/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.WoT;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import plugins.Freetalk.FetchFailedMarker;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.Identity;
import plugins.Freetalk.IdentityManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageListFetcher;
import plugins.Freetalk.Persistent;
import plugins.Freetalk.Persistent.IndexedClass;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import com.db4o.ObjectSet;
import com.db4o.ext.ExtObjectContainer;
import com.db4o.query.Query;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient;
import freenet.client.async.ClientContext;
import freenet.client.async.USKManager;
import freenet.client.async.USKRetriever;
import freenet.client.async.USKRetrieverCallback;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.USK;
import freenet.node.PrioRunnable;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.TrivialTicker;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.codeshortification.IfNull;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* Permanently subscribes to the {@link WoTMessageList} USKs of all known identities.
* TODO: This class was copy-pasted from plugins.WoT.IdentityFetcher and adapted & improved. The changes should be backported.
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public final class WoTNewMessageListFetcher implements MessageListFetcher, USKRetrieverCallback, PrioRunnable, IdentityManager.ShouldFetchStateChangedCallback {
private static final long PROCESS_COMMANDS_DELAY = 60 * 1000;
private final Freetalk mFreetalk;
private final WoTIdentityManager mIdentityManager;
private final WoTMessageManager mMessageManager;
private final ExtObjectContainer mDB;
private final HighLevelSimpleClient mClient;
private final ClientContext mClientContext;
private final RequestClient mRequestClient;
private final USKManager mUSKManager;
/** All current requests */
/* TODO: We use those HashSets for checking whether we have already have a request for the given identity if someone calls fetch().
* This sucks: We always request ALL identities to allow ULPRs so we must assume that those HashSets will not fit into memory
* if the WoT becomes large. We should instead ask the node whether we already have a request for the given SSK URI.
* Therefore, we should change the node to provide interfaces which serve the purposes of this HashMap. */
private final HashMap<String, USKRetriever> mRequests = new HashMap<String, USKRetriever>(1024); /* TODO: profile & tweak */
private final TrivialTicker mTicker;
private final WoTMessageListXML mXML;
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
public WoTNewMessageListFetcher(Freetalk myFreetalk, String myName, WoTMessageListXML myMessageListXML, ExtObjectContainer myDB) {
mFreetalk = myFreetalk;
mIdentityManager = mFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
mMessageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager();
mDB = myDB;
mClient = mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getHLSimpleClient();
mClientContext = mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode().clientCore.clientContext;
mRequestClient = mMessageManager.mRequestClient;
mUSKManager = mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode().clientCore.uskManager;
mTicker = new TrivialTicker(mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode().executor);
mXML = myMessageListXML;
public static abstract class FetcherCommand extends Persistent {
private final String mIdentityID;
protected FetcherCommand(String myIdentityID) {
mIdentityID = myIdentityID;
public void databaseIntegrityTest() throws Exception {
checkedActivate(1); // String is a db4o primitive type so 1 is enough
IfNull.thenThrow(mIdentityID, "mIdentityID");
protected String getIdentityID() {
checkedActivate(1); // String is a db4o primitive type so 1 is enough
return mIdentityID;
protected void storeWithoutCommit() {
protected void deleteWithoutCommit() {
public static final class StartFetchCommand extends FetcherCommand {
protected StartFetchCommand(WoTIdentity identity) {
protected StartFetchCommand(String identityID) {
public static final class AbortFetchCommand extends FetcherCommand {
protected AbortFetchCommand(WoTIdentity identity) {
public static final class UpdateEditionHintCommand extends FetcherCommand {
protected UpdateEditionHintCommand(WoTIdentity identity) {
protected UpdateEditionHintCommand(String identityID) {
private static final class NoSuchCommandException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final class DuplicateCommandException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private FetcherCommand getCommand(Class<? extends FetcherCommand> commandType, WoTIdentity identity) throws NoSuchCommandException {
return getCommand(commandType, identity.getID());
private FetcherCommand getCommand(Class<? extends FetcherCommand> commandType, String identityID) throws NoSuchCommandException {
final Query q = mDB.query();
final ObjectSet<FetcherCommand> result = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<FetcherCommand>(mFreetalk, q);
switch(result.size()) {
case 1: return result.next();
case 0: throw new NoSuchCommandException();
default: throw new DuplicateCommandException();
private ObjectSet<FetcherCommand> getCommands(Class<? extends FetcherCommand> commandType) {
final Query q = mDB.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<FetcherCommand>(mFreetalk, q);
private synchronized void deleteAllCommands() {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(mDB)) {
try {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting all commands ...");
int amount = 0;
for(FetcherCommand command : getCommands(FetcherCommand.class)) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleted " + amount + " commands.");
Persistent.checkedCommit(mDB, this);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(mDB, this, e);
private void storeStartFetchCommandWithoutCommit(WoTIdentity identity) {
private void storeStartFetchCommandWithoutCommit(String identityID) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Start fetch command received for " + identityID);
try {
getCommand(AbortFetchCommand.class, identityID).deleteWithoutCommit();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting abort fetch command for " + identityID);
catch(NoSuchCommandException e) { }
try {
getCommand(StartFetchCommand.class, identityID);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Start fetch command already in queue!");
catch(NoSuchCommandException e) {
final StartFetchCommand c = new StartFetchCommand(identityID);
private void storeAbortFetchCommandWithoutCommit(WoTIdentity identity) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Abort fetch command received for " + identity);
try {
getCommand(StartFetchCommand.class, identity).deleteWithoutCommit();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting start fetch command for " + identity);
catch(NoSuchCommandException e) { }
try {
getCommand(AbortFetchCommand.class, identity);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Abort fetch command already in queue!");
catch(NoSuchCommandException e) {
final AbortFetchCommand c = new AbortFetchCommand(identity);
private void storeUpdateEditionHintCommandWithoutCommit(String identityID) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Update edition hint command received for " + identityID);
try {
getCommand(AbortFetchCommand.class, identityID);
Logger.error(this, "Update edition hint command is useless, an abort fetch command is queued!");
catch(NoSuchCommandException e1) {
try {
getCommand(UpdateEditionHintCommand.class, identityID);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Update edition hint command already in queue!");
catch(NoSuchCommandException e2) {
final UpdateEditionHintCommand c = new UpdateEditionHintCommand(identityID);
private void scheduleCommandProcessing() {
mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "FT NewMessageListFetcher", PROCESS_COMMANDS_DELAY, false, true);
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.LOW_PRIORITY;
public void start() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Starting new-messagelist-fetches of all identities...");
synchronized(this) {
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
for(WoTIdentity identity : mIdentityManager.getAllIdentities()) {
// The connection to WoT might not exist yet so we just fetch all identities.
// The identity manager will abort the fetches of obsolete identities while garbage collecting them
//if(mIdentityManager.anyOwnIdentityWantsMessagesFrom(identity)) {
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Fetching identity failed!", e);
public void run() {
synchronized(this) {
synchronized(mIdentityManager) { // Lock needed because we do getIdentityByID() in fetch()
synchronized(mMessageManager) { // For getting latest edition numbers. TODO: Maybe cache them in the identity
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(mDB)) {
try {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Processing commands ...");
for(FetcherCommand command : getCommands(AbortFetchCommand.class)) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Aborting fetch failed", e);
for(FetcherCommand command : getCommands(StartFetchCommand.class)) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Fetching identity failed", e);
for(FetcherCommand command : getCommands(UpdateEditionHintCommand.class)) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Updating edition hint failed", e);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Processing finished.");
Persistent.checkedCommit(mDB, this);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(mDB, this, e);
private synchronized void fetch(String identityID) throws Exception {
try {
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
WoTIdentity identity = mIdentityManager.getIdentity(identityID);
} catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Fetching identity failed, it was deleted already.", e);
* Subscribes to the {@link WoTMessageListUSK} of the given identity, using the latest unavailable message list index.
* If the identity is already being fetched, logs an error and does nothing.
private synchronized void fetch(WoTIdentity identity) throws Exception {
if(mRequests.get(identity.getID()) != null) {
Logger.error(this, "Fetch already exists for identity " + identity);
final USK usk;
final long editionHint;
synchronized(mMessageManager) { // Don't acquire the lock twice
usk = USK.create(WoTMessageList.generateURI(identity, mMessageManager.getUnavailableNewMessageListIndex(identity)));
editionHint = mMessageManager.getNewMessageListIndexEditionHint(identity);
final USKRetriever retriever = fetch(usk);
mRequests.put(identity.getID(), retriever);
updateEditionHint(retriever, editionHint);
public int getRunningFetchCount() {
return mRequests.size();
private synchronized void abortFetch(String identityID) {
USKRetriever retriever = mRequests.remove(identityID);
if(retriever == null) {
Logger.error(this, "Aborting fetch failed (no fetch found) for identity " + identityID);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Aborting fetch for identity " + identityID);
* Has to be called when the edition hint of the given identity was updated. Tells the USKManager about the new hint.
* @throws Exception
private synchronized void updateEditionHint(String identityID) throws Exception {
try {
final WoTIdentity identity = mIdentityManager.getIdentity(identityID);
final USKRetriever retriever = mRequests.get(identityID);
if(retriever == null)
throw new NoSuchIdentityException("updateEdtitionHint() called for an identity which is not being fetched: " + identityID);
final long editionHint = mMessageManager.getNewMessageListIndexEditionHint(identity);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Updating edition hint to " + editionHint + " for " + identityID);
updateEditionHint(retriever, editionHint);
} catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Updating edition hint failed, the identity was deleted already.", e);
* Fetches the given USK and returns the new USKRetriever. Does not check whether there is already a fetch for that USK.
private USKRetriever fetch(USK usk) throws MalformedURLException {
FetchContext fetchContext = mClient.getFetchContext();
fetchContext.maxSplitfileBlockRetries = -1; // retry forever
fetchContext.maxNonSplitfileRetries = -1; // retry forever
fetchContext.maxOutputLength = WoTMessageListXML.MAX_XML_SIZE;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Subscribing to WoTMessageList queue " + usk);
return mUSKManager.subscribeContent(usk, this, true, fetchContext, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, mRequestClient);
private void abortFetch(USKRetriever retriever) {
retriever.cancel(null, mClientContext);
mUSKManager.unsubscribeContent(retriever.getOriginalUSK(), retriever, true);
private void updateEditionHint(USKRetriever retriever, long newHint) {
mUSKManager.hintUpdate(retriever.getOriginalUSK(), newHint, mClientContext);
* Stops all running requests.
public synchronized void stop() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Trying to stop all requests");
USKRetriever[] retrievers = mRequests.values().toArray(new USKRetriever[mRequests.size()]);
int counter = 0;
for(USKRetriever r : retrievers) {
r.cancel(null, mClientContext);
mUSKManager.unsubscribeContent(r.getOriginalUSK(), r, true);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Stopped " + counter + " current requests");
public short getPollingPriorityNormal() {
return RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS;
public short getPollingPriorityProgress() {
* Called by the {@link IdentityManager} when the should-fetch state of an identity changed.
* This happens when a new identity is added or an existing one is deleted.
* Schedules start-fetch/abort-fetch commands.
public void onShouldFetchStateChanged(Identity messageAuthor, boolean oldShouldFetch, boolean newShouldFetch) {
if(oldShouldFetch == newShouldFetch) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("oldShouldFetch==newShouldFetch==" + newShouldFetch);
if(newShouldFetch == true) {
} else {
* Called when a {@link WoTMessageList} was successfully fetched.
public void onFound(USK origUSK, long edition, FetchResult result) {
final FreenetURI uri = origUSK.getURI().setSuggestedEdition(edition);
Logger.normal(this, "Fetched WoTMessageList: " + uri);
Bucket bucket = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
bucket = result.asBucket();
inputStream = bucket.getInputStream();
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
final WoTIdentity identity = (WoTIdentity)mIdentityManager.getIdentityByURI(uri);
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
try {
WoTMessageList list = mXML.decode(mFreetalk, identity, uri, inputStream);
catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Parsing failed for MessageList " + uri, e);
mMessageManager.onMessageListFetchFailed(identity, uri, FetchFailedMarker.Reason.ParsingFailed);
catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Identity was deleted already, ignoring MessageList " + uri);
catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "getInputStream() failed.", e);
finally {