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import com.pugh.sockso.Constants;
import com.pugh.sockso.Properties;
import com.pugh.sockso.Utils;
import com.pugh.sockso.db.Database;
import com.pugh.sockso.tests.SocksoTestCase;
import com.pugh.sockso.tests.TestDatabase;


import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;

public class DBCollectionManagerTest extends SocksoTestCase {
    private Properties p;
    private Indexer indexer;
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {


        p = createMock( Properties.class );
        expect( p.get(Constants.COLLMAN_SCAN_ONSTART) ).andReturn( Properties.NO );
        expect( p.get(Constants.COLLMAN_SCAN_INTERVAL,5) ).andReturn( (long) 20 );
        replay( p );

        indexer = createNiceMock( Indexer.class );


    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void testCheckTrackTagInfo() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        db.fixture( "checkTrackTagChange" );

        // Verify that if tag data == track name & number in db then track is not updated
            Track trackBefore = cm.getTrack(1);

            Tag newTag = createNiceMock( Tag.class );

            cm.checkTrackTagInfo(newTag, trackBefore);
            Track trackAfter = cm.getTrack(1);

            assertEquals(trackBefore.getId(), trackAfter.getId());
            assertEquals(trackBefore.getName(), trackAfter.getName());
            assertEquals(trackBefore.getNumber(), trackAfter.getNumber());

        // Verify that if tag track name changes then track is updated in db
            Track trackBefore = cm.getTrack(2);

            Tag newTag = createNiceMock( Tag.class );
            expect(newTag.getTrack()).andReturn( trackBefore.getName() + " changed!" ).anyTimes();
            expect(newTag.getTrackNumber()).andReturn( trackBefore.getNumber() ).anyTimes();

            cm.checkTrackTagInfo(newTag, trackBefore);
            Track trackAfter = cm.getTrack(2);

            assertEquals(trackBefore.getId(), trackAfter.getId());
            assertEquals(trackBefore.getNumber(), trackAfter.getNumber());

        // Verify that if tag track number changes then track is updated in db
            Track trackBefore = cm.getTrack(3);

            Tag newTag = createNiceMock( Tag.class );
            expect(newTag.getTrack()).andReturn( trackBefore.getName() ).anyTimes();
            expect(newTag.getTrackNumber()).andReturn( trackBefore.getNumber() + 1 ).anyTimes();

            cm.checkTrackTagInfo(newTag, trackBefore);
            Track trackAfter = cm.getTrack(3);

            assertEquals(trackBefore.getId(), trackAfter.getId());
            assertEquals(trackBefore.getName(), trackAfter.getName());
            assertFalse(trackBefore.getNumber() == trackAfter.getNumber());


    public void testAddDirectoryToDb() throws SQLException {
        final String dirPath = "/some/dir/";
        final int newColId = 1726;

        final ResultSet rs = createMock( ResultSet.class );
        expect( ).andReturn( true );
        expect( rs.getInt("new_id") ).andReturn( newColId );
        replay( rs );
        final PreparedStatement st = createNiceMock( PreparedStatement.class );
        expect( st.executeQuery() ).andReturn( rs );
        replay( st );
        final Database db = createMock( Database.class );
        expect( db.prepare((String)anyObject()) ).andReturn( st ).times( 2 );
        replay( db );
        final DBCollectionManager colMan = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );
        try {
            final File dir = new File( dirPath );
            final int actualColId = colMan.addDirectoryToDb( dir );
            assertEquals( newColId, actualColId );
            verify( db );
            verify( rs );
        catch ( final SQLException e ) {
            fail( e.getMessage() );
    public void testRemoveTrack() throws SQLException {
        final Database db = createMock( Database.class );
        expect( db.update((String)anyObject()) ).andReturn( 1 ).times( 3 );
        replay( db );
        final DBCollectionManager colMan = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );
        colMan.removeTrack( 123 );
        verify( db );
    public void testAddCollectionManagerListener() {
        DBCollectionManager colMan = new DBCollectionManager( null, p, indexer );
        colMan.addCollectionManagerListener( new CollectionManagerListener() {
            public void collectionManagerChangePerformed( final int type, final String change ) {}

    public void testFireCollectionManagerEvent() {
        final DBCollectionManager colMan = new DBCollectionManager( null, p, indexer );
        final CollectionManagerListener listener = new CollectionManagerListener() {
            public void collectionManagerChangePerformed( final int type, final String change ) {
                // @TODO - check method is called
        colMan.fireCollectionManagerEvent( -1, "hello" );

    public void testGetArtistBrowseName() throws Exception {
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( null, null, indexer );
        final String[] prefixes = { "The ", "Qwe" };

        assertEquals( "Fugees", cm.getArtistBrowseName( prefixes, "The Fugees" ) );
        assertEquals( " rty", cm.getArtistBrowseName( prefixes, "Qwe rty" ) );
        assertEquals( "The Fugees", cm.getArtistBrowseName( new String[] { "", "Fugees" }, "The Fugees" ) );
        assertEquals( "Fugees", cm.getArtistBrowseName( new String[] { "the " }, "The Fugees" ) );

    public void testGetArtistPrefixesToRemove() throws Exception {
        final Properties p = createMock( Properties.class );
        expect( p.get((String)anyObject()) ).andReturn( "The ,Die,Ha" ).times( 1 );
        replay( p );

        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( null, p, indexer );
        final String[] prefixes = cm.getArtistPrefixesToRemove();
        assertEquals( "The ", prefixes[0] );
        assertEquals( "Die", prefixes[1] );
        assertEquals( "Ha", prefixes[2] );
        verify( p );
    public void testCheckArtistTagInfo() throws IOException, SQLException {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );
        final String artistName = "My Artist";
        int firstArtistId = 0, secondArtistId = 0;

        db.fixture( "checkArtistTagChange" );

        Tag newTag = createMock( Tag.class );
        expect( newTag.getArtist() ).andReturn( artistName ).times(2);
        replay( newTag );

        Statement st = db.getConnection().createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from albums where id = 1" );
        while (
            firstArtistId = rs.getInt( "artist_id" );

        Utils.close( rs );
        Utils.close( st );

        Track track = cm.getTrack( 3 );
        cm.checkArtistTagInfo( newTag, track );
        track = cm.getTrack( 3 );

        st = db.getConnection().createStatement();
        rs = st.executeQuery("select * from albums where id = 3" );
        while (
            secondArtistId = rs.getInt( "artist_id" );

        Utils.close( rs );
        Utils.close( st );

        assertEquals( firstArtistId, secondArtistId );

    public void testGetTrack() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        db.fixture( "singleTrack" );

        final Track track = cm.getTrack( 1 );
        assertTrue( track.getPath().equals("/music/track.mp3") );

    public void testGetTrackNotFound() throws Exception {

        final Database db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        boolean gotException = false;

        try {
            cm.getTrack( -1 );
        catch ( final SQLException e ) {
            gotException = true;

        assertTrue( gotException );


    public void testSaveAndRemovePlaylist() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );
        final String name = Utils.getRandomString( 20 );

        db.fixture( "singleTrack" );

        final Track[] tracks = new Track[] {
            cm.getTrack( 1 )

        final int playlistId = cm.savePlaylist( name, tracks );

        assertTableSize( db, "playlists", tracks.length );

        cm.removePlaylist( playlistId );

        assertTableSize( db, "playlists", 0 );


    public void testRemoveEmptyArtists() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        // Should delete Artists with no Track or Album references
        db.fixture( "artists" );

        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 3 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );


        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );

    public void testDoesNotRemoveArtistsWithAlbums() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        // Should not delete an Artist that has Albums referencing it
        db.fixture( "artistsWithAlbums" );

        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );


        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );

    public void testDoesNotRemoveArtistsWithTracks() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        // Should not delete an Artist that has Tracks referencing it
        db.fixture( "artistsWithTracks" );

        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 1 );


        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 1 );


    public void testRemoveEmptyAlbums() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        // Should delete Albums that have no Tracks referencing them (Artists OK)
        db.fixture( "artistsWithAlbums" );

        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );


        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 0 );

    public void testDoesNotRemoveAlbumsWithTracks() throws Exception {

        final TestDatabase db = new TestDatabase();
        final DBCollectionManager cm = new DBCollectionManager( db, p, indexer );

        // Should not delete an Album that has Tracks referencing it
        db.fixture( "albumsWithTracks" );

        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 1 );


        assertTableSize( db, "artists", 0 );
        assertTableSize( db, "albums", 1 );
        assertTableSize( db, "tracks", 1 );



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