/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import plugins.Freetalk.IdentityManager.IdentityDeletedCallback;
import plugins.Freetalk.IdentityManager.NewOwnIdentityCallback;
import plugins.Freetalk.Message.Attachment;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList.MessageFetchFailedMarker;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList.MessageListFetchFailedMarker;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList.MessageListID;
import plugins.Freetalk.MessageList.MessageReference;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateBoardException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateElementException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateFetchFailedMarkerException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateMessageException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.DuplicateMessageListException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchBoardException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageListException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchMessageRatingException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchObjectException;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.NewBoardTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.PersistentTaskManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.SubscribeToAllBoardsTask;
import com.db4o.ObjectSet;
import com.db4o.ext.ExtObjectContainer;
import com.db4o.query.Query;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.node.PrioRunnable;
import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginRespirator;
import freenet.support.CurrentTimeUTC;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.TrivialTicker;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* The MessageManager is the core connection between the UI and the backend of the plugin:
* It is the entry point for posting messages, obtaining messages, obtaining boards, etc.
* @author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
public abstract class MessageManager implements PrioRunnable, NewOwnIdentityCallback, IdentityDeletedCallback {
protected final IdentityManager mIdentityManager;
protected final Freetalk mFreetalk;
protected final ExtObjectContainer db;
protected final PluginRespirator mPluginRespirator;
private static final int STARTUP_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (1 * 60 * 1000) : (3 * 60 * 1000);
private static final int THREAD_PERIOD = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (15 * 60 * 1000) : (15 * 60 * 1000);
private static final int PROCESS_NEW_MESSAGES_DELAY = 1 * 60 * 1000;
* When a {@link Message} fetch fails (DNF for example) the message is marked as fetch failed and the fetch will be retried after a growing amount of time.
* This is the minimal delay.
public static final long MINIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (10 * 60 * 1000) : (4 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // TODO: Make configurable.
* When a {@link Message} fetch fails (DNF for example) the message is marked as fetch failed and the fetch will be retried after a growing amount of time.
* This is the maximal delay.
public static final long MAXIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (30 * 60 * 1000) : (7 * 24 * 60 *60 * 1000); // TODO: Make configurable
* When a {@link MessageList} fetch fails (DNF for example) the {@link MessageList} is marked as fetch failed and the fetch will be retried after a
* growing amount of time. This is the minimal delay.
* Notice that this only applies to "old" message lists - that is message lists with an edition number lower than the latest successfully fetched edition.
public static final long MINIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (10 * 60 * 1000) : (4 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // TODO: Make configurable.
* When a {@link MessageList} fetch fails (DNF for example) the {@link MessageList} is marked as fetch failed and the fetch will be retried after a
* growing amount of time. This is the maximal delay.
* Notice that this only applies to "old" message lists - that is message lists with an edition number lower than the latest successfully fetched edition.
public static final long MAXIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY = Freetalk.FAST_DEBUG_MODE ? (30 * 60 * 1000) : (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // TODO: Make configurable.
private final TrivialTicker mTicker;
private final Random mRandom;
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
public MessageManager(ExtObjectContainer myDB, IdentityManager myIdentityManager, Freetalk myFreetalk, PluginRespirator myPluginRespirator) {
assert(myDB != null);
assert(myIdentityManager != null);
assert(myFreetalk != null);
assert(myPluginRespirator != null);
db = myDB;
mIdentityManager = myIdentityManager;
mFreetalk = myFreetalk;
mPluginRespirator = myPluginRespirator;
mTicker = new TrivialTicker(mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator().getNode().executor);
mRandom = mPluginRespirator.getNode().fastWeakRandom;
mIdentityManager.registerIdentityDeletedCallback(this, true);
* For being used in JUnit tests to run without a node.
protected MessageManager(Freetalk myFreetalk) {
mFreetalk = myFreetalk;
db = mFreetalk.getDatabase();
mIdentityManager = mFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
mPluginRespirator = null;
mTicker = null;
mRandom = null;
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.MIN_PRIORITY;
public void run() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Main loop running...");
try {
// Must be called periodically because they are not called on demand.
} finally {
long sleepTime = THREAD_PERIOD/2 + mRandom.nextInt(THREAD_PERIOD);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Sleeping for " + sleepTime/(60*1000) + " minutes.");
mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), sleepTime, false, true);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Main loop finished.");
private final Runnable mNewMessageProcessor = new PrioRunnable() {
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY;
public void run() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(MessageManager.this, "Processing new messages...");
boolean success1 = addMessagesToBoards(); // Normally does not fail
// CAN fail because SubscribedBoard.addeMessage() tries to query the Score of the author from WoT and this can
// fail due to connectivity issues (and currently most likely due to bugs in PluginTalker and especially BlockingPluginTalker!)
boolean success2 = synchronizeSubscribedBoards();
// If it didn't work we re-schedule it... but not in unit tests, they would infinite loop..
if(mTicker != null && (!success1 || !success2))
private void scheduleNewMessageProcessing() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Scheduling new message processing to be run in " + PROCESS_NEW_MESSAGES_DELAY / (60*1000) + " minutes...");
if(mTicker != null)
mTicker.queueTimedJob(mNewMessageProcessor, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), PROCESS_NEW_MESSAGES_DELAY, false, true);
else { // For unit tests
public void start() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Starting...");
long startupDelay = STARTUP_DELAY/2 + mRandom.nextInt(STARTUP_DELAY);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Main loop will run in " + startupDelay/(60*1000) + " minutes.");
mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), startupDelay, false, true);
// It might happen that Freetalk is shutdown after a message has been downloaded and before addMessagesToBoards was called:
// Then the message will still be stored but not visible in the boards because storing a message and adding it to boards are separate transactions.
// Therefore, we must call addMessagesToBoards (and synchronizeSubscribedBoards) during startup.
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Started.");
public void terminate() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Stopping ...");
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Stopped.");
* This is the primary function for posting messages.
* TODO: Optimization: This probably does not require any synchronization when calling since the storeWithoutComit of Message throws if the referenced objects do not exist anymore.
* @param myParentMessage The message to which the new message is a reply. Null if the message should be a thread.
* @param myBoards The boards to which the new message should be posted. Has to contain at least one board.
* @param myReplyToBoard The board to which replies to this message should be sent. This is just a recommendation. Notice that it should be contained in myBoards. Can be null.
* @param myAuthor The author of the new message. Cannot be null.
* @param myTitle The subject of the new message. Cannot be null or empty.
* @param myDate The UTC time of the message. Null to use the current time.
* @param myText The body of the new message. Cannot be null.
* @param myAttachments The Attachments of the new Message. See <code>Message.Attachment</code>. Set to null if the message has none.
* @return The new message.
* @throws InvalidParameterException Invalid board names, invalid title, invalid body.
* @throws Exception
public abstract OwnMessage postMessage(MessageURI myParentThreadURI, Message myParentMessage, Set<Board> myBoards, Board myReplyToBoard, OwnIdentity myAuthor,
String myTitle, Date myDate, String myText, List<Attachment> myAttachments) throws InvalidParameterException, Exception;
* TODO: Optimization: This probably does not require any synchronization when calling since the storeWithoutComit of Message throws if the referenced objects do not exist anymore.
public OwnMessage postMessage(MessageURI myParentThreadURI, Message myParentMessage, Set<String> myBoards, String myReplyToBoard,
OwnIdentity myAuthor, String myTitle, Date myDate, String myText, List<Attachment> myAttachments) throws Exception {
HashSet<Board> boardSet = new HashSet<Board>();
for (Iterator<String> i = myBoards.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
String boardName = i.next();
Board board = getOrCreateBoard(boardName);
Board replyToBoard = null;
if (myReplyToBoard != null) {
replyToBoard = getOrCreateBoard(myReplyToBoard);
return postMessage(myParentThreadURI, myParentMessage, boardSet, replyToBoard, myAuthor, myTitle, myDate, myText, myAttachments);
public synchronized int countUnsentMessages() {
Query q = db.query();
int unsentCount = 0;
for(OwnMessage m : new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessage>(mFreetalk, q)) {
// TODO: Remove this workaround for the db4o bug as soon as we are sure that it does not happen anymore.
if(!m.testFreenetURIisNull()) // Logs an error for us
q = db.query();
ObjectSet<OwnMessageList> notInsertedLists = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessageList>(mFreetalk, q);
for(OwnMessageList list : notInsertedLists)
unsentCount += list.getMessageCount();
return unsentCount;
public synchronized int countMessages() {
final Query q = db.query();
// This should use indexes and be O(1) therefore, which I'm not sure about with using "q.constrain(OwnMessage.class).not();"
return q.execute().size() - countOwnMessages();
public synchronized int countOwnMessages() {
final Query q = db.query();
return q.execute().size();
public void deleteUnsentMessage(String messageID) throws NoSuchMessageException {
synchronized(mFreetalk.getMessageInserter()) {
synchronized(this) {
final OwnMessage message = getOwnMessage(messageID);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The message was inserted already");
private synchronized void deleteMessage(Message message) {
if(!(message instanceof OwnMessage)) { // OwnMessages cannot be rated / added to boards.
for(MessageRating rating : getAllMessageRatings(message)) {
// We must not undo the effect because we do not want message deletion due to distrust of the author result in the distrust to be undone.
deleteMessageRatingWithoutRevertingEffect(rating); // This call does a full transaction.
for(Board board : message.getBoards()) {
synchronized(board) {
synchronized(message) { // TODO: Check whether we actually need to lock messages. I don't think so.
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
} catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
// The message was not added to the board yet, this is normal
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
for(SubscribedBoard subscribedBoard : subscribedBoardIterator(board.getName())) {
synchronized(subscribedBoard) {
synchronized(message) { // TODO: Check whether we actually need to lock messages. I don't think so.
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
} catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
// The message was not added to the board yet, this is normal
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
synchronized(message) { // TODO: Check whether we actually need to lock messages. I don't think so.
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(message instanceof OwnMessage) {
final OwnMessage ownMessage = (OwnMessage)message;
for(OwnMessageList.OwnMessageReference ref : getAllOwnReferencesToMessage(ownMessage.getID())) {
// clearParent / clearThread is not neccessary for OwnMessages.
} else {
// Clear the "message was downloaded" flags of the references to this message.
// This is necessary because the following transaction (deletion of the message lists of the identity) might fail and we should
///re-download the message if the identity is not deleted.
for(MessageReference ref : getAllReferencesToMessage(message.getID())) {
for(Message reply : getAllRepliesToMessage(message)) {
for(Message threadReply : getAllThreadRepliesToMessage(message)) {
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
* Deletes all boards which are empty.
* A board is considered empty if:
* - There are no subscriptions to it
* - There are no fetched messages or message lists for it
* - There are no own messages or own message lists in it
* @return The list of the deleted boards' names.
public synchronized ArrayList<String> deleteEmptyBoards() {
Logger.normal(this, "Attempting to delete empty boards...");
// TODO: Optimization: This might speed things up... or slow them down.
// addMessagesToBoards();
final ArrayList<String> deletedBoards = new ArrayList<String>();
final ObjectSet<OwnMessage> notInsertedOwnMessages = notInsertedMessageIterator();
for(final Board board: boardIteratorSortedByName()) { // TODO: Optimization: Implement & use a non-sorting function.
if(board.hasSubscriptions()) {
Logger.normal(this, "Not deleting board because it has subscriptions: " + board);
// TODO: This is debug code, remove it when we are sure that it does not happen.
if(subscribedBoardIterator(board.getName()).size() != 0) {
Logger.error(this, "Board.hasSubscriptions()==false but subscribed boards exist, not deleting: " + board);
if(board.getDownloadedMessageCount() != 0) {
Logger.normal(this, "Not deleting board because getDownloadedMessageCount()!=0: " + board);
if(getOwnMessages(board).size() > 0) {
// TODO: We should provide functionality for deleting them.
// I did not implement this yet because the goal of this function is to provide the ability to delete large amounts of
// boards which were created as spam, the user is not very likely to have posted in them. Yet we WILL need provide the
// ability to delete boards which only contain own messages.
Logger.warning(this, "Cannot delete board because there are own messages in it: " + board);
{ // Check for not inserted own messages...
boolean containsNotInsertedOwnMessage = false;
for(final OwnMessage notInserted : notInsertedOwnMessages) {
if(board.contains(notInserted)) {
containsNotInsertedOwnMessage = true;
if(containsNotInsertedOwnMessage) {
Logger.warning(this, "Cannot delete board because there are own messages in it: " + board);
if(getDownloadableMessageCount(board) > 0) {
Logger.normal(this, "Not deleting board because it is referenced in message lists: " + board);
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Deleting empty board " + board);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
return deletedBoards;
* Called by the IdentityManager after a new Identity has been stored to the database and before committing the transaction.
* The IdentityManager and PersistentTaskManager are locked when this function is called.
* Creates a SubscribeToAllBoardsTask for the identity if auto-subscription to boards is enabled.
public void onNewOwnIdentityAdded(OwnIdentity identity) {
if(identity.wantsAutoSubscribeToNewBoards()) {
// We cannot subscribe to the boards here because we lack the lock to the MessageManager
mFreetalk.getTaskManager().storeTaskWithoutCommit(new SubscribeToAllBoardsTask(identity));
* Called by the {@link IdentityManager} before an identity is deleted from the database.
* Deletes any messages and message lists referencing to it and commits the transaction.
public synchronized void beforeIdentityDeletion(Identity identity) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting all objects of identity " + identity);
// We use multiple transactions here: We cannot acquire the Persistent.transactionLock(db) before deleteMessageRatting, board.deleteWithoutCommit and
// deleteMessage. Each of them synchronize on message ratings / boards, therefore we must acquire the db.lock after synchronizing on each object.
// TODO: Check whether this can result in bad side effects. IMHO it cannot.
// If it can, add some mechanism similar to addMessagesToBoards()/synchronizeSubscribedBoards which handles half-deleted identities.
if(identity instanceof OwnIdentity) {
final OwnIdentity ownId = (OwnIdentity)identity;
for(final MessageRating messageRating : getAllMessageRatingsBy(ownId)) {
// We must not undo the effect because we do not want message deletion due to distrust of the author result in the distrust to be undone.
deleteMessageRatingWithoutRevertingEffect(messageRating); // This does a full transaction and commits it.
for(SubscribedBoard board : subscribedBoardIteratorSortedByName((OwnIdentity)identity)) { // TODO: Optimization: Use a non-sorting function.
unsubscribeFromBoard(ownId, board); // This does a full transaction and commits it.
for(Message message : getMessagesBy(identity)) {
deleteMessage(message); // This does a full transaction and commits it.
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
for(MessageList messageList : getMessageListsBy(identity)) {
// We do not call onMessageListDeleted for the IdentityStatistics since the statistics object will be deleted within
// this transaction anyway.
if(identity instanceof OwnIdentity) {
final OwnIdentity ownId = (OwnIdentity)identity;
// TODO: Make sure that deleteMessage also works well for OwnMessages and use it.
for(final OwnMessage message : getOwnMessagesBy(ownId)) {
// We don't need to delete it from the boards because own messages are not being added to boards
// We don't need to set parent/thread pointers to this message to null because parent/thread pointers are never set to an OwnMessage
for(final OwnMessageList messageList : getOwnMessageListsBy(ownId)) {
try {
} catch(NoSuchObjectException e) {}
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "beforeIdentityDeletion finished for " + identity);
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
* Called by the {@link MessageListInserter} implementation when the insertion of an {@link OwnMessageList} is to be started.
* Has to be called before any data is pulled from the {@link OwnMessageList}: It locks the list so no further messages can be added.
* Further, you have to acquire the lock on this MessageManager before calling this function and while taking data from the {@link OwnMessageList} since
* the lock of the message list could be cleared and further messages could be added if you do not.
* @param uri The URI of the {@link OwnMessageList}.
* @throws NoSuchMessageListException If there is no such {@link OwnMessageList}.
public synchronized void onMessageListInsertStarted(OwnMessageList list) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
// This function MUST NOT succeed if the list was not marked as being inserted: Otherwise messages could be added to the list while it is
// being inserted already, resulting in the messages being marked as successfully inserted but not being visible to anyone!
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
* Called by the {@link MessageListInserter} implementation when the insertion of an {@link OwnMessageList} succeeded. Marks the list as inserted.
* @param uri The URI of the {@link OwnMessageList}.
* @throws NoSuchMessageListException If there is no such {@link OwnMessageList}.
public synchronized void onMessageListInsertSucceeded(FreenetURI uri) throws NoSuchMessageListException {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
OwnMessageList list = getOwnMessageList(MessageListID.construct(uri).toString());
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
* Called by the {@link MessageListInserter} implementation when the insertion of an {@link OwnMessageList} fails.
* Clears the "being inserted"-flag of the given message list.
* @param uri The URI of the {@link OwnMessageList}.
* @param collision Whether the index of the {@link OwnMessageList} was already taken. If true, the index of the message list is incremented.
* @throws NoSuchMessageListException If there is no such {@link OwnMessageList}.
public abstract void onMessageListInsertFailed(FreenetURI uri, boolean collision) throws NoSuchMessageListException;
public synchronized void onMessageReceived(Message message) {
boolean wasDownloadedAlready;
try {
message = get(message.getID());
wasDownloadedAlready = true;
Logger.error(this, "Downloaded a message which we already have: " + message);
catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
wasDownloadedAlready = false;
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(!wasDownloadedAlready) {
// We also try to mark the message as downloaded if it was fetched already to ensure that its not being fetched over and over again.
for(MessageReference ref : getAllReferencesToMessage(message.getID())) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Deleted a FetchFailedMarker for the message.");
} catch(NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException e1) { }
if(wasDownloadedAlready) {
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
try {
message.setThread(get(message.getThreadID())); // Calls storeWithoutCommit
} catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
// The message has no thread ID or the parent thread was not downloaded yet
try {
message.setParent(get(message.getParentID())); // Calls storeWithoutCommit
} catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
// The message has no parent ID or the parent message was not downloaded yet
for(Message reply : getAllRepliesToMessage(message.getID())) {
reply.setParent(message); // Calls storeWithoutCommit
for(Message threadReply : getAllThreadRepliesToMessage(message.getID())) {
threadReply.setThread(message); // Calls storeWithoutCommit
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
catch(Exception ex) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, ex);
* @return True If adding new messages succeeded, false if not.
private synchronized boolean addMessagesToBoards() {
Logger.normal(this, "Adding messages to boards...");
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<Message> invisibleMessages = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, q);
boolean allSuccessful = true;
for(Message message : invisibleMessages) {
boolean messageSuccessful = true;
for(Board board : message.getBoards()) {
synchronized(board) {
synchronized(message) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Adding message to board: " + message);
catch(Exception e) {
messageSuccessful = false;
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
if(messageSuccessful) {
synchronized(message) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
} else {
allSuccessful = false;
Logger.normal(this, "Finished adding messages to boards.");
return allSuccessful;
private synchronized boolean synchronizeSubscribedBoards() {
Logger.normal(this, "Synchronizing subscribed boards...");
boolean success = true;
for(SubscribedBoard board : subscribedBoardIterator()) {
// No need to lock the parent board because we do not modify it and we've locked the MessageManager which prevents writes to the parent board.
// synchronized(board.getParentBoard()) {
synchronized(board) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
catch(Exception e) {
success = false;
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
// }
Logger.normal(this, "Finished synchronizing subscribed boards.");
return success;
public synchronized void onMessageListReceived(MessageList list) {
// It's not possible to keep the synchronization order of message lists to synchronize BEFORE synchronizing on Persistent.transactionLock(db) some places so we
// do not synchronize here.
// And in this function we don't need to synchronize on it anyway because it is not known to anything which might modify it anyway.
// In general, due to those issues the functions which modify message lists just use the message manager as synchronization object.
//synchronized(list) {
MessageListFetchFailedMarker marker;
MessageList ghostList;
try {
marker = getMessageListFetchFailedMarker(list.getID());
catch(NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException e) {
marker = null;
try {
ghostList = getMessageList(list.getID());
if(marker == null) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Downloaded a MessageList which we already have: " + list);
} catch(NoSuchMessageListException e) {
ghostList = null;
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(marker != null) {
// TODO: This is usually an error, but it is no error if the fetched list is the only list which there was a ghost list for (i.e. edition 0)
// Re-think about the conditions when this is an error and log an error then, not only a warning.
Logger.warning(this, "MessageList was fetched even though a FetchFailedMarker existed for it! Deleting the marker: " + marker);
marker = null;
if(ghostList != null) { // We do not nest it with the above if() for readability / robustness.
Logger.warning(this, "MessageList was fetched even though a ghost list existed for it! Deleting the ghost list: " + ghostList);
ghostList = null;
// We don't call onMessageListDeleted on the IdentityStatistics since we will call onMessageListFetched for the
// list with the same ID in this transaction anyway.
// TODO: Optimization: This is debug code which was added on 2011-02-13 for tracking down 0004739, it can be removed after some months if this does not happen.
// and/or if the bug tracker entry is marked as fixed
try {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate list would have been created, ghostList.deleteWithoutCommit() did not work!");
} catch(NoSuchMessageListException e) {}
// Mark existing messages as fetched... Can happen if a message is listed in multiple lists.
for(MessageReference ref : list) {
try {
} catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {}
final IdentityStatistics stats = getOrCreateIdentityStatistics(list.getAuthor());
catch(RuntimeException ex) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, ex);
* Abstract because we need to store an object of a child class of MessageList which is chosen dependent on which implementation of the
* messaging system we are using.
public abstract void onMessageListFetchFailed(Identity author, FreenetURI uri, FetchFailedMarker.Reason reason);
public synchronized void onMessageFetchFailed(MessageReference messageReference, FetchFailedMarker.Reason reason) {
try {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Trying to mark a message as 'download failed' which we actually have: " + messageReference.getURI());
catch(NoSuchMessageException e) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Date date = CurrentTimeUTC.get();
for(MessageReference ref : getAllReferencesToMessage(messageReference.getMessageID())) {
MessageList.MessageFetchFailedMarker failedMarker;
try {
failedMarker = getMessageFetchFailedMarker(ref);
Date dateOfNextRetry = calculateDateOfNextMessageFetchRetry(failedMarker.getReason(), date, failedMarker.getNumberOfRetries());
} catch(NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException e1) {
Date dateOfNextRetry = calculateDateOfNextMessageFetchRetry(reason, date, 0);
failedMarker = new MessageList.MessageFetchFailedMarker(ref, reason, date, dateOfNextRetry);
// failedMarker.setAllowRetryNow(false); // setDateOfNextRetry does this for us
Logger.normal(this, "Marked message as download failed with reason " + reason + " (next retry is at " + failedMarker.getDateOfNextRetry()
+ ", number of retries: " + failedMarker.getNumberOfRetries() + "): "
+ messageReference.getURI());
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
catch(RuntimeException ex) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, ex);
protected Date calculateDateOfNextMessageFetchRetry(FetchFailedMarker.Reason reason, Date now, int numberOfRetries) {
switch(reason) {
case DataNotFound:
// TODO: Optimization: Once we are sure that parsing failures do not happen randomly, set retry to a very high delay or limit to 3 retries or so....
case ParsingFailed:
// We need this check to prevent overflow causing negative Dates :)
return new Date(now.getTime() + MAXIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY);
// Math.min() is just a double check
return new Date(now.getTime() + Math.min(MINIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY * (1<<numberOfRetries), MAXIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY));
return new Date(now.getTime() + MINIMAL_MESSAGE_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY);
protected Date calculateDateOfNextMessageListFetchRetry(FetchFailedMarker.Reason reason, Date now, int numberOfRetries) {
switch(reason) {
case DataNotFound:
// TODO: Optimization: Once we are sure that parsing failures do not happen randomly, set retry to a very high delay or limit to 3 retries or so....
case ParsingFailed:
// We need this check to prevent overflow causing negative Dates :)
return new Date(now.getTime() + MAXIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY);
// Math.min() is just a double check
return new Date(now.getTime() + Math.min(MINIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY * (1<<numberOfRetries), MAXIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY));
return new Date(now.getTime() + MINIMAL_MESSAGELIST_FETCH_RETRY_DELAY);
private ObjectSet<FetchFailedMarker> getExpiredFetchFailedMarkers(final Date now) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<FetchFailedMarker>(mFreetalk, query);
public MessageFetchFailedMarker getMessageFetchFailedMarker(final MessageReference ref) throws NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException {
final Query q = db.query();
final ObjectSet<MessageFetchFailedMarker> markers = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageList.MessageFetchFailedMarker>(mFreetalk, q);
switch(markers.size()) {
case 1:
return markers.next();
case 0:
throw new NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException(ref.toString());
throw new DuplicateFetchFailedMarkerException(ref.toString());
protected MessageListFetchFailedMarker getMessageListFetchFailedMarker(final String messageListID) throws NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException {
final Query q = db.query();
final ObjectSet<MessageListFetchFailedMarker> markers = q.execute();
switch(markers.size()) {
case 1:
final MessageListFetchFailedMarker result = markers.next();
return result;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchFetchFailedMarkerException(messageListID);
throw new DuplicateFetchFailedMarkerException(messageListID);
* Only for being used by the MessageManager itself and by unit tests.
protected synchronized void clearExpiredFetchFailedMarkers() {
Logger.normal(this, "Clearing expired FetchFailedMarkers...");
Date now = CurrentTimeUTC.get();
int amount = 0;
for(FetchFailedMarker marker : getExpiredFetchFailedMarkers(now)) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(marker instanceof MessageFetchFailedMarker) {
MessageFetchFailedMarker m = (MessageFetchFailedMarker)marker;
MessageReference ref = m.getMessageReference();
} else if(marker instanceof MessageListFetchFailedMarker) {
MessageListFetchFailedMarker m = (MessageListFetchFailedMarker)marker;
try {
MessageList list = getMessageList(m.getMessageListID());
final IdentityStatistics stats = getOrCreateIdentityStatistics(list.getAuthor());
m.storeWithoutCommit(); // MessageList.deleteWithoutCommit deletes it.
catch(NoSuchMessageListException e) {
// The marker was already processed.
} else
Logger.error(this, "Unknown FetchFailedMarker type: " + marker);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Cleared marker " + marker);
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
Logger.normal(this, "Finished clearing " + amount + " expired FetchFailedMarkers.");
private boolean validateMessageFetchFailedMarkers(Date now) {
boolean valid = true;
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<MessageFetchFailedMarker> messageMarkers = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageFetchFailedMarker>(mFreetalk, q);
for(MessageFetchFailedMarker marker : messageMarkers) {
if(marker.isRetryAllowedNow()) {
Logger.error(this, "Invalid MessageFetchFailedMarker: Date of next retry is in future but isRetryAllowedNow==true: " + marker);
valid = false;
if(!marker.getMessageReference().wasMessageDownloaded()) {
valid = false;
Logger.error(this, "Invalid MessageFetchFailedMarker: Date of next retry is in future but message is marked as not fetched: " + marker);
Logger.normal(this, "Number of non-expired MessageFetchFailedMarker: " + messageMarkers.size());
q = db.query();
ObjectSet<MessageListFetchFailedMarker> listMarkers = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageListFetchFailedMarker>(mFreetalk, q);
for(MessageListFetchFailedMarker marker : listMarkers) {
if(marker.isRetryAllowedNow()) {
Logger.error(this, "Invalid MessageListFetchFailedMarker: Date of next retry is in future but isRetryAllowedNow==true: " + marker);
valid = false;
try {
} catch(NoSuchMessageListException e) {
valid = false;
Logger.error(this, "Invalid MessageListFetchFailedMarker: Date of next retry is in future but there is no ghost message list for it: " + marker);
Logger.normal(this, "Number of non-expired MessageListFetchFailedMarker: " + listMarkers.size());
return valid;
* Only for being used by the MessageManager itself and by unit tests.
* Checks whether there are any messages in subscribed boards which the subscriber did not want to read (because he does not like the author) and now
* wants to read ... they must be added to the boards then.
protected synchronized void recheckUnwantedMessages() {
Logger.normal(this, "Rechecking unwanted messages...");
final Date now = CurrentTimeUTC.get();
for(SubscribedBoard board : subscribedBoardIterator()) {
Logger.normal(this, "Finished rechecking unwanted message");
* Only for being used by the MessageManager itself and by unit tests.
* Checks whether there are any messages in subscribed boards which the subscriber did want to read and now does not want to read anymore.
protected synchronized void recheckWantedMessages() {
Logger.normal(this, "Rechecking wanted messages...");
final Date now = CurrentTimeUTC.get();
for(SubscribedBoard board : subscribedBoardIterator()) {
Logger.normal(this, "Finished rechecking wanted message");
* Get a list of all MessageReference objects to the given message ID. References to OwnMessage are not returned.
* Used to mark the references to a message which was downloaded as downloaded.
private ObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference> getAllReferencesToMessage(final String id) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<OwnMessageList.OwnMessageReference> getAllOwnReferencesToMessage(final String id) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessageList.OwnMessageReference>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<Message> getAllRepliesToMessage(String messageID) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<Message> getAllRepliesToMessage(Message message) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<Message> getAllThreadRepliesToMessage(String threadID) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<Message> getAllThreadRepliesToMessage(Message message) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a message by its URI. The transient fields of the returned message will be initialized already.
* This will NOT return OwnMessage objects. Your own messages will be returned by this function as soon as they have been downloaded.
* @throws NoSuchMessageException
public Message get(FreenetURI uri) throws NoSuchMessageException {
/* return get(Message.getIDFromURI(uri)); */
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Getting a message by it's URI is inefficient compared to getting by ID. Please only repair this function if absolutely unavoidable.");
* Get a message by its ID. The transient fields of the returned message will be initialized already.
* This will NOT return OwnMessage objects. Your own messages will be returned by this function as soon as they have been downloaded as
* if they were normal messages of someone else.
* @throws NoSuchMessageException
public synchronized Message get(final String id) throws NoSuchMessageException {
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<Message> result = query.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final Message m = result.next();
return m;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchMessageException(id);
throw new DuplicateMessageException(id);
* Get a <code>MessageList</code> by its ID. The transient fields of the returned <code>MessageList</code> will be initialized already.
* This will NOT return <code>OwnMessageList</code> objects. Your own message lists will be returned by this function as soon as they have
* been downloaded as if they were normal message lists of someone else.
* @throws NoSuchMessageListException
public synchronized MessageList getMessageList(final String id) throws NoSuchMessageListException {
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<MessageList> result = query.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final MessageList list = result.next();
return list;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchMessageListException(id);
throw new DuplicateMessageListException(id);
public synchronized OwnMessageList getOwnMessageList(final String id) throws NoSuchMessageListException {
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<OwnMessageList> result = query.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final OwnMessageList list = result.next();
return list;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchMessageListException(id);
throw new DuplicateMessageListException(id);
public OwnMessage getOwnMessage(final FreenetURI uri) throws NoSuchMessageException {
/* return getOwnMessage(Message.getIDFromURI(uri)); */
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Getting a message by it's URI is inefficient compared to getting by ID. Please only repair this function if absolutely unavoidable.");
public synchronized OwnMessage getOwnMessage(final String id) throws NoSuchMessageException {
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<OwnMessage> result = query.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final OwnMessage m = result.next();
return m;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchMessageException(id);
throw new DuplicateMessageException(id);
* Get a board by its name. The transient fields of the returned board will be initialized already.
* @throws NoSuchBoardException
public synchronized Board getBoardByName(String name) throws NoSuchBoardException {
name = name.toLowerCase();
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<Board> result = query.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final Board b = result.next();
return b;
case 0:
throw new NoSuchBoardException(name);
throw new DuplicateBoardException(name);
* Gets the board with the given name. If it does not exist, it is created and stored, the transaction is commited.
* @param The name of the desired board
* @throws InvalidParameterException If the name is invalid.
public Board getOrCreateBoard(String name) throws InvalidParameterException {
return getOrCreateBoard(name, null);
private synchronized Board getOrCreateBoard(String name, String description) throws InvalidParameterException {
name = name.toLowerCase();
Board board;
try {
board = getBoardByName(name);
catch(NoSuchBoardException e) {
PersistentTaskManager tm = mFreetalk.getTaskManager();
synchronized(tm) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
board = new Board(name, description, false);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Created board " + name);
tm.storeTaskWithoutCommit(new NewBoardTask(board));
catch(RuntimeException ex) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, ex);
throw ex; // Satisfy the compiler
return board;
* Get an iterator of all boards. The list is sorted ascending by name.
* You have to synchronize on this MessageManager before calling this function and while processing the returned list.
* The transient fields of the returned boards will be initialized already.
public ObjectSet<Board> boardIteratorSortedByName() {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Board>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get all boards which are being subscribed to by at least one {@link OwnIdentity}, i.e. the boards from which we should download messages.
public synchronized ObjectSet<Board> boardWithSubscriptionsIterator() {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Board>(mFreetalk, query);
public synchronized ObjectSet<SubscribedBoard> subscribedBoardIterator() {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<SubscribedBoard>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get an iterator of boards which were first seen after the given Date, sorted ascending by the date they were first seen at.
public synchronized ObjectSet<SubscribedBoard> subscribedBoardIteratorSortedByDate(final OwnIdentity subscriber, final Date seenAfter) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<SubscribedBoard>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a list of all subscribed boards of the given identity. The list is sorted ascending by name.
* You have to synchronize on this MessageManager before calling this function and while processing the returned list.
* The transient fields of the returned objects will be initialized already.
public ObjectSet<SubscribedBoard> subscribedBoardIteratorSortedByName(final OwnIdentity subscriber) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<SubscribedBoard>(mFreetalk, query);
protected ObjectSet<SubscribedBoard> subscribedBoardIterator(String boardName) {
boardName = boardName.toLowerCase();
final Query q = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<SubscribedBoard>(mFreetalk, q);
public synchronized SubscribedBoard getSubscription(final OwnIdentity subscriber, String boardName) throws NoSuchBoardException {
boardName = boardName.toLowerCase();
final Query q = db.query();
final ObjectSet<SubscribedBoard> result = q.execute();
switch(result.size()) {
case 1:
final SubscribedBoard board = result.next();
return board;
case 0: throw new NoSuchBoardException(boardName);
default: throw new DuplicateBoardException(boardName);
* You do NOT need to synchronize on the IdentityManager when calling this function.
public SubscribedBoard subscribeToBoard(OwnIdentity subscriber, String boardName) throws InvalidParameterException, NoSuchIdentityException, NoSuchBoardException {
boardName = boardName.toLowerCase();
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
subscriber = mIdentityManager.getOwnIdentity(subscriber.getID()); // Ensure that the identity still exists so the caller does not have to synchronize.
synchronized(this) {
Board board = getBoardByName(boardName);
try {
return getSubscription(subscriber, boardName);
catch(NoSuchBoardException e) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
SubscribedBoard subscribedBoard = new SubscribedBoard(board, subscriber);
if(board.hasSubscriptions() == false) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "First subscription received for board " + board + ", setting it's HasSubscriptions flag.");
return subscribedBoard;
catch(InvalidParameterException error) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, new RuntimeException(error));
throw error; // Satisfy the compiler
catch(Exception error) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, new RuntimeException(error));
throw new RuntimeException(error); // Satisfy the compiler
protected synchronized void unsubscribeFromBoard(OwnIdentity subscriber, SubscribedBoard subscribedBoard) {
synchronized(subscribedBoard) {
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(subscribedBoardIterator(subscribedBoard.getName()).isEmpty()) {
try {
Board board = getBoardByName(subscribedBoard.getName());
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Last subscription to board " + board + " removed, clearing it's HasSubscriptions flag.");
} catch (NoSuchBoardException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // Should not happen.
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
* You do NOT need to synchronize on the IdentityManager when calling this function.
public void unsubscribeFromBoard(OwnIdentity subscriber, String boardName) throws NoSuchBoardException, NoSuchIdentityException {
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
subscriber = mIdentityManager.getOwnIdentity(subscriber.getID()); // Ensure that the identity still exists so the caller does not have to synchronize.
synchronized(this) {
SubscribedBoard subscribedBoard = getSubscription(subscriber, boardName);
unsubscribeFromBoard(subscriber, subscribedBoard);
public synchronized ObjectSet<OwnMessage> notInsertedMessageIterator() {
final Query query = db.query();
// TODO: Sort ascending by date if db4o is intelligent enough to evaluate the mFreenetURI constrain before sorting...
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessage>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a list of not downloaded messages. This function only returns messages which are posted to a board which an OwnIdentity wants to
* receive messages from. However, it might also return messages which are from an author which nobody wants to receive messages from.
* Filtering out unwanted authors is done at MessageList-level: MessageLists are only downloaded from identities which we want to read
* messages from.
public synchronized ObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference> notDownloadedMessageIterator() {
// TODO: This query is very slow!
final Query query = db.query();
// TODO: The date only contains day, month and year (the XML does not contain more). We have some randomization by sorting by date but we might
// want even more maybe - are there any security issues with not downloading messages in perfectly random order? Probably not?
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference>(mFreetalk, query);
public synchronized int getDownloadableMessageCount(final Board board) {
final Query query = db.query();
return query.execute().size();
* Gets all downloadable messages for the given board and sorts them descending by date.
* The date here is NOT the date specified by the author but the date when we got to know about the message.
public ObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference> getDownloadableMessagesSortedByDate(final Board board) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageList.MessageReference>(mFreetalk, query);
* Gets the amount of all downloadable messages. This are the messages which where referenced in any non-own message list.
* Messages which are posted to multiple boards are counted multiple times, once for each board.
public final synchronized int countNonOwnMessageListMessageReferences() {
final Query query = db.query();
return query.execute().size();
public final synchronized int countNonOwnMessageLists() {
final Query query = db.query();
return query.execute().size();
* Get a list of all message lists from the given identity.
* If the identity is an {@link OwnIdentity}, it's own message lists are only returned if they have been downloaded as normal message lists.
* Technically, this means that no objects of class {@link OwnMessageList} are returned.
* The purpose of this behavior is to ensure that own messages are only displayed to the user if they have been successfully inserted.
* @param author An identity or own identity.
* @return All message lists of the given identity except those of class OwnMessageList.
protected synchronized ObjectSet<MessageList> getMessageListsBy(final Identity author) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<MessageList>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a list of locally stored own message lists of the given identity.
* Locally stored means that only message lists of class {@link OwnMessageList} are returned.
* This means that there is no guarantee that the returned message lists have actually been inserted to Freenet.
* - The message lists returned by this function can be considered as the outbox of the given identity.
* If you want a list of message lists which is actually downloadable from Freenet, see {@link getMessageListsBy}.
* @param author The author of the message lists.
* @return All own message lists of the given own identity.
protected synchronized ObjectSet<OwnMessageList> getOwnMessageListsBy(final OwnIdentity author) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessageList>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a list of all messages from the given identity.
* If the identity is an {@link OwnIdentity}, it's own messages are only returned if they have been downloaded as normal messages.
* Technically, this means that no objects of class {@link OwnMessage} are returned.
* The purpose of this behavior is to ensure that own messages are only displayed to the user if they have been successfully inserted.
* Does not lock the MessageManager, you have to do this while calling the function and parsing the returned list.
* @param author An identity or own identity.
* @return All messages of the given identity except those of class OwnMessage.
public ObjectSet<Message> getMessagesBy(final Identity author) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Message>(mFreetalk, query);
* Get a list of locally stored own messages of the given identity.
* Locally stored means that only messages of class {@link OwnMessage} are returned.
* This means that there is no guarantee that the returned messages have actually been inserted to Freenet.
* - The messages returned by this function can be considered as the outbox of the given identity.
* If you want a list of messages which is actually downloadable from Freenet, see {@link getMessagesBy}.
* @param author The author of the messages.
* @return All own messages of the given own identity.
public synchronized ObjectSet<OwnMessage> getOwnMessagesBy(final OwnIdentity author) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessage>(mFreetalk, query);
private ObjectSet<OwnMessageList.OwnMessageReference> getOwnMessages(final Board board) {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<OwnMessageList.OwnMessageReference>(mFreetalk, query);
public IdentityManager getIdentityManager() {
return mIdentityManager;
public abstract MessageRating getMessageRating(OwnIdentity rater, Message message) throws NoSuchMessageRatingException;
public abstract ObjectSet<? extends MessageRating> getAllMessageRatings(Message message);
public abstract ObjectSet<? extends MessageRating> getAllMessageRatingsBy(OwnIdentity rater);
* Deletes the given rating. Does not undo the effect of the rating (trust value changes, etc).
* For being used in automatic rating deletion - this usually happens when an identity is deleted due to distrust - we do not want the distrust
* which caused the identity deletion to be undone.
public abstract void deleteMessageRatingWithoutRevertingEffect(final MessageRating rating);
* Deletes the given rating and reverts its effect (trust value change, etc.)
* For being used in the UI - it can fail to revert the effect and throw an exception (due to being disconnected to the web of trust plugin,
* due to the trust value of the affected identity having been changed by the user, etc.).
public abstract void deleteMessageRatingAndRevertEffect(final MessageRating rating);
protected final synchronized IdentityStatistics getIdentityStatistics(final Identity identity) throws NoSuchObjectException {
final Query query = db.query();
final ObjectSet<IdentityStatistics> result = new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<IdentityStatistics>(mFreetalk, query);
switch(result.size()) {
case 1: return result.next();
case 0: throw new NoSuchObjectException();
default: throw new DuplicateElementException("Duplicate IdentityStatistics for " + identity);
public final ObjectSet<IdentityStatistics> getAllIdentityStatistics() {
final Query query = db.query();
return new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<IdentityStatistics>(mFreetalk, query);
* Not synchronized because it is typically being used in a transaction anyway - we need to store the created object.
protected final IdentityStatistics getOrCreateIdentityStatistics(final Identity identity) {
try {
return getIdentityStatistics(identity);
} catch(NoSuchObjectException e) {
IdentityStatistics stats = new IdentityStatistics(identity);
return stats;
* A list of boards which is automatically created in new Freetalk databases.
* The goal of this list is:
* - to be useful from the perspective of a user: Names an categories shall be chosen in a way that they make sense to a user, even if a better naming for developers exists
* - to prevent the board list from becoming a mess: It has been shown on Frost/FMS that it is really difficult to get users to migrate from existing boards to new boards
* which serve the same purpose but have a different name. We try to provide proper categories for the most purposes which have been observed on Frost/FMS.
* - to encourage categorization: This is part of the above, but I want to stress it again nevertheless: FMS/Frost has also shown that users tend to not use any categories
* ( = the parts between the '.') when creating boards. Categories are good for filtering, usability, blah blah. We should encourage their usage.
* I have tried to take all boards which can be seen on Frost and FMS into consideration for designing this clean list
public static final String[][] DEFAULT_BOARDS = {
new String[] { "deu.diskussion", "Offene Diskussion über alle Themen, für die es kein spezielles Forum gibt" },
new String[] { "deu.downloads", "Downloads aller Art, für die es kein spezielles Forum gibt. Bitte respektieren Sie die Gesetze!" },
new String[] { "deu.downloads.anfragen", "Anfragen für Downloads aller Art, für die es kein spezielles Forum gibt. Bitte respektieren Sie die Gesetze!" },
new String[] { "deu.freenet", "Allgemeine Diskussion rund um Freenet" },
new String[] { "deu.freenet.freetalk", "Diskussion über Freetalk - das ist dieses Forumsystem"},
new String[] { "deu.freenet.jsite", "Diskussion über JSite - das Werkzeug zum Hochladen von Freesites" },
new String[] { "deu.freenet.sone", "Diskussion über Sone - dem sozialen Netzwerk für Freenet" },
new String[] { "deu.freenet.weboftrust", "Diskussion über Web Of Trust - dem Kern der meisten Freenet-Community-Plugins" },
new String[] { "deu.freenet.seiten", "Diskussion über Freesites - die Websites in Freenet. Hier kann man seine Freesite der Öffentlichkeit und insbesondere Index-Verwaltern bekannt machen." },
new String[] { "deu.nachrichten.international", "Internationale Nachrichten"},
new String[] { "deu.gesellschaft.politik.international", "Diskussion über internationale Politik"},
new String[] { "eng.boards", "Discussion about the board list and announcement of new boards" },
new String[] { "eng.computers", "General discussion about computer-related topics"},
new String[] { "eng.computers.help.hardware", "Questions about computer hardware"},
new String[] { "eng.computers.help.software", "Questions about computer software"},
new String[] { "eng.computers.programming", "General discussion about software programming"},
new String[] { "eng.discussion", "General discussion about all topics for which there is no special board" },
new String[] { "eng.freenet", "General discussion about Freenet" },
new String[] { "eng.freenet.fms", "Discussion about FMS - the standalone (non-plugin) forum system for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.freemail", "Discussion about Freemail - the E-Mail implementation for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.freetalk", "Discussion about Freetalk - which is this forum system"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.fuqid", "Discussion about Fuqid - a file-transfer management tool for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.jsite", "Discussion about JSite - the tool for uploading Freesites"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.sone", "Discussion about Sone - the social messagging tool for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.thaw", "Discussion about Thaw - a file-transfer management tool for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.translation", "Discussion about translating Freenet or the existing translations"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.weboftrust", "Discussion about Web Of Trust - the core of most community plugins for Freenet"},
new String[] { "eng.freenet.sites", "Discussion about Freesites - the websites of Freenet. You can announce Freesites to the public and especially index-maintainers here."},
new String[] { "eng.internet", "Discussion about the 'normal' (non-Freenet) Internet" },
new String[] { "eng.internet.sites", "A board about interesting links of all kinds on the 'normal' (non-Freenet) internet" },
new String[] { "eng.news.international", "International news"},
new String[] { "eng.market", "Trading of various goods happens here. Please obey the law."},
new String[] { "eng.media.tv", "Discussion about television" },
new String[] { "eng.science", "Discussion about science"},
new String[] { "eng.science.mathematics", "Discussion about mathematics"},
new String[] { "eng.society.censorship", "Discussion and revelations of censorship"},
new String[] { "eng.society.politics.international", "Discussion of international politics"},
new String[] { "eng.society.privacy", "Discussion about privacy"},
new String[] { "eng.society.religion", "Discussion about religion"},
new String[] { "eng.trustvalues", "Discussion about the trust values which the Web Of Trust community has assigned to identities"},
new String[] { "fra.freenet", "Discussions générales à propos de Freenet"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads", "All kinds of downloads for which there is no special board. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.books", "Downloads of written books. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.books.audio", "Downloads of audible books. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.books.comics", "Downloads of comic books. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.games", "Downloads of games. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.movies", "Downloads of movies. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.music", "Downloads of music. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.music.videos", "Downloads of music with video. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.pictures", "Downloads of pictures. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.videos", "Video-downloads which do not fit in any category. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.videos.series", "Downloads of series of videos. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.requests", "You can ask for download links here. To ensure a large audience, all categories of downloads are allowed here. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.downloads.requests.reinserts", "If a download does not succeed anymore, you can request someone to upload it again here. Please obey the law!"},
new String[] { "mul.random", "All content is allowed in this 'playground' board. Please try to not give negative ratings for its messages whenever possible by your law and ethics." },
new String[] { "mul.test", "Board for sending test messages to. Readers shall try to ensure that each message gets a reply." },
public synchronized void createDefaultBoards() {
Logger.normal(this, "Creating the default boards...");
for(String[] boardInfo : DEFAULT_BOARDS) {
try {
try {
final Board existingBoard = getBoardByName(boardInfo[0]);
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
if(existingBoard.setDescription(boardInfo[1])) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Updated description for " + existingBoard);
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e);
} catch(NoSuchBoardException e) {
getOrCreateBoard(boardInfo[0], boardInfo[1]);
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Creating a board failed", e);
Logger.normal(this, "Finished creating the default boards.");