recently downloaded MessageLists. This queue is used to ensure
// that we download MessageLists from different identities and not always from the same ones.
// The oldest identity falls out of the LRUQueue if it has reached it size limit and therefore MessageList downloads from that one are allowed again.
// We do not disallow fetches from the given identity if it is in the LRUQueue: This is done by iterate() which iterates with a delay of THREAD_PERIOD.
// - By not disallowing the fetches from the given identity here, we can make onSuccess()/onFailure() download the next message list of the identity.
if(mIdentities.size() >= IDENTITIES_LRU_QUEUE_SIZE_LIMIT) {
// We first checked whether the identity was in the queue because if the given identity is already in the pipeline then downloading a list from it
// should NOT cause a different identity to fall out - the given identity should be moved to the top and the others should stay in the pipeline.
mIdentities.push(identity.getID()); // put this identity at the beginning of the LRUQueue
FreenetURI uri = WoTMessageList.generateURI(identity, index).sskForUSK(); // We must use a SSK to disallow redirects.
FetchContext fetchContext = mClient.getFetchContext();
fetchContext.maxSplitfileBlockRetries = 2; /* 3 and above or -1 = cooldown queue. -1 is infinite */
fetchContext.maxNonSplitfileRetries = 2;
fetchContext.maxOutputLength = WoTMessageListXML.MAX_XML_SIZE; // TODO: fetch() also takes a maxSize parameter, why?
ClientGetter g = mClient.fetch(uri, WoTMessageListXML.MAX_XML_SIZE, mRequestClient, this, fetchContext, RequestStarter.IMMEDIATE_SPLITFILE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
Logger.normal(this, "Trying to fetch MessageList from " + uri);
// Not necessary because it's not a HashSet but a fixed-length queue so the identity will get removed sometime anyway.
//catch(RuntimeException e) {
// mIdentities.removeKey(identity);
public synchronized void onSuccess(FetchResult result, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) {
Logger.normal(this, "Fetched MessageList: " + state.getURI());
Bucket bucket = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
WoTIdentity identity = null;
boolean fetchMoreLists = false;
try {
bucket = result.asBucket();
inputStream = bucket.getInputStream();
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
identity = (WoTIdentity)mIdentityManager.getIdentityByURI(state.getURI());
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
try {
WoTMessageList list = mXML.decode(mFreetalk, identity, state.getURI(), inputStream);
fetchMoreLists = true;
catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Parsing failed for MessageList " + state.getURI(), e);
mMessageManager.onMessageListFetchFailed(identity, state.getURI(), FetchFailedMarker.Reason.ParsingFailed);
fetchMoreLists = true;
catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Identity was deleted already, ignoring MessageList " + state.getURI());
catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "getInputStream() failed.", e);
finally {
// We only call fetchMessageLists() if we know that the current list was marked as fetched in the database,
// otherwise the fetch thread could get stuck in a busy loop: "fetch(), onSuccess(), fetch(), onSuccess(), ..."
public synchronized void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) {
try {
switch(e.getMode()) {
case FetchException.DATA_NOT_FOUND:
case FetchException.ALL_DATA_NOT_FOUND:
case FetchException.RECENTLY_FAILED:
// We requested an old MessageList, i.e. it's index is lower than the index of the latest known MessageList, so the requested MessageList
// must have existed but has fallen out of Freenet, we mark it as DNF so it does not spam the request queue.
Logger.normal(this, "Data not found for old MessageList " + state.getURI());
try {
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
final WoTIdentity identity = (WoTIdentity)mIdentityManager.getIdentityByURI(state.getURI());
//synchronized(mMessageManager) { // Would only be needed if we call more functions..
mMessageManager.onMessageListFetchFailed(identity, state.getURI(), FetchFailedMarker.Reason.DataNotFound);
// We only call fetchMessageLists() if we know that the current list was marked as fetched in the database,
// otherwise the fetch thread could get stuck in a busy loop: "fetch(), onSuccess(), fetch(), onSuccess(), ..."
} catch (NoSuchIdentityException ex) {
Logger.normal(this, "Identity was deleted already, not marking MessageList as DNF: " + state.getURI());
case FetchException.CANCELLED:
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Cancelled downloading MessageList " + state.getURI());
Logger.error(this, "Downloading MessageList " + state.getURI() + " failed.", e);
finally {
* This method must be synchronized because onFailure is synchronized and TransferThread calls abortAllTransfers() during shutdown without
* synchronizing on this object.
protected synchronized void abortAllTransfers() {
/* Not needed functions, called for inserts */
public void onGeneratedURI(FreenetURI uri, BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onSuccess(BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onFailure(InsertException e, BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onFetchable(BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onMajorProgress(ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onGeneratedMetadata(Bucket metadata, BaseClientPutter state,
ObjectContainer container) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();