package com.sk89q.craftbook.mechanics.area;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.util.BukkitUtil;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.BlockType;
* Represents a cuboid copy that can be saved to disk and loaded from disk. Supports multiple formats, like MCEDIT,
* or flat file copying.
* @author Silthus
public abstract class CuboidCopy {
protected World world;
protected Vector origin;
protected Vector size;
protected int width;
protected int height;
protected int length;
public CuboidCopy(Vector origin, Vector size, World world) {
this.origin = origin;
this.size = size; = world;
width = size.getBlockX();
height = size.getBlockY();
length = size.getBlockZ();
protected CuboidCopy() {
// used as constructor when file is loaded
* Loads a cuboid copy from the given file. This acts as a factory selecting the right file type depending on the
* given File.
* @param file to load from
* @return loaded CuboidCopy
* @throws CuboidCopyException is thrown when loading error occured
public static CuboidCopy load(File file, World world) throws CuboidCopyException {
// we need to split off the file extenstion to check what class we need to use
int index = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
String extension = file.getName().substring(index);
CuboidCopy copy = null;
if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".cbcopy")) {
// this copies only blocks and not sign text or chest contents
copy = new FlatCuboidCopy();
} else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".schematic")) {
copy = new MCEditCuboidCopy(world);
if (copy == null) throw new CuboidCopyException("The file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist.");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CuboidCopyException(e.getMessage());
} catch (DataException e) {
throw new CuboidCopyException(e.getMessage());
// make sure that null is never returned but an exception is thrown instead
return copy;
* Clear the area.
public void clear() {
if (world == null || origin == null) return;
List<Vector> queued = new ArrayList<Vector>();
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
Vector pt = origin.add(x, y, z);
if (pt == null) {
if (BlockType.shouldPlaceLast(world.getBlockTypeIdAt(BukkitUtil.toLocation(world, pt)))) {
Block block = world.getBlockAt(BukkitUtil.toLocation(world, pt));
if (block instanceof InventoryHolder) {
InventoryHolder holder = (InventoryHolder) block;
} else {
// Can't destroy these blocks yet
for (Vector pt : queued) {
Block block = world.getBlockAt(BukkitUtil.toLocation(world, pt));
if (block instanceof InventoryHolder) {
InventoryHolder holder = (InventoryHolder) block;
* Get the distance between a point and this cuboid.
* @param pos of the vector to compare
* @return distance between cuboid and point
public double distance(Vector pos) {
Vector max = origin.add(new Vector(width, height, length));
int closestX = Math.max(origin.getBlockX(), Math.min(max.getBlockX(), pos.getBlockX()));
int closestY = Math.max(origin.getBlockY(), Math.min(max.getBlockY(), pos.getBlockY()));
int closestZ = Math.max(origin.getBlockZ(), Math.min(max.getBlockZ(), pos.getBlockZ()));
return pos.distance(new Vector(closestX, closestY, closestZ));
* Saves the cuboid to file.
* @param file to save to
* @throws IOException
protected abstract void save(File file) throws IOException, DataException;
* Loads the cuboid from file. This method is for all sub classes.
* @param file to load from
* @throws IOException
* @throws CuboidCopyException
protected abstract void loadFromFile(File file) throws IOException, CuboidCopyException, DataException;
* Pastes the cuboid copy into the world on its point of origin.
public abstract void paste();
* Copies the cuboid from the world caching its state and blocks.
public abstract void copy();