* Copyright (C) 2012 ZeroTurnaround <support@zeroturnaround.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
import org.gradle.tooling.BuildException;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.util.LoggerWrapper;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelClasspath;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelClasspathResource;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelWar;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelWeb;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelWebResource;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.model.RebelMainModel;
import org.zeroturnaround.jrebel.gradle.util.FileUtil;
public class RebelGenerateTask extends DefaultTask {
public static final String PACKAGING_TYPE_JAR = "jar";
public static final String PACKAGING_TYPE_WAR = "war";
private LoggerWrapper log = new LoggerWrapper(getProject().getLogger());
private String packaging;
private RebelClasspath classpath;
private RebelWeb web;
private RebelWar war;
private RebelMainModel rebelModel;
private boolean skipWritingRebelXml;
private Boolean alwaysGenerate;
private File defaultClassesDirectory;
private File defaultResourcesDirectory;
private File defaultWebappDirectory;
private Boolean showGenerated;
private File rebelXmlDirectory;
private Boolean isPluginConfigured = false;
private String configuredRootPath;
* XXX -- i'm not sure about this property at all. this is used in fixPath, so i don't dare to delete it as well.. ask
* Rein who probably originally introduced it to Maven plugin where it was copy-pasted from.
private File configuredRelativePath;
public String getConfiguredRootPath() {
return configuredRootPath;
public void setConfiguredRootPath(String path) {
this.configuredRootPath = path;
public File getConfiguredRelativePath() {
return configuredRelativePath;
public void setConfiguredRelativePath(File path) {
this.configuredRelativePath = path;
public String getPackaging() {
return packaging;
public void setPackaging(String packaging) {
this.packaging = packaging;
public Boolean getShowGenerated() {
return showGenerated;
public void setShowGenerated(Boolean showGenerated) {
this.showGenerated = showGenerated;
public RebelClasspath getClasspath() {
return classpath;
public void setClasspath(RebelClasspath path) {
this.classpath = path;
public RebelWeb getWeb() {
return web;
public void setWeb(RebelWeb web) {
this.web = web;
public RebelWar getWar() {
return war;
public void setWar(RebelWar _war) {
this.war = _war;
public Boolean getAlwaysGenerate() {
return alwaysGenerate;
public void setAlwaysGenerate(Boolean _alwaysGenerate) {
this.alwaysGenerate = _alwaysGenerate;
public File getDefaultClassesDirectory() {
return defaultClassesDirectory;
public File getDefaultResourcesDirectory() {
return defaultResourcesDirectory;
public File getDefaultWebappDirectory() {
return defaultWebappDirectory;
public File getRebelXmlDirectory() {
return rebelXmlDirectory;
* Getter for the functional tests to examine the model
public RebelMainModel getRebelModel() {
return rebelModel;
* Only for automated tests! Tests should not try to write the actual file.
public void skipWritingRebelXml() {
this.skipWritingRebelXml = true;
* The RebelPlugin#configure block has been executed
public void setPluginConfigured() {
this.isPluginConfigured = true;
* The actual invocation of our plugin task. Will construct the in-memory model (RebelXmlBuilder),
* generate the XML output based on it and write the XML into a file-system file (rebel.xml).
public void generate() {
// Only able to run if the 'RebelPlugin#configure' block has been executed, i.e. if the Java Plugin has been added.
if (!isPluginConfigured) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"generateRebel is only valid when JavaPlugin is applied directly or indirectly " +
"(via other plugins that apply it implicitly, like Groovy or War); please update your build"
log.info("rebel.alwaysGenerate = " + alwaysGenerate);
log.info("rebel.showGenerated = " + showGenerated);
log.info("rebel.rebelXmlDirectory = " + rebelXmlDirectory);
log.info("rebel.packaging = " + packaging);
log.info("rebel.war = " + war);
log.info("rebel.web = " + web);
log.info("rebel.classpath = " + classpath);
log.info("rebel.defaultClassesDirectory = " + defaultClassesDirectory);
log.info("rebel.defaultResourcesDirectory = " + defaultResourcesDirectory);
log.info("rebel.defaultWebappDirectory = " + defaultWebappDirectory);
log.info("rebel.configuredRootPath = " + configuredRootPath);
log.info("rebel.configuredRelativePath = " + configuredRelativePath);
// find rebel.xml location
File rebelXmlFile = null;
if (rebelXmlDirectory != null) {
rebelXmlFile = new File(rebelXmlDirectory, "rebel.xml");
// find build.gradle location
File buildXmlFile = getProject().getBuildFile();
if (!alwaysGenerate && (rebelXmlFile != null) && rebelXmlFile.exists() && (buildXmlFile != null) && buildXmlFile.exists() && rebelXmlFile.lastModified() > buildXmlFile.lastModified()) {
// find the type of the project
if (getPackaging().equals(PACKAGING_TYPE_JAR)) {
rebelModel = buildModelForJar();
else if (getPackaging().equals(PACKAGING_TYPE_WAR)) {
rebelModel = buildModelForWar();
if (rebelModel != null && !skipWritingRebelXml) {
* Construct a builder for jar projects
private RebelMainModel buildModelForJar() {
log.info("Building rebel backend model for jar ..");
RebelMainModel model = new RebelMainModel();
log.info("Backend model eventually built: " + model);
return model;
* Construct a builder for war projects
private RebelMainModel buildModelForWar() {
log.info("Building rebel backend model for war ..");
RebelMainModel model = new RebelMainModel();
log.info("Backend model eventually built: " + model);
return model;
* Compile the model that corresponds to the <classpath> node in rebel.xml.
private void buildClasspath(RebelMainModel model) {
// User has defined no 'classpath {}' block in the DSL configuration. Just add the default and return.
if (classpath == null) {
log.info("No custom classpath configuration found .. using the defaults");
buildDefaultClasspath(model, null);
// User has provided custom 'classpath {}' configuration
else {
// Search for the default element. If we find it, we have to place it exactly into the same place where we
// found it (preserving the order). If we *don't* find it, we'll add the default classpath as first element.
boolean addDefaultAsFirst = true;
RebelClasspathResource defaultClasspath = null;
// Just search for the default element. Don't add anything anywhere yet.
for (RebelClasspathResource resource : classpath.getResources()) {
// we found the default.
if (resource.isDefaultClasspathElement()) {
addDefaultAsFirst = false;
defaultClasspath = resource;
// Default classpath element not found. Put the default as first.
if (addDefaultAsFirst) {
// check if configuration allows adding the default
buildDefaultClasspath(model, defaultClasspath);
// Iterate through all classpath elements and add them.
for (RebelClasspathResource resource : classpath.getResources()) {
// Special treatment for the default.
if (resource.isDefaultClasspathElement()) {
buildDefaultClasspath(model, resource);
// An ordinary element. Add it.
else {
// TODO TODO TODO add the fixpath stuff!! --- better implementation!!
// TODO fix paths for other elements as well!
* Add the default classes directory to classpath
private void buildDefaultClasspath(RebelMainModel model, RebelClasspathResource defaultClasspath) throws BuildException {
// Add default resources dir to rebel.xml unless user's configuration disallows it
if (classpath == null || !classpath.isOmitDefaultResourcesDir()) {
// Add default classes dir to rebel.xml unless user's configuration disallows it
if (classpath == null || !classpath.isOmitDefaultClassesDir()) {
addDefaultClassesDirToClasspath(model, defaultClasspath);
* Add the default classes directory to classpath
private void addDefaultClassesDirToClasspath(RebelMainModel model, RebelClasspathResource defaultClasspath) {
// project output directory
RebelClasspathResource classpathResource = new RebelClasspathResource();
String fixedDefaultClassesDirectory = fixFilePath(defaultClassesDirectory);
log.info("fixed default classes directory : " + fixedDefaultClassesDirectory);
// XXX sure about this? what if i specified an absolute path with a placeholder in it?? this wouldn't work if i do this check!
if (!new File(fixedDefaultClassesDirectory).isDirectory()) {
log.info("Not adding default classes directory as it doesn't exist or is not a directory");
if (defaultClasspath != null) {
* Add the default resources directory to classpath
private void addDefaultResourcesDirToClasspath(RebelMainModel model) throws BuildException {
log.info("Adding default resources directory to classpath ..");
RebelClasspathResource resourcesClasspathResource = new RebelClasspathResource();
String fixedDefaultResourcesDir = fixFilePath(defaultResourcesDirectory);
log.info("Default resources directory after normalizing: " + fixedDefaultResourcesDir);
// XXX sure about this? what if i specified an absolute path with a placeholder in it?? this wouldn't work if i do this check!
if (!new File(resourcesClasspathResource.getDirectory()).isDirectory()) {
log.info("Didn't add default resources directory as it doesn't exist or is not a directory!");
* Build the model for the <web> element in rebel.xml
private void buildWeb(RebelMainModel model) {
// User has not devfined a 'web {}' block
if (web == null) {
buildDefaultWeb(model, null);
// A 'web {}' block was defined in configuration DSL
else {
// Go through all elements, look up the default one
boolean addDefaultAsFirst = true;
RebelWebResource defaultWeb = null;
for (RebelWebResource resource : web.getResources()) {
if (resource.isDefaultElement()) {
defaultWeb = resource;
addDefaultAsFirst = false;
// Add the default one as first, if a specific location was not specified by the empty element
if (addDefaultAsFirst) {
if (web != null && !web.getOmitDefault()) {
buildDefaultWeb(model, defaultWeb);
// Add all the other elements from the user's configuration
List<RebelWebResource> resources = web.getResources();
if (resources != null && resources.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) {
RebelWebResource resource = resources.get(i);
// Add the default element
if (resource.isDefaultElement()) {
if (!web.getOmitDefault()) {
buildDefaultWeb(model, resource);
// Add a normal, non-default element
else {
* The default for the <web> element in rebel.xml
private void buildDefaultWeb(RebelMainModel model, RebelWebResource defaultWeb) {
RebelWebResource r = new RebelWebResource();
if (defaultWeb != null) {
* Build model for thw <war> element in rebel.xml
private void buildWar(RebelMainModel model) {
// fix the path on the RebelWar object (whoooh...not nicest and not the nicest placing)
if (war != null && war.getPath() != null) {
private void generateRebelXml(File rebelXmlFile) {
// TODO replacement of those placeholders does not work and probably has never worked (probably copy-pasted from maven plugin). REPLACE!
log.info("Processing ${project.group}:${project.name} with packaging " + getPackaging());
log.info("Generating \"${rebelXmlFile}\"...");
// Do generate the rebel.xml
try {
String xmlFileContents = getRebelModel().toXmlString();
// Print generated rebel.xml out to console if user wants to see it
if (getShowGenerated()) {
// Write out the rebel.xml file
FileUtil.writeToFile(rebelXmlFile, xmlFileContents);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Failed writing \"${rebelXmlFile}\"", e);
* Get the absolute, normalized path.
* XXX maybe should be moved to an external utility class
private String fixFilePath(File file) {
File baseDir = getProject().getProjectDir();
if (file.isAbsolute() && !FileUtil.isRelativeToPath(new File(baseDir, getRelativePath()), file)) {
return StringUtils.replace(FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(file), "\\", "/");
if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
file = new File(baseDir, file.getPath());
String relative = FileUtil.getRelativePath(new File(baseDir, getRelativePath()), file);
if (!(new File(relative)).isAbsolute()) {
return StringUtils.replace(getRootPath(), "\\", "/") + "/" + relative;
// relative path was outside baseDir
// if root path is absolute then try to get a path relative to root
if ((new File(getRootPath())).isAbsolute()) {
String s = FileUtil.getRelativePath(new File(getRootPath()), file);
if (!(new File(s)).isAbsolute()) {
return StringUtils.replace(getRootPath(), "\\", "/") + "/" + s;
else {
// root path and the calculated path are absolute, so
// just return calculated path
return s;
// return absolute path to file
return StringUtils.replace(file.getAbsolutePath(), "\\", "/");
private String fixFilePath(String path) {
return fixFilePath(new File(path));
private String getRelativePath() {
if (getConfiguredRelativePath() != null) {
return getConfiguredRelativePath().getAbsolutePath();
else {
return ".";
private String getRootPath() {
if (getConfiguredRootPath() != null) {
return getConfiguredRootPath();
else {
return getProject().getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath();
/* ====================================================================================================
* Properties intercepted by Gradle's convention-mapping byte code magic. These methods will actually
* be intercepted and return values set by the callback set up in RebelPlugin#configure.
* These properties are cached into local variables to lessen the magic. See propagateConventionMappingSettings().
public static final String NAME_DEFAULT_CLASSES_DIRECTORY = "defaultClassesDirectory$MAGIC";
public static final String NAME_DEFAULT_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY = "defaultResourcesDirectory$MAGIC";
public static final String NAME_DEFAULT_WEBAPP_DIRECTORY = "defaultWebappDirectory$MAGIC";
public static final String NAME_REBEL_XML_DIRECTORY = "rebelXmlDirectory$MAGIC";
public File getDefaultClassesDirectory$MAGIC() {
return null;
public File getDefaultResourcesDirectory$MAGIC() {
return null;
public File getDefaultWebappDirectory$MAGIC() {
return null;
public File getRebelXmlDirectory$MAGIC() {
return null;
* Let the convention-mappings propagate its settings to me through the magic getters,
* save copies of them locally into normal instance variables.
* (public only for unit tests)
public void propagateConventionMappingSettings() {
defaultClassesDirectory = getDefaultClassesDirectory$MAGIC();
defaultResourcesDirectory = getDefaultResourcesDirectory$MAGIC();
defaultWebappDirectory = getDefaultWebappDirectory$MAGIC();
rebelXmlDirectory = getRebelXmlDirectory$MAGIC();
// ========== END OF convention-mapping's intercepted magic methods