/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.WoT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.Identity;
import plugins.Freetalk.IdentityManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.OwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.Persistent;
import plugins.Freetalk.PluginTalkerBlocking;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NotInTrustTreeException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NotTrustedException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.WoTDisconnectedException;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.PersistentTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.PersistentTaskManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.WoT.IntroduceIdentityTask;
import com.db4o.ObjectSet;
import com.db4o.query.Query;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.node.FSParseException;
import freenet.node.PrioRunnable;
import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginNotFoundException;
import freenet.support.Base64;
import freenet.support.CurrentTimeUTC;
import freenet.support.Executor;
import freenet.support.IllegalBase64Exception;
import freenet.support.LRUCache;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet;
import freenet.support.TrivialTicker;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* An identity manager which uses the identities from the WoT plugin.
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public final class WoTIdentityManager extends IdentityManager implements PrioRunnable {
private static final int THREAD_PERIOD = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (3 * 60 * 1000) : (5 * 60 * 1000);
/** The amount of time between each attempt to connect to the WoT plugin */
private static final int WOT_RECONNECT_DELAY = 5 * 1000;
/** The minimal amount of time between fetching identities */
private static final int MINIMAL_IDENTITY_FETCH_DELAY = 60 * 1000;
/** The minimal amount of time between fetching own identities */
private static final int MINIMAL_OWN_IDENTITY_FETCH_DELAY = 1000;
private boolean mConnectedToWoT = false;
private boolean mIdentityFetchInProgress = false;
private boolean mOwnIdentityFetchInProgress = false;
private long mLastIdentityFetchTime = 0;
private long mLastOwnIdentityFetchTime = 0;
private long mLastIdentityFetchID = 0;
private long mLastOwnIdentityFetchID = 0;
/** If true, this identity manager is being use in a unit test - it will return 0 for any score / trust value then */
private final boolean mIsUnitTest;
private final TrivialTicker mTicker;
private final Random mRandom;
private PluginTalkerBlocking mTalker = null;
* Caches the shortest unique nickname for each identity. Key = Identity it, Value = Shortest nickname.
private volatile HashMap<String, String> mShortestUniqueNicknameCache = new HashMap<String, String>();
private boolean mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate = true;
private WebOfTrustCache mWoTCache = new WebOfTrustCache();
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
public WoTIdentityManager(Freetalk myFreetalk, Executor myExecutor) {
mIsUnitTest = false;
mTicker = new TrivialTicker(myExecutor);
mRandom = mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode().fastWeakRandom;
* For being used in JUnit tests to run without a node.
public WoTIdentityManager(Freetalk myFreetalk) {
mIsUnitTest = true;
mTicker = null;
mRandom = null;
* Sends a blocking FCP message to the WoT plugin, checks whether the reply is really the expected reply message and throws an exception
* if not. Also checks whether the reply is an error message and throws an exception if it is. Therefore, the purpose of this function
* is that the callee can assume that no errors occurred if no exception is thrown.
* @param params The params of the FCP message.
* @param expectedReplyMessage The excepted content of the "Message" field of the SimpleFieldSet of the reply message.
* @return The unmodified HashResult object which was returned by the PluginTalker.
* @throws WoTDisconnectedException If the connection to WoT was lost.
* @throws Exception If the WoT plugin replied with an error message or not with the expected message.
private PluginTalkerBlocking.Result sendFCPMessageBlocking(SimpleFieldSet params, Bucket data, String expectedReplyMessage) throws Exception {
if(mTalker == null)
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result;
try {
result = mTalker.sendBlocking(params, data);
} catch (PluginNotFoundException e) {
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
if(result.params.get("Message").equals("Error")) {
final String description = result.params.get("Description");
if(description.indexOf("UnknownIdentityException") >= 0)
throw new NoSuchIdentityException(description);
throw new Exception("FCP message " + result.params.get("OriginalMessage") + " failed: " + description);
if(result.params.get("Message").equals(expectedReplyMessage) == false)
throw new Exception("FCP message " + params.get("Message") + " received unexpected reply: " + result.params.get("Message"));
return result;
public synchronized WoTOwnIdentity createOwnIdentity(String newNickname, boolean publishesTrustList, boolean publishesIntroductionPuzzles,
boolean autoSubscribeToNewBoards, boolean displayImages)
throws Exception {
Logger.normal(this, "Creating new own identity via FCP, nickname: " + newNickname);
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "CreateIdentity");
params.putOverwrite("Nickname", newNickname);
params.putOverwrite("PublishTrustList", publishesTrustList ? "true" : "false");
params.putOverwrite("PublishIntroductionPuzzles", publishesIntroductionPuzzles ? "true" : "false");
params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IdentityCreated");
WoTOwnIdentity identity = new WoTOwnIdentity(result.params.get("ID"),
new FreenetURI(result.params.get("RequestURI")),
new FreenetURI(result.params.get("InsertURI")),
newNickname, autoSubscribeToNewBoards, displayImages);
Logger.normal(this, "Created WoTOwnidentity via FCP, now storing... " + identity);
synchronized(mFreetalk.getTaskManager()) { // Required by onNewOwnidentityAdded
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Stored new WoTOwnIdentity " + identity);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
return identity;
public synchronized WoTOwnIdentity createOwnIdentity(String newNickname, boolean publishesTrustList, boolean publishesIntroductionPuzzles, boolean autoSubscribeToNewBoards,
boolean displayImages, FreenetURI newRequestURI, FreenetURI newInsertURI) throws Exception {
Logger.normal(this, "Creating new own identity via FCP, nickname: " + newNickname);
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "CreateIdentity");
params.putOverwrite("Nickname", newNickname);
params.putOverwrite("PublishTrustList", publishesTrustList ? "true" : "false");
params.putOverwrite("PublishIntroductionPuzzles", publishesTrustList && publishesIntroductionPuzzles ? "true" : "false");
params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
params.putOverwrite("RequestURI", newRequestURI.toString());
params.putOverwrite("InsertURI", newInsertURI.toString());
PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IdentityCreated");
/* We take the URIs which were returned by the WoT plugin instead of the requested ones because this allows the identity to work
* even if the WoT plugin ignores our requested URIs: If we just stored the URIs we requested, we would store an identity with
* wrong URIs which would result in the identity not being useable. */
WoTOwnIdentity identity = new WoTOwnIdentity(result.params.get("ID"),
new FreenetURI(result.params.get("RequestURI")),
new FreenetURI(result.params.get("InsertURI")),
newNickname, autoSubscribeToNewBoards, displayImages);
Logger.normal(this, "Created WoTOwnidentity via FCP, now storing... " + identity);
synchronized(mFreetalk.getTaskManager()) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Stored new WoTOwnIdentity " + identity);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
return identity;
public ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> getAllIdentities() {
Query q = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<WoTIdentity>(mFreetalk, q);
public synchronized ObjectSet<WoTOwnIdentity> ownIdentityIterator() {
try {
catch(Exception e) {} /* Ignore, return the ones which are in database now */
final Query q = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<WoTOwnIdentity>(mFreetalk, q);
public synchronized WoTIdentity getIdentity(String id) throws NoSuchIdentityException {
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
WoTIdentity identity = result.next();
return identity;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchIdentityException(id);
throw new DuplicateIdentityException(id);
public Identity getIdentityByURI(FreenetURI uri) throws NoSuchIdentityException {
return getIdentity(WoTIdentity.getIDFromURI(uri));
public synchronized WoTOwnIdentity getOwnIdentity(String id) throws NoSuchIdentityException {
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<WoTOwnIdentity> result = q.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
WoTOwnIdentity identity = result.next();
return identity;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchIdentityException(id);
throw new DuplicateIdentityException(id);
* Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
private String getProperty(OwnIdentity truster, Identity target, String property) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIdentity");
sfs.putOverwrite("Truster", truster.getID());
sfs.putOverwrite("Identity", target.getID());
return sendFCPMessageBlocking(sfs, null, "Identity").params.get(property);
* Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
public int getScore(final WoTOwnIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee) throws NotInTrustTreeException, Exception {
return 0;
final String score = getProperty(truster, trustee, "Score");
throw new NotInTrustTreeException(truster, trustee);
final int value = Integer.parseInt(score);
mWoTCache.putScore(truster, trustee, value);
return value;
* Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
public byte getTrust(final WoTOwnIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee) throws NotTrustedException, Exception {
return 0;
final String trust = getProperty(truster, trustee, "Trust");
throw new NotTrustedException(truster, trustee);
final byte value = Byte.parseByte(trust);
mWoTCache.putTrust(truster, trustee, value);
return value;
* Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query or some other WoT client might modify the trust value
* during the query - which is not really a problem, you should not be modifying trust values of your own identity with multiple clients simultaneously.
public void setTrust(OwnIdentity truster, Identity trustee, byte trust, String comment) throws Exception {
WoTOwnIdentity wotTruster = (WoTOwnIdentity)truster;
WoTIdentity wotTrustee = (WoTIdentity)trustee;
SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
request.putOverwrite("Message", "SetTrust");
request.putOverwrite("Truster", wotTruster.getID());
request.putOverwrite("Trustee", wotTrustee.getID());
request.putOverwrite("Value", Integer.toString(trust));
request.putOverwrite("Comment", comment);
sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrustSet");
mWoTCache.putTrust(wotTruster, wotTrustee, trust);
* Not synchronized, the involved identity might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
public List<WoTTrust> getReceivedTrusts(Identity trustee) throws Exception {
List<WoTTrust> result = new ArrayList<WoTTrust>();
SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrusters");
request.putOverwrite("Context", "");
request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID());
try {
SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "Identities").params;
for(int idx = 0; ; idx++) {
String id = answer.get("Identity"+idx);
if(id == null || id.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */
try {
final WoTTrust trust = new WoTTrust(getIdentity(id), trustee, (byte)Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value"+idx)),
} catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) {
} catch (InvalidParameterException e) {
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
return result;
* Not synchronized, the involved identity might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
public int getReceivedTrustsCount(Identity trustee) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrustersCount");
request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID());
request.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
try {
SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrustersCount").params;
return Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value"));
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
* Get the number of trust values for a given identity with the ability to select which values should be counted.
* Not synchronized, the involved identity might be deleted during the query - which is not really a problem.
* @param selection Use 1 for counting trust values greater than or equal to zero, 0 for counting trust values exactly equal to 0 and -1 for counting trust
* values less than zero.
public int getReceivedTrustsCount(Identity trustee, int selection) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrustersCount");
request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID());
request.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
if(selection > 0)
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "+");
else if(selection == 0)
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "0");
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "-");
try {
SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrustersCount").params;
return Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value"));
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
public int getGivenTrustsCount(Identity trustee, int selection) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrusteesCount");
request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID());
request.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
if(selection > 0)
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "+");
else if(selection == 0)
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "0");
request.putOverwrite("Selection", "-");
try {
SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrusteesCount").params;
return Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value"));
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
throw new WoTDisconnectedException();
public static final class IntroductionPuzzle {
public final String ID;
public final String MimeType;
public final byte[] Data;
protected IntroductionPuzzle(String myID, String myMimeType, byte[] myData) {
if(myID == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if(myMimeType == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if(myData == null) throw new NullPointerException();
ID = myID;
MimeType = myMimeType;
Data = myData;
* Get a set of introduction puzzle IDs which the given own identity might solve.
* The puzzle's data is not returned because when generating HTML for displaying the puzzles we must reference them with a IMG-tag and we cannot
* embed the data of the puzzles in the IMG-tag because embedding image-data has only recently been added to browsers and many do not support it yet.
* @param ownIdentity The identity which wants to solve the puzzles.
* @param amount The amount of puzzles to request.
* @return A list of the IDs of the puzzles. The amount might be less than the requested amount and even zero if WoT has not downloaded puzzles yet.
* @throws Exception
public List<String> getIntroductionPuzzles(WoTOwnIdentity ownIdentity, int amount) throws Exception {
ArrayList<String> puzzleIDs = new ArrayList<String>(amount + 1);
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIntroductionPuzzles");
params.putOverwrite("Identity", ownIdentity.getID());
params.putOverwrite("Type", "Captcha"); // TODO: Don't hardcode the String
params.put("Amount", amount);
try {
SimpleFieldSet result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IntroductionPuzzles").params;
for(int idx = 0; ; idx++) {
String id = result.get("Puzzle" + idx);
if(id == null || id.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Getting puzzles failed", e);
return puzzleIDs;
public IntroductionPuzzle getIntroductionPuzzle(String id) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIntroductionPuzzle");
params.putOverwrite("Puzzle", id);
try {
SimpleFieldSet result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IntroductionPuzzle").params;
try {
return new IntroductionPuzzle(id, result.get("MimeType"), Base64.decodeStandard(result.get("Data")));
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Parsing puzzle failed", e);
catch(IllegalBase64Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Parsing puzzle failed", e);
return null;
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Getting puzzles failed", e);
return null;
public void solveIntroductionPuzzle(WoTOwnIdentity ownIdentity, String puzzleID, String solution) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "SolveIntroductionPuzzle");
params.putOverwrite("Identity", ownIdentity.getID());
params.putOverwrite("Puzzle", puzzleID);
params.putOverwrite("Solution", solution);
sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "PuzzleSolved");
private synchronized void addFreetalkContext(WoTIdentity oid) throws Exception {
SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
params.putOverwrite("Message", "AddContext");
params.putOverwrite("Identity", oid.getID());
params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "ContextAdded");
* Fetches the identities with positive score from WoT and stores them in the database.
* @throws Exception
private void fetchIdentities() throws Exception {
// parseIdentities() acquires and frees the WoTIdentityManager-lock for each identity to allow other threads to access the identity manager while the
// parsing is in progress. Therefore, we do not take the lock for the whole execution of this function.
synchronized(this) {
long now = CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis();
if((now - mLastIdentityFetchTime) < MINIMAL_IDENTITY_FETCH_DELAY)
mIdentityFetchInProgress = true;
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Requesting identities with positive score from WoT ...");
SimpleFieldSet p1 = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
p1.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIdentitiesByScore");
p1.putOverwrite("Selection", "+");
p1.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT);
parseIdentities(sendFCPMessageBlocking(p1, null, "Identities").params, false);
finally {
synchronized(this) {
mIdentityFetchInProgress = false;
// Disable garbage collection for the next iteration since importing failed
mLastIdentityFetchID = 0;
// We usually call garbageCollectIdentities() after calling this function, it updates the cache already...
// if(mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate)
// updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache();
* Fetches the own identities with positive score from WoT and stores them in the database.
* @throws Exception
private void fetchOwnIdentities() throws Exception {
// parseIdentities() acquires and frees the WoTIdentityManager-lock for each identity to allow other threads to access the identity manager while the
// parsing is in progress. Therefore, we do not take the lock for the whole execution of this function.
synchronized(this) {
long now = CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis();
if((now - mLastOwnIdentityFetchTime) < MINIMAL_OWN_IDENTITY_FETCH_DELAY)
mOwnIdentityFetchInProgress = true;
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Requesting own identities from WoT ...");
SimpleFieldSet p2 = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
parseIdentities(sendFCPMessageBlocking(p2, null, "OwnIdentities").params, true);
finally {
synchronized(this) {
mOwnIdentityFetchInProgress = false;
// Disable garbage collection for the next iteration since importing failed
mLastOwnIdentityFetchID = 0;
// We usually call garbageCollectIdentities() after calling this function, it updates the cache already...
// if(mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate)
// updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache();
private void onNewIdentityAdded(Identity identity) {
Logger.normal(this, "onNewIdentityAdded " + identity);
mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate = true;
if(!(identity instanceof OwnIdentity))
onShouldFetchStateChanged(identity, false, true);
* Called by this WoTIdentityManager after a new WoTIdentity has been stored to the database and before committing the transaction.
* You have to lock this WoTIdentityManager, the PersistentTaskManager and the database before calling this function.
* @param newIdentity
* @throws Exception If adding the Freetalk context to the identity in WoT failed.
private void onNewOwnIdentityAdded(OwnIdentity identity) {
Logger.normal(this, "onNewOwnIdentityAdded " + identity);
WoTOwnIdentity newIdentity = (WoTOwnIdentity)identity;
// TODO: Do after an own message is posted. I have not decided at which place to do this :|
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
PersistentTask introductionTask = new IntroduceIdentityTask((WoTOwnIdentity)newIdentity);
onShouldFetchStateChanged(newIdentity, false, true);
private void beforeIdentityDeletion(Identity identity) {
Logger.normal(this, "beforeIdentityDeletion " + identity);
if(!(identity instanceof OwnIdentity)) // Don't call it twice
onShouldFetchStateChanged(identity, true, false);
private void beforeOwnIdentityDeletion(OwnIdentity identity) {
Logger.normal(this, "beforeOwnIdentityDeletion " + identity);
onShouldFetchStateChanged(identity, true, false);
private void onShouldFetchStateChanged(Identity author, boolean oldShouldFetch, boolean newShouldFetch) {
Logger.normal(this, "onShouldFetchStateChanged " + author);
doShouldFetchStateChangedCallbacks(author, oldShouldFetch, newShouldFetch);
private void importIdentity(boolean ownIdentity, String identityID, String requestURI, String insertURI, String nickname, long fetchID) {
synchronized(mFreetalk.getTaskManager()) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Importing identity from WoT: " + requestURI);
final WoTIdentity id = ownIdentity ? new WoTOwnIdentity(identityID, new FreenetURI(requestURI), new FreenetURI(insertURI), nickname) :
new WoTIdentity(identityID, new FreenetURI(requestURI), nickname);
catch(Exception e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, new RuntimeException(e));
private void parseIdentities(SimpleFieldSet params, boolean bOwnIdentities) {
Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received own identities...");
Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received identities...");
int idx;
int ignoredCount = 0;
int newCount = 0;
long fetchID = mRandom.nextLong();
for(idx = 0; ; idx++) {
String identityID = params.get("Identity"+idx);
if(identityID == null || identityID.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */
String requestURI = params.get("RequestURI"+idx);
String insertURI = bOwnIdentities ? params.get("InsertURI"+idx) : null;
String nickname = params.get("Nickname"+idx);
if(nickname == null || nickname.length() == 0) {
// If an identity publishes an invalid nickname in one of its first WoT inserts then WoT will return an empty
// nickname for that identity until a new XML was published with a valid nickname. We ignore the identity until
// then to prevent confusing error logs.
// TODO: Maybe handle this in WoT. Would require checks in many places though.
synchronized(this) { /* We lock here and not during the whole function to allow other threads to execute */
Query q = db.query(); // TODO: Encapsulate the query in a function...
ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute();
WoTIdentity id = null;
if(result.size() == 0) {
try {
importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname, fetchID);
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Importing a new identity failed.", e);
} else {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Not importing already existing identity " + requestURI);
assert(result.size() == 1);
id = result.next();
if(bOwnIdentities != (id instanceof WoTOwnIdentity)) {
// The type of the identity changed so we need to delete and re-import it.
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Identity type changed, replacing it: " + id);
// We MUST NOT take the following locks because deleteIdentity does other locks (MessageManager/TaskManager) which must happen before...
// synchronized(id)
// synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db))
deleteIdentity(id, mFreetalk.getMessageManager(), mFreetalk.getTaskManager());
importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname, fetchID);
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Replacing a WoTIdentity with WoTOwnIdentity failed.", e);
} else { // Normal case: Update the last received time of the idefnt
synchronized(id) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
try {
final int expectedIdentityAmount = params.getInt("Amount");
if(idx == expectedIdentityAmount) {
// We must update the fetch-ID after the parsing and only if the parsing succeeded:
// If we updated before the parsing and parsing failed then the garbage collector would delete identities.
mLastOwnIdentityFetchID = fetchID;
mLastIdentityFetchID = fetchID;
} else { // Importing failed - we received a corrupted data set
Logger.error(this, "Parsed identity count does not match expected amount: expected: " + expectedIdentityAmount + "; actual amount: " + idx);
// Disable garbage collection for the next iteration since importing failed
mLastOwnIdentityFetchID = 0;
mLastIdentityFetchID = 0;
} catch(FSParseException e) {
Logger.error(this, "GetIdentitiesByScore did not specify Amount of identities! Maybe WOT older than build0012?", e);
Logger.normal(this, "parseIdentities(bOwnIdentities==" + bOwnIdentities + " received " + idx + " identities. Ignored " + ignoredCount + "; New: " + newCount );
private void garbageCollectIdentities() {
* Deletes all identities whose mLastReceivedFromWoT field does not match the ID of the last fetch (which is stored in mLast(Own)IdentityFetchID)
private void garbageCollectIdentities(boolean ownIdentities) {
final MessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager();
final PersistentTaskManager taskManager = mFreetalk.getTaskManager();
synchronized(this) {
// We must abort garbage collection if an identity fetch is in progress since the mLast(Own)IdentityFetchID which we use to delete
// identities is updated AFTER the fetch has succeeded but the IDs which are stored in the identities are updated sequentially
// in single transactions. So if we GC'ed while a fetch was in progress, we would delete lots of identities because their fetch ID
// would mismatch mLast(Own)IdentityFetchID
if(mIdentityFetchInProgress || mOwnIdentityFetchInProgress)
if((ownIdentities && mLastOwnIdentityFetchID == 0) || (!ownIdentities && mLastIdentityFetchID == 0))
long acceptID = ownIdentities ? mLastOwnIdentityFetchID : mLastIdentityFetchID;
Query q = db.query();
else {
ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute();
for(WoTIdentity identity : result) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Garbage collecting identity " + identity);
deleteIdentity(identity, messageManager, taskManager);
private synchronized void deleteIdentity(WoTIdentity identity, MessageManager messageManager, PersistentTaskManager taskManager) {
if(identity instanceof WoTOwnIdentity)
synchronized(identity) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Identity deleted: " + identity);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate = true;
private synchronized boolean connectToWoT() {
if(mTalker != null) { /* Old connection exists */
SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true);
sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "Ping");
try {
mTalker.sendBlocking(sfs, null); /* Verify that the old connection is still alive */
return true;
catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
mTalker = null;
/* Do not return, try to reconnect in next try{} block */
try {
mTalker = new PluginTalkerBlocking(mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator());
return true;
} catch(PluginNotFoundException e) {
return false;
public void run() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Main loop running...");
try {
mConnectedToWoT = connectToWoT();
if(mConnectedToWoT) {
try {
fetchOwnIdentities(); // Fetch the own identities first to prevent own-identities from being imported as normal identity...
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Fetching identities failed.", e);
} finally {
final long sleepTime = mConnectedToWoT ? (THREAD_PERIOD/2 + mRandom.nextInt(THREAD_PERIOD)) : WOT_RECONNECT_DELAY;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Sleeping for " + (sleepTime / (60*1000)) + " minutes.");
mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), sleepTime, false, true);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Main loop finished.");
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.MIN_PRIORITY;
public void start() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Starting...");
mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), 0, false, true);
// TODO: Queue this as a job aswell.
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Initializing shortest unique nickname cache failed", e);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Started.");
* Checks for duplicate identity objects and deletes duplicates if they exist.
* I have absolutely NO idea why Bombe does happen to have a duplicate identity, I see no code path which could cause this.
* TODO: Get rid of this function if nobody reports a duplicate for some time - the function was added at 2011-01-10
private synchronized void deleteDuplicateIdentities() {
WoTMessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager();
PersistentTaskManager taskManager = mFreetalk.getTaskManager();
synchronized(messageManager) {
synchronized(taskManager) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
HashSet<String> deleted = new HashSet<String>();
Logger.debug(this, "Searching for duplicate identities ...");
for(WoTIdentity identity : getAllIdentities()) {
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> duplicates = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<WoTIdentity>(mFreetalk, q);
for(WoTIdentity duplicate : duplicates) {
if(deleted.contains(duplicate.getID()) == false) {
Logger.error(duplicate, "Deleting duplicate identity " + duplicate.getRequestURI());
deleteIdentity(duplicate, messageManager, taskManager);
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
Logger.debug(this, "Finished searching for duplicate identities.");
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
public void terminate() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Terminating ...");
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Terminated.");
// TODO: This function should be a feature of WoT.
private synchronized void updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Updating shortest unique nickname cache...");
// We don't use getAllIdentities() because we do not need to have intializeTransient() called on each identity, we only query strings anyway.
final Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<WoTIdentity>(mFreetalk, q);
final WoTIdentity[] identities = result.toArray(new WoTIdentity[result.size()]);
Arrays.sort(identities, new Comparator<WoTIdentity>() {
public int compare(WoTIdentity i1, WoTIdentity i2) {
return i1.getFreetalkAddress().compareToIgnoreCase(i2.getFreetalkAddress());
final String[] nicknames = new String[identities.length];
for(int i=0; i < identities.length; ++i) {
nicknames[i] = identities[i].getNickname();
int minLength = nicknames[i].length();
int firstDuplicate;
do {
firstDuplicate = i;
while((firstDuplicate-1) >= 0 && nicknames[firstDuplicate-1].equalsIgnoreCase(nicknames[i])) {
if(firstDuplicate < i) {
for(int j=i; j >= firstDuplicate; --j) {
nicknames[j] = identities[j].getFreetalkAddress(minLength);
} while(firstDuplicate != i);
final HashMap<String,String> newCache = new HashMap<String, String>(identities.length * 2);
for(int i = 0; i < identities.length; ++i)
newCache.put(identities[i].getID(), nicknames[i]);
mShortestUniqueNicknameCache = newCache;
mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate = false;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Finished updating shortest unique nickname cache.");
public String getShortestUniqueName(Identity identity) {
// We must not synchronize anything according to the specification of this function (to prevent deadlocks)
String nickname = mShortestUniqueNicknameCache.get(identity.getID());
if(nickname == null)
nickname = identity.getFreetalkAddress();
return nickname;
private final class WebOfTrustCache {
public static final long EXPIRATION_DELAY = 5 * 60 * 1000;
private final class TrustKey implements Comparable<TrustKey> {
public final String mTrusterID;
public final String mTrusteeID;
public TrustKey(final WoTTrust trust) {
mTrusterID = trust.getTruster().getID();
mTrusteeID = trust.getTrustee().getID();
public TrustKey(final WoTIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee) {
mTrusterID = truster.getID();
mTrusteeID = trustee.getID();
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
final TrustKey other = (TrustKey)o;
return mTrusterID.equals(other.mTrusterID) && mTrusteeID.equals(other.mTrusteeID);
public int hashCode() {
return mTrusterID.hashCode() ^ mTrusteeID.hashCode();
public int compareTo(TrustKey o) {
int cmp = mTrusterID.compareTo(o.mTrusterID);
if(cmp != 0) return cmp;
return mTrusteeID.compareTo(o.mTrusteeID);
private final LRUCache<TrustKey, Byte> mTrustCache = new LRUCache<TrustKey, Byte>(256, EXPIRATION_DELAY);
private final LRUCache<TrustKey, Integer> mScoreCache = new LRUCache<TrustKey, Integer>(256, EXPIRATION_DELAY);
// TODO: Create getter methods in WoTIdentityManager which actually use this caching function...
public synchronized byte getTrust(final WoTOwnIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee) throws NotTrustedException, Exception {
final Byte cachedValue = mTrustCache.get(new TrustKey(truster, trustee));
if(cachedValue != null)
return cachedValue;
return WoTIdentityManager.this.getTrust(truster, trustee); // This will update the cache
// TODO: Create getter methods in WoTIdentityManager which actually use this caching function...
public synchronized int getScore(final WoTOwnIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee) throws NotInTrustTreeException, Exception {
final Integer cachedValue = mScoreCache.get(new TrustKey(truster, trustee));
if(cachedValue != null)
return cachedValue;
return WoTIdentityManager.this.getScore(truster, trustee); // This will update the cache
public synchronized void putTrust(final WoTIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee, final byte value) {
mTrustCache.put(new TrustKey(truster, trustee), value);
public synchronized void putTrust(final WoTTrust trust) {
mTrustCache.put(new TrustKey(trust), trust.getValue());
public synchronized void putScore(final WoTOwnIdentity truster, final WoTIdentity trustee, final int value) {
mScoreCache.put(new TrustKey(truster, trustee), value);