package com.datasift.client;
import com.datasift.client.core.Balance;
import com.datasift.client.core.Dpu;
import com.datasift.client.core.Stream;
import com.datasift.client.core.Usage;
import com.datasift.client.core.Validation;
import com.datasift.client.historics.DataSiftHistorics;
import com.datasift.client.managedsource.DataSiftManagedSource;
import com.datasift.client.preview.DataSiftPreview;
import com.datasift.client.push.DataSiftPush;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.JodaModule;
import io.higgs.core.reflect.dependency.DependencyProvider;
import io.higgs.http.client.HttpRequestBuilder;
import io.higgs.http.client.POST;
import io.higgs.http.client.Request;
import io.higgs.http.client.readers.PageReader;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
* This class is the gateway to the DataSift client APIs. It provides an easy to use,
* configurable interface for accessing all DataSift features
public class DataSiftClient extends DataSiftApiClient {
public static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
* Where ever a numeric value is optional and it happens to be absent in a response this value will be used
public static final int DEFAULT_NUM = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
protected DataSiftConfig config;
protected DataSiftHistorics historics;
protected DataSiftManagedSource source;
protected DataSiftPreview preview;
protected DataSiftPush push;
protected ConnectionManager liveStream;
public final String VALIDATE = "validate", COMPILE = "compile", BALANCE = "balance", DPU = "dpu", USAGE = "usage";
public DataSiftClient() {
this(new DataSiftConfig());
* @param config a configuration which should be used for making API requests
public DataSiftClient(DataSiftConfig config) {
this.config = config;
this.historics = new DataSiftHistorics(config);
this.source = new DataSiftManagedSource(config);
this.preview = new DataSiftPreview(config);
this.push = new DataSiftPush(config);
this.liveStream = new ConnectionManager(config);;
protected void configureMapper() {
MAPPER.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT));
MAPPER.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
MAPPER.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);
MAPPER.registerModule(new JodaModule());
* @return An object suitable for making requests to the DataSift Historics API
public DataSiftHistorics historics() {
return historics;
* @return An object suitable for making requests to the DataSift Managed sources API
public DataSiftManagedSource managedSource() {
return source;
* @return An object suitable for making requests to the DataSift Preview API
public DataSiftPreview preview() {
return preview;
* @return An object suitable for making requests to the DataSift Push API
public DataSiftPush push() {
return push;
* @return the instance of the configuration being used for all API calls made through this client
public DataSiftConfig config() {
return config;
* Access to the DataSift streaming API
public ConnectionManager liveStream() {
return liveStream;
* Validate the given CSDL string against the DataSift API
* @param csdl the CSDL to validate
* @return the results of the validation, use {@link com.datasift.client.core.Validation#isSuccessful()} to check if
* validation was successful or not
public FutureData<Validation> validate(String csdl) {
FutureData<Validation> future = new FutureData<Validation>();
URI uri = newParams().forURL(config.newAPIEndpointURI(VALIDATE));
POST request = config.http().POST(uri, new PageReader(newRequestCallback(future, new Validation(), config)))
.form("csdl", csdl);
performRequest(future, request);
return future;
* Compile a CSDL string to a stream hash to which you can later subscribe and receive interactions from
* @param csdl the CSDL to compile
* @return a stream object representing the DataSift compiled CSDL, use {@link com.datasift.client.core
* .Stream#hash()}
* to list the hash for the compiled CSDL
public FutureData<Stream> compile(String csdl) {
FutureData<Stream> future = new FutureData<Stream>();
URI uri = newParams().forURL(config.newAPIEndpointURI(COMPILE));
POST request = config.http().POST(uri, new PageReader(newRequestCallback(future, new Stream(), config)))
.form("csdl", csdl);
performRequest(future, request);
return future;
* @return The balance on the account being used to make API calls
public FutureData<Balance> balance() {
FutureData<Balance> future = new FutureData<Balance>();
URI uri = newParams().forURL(config.newAPIEndpointURI(BALANCE));
Request request = config.http().GET(uri, new PageReader(newRequestCallback(future, new Balance(), config)));
performRequest(future, request);
return future;
* @param stream the stream for which the DPU information is to be fetched
* @return a DPU breakdown of the stream's usage
public FutureData<Dpu> dpu(Stream stream) {
return dpu(FutureData.wrap(stream));
public FutureData<Dpu> dpu(FutureData<Stream> streamFuture) {
final FutureData<Dpu> future = new FutureData<Dpu>();
final Dpu dpu = new Dpu();
final FutureResponse<Stream> response = new FutureResponse<Stream>() {
public void apply(Stream stream) {
URI uri = newParams().put("hash", stream.hash()).forURL(config.newAPIEndpointURI(DPU));
Request request = config.http().GET(uri, new PageReader(newRequestCallback(future, dpu, config)));
performRequest(future, request);
unwrapFuture(streamFuture, future, dpu, response);
return future;
public FutureData<Usage> usage() {
return usage(Usage.Period.DAY);
* @param timePeriod A time period during which the usage information should be broken down
* @return a break down over the time period specified
public FutureData<Usage> usage(Usage.Period timePeriod) {
FutureData<Usage> future = new FutureData<Usage>();
String period;
switch (timePeriod) {
case HOUR:
period = "hour";
period = "current";
case DAY:
period = "day";
URI uri = newParams().put("period", period).forURL(config.newAPIEndpointURI(USAGE));
Request request = config.http().GET(uri, new PageReader(newRequestCallback(future, new Usage(), config)));
performRequest(future, request);
return future;
public void shutdown() {