/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Random;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentityManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessage;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageFetcher;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageInserter;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageList;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageListInserter;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageListXML;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageRating;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageURI;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTMessageXML;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTNewMessageListFetcher;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOldMessageListFetcher;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnMessage;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnMessageList;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.NewBoardTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.OwnMessageTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.PersistentTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.PersistentTaskManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.SubscribeToAllBoardsTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.tasks.WoT.IntroduceIdentityTask;
import plugins.Freetalk.ui.FCP.FCPInterface;
import plugins.Freetalk.ui.NNTP.FreetalkNNTPServer;
import plugins.Freetalk.ui.web.WebInterface;
import com.db4o.Db4o;
import com.db4o.ObjectContainer;
import com.db4o.defragment.Defragment;
import com.db4o.defragment.DefragmentConfig;
import com.db4o.ext.ExtObjectContainer;
import com.db4o.query.Query;
import com.db4o.reflect.jdk.JdkReflector;
import freenet.clients.http.PageMaker.THEME;
import freenet.l10n.BaseL10n;
import freenet.l10n.PluginL10n;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPlugin;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginBaseL10n;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginFCP;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginL10n;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginRealVersioned;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginThemed;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginThreadless;
import freenet.pluginmanager.FredPluginVersioned;
import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginReplySender;
import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginRespirator;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet;
import freenet.support.SizeUtil;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.io.FileUtil;
* @author xor@freenetproject.org
* @author saces
* @author bback
public final class Freetalk implements FredPlugin, FredPluginFCP, FredPluginL10n, FredPluginBaseL10n, FredPluginThemed, FredPluginThreadless,
FredPluginVersioned, FredPluginRealVersioned {
/* Constants */
* If set to true, all thread periods will be set to very low values, resulting in very fast message downloading.
* It is volatile to prevent compiler warnings about unreachable code.
public static volatile boolean FAST_DEBUG_MODE = false;
public static final String PLUGIN_URI = "/Freetalk";
public static final String PLUGIN_TITLE = "Freetalk";
public static final String WEB_OF_TRUST_NAME = "WebOfTrust";
public static final String WOT_PLUGIN_NAME = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust";
public static final String WOT_PLUGIN_URI = "/WebOfTrust";
public static final String WOT_CONTEXT = PLUGIN_TITLE;
public static final String DATABASE_FILENAME = PLUGIN_TITLE + ".db4o";
public static final int DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1;
/* References from the node */
private PluginRespirator mPluginRespirator;
private static PluginL10n l10n;
private THEME mTheme;
/* The plugin's own references */
private ExtObjectContainer db;
private Configuration mConfig;
private WoTIdentityManager mIdentityManager;
private WoTMessageManager mMessageManager;
private WoTMessageXML mMessageXML;
private WoTMessageListXML mMessageListXML;
private WoTMessageFetcher mMessageFetcher;
private WoTMessageInserter mMessageInserter;
private WoTOldMessageListFetcher mOldMessageListFetcher;
private WoTNewMessageListFetcher mNewMessageListFetcher;
private WoTMessageListInserter mMessageListInserter;
private PersistentTaskManager mTaskManager;
private WebInterface mWebInterface;
private FCPInterface mFCPInterface;
private FreetalkNNTPServer mNNTPServer;
/* These booleans are used for preventing the construction of log-strings if logging is disabled (for saving some cpu cycles) */
private static transient volatile boolean logDEBUG = false;
private static transient volatile boolean logMINOR = false;
static {
* Constructor for the node.
public Freetalk() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Freetalk plugin constructed.");
* Constructor for unit tests.
public Freetalk(String databaseFilename) {
db = openDatabase(new File(databaseFilename));
mConfig = Configuration.loadOrCreate(this, db);
if(mConfig.getDatabaseFormatVersion() != Freetalk.DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION)
throw new RuntimeException("The Freetalk plugin's database format is newer than the Freetalk plugin which is being used.");
mIdentityManager = new WoTIdentityManager(this);
mMessageManager = new WoTMessageManager(this);
mTaskManager = new PersistentTaskManager(this, db);
public void runPlugin(PluginRespirator myPR) {
try {
Logger.normal(this, "Plugin starting up...");
mPluginRespirator = myPR;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Opening database...");
db = openDatabase(new File(getUserDataDirectory(), DATABASE_FILENAME));
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Database opened.");
mConfig = Configuration.loadOrCreate(this, db);
if(mConfig.getDatabaseFormatVersion() > Freetalk.DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION)
throw new RuntimeException("The Freetalk plugin's database format is newer than the Freetalk plugin which is being used.");
// Create & start the core classes
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating identity manager...");
mIdentityManager = new WoTIdentityManager(this, mPluginRespirator.getNode().executor);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message manager...");
mMessageManager = new WoTMessageManager(db, mIdentityManager, this, mPluginRespirator);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating task manager...");
mTaskManager = new PersistentTaskManager(this, db);
// We only do this if debug logging is enabled since the integrity verification cannot repair anything anyway,
// if the user does not read his logs there is no need to check the integrity.
// TODO: Do this once every few startups and notify the user in the web ui if errors are found.
databaseIntegrityTest(); // Some tests need the Identity-/Message-/TaskManager so we call this after creating them.
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message XML...");
mMessageXML = new WoTMessageXML();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message list XML...");
mMessageListXML = new WoTMessageListXML();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating old-messagelist fetcher...");
mOldMessageListFetcher = new WoTOldMessageListFetcher(this, "Freetalk WoTOldMessageListFetcher", mMessageListXML);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating new-messagelist fetcher...");
mNewMessageListFetcher = new WoTNewMessageListFetcher(this, "Freetalk WoTNewMessageListFetcher", mMessageListXML, db);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message fetcher...");
mMessageFetcher = new WoTMessageFetcher(mPluginRespirator.getNode(), mPluginRespirator.getHLSimpleClient(), "Freetalk WoTMessageFetcher",
this, mIdentityManager, mMessageManager, mMessageXML);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message inserter...");
mMessageInserter = new WoTMessageInserter(mPluginRespirator.getNode(), mPluginRespirator.getHLSimpleClient(), "Freetalk WoTMessageInserter",
mIdentityManager, mMessageManager, mMessageXML);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating message list inserter...");
mMessageListInserter = new WoTMessageListInserter(mPluginRespirator.getNode(), mPluginRespirator.getHLSimpleClient(), "Freetalk WoTMessageListInserter",
mIdentityManager, mMessageManager, mMessageListXML);
// They need each users so they must be started after they exist all three.
// Further, we must start them after starting the message list fetches: Otherwise the message manager etc. might take locks for ages, effectively
// preventing this startup function from finishing. So we just start them after all core classes are running and before starting the UI.
// This must be started after the identity manager because it will need the identity manager to be connected to WoT.
// Create & start the UI
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating Web interface...");
mWebInterface = new WebInterface(this);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating FCP interface...");
mFCPInterface = new FCPInterface(this);
if (mConfig.getBoolean(Configuration.NNTP_SERVER_ENABLED)) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Creating NNTP server...");
String bindTo = mConfig.getString(Configuration.NNTP_SERVER_BINDTO);
if (bindTo == null) {
bindTo = "";
String allowedHosts = mConfig.getString(Configuration.NNTP_SERVER_ALLOWED_HOSTS);
if (allowedHosts == null) {
allowedHosts = "";
mNNTPServer = new FreetalkNNTPServer(this, 1199, bindTo, allowedHosts);
} else {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "NNTP server disabled by user...");
mNNTPServer = null;
Logger.normal(this, "Freetalk starting up completed.");
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Startup failed!", e);
throw e;
private File getUserDataDirectory() {
final File freetalkDirectory = new File(mPluginRespirator.getNode().getUserDir(), PLUGIN_TITLE);
if(!freetalkDirectory.exists() && !freetalkDirectory.mkdir())
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create directory " + freetalkDirectory);
return freetalkDirectory;
private com.db4o.config.Configuration getNewDatabaseConfiguration() {
final com.db4o.config.Configuration cfg = Db4o.newConfiguration();
// Required config options:
cfg.reflectWith(new JdkReflector(getPluginClassLoader())); // Needed because the node uses it's own classloader for plugins
cfg.exceptionsOnNotStorable(true); // Notify us if we tried to store a class which db4o won't store
cfg.activationDepth(1); // TODO: Optimization: Check whether 0 is better. All database code was written to also work with 0.
cfg.updateDepth(1); // This must not be changed: We only activate(this, 1) before store(this).
Logger.normal(this, "Default activation depth: " + cfg.activationDepth());
cfg.automaticShutDown(false); // The shutdown hook does auto-commit() but we want to rollback(), we MUST NOT commit half-finished transactions
// Performance config options:
cfg.callbacks(false); // We don't use callbacks yet. TODO: Investigate whether we might want to use them
// Registration of indices (also performance)
// Class Persistent canot apply its annotations to itself, we need to configure the index for it manually.
// We need an index on Persistent because we query all Persistent-objects for startup database validation.
final Class<? extends Persistent>[] persistentClasses = new Class[] {
for(Class<? extends Persistent> clazz : persistentClasses) {
boolean classHasIndex = clazz.getAnnotation(Persistent.IndexedClass.class) != null;
// TODO: We enable class indexes for all classes to make sure nothing breaks because it is the db4o default, check whether enabling them only
// for the classes where we need them does not cause any harm.
classHasIndex = true;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Persistent class: " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + "; hasIndex==" + classHasIndex);
// TODO: Make very sure that it has no negative side effects if we disable class indices for some classes
// Maybe benchmark in comparison to a database which has class indices enabled for ALL classes.
// Check the class' fields for @IndexedField annotations
for(Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
if(field.getAnnotation(Persistent.IndexedField.class) != null) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Registering indexed field " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + '.' + field.getName());
// Check whether the class itself has an @IndexedField annotation
final Persistent.IndexedField annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Persistent.IndexedField.class);
if(annotation != null) {
for(String fieldName : annotation.names()) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Registering indexed field " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + '.' + fieldName);
// TODO: We should check whether db4o inherits the indexed attribute to child classes, for example for this one:
// Unforunately, db4o does not provide any way to query the indexed() property of fields, you can only set it
// We might figure out whether inheritance works by writing a benchmark.
return cfg;
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private synchronized ExtObjectContainer openDatabase(File file) {
Logger.normal(this, "Opening database using db4o " + Db4o.version());
if(db != null)
throw new RuntimeException("Database is opened already!");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return Db4o.openFile(getNewDatabaseConfiguration(), file.getAbsolutePath()).ext();
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private synchronized void restoreDatabaseBackup(File databaseFile, File backupFile) throws IOException {
Logger.warning(this, "Trying to restore database backup: " + backupFile.getAbsolutePath());
if(db != null)
throw new RuntimeException("Database is opened already!");
if(backupFile.exists()) {
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
Logger.warning(this, "Deleting of the database failed: " + databaseFile.getAbsolutePath());
if(backupFile.renameTo(databaseFile)) {
Logger.warning(this, "Backup restored!");
} else {
throw new IOException("Unable to rename backup file back to database file: " + databaseFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
throw new IOException("Cannot restore backup, it does not exist!");
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private synchronized void defragmentDatabase(File databaseFile) throws IOException {
Logger.normal(this, "Defragmenting database ...");
if(db != null)
throw new RuntimeException("Database is opened already!");
if(mPluginRespirator == null) {
Logger.normal(this, "No PluginRespirator found, probably running as unit test, not defragmenting.");
final Random random = mPluginRespirator.getNode().fastWeakRandom;
// Open it first, because defrag will throw if it needs to upgrade the file.
final ObjectContainer database = Db4o.openFile(getNewDatabaseConfiguration(), databaseFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Db4o will throw during defragmentation if new fields were added to classes and we didn't initialize their values on existing
// objects before defragmenting. So we just don't defragment if the database format version has changed.
final boolean canDefragment = Configuration.peekDatabaseFormatVersion(this, database.ext()) == Freetalk.DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION;
if(!canDefragment) {
Logger.normal(this, "Not defragmenting, database format version changed!");
if(!databaseFile.exists()) {
Logger.error(this, "Database file does not exist after openFile: " + databaseFile.getAbsolutePath());
final File backupFile = new File(databaseFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".backup");
if(backupFile.exists()) {
Logger.error(this, "Not defragmenting database: Backup file exists, maybe the node was shot during defrag: " + backupFile.getAbsolutePath());
final File tmpFile = new File(databaseFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".temp");
/* As opposed to the default, BTreeIDMapping uses an on-disk file instead of in-memory for mapping IDs.
/* Reduces memory usage during defragmentation while being slower.
/* However as of db4o, it is bugged and prevents defragmentation from succeeding for my database, so we don't use it for now. */
final DefragmentConfig config = new DefragmentConfig(databaseFile.getAbsolutePath(),
// ,new BTreeIDMapping(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath())
/* Delete classes which are not known to the classloader anymore - We do NOT do this because:
/* - It is buggy and causes exceptions often as of db4o
/* - Freetalk has always had proper database upgrade code (function upgradeDB()) and does not rely on automatic schema evolution.
/* If we need to get rid of certain objects we should do it in the database upgrade code, */
// config.storedClassFilter(new AvailableClassFilter());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Defragment failed", e);
try {
restoreDatabaseBackup(databaseFile, backupFile);
} catch(IOException e2) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to restore backup", e2);
throw new IOException(e);
final long oldSize = backupFile.length();
final long newSize = databaseFile.length();
if(newSize <= 0) {
Logger.error(this, "Defrag produced an empty file! Trying to restore old database file...");
try {
restoreDatabaseBackup(databaseFile, backupFile);
} catch(IOException e2) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to restore backup", e2);
throw new IOException(e2);
} else {
final double change = 100.0 * (((double)(oldSize - newSize)) / ((double)oldSize));
FileUtil.secureDelete(tmpFile, random);
FileUtil.secureDelete(backupFile, random);
Logger.normal(this, "Defragment completed. "+SizeUtil.formatSize(oldSize)+" ("+oldSize+") -> "
+SizeUtil.formatSize(newSize)+" ("+newSize+") ("+(int)change+"% shrink)");
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private void upgradeDatabase() {
int oldVersion = mConfig.getDatabaseFormatVersion();
// ATTENTION: Make sure that no upgrades are done here which are needed by the constructors of
// IdentityManager/MessageManager/PersistentTaskManager - they are created before this function is called.
// Skeleton for upgrade code
if(oldVersion == blah) {
Logger.normal(this, "Upgrading database version " + oldVersion);
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
Logger.normal(this, "Doing stuff");
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
Persistent.checkedCommit(db, this);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e);
Logger.normal(this, "Upgraded database to version " + oldVersion);
if(oldVersion == Freetalk.DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION)
throw new RuntimeException("Your database is too outdated to be upgraded automatically, please create a new one by deleting "
+ DATABASE_FILENAME + ". Contact the developers if you really need your old data.");
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private void databaseIntegrityTest() {
Logger.normal(this, "Testing database integrity...");
synchronized(mIdentityManager) {
synchronized(mMessageManager) {
synchronized(mTaskManager) {
final Query q = db.query();
for(final Persistent p : new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Persistent>(this, q)) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
try {
Logger.error(this, "Integrity test failed for " + p, e);
} catch(Exception toStringException) {
Logger.error(this, "Integrity test failed for object and toString also failed, toString-Exception below", toStringException);
Logger.error(this, "Original integrity test failure below", e);
Logger.normal(this, "Database integrity test finished.");
* ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
private void closeDatabase() {
if(db == null) {
Logger.warning(this, "Terminated already.");
synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
try {
db = null;
catch(RuntimeException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error while closing database", e);
public synchronized void handleWotConnected() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Connected to WoT plugin.");
wotConnected = true;
private boolean wotConnected;
public synchronized void handleWotDisconnected() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Disconnected from WoT plugin");
wotConnected = false;
public synchronized boolean wotConnected() {
return wotConnected;
public boolean wotOutdated() {
return false;
public void terminate() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Terminating Freetalk ...");
/* We use single try/catch blocks so that failure of termination of one service does not prevent termination of the others */
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
if (mNNTPServer != null) {
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
/* WebInterface is stateless and does not need to be terminated */
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error during termination.", e);
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "Error while closing database.", e);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Freetalk plugin terminated.");
public void handle(PluginReplySender replysender, SimpleFieldSet params, Bucket data, int accesstype) {
mFCPInterface.handle(replysender, params, data, accesstype);
public PluginRespirator getPluginRespirator() {
return mPluginRespirator;
public Configuration getConfig() {
return mConfig;
protected ExtObjectContainer getDatabase() {
return db;
public WoTIdentityManager getIdentityManager() {
return mIdentityManager;
public WoTMessageInserter getMessageInserter() {
return mMessageInserter;
public WoTMessageManager getMessageManager() {
return mMessageManager;
public PersistentTaskManager getTaskManager() {
return mTaskManager;
public WoTNewMessageListFetcher getNewMessageListFetcher() {
return mNewMessageListFetcher;
public WoTOldMessageListFetcher getOldMessageListFetcher() {
return mOldMessageListFetcher;
public WoTMessageFetcher getMessageFetcher() {
return mMessageFetcher;
public String getVersion() {
return Version.longVersionString;
public long getRealVersion() {
return Version.getRealVersion();
* This code is only used by FredPluginL10n...
* @param arg0
* @return
public String getString(String arg0) {
return getBaseL10n().getString(arg0);
* This code is only called during startup or when the user
* selects another language in the UI.
* @param newLanguage Language to use.
public void setLanguage(final BaseL10n.LANGUAGE newLanguage) {
Freetalk.l10n = new PluginL10n(this, newLanguage);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Set LANGUAGE to: " + newLanguage.isoCode);
public void setTheme(THEME newTheme) {
mTheme = newTheme;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Set THEME to: " + mTheme.code);
* This is where our L10n files are stored.
* @return Path of our L10n files.
public String getL10nFilesBasePath() {
return "plugins/Freetalk/l10n/";
* This is the mask of our L10n files : lang_en.l10n, lang_de.10n, ...
* @return Mask of the L10n files.
public String getL10nFilesMask() {
return "lang_${lang}.l10n";
* Override L10n files are stored on the disk, their names should be explicit
* we put here the plugin name, and the "override" indication. Plugin L10n
* override is not implemented in the node yet.
* @return Mask of the override L10n files.
public String getL10nOverrideFilesMask() {
return "Freetalk_lang_${lang}.override.l10n";
* Get the ClassLoader of this plugin. This is necessary when getting
* resources inside the plugin's Jar, for example L10n files.
* @return
public ClassLoader getPluginClassLoader() {
return Freetalk.class.getClassLoader();
* BaseL10n object can be accessed statically to get L10n data from anywhere.
* @return L10n object.
public BaseL10n getBaseL10n() {
return Freetalk.l10n.getBase();