File: WaterfallDisplay.java
Project: OpenSonATA
Authors: The OpenSonATA code is the result of many programmers
over many years
Copyright 2011 The SETI Institute
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* @file WaterfallDisplay.java
* Waterfall display.
* Project: OpenSonATA
* <BR>
* Version: 1.0
* <BR>
* Authors:
* - Jon Richards (current maintainer)
* - The OpenSonATA code is the result of many programmers over many
* years.
package opensonata.dataDisplays;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.awt.print.*;
import edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D;
import ptolemy.plot.*;
* Reads complex amplitude time samples from a file and plots the
* data as freq vs time vs power.
public class WaterfallDisplay extends JPanel implements ReadoutListener
//The input filename specified on the command line or selected by the user.
String inFilename;
//The output filename specified on the command line or selected by the user.
String outFilename;
//the width and height of the waterfall image
int width;
int height;
float pixelScaleFactor;
float pixelOffsetFactor;
// FFT waterfall image buffers
BufferedImage origBuffImage;
BufferedImage scaledBuffImage;
FileScanner fileScanner;
CoefConversion coefConversion;
AverageComplexAmplitudes averageComplexAmplitudes;
ComplexAmplitudes compAmps;
ReadoutPlot readoutPlot;
PrinterJob printJob;
final int imageType = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
boolean readGrayscalePixels = false;
int displayResolution = 1;
boolean slowPlay = false;
boolean repeatPlay = false;
boolean usingGui = true;
String title = "";
// for selecting the particular subband to display among those in the file
int subbandOffset;
// GUI components
JFrame mainGuiFrame;
ImagePanel imagePanel;
JFrame plotFrame;
JFrame imageAdjustmentFrame;
JLabel polValueLabel;
JLabel currentFileText;
JLabel subbandNumberValueLabel;
JLabel rfCenterFreqValueLabel;
JLabel halfFrameNumberValueLabel;
JLabel binFreqReadoutValueLabel;
JLabel binNumberReadoutValueLabel;
JLabel bandwidthValueLabel;
JLabel activityIdValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsSubbandNumberValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsBinFreqReadoutValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsBinNumberReadoutValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsPowerReadoutValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsBandwidthValueLabel;
JLabel aveCompAmpsCurrentFileText;
* Manages the image panel.
* Also provides image printing.
class ImagePanel extends JPanel implements Printable
BufferedImage image;
* Constructor.
public ImagePanel()
setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
* Assign the image buffer for this instance.
* @param image the BufferedImage instance.
public void setImage(BufferedImage image)
this.image = image;
* Paint the image.
* @param g the Graphics instance for drawing.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
super.paintComponent(g); // paint background
// Draw image at its natural size.
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
* Prints the image.
* @param g the Graphics instance for drawing.
* @param pageFormat the format of the page.
* @param pageIndex the index of the page. Only a value of 1 is
* acceptable.
* @return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS if this is a valid page and it was
* printed. otherwise Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE is returned.
* @throws PrinterException
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex)
throws PrinterException
if (pageIndex >= 1)
return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
// create a copy of the image that has the grayscale inverted
// (black for white)
// to save toner on printouts
int tableLen = 256;
short[] grayscaleInvertTable = new short[tableLen];
for (int i = 0; i < tableLen; i++)
grayscaleInvertTable[i] = (short) ((tableLen-1) - i);
BufferedImageOp grayInvertOp =
new LookupOp(new ShortLookupTable(0, grayscaleInvertTable),
BufferedImage grayInvertedImage =
new BufferedImage(width, height, imageType);
grayInvertOp.filter(image, grayInvertedImage);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
//--- Translate the origin to 0,0 for the top left corner
g2.translate (pageFormat.getImageableX (),
pageFormat.getImageableY ());
// Scale the image to fit properly on the output printed page.
double POINTS_PER_INCH = 72;
double widthScaleFactor =
pageFormat.getImageableWidth() / POINTS_PER_INCH;
double heightScaleFactor =
pageFormat.getImageableHeight() / POINTS_PER_INCH;
// finally, draw the image.
g2.drawImage (grayInvertedImage,
(int) (0.25 * POINTS_PER_INCH),
(int) (0.25 * POINTS_PER_INCH),
(int) (widthScaleFactor * POINTS_PER_INCH),
(int) (heightScaleFactor * POINTS_PER_INCH),
return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
} //End of ImagePanel class.
* Converts complex amplitude time samples into 1,2 or 4 Hz data and
* converts the freq domain values to pixels.
* Note that the cofficients arrive in half frames. So 512 samples
* at a time, 1024 values which are real,imaginary,real,imaginary...
* One full frame is 1024 samples, which is 2048 values
* (real,imaginary,real,imaginary...)
class CoefConversion
* Storage of the previous conversions coefficients.
* coefficients arrive in half frames.
private double[] prevCoef = null;
* Initialze the previous conversions coefficients.
synchronized public void startNewDataStream()
// need to flush out the pipelined data
prevCoef = null;
* Convert the 1kHz data to 2kHz values.
* @param coef the array of coefficients. This is a half
* frame of coefficients.
public double[] convertCoefsTo2HzFreqValues(double coef[])
// Time sample order is real, imag in adjacent array elements.
// Note that transform occurs in-place, so a copy
// of the input array is used.
double[] results = new double[coef.length];
for (int i=0; i<coef.length; i++)
results[i] = coef[i];
return results;
* Convert the 1kHz data to 4kHz values.
* @todo Is this the algorithm correct?
* @param coef the array of coefficients. This is a half
* frame of coefficients.
public double[] convertCoefsTo4HzFreqValues(double coef[])
// Time sample order is real, imag in adjacent array elements.
// Note that transform occurs in-place, so a copy
// of the input array is used.
double[] results = new double[coef.length/2];
for (int i=0; i<coef.length; i+=4)
results[i/2] = (coef[i] + coef[i+2])/2.0;
results[i/2+1] = (coef[i+1] + coef[i+3])/2.0;;
return results;
* Convert the 1Hz complex amplitude values to frequency values.
* This pieces together the last half frame and the current half
* frame to operate on one full frame. Pipelined.
* @param newCoef the latest half frame.
* @return an array of frequency values. Sonce this is pipelined, the
* first time there is no half frame of coeffiecients stored so a
* zeroed array is returned.
synchronized public double[] convertCoefsTo1HzFreqValues(double newCoef[])
// arrays are twice as big as the MAX_SUBBAND_BINS consts
// because the real/imag values have been unpacked into
// adjacent array elements.
// must be able to hold two 1KHz arrays
double[] combinedCoef =
// If first time or a reset has occurred
if (prevCoef == null) // first time or reset
prevCoef = new double[2 * MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1KHZ_HALF_FRAME];
// Copy the new coefficients into the last half frame array
for (int i=0; i<newCoef.length; ++i)
prevCoef[i] = newCoef[i];
//Zero out the array to return.
for (int i=0; i<combinedCoef.length; ++i)
combinedCoef[i] = 0;
return combinedCoef; // return empty array the first time
// copy the previous coefs
for (int i=0; i<prevCoef.length; ++i)
combinedCoef[i] = prevCoef[i];
// add the new coefs on to the end of the last ones
for (int i=0; i<newCoef.length; ++i)
combinedCoef[i+2*MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1KHZ_HALF_FRAME] = newCoef[i];
// convert them
// save the most recent data for next time
for (int i=0; i<newCoef.length; ++i)
prevCoef[i] = newCoef[i];
return combinedCoef;
* Convert the complex amplitude time samples to the frequency domain.
* Time sample order is real, imag in adjacent array elements
* @param coef the array of complex amplitude time samples.
* The return values are placed back into the coef[] array.
private void convertCoefsToFreqValues(double coef[])
//The number of coefficients for the FFT
int transformLength = coef.length / 2; // N real, imag pairs
// Perform the FFT. Values are placed back in coef[].
DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(transformLength);
// Swap the left/right halves of the output array
// to get the negative freqs into the proper place.
for (int i = 0; i < transformLength; ++i)
double temp = coef[i + transformLength];
coef[i+transformLength] = coef[i];
coef[i] = temp;
// Normalize by the mean square value
double sumSquare = 0;
for (int i=0; i<coef.length; i+=2)
sumSquare += Math.abs(coef[i]) * Math.abs(coef[i]) +
Math.abs(coef[i+1]) * Math.abs(coef[i+1]);
double meanSquare = sumSquare / transformLength;
double norm = Math.sqrt(meanSquare);
for (int i=0; i<coef.length; ++i)
coef[i] /= norm;
// trim to min/max values
int maxValue = 7;
int minValue = -maxValue;
if (coef[i] > maxValue) coef[i] = maxValue;
if (coef[i] < minValue) coef[i] = minValue;
* Convert the FFT values to pixel values.
* @todo kes: we need to eliminate the edge bins created by the
* oversampling process; they are discarded because they lie outside
* the actual bandwidth of the subchannel.
* @param coef the array of FFTp coeffieients.
* @param pixbuff the output pixels.
public void convertFFTValuesToPixels(double coef[], int[] pixbuff)
int maxPixelValue = 255;
double maxPairValue = 7;
double maxPowerValue = maxPairValue * maxPairValue +
maxPairValue * maxPairValue;
double scaleFactor = 4;
double scale = (double) maxPixelValue / maxPowerValue * scaleFactor;
// zero output buffer in case it's only partially filled
for (int i=0; i<pixbuff.length; ++i)
pixbuff[i] = 0;
// See the todo
int pixIndex = 0;
int discard = (int) (coef.length * compAmps.overSampling);
int ofs = discard / 2;
int length = coef.length - discard;
//System.out.println("pixbuff length = " + pixbuff.length + ", Coef.length=" + coef.length);
//System.out.println("ofs = " + ofs + " length = " + length);
int pixelShift = (int)(width/2) - (int)(length/4);
//System.out.println("Shift=" + pixelShift);
// convert to power (sum of the squares)
for (int i=0; i<length; i+=2)
double realValue = coef[ofs+i];
double imagValue = coef[ofs+i+1];
int power = (int) (realValue * realValue +
imagValue * imagValue);
int pixel = (int) (power * scale);
if (pixel > maxPixelValue)
pixel = maxPixelValue;
int index = pixelShift + pixIndex++;
if(index < pixbuff.length)
pixbuff[index] = pixel;
// end class CoefConversion
* Manages complex amplitudes.
* <p>
* See <a href="../../include/html/ssePdmInterface_8h_source.html">
* ssePdmInterface.h</a> for the C++ version of this struct
* (ComplexAmplitudeHeader and SubbandCoef1KHz structs).
class ComplexAmplitudes
//Usually the data is 1 subband, but can be more than one.
//As a sanity check limit the max number of subbands to 16.
int maxSubbands = 16; // sanity check
// data header
double rfCenterFrequency;
int halfFrameNumber;
int activityId;
double hzPerSubband;
int startSubbandId;
int numberOfSubbands;
float overSampling;
int polarization; // defined as Polarization enum. Assumed to be 32bit.
int compAmpsSubbandOffset = 0;
// fixed length body, but is repeated numberOfSubbands times
int rawCoef[];
* Stores the complex values when converted to doubles.
* RRRRIIII real & image complex pair
* <p>
* 4 bit signed (2's complement), high bits on the left
* extracted coefs as doubles
double coef[];
* Pull out two 4-bit coef values & store in double array.
* Real, imaginary values are stored in adjacent array elements
* The result is stored in the coek[] array.
private void unpackCoefsIntoDoubles()
coef = new double[rawCoef.length * 2];
int outIndex = 0;
for (int i=0; i<rawCoef.length; ++i)
// coef's are:
// RRRRIIII (4 bits real, 4 bits imaginary in 2's complement)
int realValue = (rawCoef[i] & 0x000000f0) >> 4;
if ((realValue & 0x00000008) != 0)
realValue |= 0xfffffff0; // sign extend
int imagValue = rawCoef[i] & 0x0000000f;
if ((imagValue & 0x00000008) != 0)
imagValue |= 0xfffffff0; // sign extend
coef[outIndex++] = realValue;
coef[outIndex++] = imagValue;
* Read the data header.
* @param in the input data stream to read from.
* @throws java.io.IOException.
private void readHeader(DataInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException
// read the header
rfCenterFrequency = in.readDouble();
halfFrameNumber = in.readInt();
activityId = in.readInt();
hzPerSubband = in.readDouble();
startSubbandId = in.readInt();
numberOfSubbands = in.readInt();
overSampling = in.readFloat();
polarization = in.readInt();
// validate length of compamp value array
if (numberOfSubbands < 1 || numberOfSubbands > maxSubbands)
"ERROR: subbands value " + numberOfSubbands +
" out of range. Must be 1 - " + maxSubbands);
throw new java.io.IOException();
* Set the subband offset for reading the correct subband from the data.
* @param subbandOffset the offset from the subband.
public void setSubbandOffset(int subbandOffset)
compAmpsSubbandOffset = subbandOffset;
* Read one half frame of data.
* @param in the input data stream to read from.
* @throws java.io.IOException.
public void readSubbandData(DataInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException
// TBD read numberOfSubbands times
// read the variable length baseline value array
for (int i=0; i<MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1KHZ_HALF_FRAME; ++i)
rawCoef[i] = in.readUnsignedByte();
* Read one half frame of data and throw the data away.
* @param in the input data stream to read from.
* @throws java.io.IOException.
public void skipSubbandData(DataInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException
// read the variable length baseline value array
for (int i=0; i<MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1KHZ_HALF_FRAME; ++i)
int discard = in.readUnsignedByte();
* Manage reading in one full record of header and data.
* @param in the input data stream to read from.
* @throws java.io.IOException.
public void read(DataInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException
// assume requested subbandOffset runs from 0 to numberOfSubbands-1
// make sure the request doesn't exceed the actual
// number of subbands
int subbandOffset = compAmpsSubbandOffset;
if (subbandOffset > numberOfSubbands-1)
subbandOffset = 0;
System.out.println("subbandOffset exceeds number of available subbands");
// TBD warning
// pick out the requested subband (based on the subbandOffset) to display
// skip the data before the desired subband
for (int i=0; i<subbandOffset && i < numberOfSubbands-1; ++i)
//System.out.println("skipping pre subband " + i);
// adjust the center frequency to match the selected
// subband. the one in the header is defined to be the
// center freq of the first subband.
double hzPerMHz = 1e6;
double offsetMHz = (subbandOffset) * hzPerSubband / hzPerMHz;
rfCenterFrequency += offsetMHz;
// read the desired subband
// skip the data after the desired subband
for (int i=subbandOffset+1; i<=numberOfSubbands-1; ++i)
//System.out.println("skipping post subband " + i);
* Convert the polarization value in the header to a string.
* @param pol the polarization number from the header.
* @return R, L, B, M, or ?
private String polIntToString(int pol)
String value;
switch (pol)
case 0: value ="R"; // right circular
case 1: value = "L"; // left circular
case 2: value = "B"; // both
case 3: value = "M"; // mixed
default: value = "?";
return value;
* get the latest read in polarization from the header as a string.
* @return R, L, B, M, or ?
public String getPolAsString()
return polIntToString(polarization);
* Print to standard out the lastest read in header information.
public void printHeader()
"rfcenterFreq " + rfCenterFrequency + " MHz," +
" halfFrameNumber " + halfFrameNumber + "," +
" activityId " + activityId + "," +
" hzPerSubband " + hzPerSubband + "," +
" startSubbandId " + startSubbandId + "," +
" #subbands " + numberOfSubbands + "," +
" overSampling " + overSampling + "," +
" pol " + polIntToString(polarization)
* Print to standard out the latest read in complex amplitude values.
public void printBody()
int maxToPrint = 5;
System.out.print("Compamp Values: ");
for (int i=0; i<maxToPrint && i<MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1KHZ_HALF_FRAME; ++i)
System.out.print(coef[i] + " ");
} //End of ComplexAmplitudes class
* Manage the average complex amplitudes.
* Keeps track of averageComplexAmplitudes stored as power values.
class AverageComplexAmplitudes
private double[] powerSum = null;
private double[] powerAve = null;
int numberOfFrames = 0;
int arraySize = 0;
* Constructor.
* @param arraySize the size of the complex amplitide array.
AverageComplexAmplitudes(int arraySize)
this.arraySize = arraySize;
* Reset the data managed by this class.
void reset()
numberOfFrames = 0;
powerSum = new double[arraySize];
powerAve = new double[arraySize];
* Calculate the power of each fft value and add it to the
* powerSum and powerAve arrays.
* @param fftValues an array of FFTp values, real,imaginary, real...
void add(double[] fftValues)
// find the sum & the average for each fftValue
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<fftValues.length; i+=2)
double realValue = fftValues[i];
double imagValue = fftValues[i+1];
double power = realValue * realValue +
imagValue * imagValue;
powerSum[j] += power;
powerAve[j] = powerSum[j] / numberOfFrames;
* Get the array of average power values.
* @return the array of power average power values.
double[] getAverageValues()
return powerAve;
} //End of AverageComplexAmplitudes class.
* Constructor.
* @param usingGui true if using GUI, false if not.
* @param mainGuiFrame the JFrame containing the GUI.
* @param inFilename the input data file name.
* @param outFilename the output data file name.
* @param subbandOffset the subband offset.
* @param width the width if the waterfall image window.
* @param height the hieght if the waterfall image window.
* @param pixelScaleFactor the waterfall image scale.
* @param pixelOffsetFactor the waterfall image offset.
* @param resolutionHz the resolution in Hz (1, 2 or 4)
* @param slowPlay if true display the data slowly to approximate
* the speed of the real time system.
* @param repeatPlay if true repeat over and over.
* @param title the title to display at the top of the frame.
public WaterfallDisplay(boolean usingGui,
JFrame mainGuiFrame,
String inFilename,
String outFilename,
int subbandOffset,
int width, int height,
float pixelScaleFactor, float pixelOffsetFactor,
int resolutionHz,
boolean slowPlay,
boolean repeatPlay,
String title)
this.usingGui = usingGui;
this.mainGuiFrame = mainGuiFrame;
this.inFilename = inFilename;
this.outFilename = outFilename;
this.subbandOffset = subbandOffset;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.pixelScaleFactor = pixelScaleFactor;
this.pixelOffsetFactor = pixelOffsetFactor;
this.title = title;
if (usingGui)
this.currentFileText = new JLabel("");
this.aveCompAmpsCurrentFileText = new JLabel("");
this.displayResolution = resolutionHz;
this.slowPlay = slowPlay;
this.repeatPlay = repeatPlay;
origBuffImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, imageType);
scaledBuffImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, imageType);
compAmps = new ComplexAmplitudes();
coefConversion = new CoefConversion();
averageComplexAmplitudes =
new AverageComplexAmplitudes(MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1HZ_HALF_FRAME);
* Read a file containing gray pixel data or complex amplitude data and
* turn it into an image.
* If an EOFException is received, it means the file has been truncated
* and it needs to be reopened.
* <p>
* Effectively does a 'tail -f' on the file, sleeping periodically
* until new data appears.
private class FileScanner extends Thread
int width;
int height;
String filename;
DataInputStream in;
// transform: shift image by 1 Y pixel
AffineTransformOp aftOpShift1LineDown;
// transform: copy image unchanged
AffineTransformOp aftOpCopy;
BufferedImage shiftedBuffImage;
int imageRowCount;
* Constructor.
* @param filename the name of the file to read.
* @param width the width of the image.
* @param height the height of the image.
FileScanner(String filename, int width, int height)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.filename = filename;
// create transform to shift orig image down by 1 line (1 Y pixel)
AffineTransform aftShift = new AffineTransform();
aftShift.setToTranslation(0.0, 1.0); // shift y
aftOpShift1LineDown = new AffineTransformOp(aftShift, null);
// create transform to copy orig image, unchanged
AffineTransform aftCopy = new AffineTransform();
aftCopy.setToTranslation(0.0, 0.0); // no shift
aftOpCopy = new AffineTransformOp(aftCopy, null);
// make empty temp image
shiftedBuffImage = new BufferedImage(width, height,
* Assign the filename to this class instance and open the file.
* @param filename the name of the file to open.
public void openNewFile(String filename)
this.filename = filename;
* Open the file.
private void openFile()
if (filename != "")
//System.out.println("openFile called");
// close previously open stream
// TBD synchronize this?
if (in != null)
in = null;
// remove any previously stored complex amplitude data
// (used for pipelining fft conversion to 1Hz data)
imageRowCount = 0;
in = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(filename)));
catch (IOException e)
* Sleep 200 milliseconds.
private void sleep()
int latency = 200; //mS
catch (InterruptedException e)
// Interrupt may be thrown manually by stop()
* Add a separator between the old data & the new.
* make the line just bright enough to see without being too bright.
private void separatePreviouslyDisplayedData()
int lineBrightnessPixelValue = 40;
int nRows = 1;
* Add one or more rows to the image of a constant brightness.
* @param brightnessPixelValue the brighness of the pixel, 0 to 255.
* @param nRows the number of rows to add.
private void addRowsOfConstantBrightness(int brightnessPixelValue,
int nRows)
// make a solid line
int rowSize = width;
int [] pixrow = new int[rowSize];
for (int i=0; i<pixrow.length; ++i)
pixrow[i] = brightnessPixelValue;
for (int i=0; i < nRows; ++i)
* Add the row of pixels to the top of the image.
* @param pixrow an array of data to be added as one row of the image.
private void addPixelRowToImage(int[] pixrow)
// shift orig buff down by one pixel
aftOpShift1LineDown.filter(origBuffImage, shiftedBuffImage);
// add in new line at the top
int nrows = 1;
//System.out.println("" + pixrow[0] + "," + pixrow[1] + "," + pixrow[2] + "," + pixrow[3]);
shiftedBuffImage.getRaster().setPixels(0, 0, width, nrows, pixrow);
// copy shifted image back to orig
aftOpCopy.filter(shiftedBuffImage, origBuffImage);
* Update the GUI text information.
* @param compAmps an instance of a ComplexAmplitudes class containing
* the information to display.
private void updateDisplayHeaders(ComplexAmplitudes compAmps)
DecimalFormat rfCenterFreqFormatter =
new DecimalFormat("0000.000000 MHz ");
DecimalFormat halfFrameFormatter =
new DecimalFormat("0000 ");
DecimalFormat subbandNumberFormatter =
new DecimalFormat("0000 ");
DecimalFormat bandwidthFormatter =
new DecimalFormat("000.0 Hz ");
DecimalFormat activityIdFormatter =
new DecimalFormat("0000 ");
if (usingGui)
// update widgets
polValueLabel.setText("" + compAmps.getPolAsString() + " ");
// Not in GUI mode, draw directly on image
String header1 = "Waterfall: ";
if (title.equals(""))
// use last part of filename as title
header1 += " File: " + new File(inFilename).getName();
header1 += title;
String header2 = "Center Freq: "
+ rfCenterFreqFormatter.format(compAmps.rfCenterFrequency)
+ " Subband: "
+ subbandNumberFormatter.format(compAmps.startSubbandId)
+ " BW: "
+ bandwidthFormatter.format(compAmps.hzPerSubband)
+ " #Half Frames: "
+ halfFrameFormatter.format(compAmps.halfFrameNumber)
+ " ActId: "
+ activityIdFormatter.format(compAmps.activityId);
// make room in top of buffer for header labels
// line separator
int pixelBrightness=100;
int nRows=1;
addRowsOfConstantBrightness(pixelBrightness, nRows);
Graphics2D g2d = scaledBuffImage.createGraphics();
int fontHeight = g2d.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
//System.out.println("font height is: " + fontHeight);
// space for header labels
int nHeaderLines=2;
int nWaterfallRows=nHeaderLines * fontHeight;
addRowsOfConstantBrightness(pixelBrightness, nWaterfallRows);
int headerX = 5;
int headerY = g2d.getFontMetrics().getAscent();
g2d.drawString(header1, headerX, headerY);
headerY += fontHeight;
g2d.drawString(header2, headerX, headerY);
* Add the average complex amplitites and add to the image.
* @param fftValues th earray of computed FFT values.
private void plotAverageComplexAmplitudes(double[] fftValues)
if (usingGui)
* Add a line of complex amplitude averates to the image.
* @param values the array of average values.
private void plotComplexAmplitudes(double[] values)
int datasetIndex = 0;
boolean connected = true;
double xvalue;
double yvalue;
int discard = (int) (values.length * compAmps.overSampling);
int start = discard / 2;
int end = values.length - discard / 2;
// go through data array & plot all the points
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
xvalue = i; // use index for now
if (i < start || i >= end)
yvalue = 0;
yvalue = values[i];
readoutPlot.addPoint(datasetIndex, xvalue, yvalue, connected);
// add a final point at the end with a zero Y value,
// to force the y axis to display full scale
xvalue = values.length;
yvalue = 0;
readoutPlot.addPoint(datasetIndex, xvalue, yvalue, connected);
// properly scale the plot to fit this data
* Clear the plot.
private void clearPlot()
int datasetIndex = 0;
if (usingGui)
* Sleep for 750 milliseconds.
private void slowPlaySleep()
int latency = 750; //mS, simulate data delivery rate
catch (InterruptedException e)
// Interrupt may be thrown manually by stop()
* Save the waterfall image to a jpeg file.
private void saveWaterfallAsJpegFile() throws java.io.IOException
// Crop the image buffer so that any blank
// areas at the bottom are eliminated.
BufferedImage croppedWaterfall =
File jpegFile = new File(outFilename);
ImageIO.write(croppedWaterfall, "jpg", jpegFile);
* Run continually.
public void run()
int rowSize = width;
int count = 0;
int[] pixbuff = new int[rowSize];
double[] fftValues;
boolean continueRunning = true;
while (continueRunning)
// Keep reading pixel data. When enough
// for a row shows up, then add it to the display.
int x = 0;
int minBytesToRead = 1;
while (in != null && (in.available() >= minBytesToRead))
if (readGrayscalePixels)
int rawByte = in.readUnsignedByte();
pixbuff[x++] = rawByte;
if (x >= rowSize)
x = 0;
if (slowPlay)
//read in the data
if (usingGui)
double[] timeSamples = compAmps.coef;
if (displayResolution == 1)
fftValues =
else if(displayResolution == 2)
fftValues =
else //4
fftValues =
fftValues, pixbuff);
if (! usingGui)
continueRunning = false;
// Detecting file truncation in this
// way is not documented but seems to work.
// TBD: come up with a better method
if (in != null && in.available() < 0)
throw new EOFException();
catch (EOFException e)
// Input file was truncated (or error)
// Reopen file to start over.
if (usingGui)
// batch mode, hit EOF unexpectedly, so quit
continueRunning = false;
catch (IOException e)
if (repeatPlay)
//System.out.println("read " + count + " bytes");
// wait for more data to appear
* Scale the image.
public void scaleImage()
// apply scale & offset to pixels
RescaleOp rescaleOp = new RescaleOp(pixelScaleFactor, pixelOffsetFactor, null);
rescaleOp.filter(origBuffImage, scaledBuffImage);
* Clear the image.
public void eraseImage()
// set all the pixels in original image to zero
float scaleFactor = (float)0.0;
float offsetFactor = (float)0.0;
RescaleOp zeroRescaleOp = new RescaleOp(scaleFactor, offsetFactor, null);
zeroRescaleOp.filter(scaledBuffImage, origBuffImage);
* Redraw the image.
public void redrawImage()
if (usingGui)
* Listener that opens a file.
class OpenFileListener implements ActionListener
JFileChooser fc;
* Constructor.
* @param fc the JFileChooser to use.
OpenFileListener(JFileChooser fc)
this.fc = fc;
* Perform the file open.
* param e the ActionEvent instance.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(WaterfallDisplay.this);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
String fullpath = file.getAbsolutePath();
//System.out.println("Open command cancelled by user.");
* Save the waterfall data (header text and graphics) as a JPEG file.
class SaveAsJpegListener implements ActionListener
JFileChooser fc;
* Constructor.
* @param fc the JFileChooser to use.
SaveAsJpegListener(JFileChooser fc)
this.fc = fc;
* Perform the file saving.
* param e the ActionEvent instance.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(WaterfallDisplay.this);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
String absoluteFilename = file.getAbsolutePath();
Container content = mainGuiFrame.getContentPane();
Dimension size = content.getSize();
BufferedImage image =
new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height,
Graphics2D g2d = image.createGraphics();
File jpegFile = new File(absoluteFilename);
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", jpegFile);
catch (IOException ioe)
//System.out.println("Open command cancelled by user.");
* Perform the printing initiated by a user action.
class PrintListener implements ActionListener
* Perform the print action.
* param e the ActionEcent containing information about this event.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
PageFormat pageFormat = printJob.defaultPage();
printJob.setPrintable(imagePanel, pageFormat);
if (printJob.printDialog())
} catch (Exception ex)
* Filename filter that accepts directories and files with a particular
* extension.
class CustomFilenameFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
/** The file extension eg, "jpeg" */
String fileExtension;
/** The dile description eg, "*.jpeg (jpeg images) */
String fileDescription;
* Constructor.
* @param fileExtension the file extension to filter on.
* @param fileDescription to list in the selection dialog.
CustomFilenameFilter(String fileExtension, String fileDescription)
this.fileExtension = fileExtension;
this.fileDescription = fileDescription;
* Get the extension of a file name.
* @param f the File instance.
* @return the extension part of the file name.
public String getExtension(File f)
String ext = null;
String s = f.getName();
int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1)
ext = s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
return ext;
* Accept all directories and all files with "." + fileExtension.
* @param f a File instance
public boolean accept(File f)
if (f.isDirectory())
return true;
String extension = getExtension(f);
if (extension != null)
if (extension.equals(fileExtension))
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Get the description of this filter.
* @return the file destription string.
public String getDescription()
return fileDescription;
* Handle the pixel offset slider.
class OffsetSliderListener implements ChangeListener
* Perform the slide state change action.
* @param e the ChangeEvent information.
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource();
if (! source.getValueIsAdjusting())
float value = (float)source.getValue();
pixelOffsetFactor = value;
* Handle the scale slider.
class ScaleSliderListener implements ChangeListener
* Perform the scale state changed action.
* @param e the ChangeEvent information.
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource();
if (! source.getValueIsAdjusting())
float value = (float)source.getValue() / 100;
pixelScaleFactor = value;
* Handle the resolution combo box selection.
class ResolutionListener implements ActionListener
* Perform the resolution combo box selection action.
* param e the ActionEvent information.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
String resolutionValue = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
if (resolutionValue.equals("1 Hz"))
displayResolution = 1;
else if (resolutionValue.equals("2 Hz"))
displayResolution = 2;
else if (resolutionValue.equals("4 Hz"))
displayResolution = 4;
System.out.println("Error selecting resolution");
// reopen data file to display in the new resolution
* Handle the subband offset combo box selection.
class SubbandOffsetListener implements ActionListener
* Perform the subband combo box selection action.
* param e the ActionEvent information.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
String subbandOffsetString = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
//System.out.println("selected subbandOffset " + subbandOffsetString);
subbandOffset = Integer.parseInt(subbandOffsetString);
// re-read the file at the new subbandOffset
* Change the display name text field.
* @param newname the new file name to display.
private void changeDisplayedFilename(String newname)
currentFileText.setText("" + newname + "");
* Get the sse archive directory.
* If the SSE_ARCHIVE env var is set, use that,
* else use the default $HOME/sonata_archive.
* @return the archive directory string.
private String getArchiveDir()
EnvReader env = new EnvReader();
String archiveDir = env.getEnvVar("SSE_ARCHIVE");
if (archiveDir == null)
archiveDir = env.getEnvVar("HOME") + "/sonata_archive";
return archiveDir;
* Convert the a bin number to its frequency.
* @param binNumber the number of the bin.
* @param rfCenterFrequency the center frequency of the data.
* @param hzPerSubband hertz/subband for this data.
* @return the frequency of the bin.
private double convertBinNumberToFreq(int binNumber,
double rfCenterFrequency,
double hzPerSubband)
// define the nominal 1Hz values
int numberOfBinsPerSubband = MAX_SUBBAND_BINS_PER_1HZ_HALF_FRAME;
if (compAmps.activityId > 0)
numberOfBinsPerSubband = (int) (numberOfBinsPerSubband
* (1.0 - compAmps.overSampling));
// adjust number of bins if the display mode is currently 2 Hz
numberOfBinsPerSubband /= this.displayResolution;
double hzPerBin = hzPerSubband / numberOfBinsPerSubband;
double hzPerMHz = 1e6;
// figure out how far the desired bin is from the
// center.
int centerBinNumber = numberOfBinsPerSubband / 2;
double offsetInHz = (binNumber - centerBinNumber) * hzPerBin;
double freqInMHz = offsetInHz / hzPerMHz + rfCenterFrequency;
return freqInMHz;
* Display the bin number the cursor is over.
class ReadoutBinNumberMouseListener implements MouseMotionListener
// offset to subtract from the x position due to the left border
// of the container the image is in
int leftBorderOffset;
* Constructor.
* @param leftBorderOffset the offest of the image from the left
* border in pixls.
ReadoutBinNumberMouseListener(int leftBorderOffset)
this.leftBorderOffset = leftBorderOffset;
* Handle the mouse dragged event.
* This event is not used.
* @param event the MouseEvent information for this event.
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event)
* Handle the mouse moved event. Calculate the bin number and print the
* value to the binNumberReadoutValueLabel.
* @param event the MouseEvent information for this event.
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event)
int x = event.getX() - leftBorderOffset;
int bin = (width/2) - ((width/2) - x)*displayResolution ;
// don't let bin go negative or positive
if (bin < 0 || bin > width)
DecimalFormat binFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000");
double freq = convertBinNumberToFreq(bin,
DecimalFormat freqFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000.000000 MHz");
* Calculate and display the aveCompAmpsBinFreqReadoutValueLabel,
* aveCompAmpsBinNumberReadoutValueLabel, and
* aveCompAmpsPowerReadoutValueLabel.
* @param source the source ReadoutPlot instance.
* @param xPlotValue the subband number.
* @param yPlotValue the subband power.
public void readoutData(ReadoutPlot source,
double xPlotValue,
double yPlotValue)
// don't let bin number or power go negative
int binNumber = (int) (xPlotValue + 0.5);
if (binNumber < 0) binNumber = 0;
float power = (float) yPlotValue;
if (power < 0) power = 0;
double freq = convertBinNumberToFreq(binNumber, compAmps.rfCenterFrequency,
DecimalFormat freqFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000.000000 MHz");
DecimalFormat binFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000");
DecimalFormat powerFormatter = new DecimalFormat("00000.000 ");
* Create the image adjustment control panel.
private void createImageAdjustmentControlPanel()
int frameWidth = 425;
int frameHeight = 125;
imageAdjustmentFrame = new JFrame("SonATA Complex Amplitudes - Image Adjustment");
imageAdjustmentFrame.setSize(frameWidth, frameHeight);
JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel controlPanelPart1 = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
controlPanel.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanelPart1);
// constrast control (pixel multiplier)
JSlider multiplySlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1000, 400);
multiplySlider.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Contrast"));
multiplySlider.addChangeListener(new ScaleSliderListener());
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.WEST, multiplySlider);
// offset control
JSlider offsetSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, -100, 100, 0);
offsetSlider.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Brightness"));
offsetSlider.addChangeListener(new OffsetSliderListener());
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.EAST, offsetSlider);
Container cp = imageAdjustmentFrame.getContentPane();
cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
cp.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanel);
* Create a complex amplitude time average plot in a JFrame.
private void createCompAmpTimeAvgPlot()
int plotFrameWidth = 660;
int plotFrameHeight = 400;
plotFrame = new JFrame("SonATA Complex Amplitudes - Time Average");
plotFrame.setSize(plotFrameWidth, plotFrameHeight);
readoutPlot = new ReadoutPlot();
readoutPlot.setTitle("SonATA Complex Amplitudes - Time Average");
readoutPlot.setXLabel("Bin Number");
readoutPlot.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR));
JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel controlPanelPart1 = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
controlPanel.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanelPart1);
JPanel controlLine1Panel = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlLine1Panel);
JPanel controlLine2Panel = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, controlLine2Panel);
// subband number
JLabel aveCompAmpsSubbandNumberTitleLabel = new JLabel("Subband: ");
aveCompAmpsSubbandNumberValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// cursor readout values
// bin freq
JLabel aveCompAmpsBinFreqReadoutTitleLabel = new JLabel("Cursor Freq: ");
aveCompAmpsBinFreqReadoutValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// cursor readout - bin number
JLabel aveCompAmpsBinNumberReadoutTitleLabel = new JLabel("Bin: ");
aveCompAmpsBinNumberReadoutValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// cursor readout - power
JLabel aveCompAmpsPowerReadoutTitleLabel = new JLabel("Power: ");
aveCompAmpsPowerReadoutValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// bandwidth
JLabel aveCompAmpsBandwidthTitleLabel = new JLabel("Bandwidth: ");
aveCompAmpsBandwidthValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// current filename
JLabel aveCompAmpsCurrentFileLabel = new JLabel("File: ");
aveCompAmpsCurrentFileText = new JLabel("None");
changeDisplayedFilename(new File(inFilename).getName()); // display last part only
Container cp = plotFrame.getContentPane();
cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
cp.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanel);
cp.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, readoutPlot);
* Set up the GUI.
private void setUpGui()
// ------- Menu ---------------------
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
JFileChooser openFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
// get the location of the confirmation data in the
// archive data directory
String confirmDataDir = getArchiveDir() + "/confirmdata";
openFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(confirmDataDir));
if (readGrayscalePixels)
CustomFilenameFilter grayFilenameFilter =
new CustomFilenameFilter("gray", "*.gray (gray scale pixels)");
CustomFilenameFilter archiveCompampFilenameFilter =
new CustomFilenameFilter("archive-compamp",
"*.archive-compamp (archive complex amplitudes)");
CustomFilenameFilter compampFilenameFilter =
new CustomFilenameFilter("compamp", "*.compamp (complex amplitudes)");
JMenuItem openFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open File ...");
openFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new OpenFileListener(openFileChooser));
* Handle the file scanner open file action.
class RereadListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the file scanner open action.
* param e the ActionEvent information for this action.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JMenuItem rereadFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Reread File");
rereadFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new RereadListener());
JMenuItem printFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Print ...");
printFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new PrintListener());
printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
JMenuItem saveAsJpegFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save As JPeg ...");
JFileChooser jpegFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
CustomFilenameFilter jpegFilenameFilter =
new CustomFilenameFilter("jpeg", "*.jpeg (jpeg images)");
jpegFileChooser.setDialogTitle("Save Display as a JPEG image...");
saveAsJpegFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new SaveAsJpegListener(jpegFileChooser));
* Handle the exit event.
class ExitListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the exit.
* param e the ActionEvent intance with information about this
* event.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JMenuItem exitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");
exitMenuItem.addActionListener(new ExitListener());
// ------- Control Panel ---------------------
JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel controlPanelPart1 = new JPanel();
JPanel controlPanelPart2 = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
controlPanelPart2.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
controlPanel.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanelPart1);
controlPanel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, controlPanelPart2);
JPanel controlLine1Panel = new JPanel();
JPanel controlLine2Panel = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlLine1Panel);
controlPanelPart1.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, controlLine2Panel);
JPanel controlLine3Panel = new JPanel();
controlPanelPart2.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlLine3Panel);
// -- control line 1 ------
JLabel resLabel = new JLabel("Res:");
// use a combo box to select the display resolution
String[] resolutionStrings = { "1 Hz", "2 Hz", "4 Hz"};
JComboBox resolutionComboBox = new JComboBox(resolutionStrings);
resolutionComboBox.addActionListener(new ResolutionListener());
// use a combo box to select the subbandOffset (subband selection)
JLabel subbandOffsetLabel = new JLabel("Subband Offset:");
String[] subbandOffsetStrings = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12",
"13", "14", "15"};
JComboBox subbandOffsetComboBox = new JComboBox(subbandOffsetStrings);
subbandOffsetComboBox.addActionListener(new SubbandOffsetListener());
// current filename
JLabel currentFileLabel = new JLabel("File:");
currentFileText = new JLabel("None");
changeDisplayedFilename(new File(inFilename).getName()); // display last part only
// -- control line 2 ------
// Pol
JLabel polTitleLabel = new JLabel("Pol:");
polValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// RF center freq
JLabel rfCenterFreqTitleLabel = new JLabel("Center Freq:");
rfCenterFreqValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// subband number
JLabel subbandNumberTitleLabel = new JLabel("Subband:");
subbandNumberValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// half frame number
JLabel halfFrameNumberTitleLabel = new JLabel("Half Frame:");
halfFrameNumberValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// cursor readout values
// bin freq
JLabel binFreqReadoutTitleLabel = new JLabel("Cursor Freq:");
binFreqReadoutValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// bandwidth
JLabel bandwidthTitleLabel = new JLabel("BW:");
bandwidthValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// Activity Id
JLabel activityIdTitleLabel = new JLabel("Act:");
activityIdValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// cursor readout - bin number
JLabel binNumberReadoutTitleLabel = new JLabel("Bin:");
binNumberReadoutValueLabel = new JLabel("?");
// Image panel to display the waterfall plot
imagePanel = new ImagePanel();
imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
int leftBorderWidth = 0;
new ReadoutBinNumberMouseListener(leftBorderWidth));
// Scroll panel that contains the image panel
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(imagePanel);
JMenu viewMenu = new JMenu("View");
* Clear the display.
class ClearDisplayListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the erase image action.
* param e the ActionEvent instance with information about the
* event.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JMenuItem clearDisplayMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Clear Display");
clearDisplayMenuItem.addActionListener(new ClearDisplayListener());
* Display contrast/brightness panel
class ImageAdjustmentControlPanelListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the image adjustment action.
* param e the ActionEvent information for this action.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JMenuItem imageAdjustmentControlPanelMenuItem =
new JMenuItem("Adjust Brightness/Contrast...");
* Display Ave. Comp Amp Plot
class AveCompAmpDisplayListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the average complex amplitude display action.
* param e the ActionEvent information for this action.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
JMenuItem aveCompAmpDisplayMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Display Time Average Plot...");
aveCompAmpDisplayMenuItem.addActionListener(new AveCompAmpDisplayListener());
JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");
* Handle the Help Version action.
class HelpVersionListener implements ActionListener
* Handle the action that displays the help verion dialog.
* param e the ActionEvent information for this action.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
"Version: $Revision: 1.76 $ $Date: 2009/06/12 00:14:06 $",
"Waterfall Display", // dialog title
JMenuItem showVersionMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Show Version...");
showVersionMenuItem.addActionListener(new HelpVersionListener());
Container cp = mainGuiFrame.getContentPane();
cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
cp.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controlPanel);
cp.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scrollPane);
* Initialize the program.
public void init()
if (usingGui)
// start file reading thread
fileScanner = new FileScanner(inFilename, width, height);
* Process the command line options.
private static class WaterfallCmdLineOptions
String inFilename;
String outFilename;
int resolutionHz;
int xpos;
int ypos;
int subbandOffset;
boolean slowPlay;
boolean repeatPlay;
boolean batch;
String title;
* Constructor.
public WaterfallCmdLineOptions()
inFilename = "";
outFilename = "waterfall.jpeg";
resolutionHz = 1;
xpos = 0;
ypos = 0;
subbandOffset = 0;
slowPlay = false;
repeatPlay = false;
batch = false;
title = "";
* Get the input file name.
* @return the input file name.
public String getInFilename()
return inFilename;
* Get the output file name.
* @return the output file name.
public String getOutFilename()
return outFilename;
* Get the resolution in Hertz.
* @return the resolution in Hertz.
public int getResolutionHz()
return resolutionHz;
* Get the X position.
* @return the X position.
public int getXpos()
return xpos;
* Get the Y position.
* @return the Y position.
public int getYpos()
return ypos;
* Get the subband offset.
* @return the subband offset.
public int getSubbandOffset()
return subbandOffset;
* Get the slow play flag.
* @return true if slow play should be performed, false if not.
public boolean getSlowPlay()
return slowPlay;
* Get the repeat play flag.
* @return true if repeat play should be performed, false if not.
public boolean getRepeatPlay()
return repeatPlay;
* Get the batch flag.
* @return true if batch should be performed, false if not.
public boolean getBatch()
return batch;
* Get the title of the frame.
* @return the title of the frame.
public String getTitle()
return title;
* Parse the command line paramters.
* @param args the array of command line argument strings.
* @return true if arguments are read in with no errors. false if
* there are errors.
public boolean parseCommandLineArgs(String[] args)
int i = 0;
while (i < args.length)
if (args[i].equals("-file"))
if (i < args.length)
inFilename = args[i++];
System.out.println("Missing input filename argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-outfile"))
if (i < args.length)
outFilename = args[i++];
System.out.println("Missing output filename argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-res"))
if (i < args.length)
String resString = args[i++];
if (resString.equals("1"))
resolutionHz = 1;
else if (resString.equals("2"))
resolutionHz = 2;
else if (resString.equals("4"))
resolutionHz = 4;
System.out.println("invalid resolution Hz: must be 1, 2 or 4");
return false;
System.out.println("Missing resolution argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-xpos"))
if (i < args.length)
xpos = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("invalid x position");
return false;
System.out.println("Missing xpos argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-ypos"))
if (i < args.length)
ypos = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]);
} catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("invalid y position");
return false;
System.out.println("Missing ypos argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-suboff"))
if (i < args.length)
subbandOffset = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("invalid subband offset");
return false;
int MaxSubbandOffset = 15;
if (subbandOffset < 0 || subbandOffset > MaxSubbandOffset)
System.out.println("subband offset out of range");
System.out.println("must be >= 0 and <= " + MaxSubbandOffset);
return false;
System.out.println("Missing subband offset argument");
return false;
else if (args[i].equals("-slow"))
slowPlay = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-repeat"))
repeatPlay = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-batch"))
batch = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-title"))
if (i < args.length)
// grab first word of title
title += args[i++];
System.out.println("Missing title argument");
return false;
// Grab rest of title words
// until arguments run out or
// another keyword shows up
// (prefixed with hypen)
while (i < args.length)
if (args[i].charAt(0) == '-')
title += " ";
title += args[i++];
System.out.println("invalid option: " + args[i]);
System.out.println("valid options: [-file <inFilename>] [-res <1 | 2>] [-xpos <x position>] [-ypos <y position>] [-slow] [-repeat] [-suboff <subband offset>] [-batch] [-outfile <outFilename>] [-title <text>]");
System.out.println("-file: input filename");
System.out.println("-res: data display resolution in Hz (1 or 2)");
System.out.println("-xpos: window x position");
System.out.println("-ypos: window y position");
System.out.println("-slow: play slowly");
System.out.println("-repeat: repeatedly read data file");
System.out.println("-suboff: subband offset to display (0-15)");
System.out.println("-batch: no GUI, send waterfall image to jpeg file");
System.out.println("-outfile: output filename for batch mode (default: 'waterfall.jpeg')");
System.out.println("-title: text for title (batch mode only, default: input filename)");
return false;
return true;
* The main entry pont for the program.
* @param args the command line arguments string array.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Note: -batch mode must be run with "java -Djava.awt.headless=true"
int imageWidth=768;
int imageHeight=800;
int extraWidth=40; // add enough to show full image
int frameWidth=imageWidth+extraWidth;
int frameHeight=500;
float pixelScaleFactor=4;
float pixelOffsetFactor=0;
WaterfallCmdLineOptions options = new WaterfallCmdLineOptions();
if ( ! options.parseCommandLineArgs(args) )
boolean usingGui = ! options.getBatch();
if (options.getResolutionHz() == 2)
if (usingGui)
// Narrow the frame width for 2 hz resolution.
// Don't change the image width in case the
// frame gets expanded back to 1 Hz mode later.
frameWidth=imageWidth / 2 + extraWidth;
// Adjust image size so that created jpeg image is
// only as wide as it needs to be.
imageWidth = 539;
//System.out.println("filename is " + options.getFilename());
//System.out.println("res is " + options.getResolutionHz());
JFrame frame = null;
if (usingGui)
frame = new JFrame("Waterfall Display - SonATA Complex Amplitudes");
frame.setLocation(new Point(options.getXpos(), options.getYpos()));
WaterfallDisplay waterfall =
new WaterfallDisplay(usingGui,
imageWidth, imageHeight,
pixelScaleFactor, pixelOffsetFactor,
if (usingGui)
frame.setSize(frameWidth, frameHeight);
if (usingGui)