* Copyright 2012 Friedrich Große, Paul Seiferth,
* Sebastian Starroske, Yannik Stein
* This file is part of MetaHeuristics4Java.
* MetaHeuristics4Java is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MetaHeuristics4Java is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MetaHeuristics4Java. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.mh4j.solver.genetic;
import java.util.Collection;
import de.mh4j.solver.AbstractSolver;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.darwin.Darwin;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.genepool.GenePool;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.initialization.Initializer;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.matingselection.MatingSelector;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.mutation.Mutator;
import de.mh4j.solver.genetic.recombination.Recombinator;
import de.mh4j.util.GaussianDistribution;
* TODO write class description
* @author Friedrich Große
* @param <GenericSolutionType>
public class GeneticSolver<GenericGenomeType extends Genome> extends AbstractSolver<GenericGenomeType> {
protected GenePool<GenericGenomeType> genePool;
private final Initializer<GenericGenomeType> initializer;
private final MatingSelector<GenericGenomeType> matingSelector;
private final Recombinator<GenericGenomeType> recombinator;
private final Mutator<GenericGenomeType> mutator;
private final Darwin<GenericGenomeType> darwin;
private final GaussianDistribution random;
private final double standardDeviationFactor = 0.9;
private final int populationSize;
private final int numberOfChildren;
* TODO add javadoc
public GeneticSolver(int populationSize, int numberOfChildren, Initializer<GenericGenomeType> initializer,
MatingSelector<GenericGenomeType> matingSelector, Recombinator<GenericGenomeType> recombinator,
Mutator<GenericGenomeType> mutator, Darwin<GenericGenomeType> darwin) {
this.populationSize = populationSize;
this.numberOfChildren = numberOfChildren;
this.initializer = initializer;
this.matingSelector = matingSelector;
this.recombinator = recombinator;
this.mutator = mutator;
this.darwin = darwin;
random = new GaussianDistribution();
public void doInitialize() {
genePool = initializer.getInitialGenePool(populationSize);
// FIXME remove all this commented code >.<
protected void doStep() {
Collection<Couple> selectedParents = matingSelector.select(numberOfChildren, genePool);
for (Couple couple : selectedParents) {
// log.info("Recombinate (costs {} and {}) {}", new Object[] {
// couple.getParent1().getCosts(), couple.getParent2().getCosts(),
// couple });
GenericGenomeType child = recombinator.recombinate(couple);
child = mutator.mutate(child);
// log.info("Child (costs {}) {}", child.getCosts(), child);
darwin.select(genePool, populationSize);
// log.info("New Standard Deviation is {}",
// random.getStandardDeviation());
// log.info("{} of all children survived", genePool.getSuccessRate());
// log.info("Best individual (costs {}) is {}",
// genePool.getFittestGenome().getCosts(), genePool.getFittestGenome());
// log.info("Best individual contains all wanted items: {}",
// genePool.getFittestGenome().containsAllWantedItems());
// log.info("");
* 1/5 - Success Rule:<br>
* FIXME write javadoc
private void updateMutationRate() {
if (genePool.getSuccessRate() < 0.2) {
else if (random.getStandardDeviation() <= 10) {
random.multStandardDeviationWith(1 / standardDeviationFactor);
public GenericGenomeType getCurrentSolution() {
return genePool.getFittestGenome();
* TODO write javadoc
public GenePool<GenericGenomeType> getPopulation() {
return genePool;
* TODO write javadoc
public void setPopulation(GenePool<GenericGenomeType> genePool) {
this.genePool = genePool;