/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.WoT;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList.MessageListID;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageListInserter;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageListException;
import com.db4o.ObjectContainer;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient;
import freenet.client.InsertBlock;
import freenet.client.InsertContext;
import freenet.client.InsertException;
import freenet.client.async.BaseClientPutter;
import freenet.client.async.ClientGetter;
import freenet.client.async.ClientPutter;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.node.Node;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public final class WoTMessageListInserter extends MessageListInserter {
private static final int STARTUP_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (10 * 1000) : (10 * 60 * 1000);
private static final int THREAD_PERIOD = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (2 * 60 * 1000) : (10 * 60 * 1000);
private static final int MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_INSERT_COUNT = 8;
private final WoTMessageManager mMessageManager;
private final Random mRandom;
private final WoTMessageListXML mXML;
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
public WoTMessageListInserter(Node myNode, HighLevelSimpleClient myClient, String myName, WoTIdentityManager myIdentityManager,
WoTMessageManager myMessageManager, WoTMessageListXML myMessageListXML) {
super(myNode, myClient, myName, myIdentityManager, myMessageManager);
mMessageManager = myMessageManager;
mRandom = mNode.fastWeakRandom;
mXML = myMessageListXML;
protected void clearBeingInsertedFlags() {
WoTMessageManager messageManager = (WoTMessageManager)super.mMessageManager;
synchronized(messageManager) {
for(WoTOwnMessageList list : messageManager.getBeingInsertedOwnMessageLists()) {
try {
messageManager.onMessageListInsertFailed(list.getURI(), false);
} catch (NoSuchMessageListException e) {
Logger.error(this, "SHOULD NOT HAPPEN", e);
protected Collection<ClientGetter> createFetchStorage() {
return null;
protected Collection<BaseClientPutter> createInsertStorage() {
return new HashSet<BaseClientPutter>(MAX_PARALLEL_MESSAGELIST_INSERT_COUNT * 2);
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY;
protected long getStartupDelay() {
return STARTUP_DELAY/2 + mRandom.nextInt(STARTUP_DELAY);
protected long getSleepTime() {
return THREAD_PERIOD/2 + mRandom.nextInt(THREAD_PERIOD);
protected synchronized void iterate() {
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
for(WoTOwnMessageList list : mMessageManager.getNotInsertedOwnMessageLists()) {
try {
/* TODO: Ensure that after creation of a message list we wait for at least a few minutes so that if the author writes
* more messages they will be put in the same list */
// No dupe check is needed: The MessageManager query only returns lists which have the IsBeingInserted flag set to false.
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Insert of WoTOwnMessageList failed", e);
* You have to synchronize on this <code>WoTMessageListInserter</code> and then on the <code>WoTMessageManager</code> when using this function.
private void insertMessageList(WoTOwnMessageList list) throws TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException, NoSuchMessageException, IOException, InsertException {
Bucket tempB = mTBF.makeBucket(4096); /* TODO: set to a reasonable value */
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = tempB.getOutputStream();
// This is what requires synchronization on the WoTMessageManager: While being marked as "being inserted", message lists cannot be modified anymore,
// so it must be guranteed that the "being inserted" mark does not change while we encode the XML etc.
mXML.encode(mMessageManager, list, os);
os.close(); os = null;
/* We do not specifiy a ClientMetaData with mimetype because that would result in the insertion of an additional CHK */
InsertBlock ib = new InsertBlock(tempB, null, list.getInsertURI());
InsertContext ictx = mClient.getInsertContext(true);
ClientPutter pu = mClient.insert(ib, false, null, false, ictx, this, RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
tempB = null;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Started insert of WoTOwnMessageList at request URI " + list.getURI());
finally {
if(tempB != null)
public synchronized void onSuccess(BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) {
try {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Successfully inserted WoTOwnMessageList at " + state.getURI());
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert succeeded but onSuccess() failed", e);
finally {
public synchronized void onFailure(InsertException e, BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) {
try {
if(e.getMode() == InsertException.COLLISION) {
Logger.warning(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert collided, trying to insert with higher index ...");
try {
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
// We must call getOwnMessageList() before calling onMessageListInsertFailed() because the latter will increment the message list's
// index, resulting in the ID of the message list changing - getIDFromURI would fail with the old state.getURI() if we called it after
// onMessageListInsertFailed()
WoTOwnMessageList list = (WoTOwnMessageList)mMessageManager.getOwnMessageList(
mMessageManager.onMessageListInsertFailed(state.getURI(), true);
catch(Exception ex) {
Logger.error(this, "Inserting WoTOwnMessageList with higher index failed", ex);
} else {
Logger.error(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert failed", e);
Logger.warning(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert failed non-fatally", e);
mMessageManager.onMessageListInsertFailed(state.getURI(), false);
catch(Exception ex) {
Logger.error(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert failed and failure handling threw", ex);
finally {
* This method must be synchronized because onFailure is synchronized and TransferThread calls abortAllTransfers() during shutdown without
* synchronizing on this object.
protected synchronized void abortAllTransfers() {
/* Not needed functions*/
public void onSuccess(FetchResult result, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onGeneratedURI(FreenetURI uri, BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onFetchable(BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onMajorProgress(ObjectContainer container) { }
public void onGeneratedMetadata(Bucket metadata, BaseClientPutter state,
ObjectContainer container) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();