package jfxtras.scene.layout;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import javafx.animation.Animation;
import javafx.animation.Transition;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import jfxtras.util.Implements;
* This pane lays it children out in a circle or part of a circle (arc).
* In order to understand how to use this pane, it is important to understand how it places its children.
* Placing nodes on a circle in essence is not that difficult; a circle is 360 degrees, so each node is spaced 360 / n degrees apart, the real challenge is to determine how large the circle must be.
* Nodes in JavaFX are rectangles with a width and a height, but for calculating in a circle the rectangular shape is impractical.
* So CircularPane treats its child nodes as circles, or for better visualization: as beads on a chain.
* The first step is to determine how large a single bead is. This already is an interesting question.
* A beat should encompass the contents of the node, but CircularPane does not know what exactly is drawn in the node.
* It could be a simple flat or vertical line, where the encompassing circle's diameter is equal to the width or height (whichever is the largest).
* But if the contents is an X or a rectangle, then then encompassing circle's diameter is equal to the diagonal (Pythagoras).
* Since CircularPane does not know, it has to assume the worst and use the diameter.
* But the childrenAreCircles property allows the user to inform CircularPane than all the children are circular (or smaller), so it can then use the width or height to calculate the encompassing circle.
* CircularPane segments the 360 degrees in equal parts; 360 / number of children.
* The largest bead determines the distance from the origin to where it fits in a segment, and this determines the size of the chain.
* By setting a debug color, the beads will be drawn and will clarify the layout.
* @author Tom Eugelink
public class CircularPane extends Pane {
// TODO: hiding of children? Reserve space?
// TODO: animate between changes in the layout?
private enum MinPrefMax { MIN, PREF, MAX }
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
/** Id */
public CircularPane withId(String v) { setId(v); return this; }
/** StartAngle in degrees: the startAngle is used to determine the starting position; default = 0 = north (top) */
public ObjectProperty<Double> startAngleProperty() { return startAngleObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Double> startAngleObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Double>(this, "startAngle", 0.0) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Double getStartAngle() { return startAngleObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setStartAngle(Double value) { startAngleObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withStartAngle(Double value) { setStartAngle(value); return this; }
private Double getStartAngle360() {
return getStartAngle() % 360;
/** arc in degrees: the arc is used to determine the end position; default = 360 = north (top) */
public ObjectProperty<Double> arcProperty() { return arcObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Double> arcObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Double>(this, "arc", 360.0) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Double getArc() { return arcObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setArc(Double value) { arcObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withArc(Double value) { setArc(value); return this; }
/** gap: space between nodes */
public ObjectProperty<Double> gapProperty() { return gapObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Double> gapObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Double>(this, "gap", 0.0) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Double getGap() { return gapObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setGap(Double value) { gapObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withGap(Double value) { setGap(value); return this; }
/** diameter: diameter of the whole layout */
public ObjectProperty<Double> diameterProperty() { return diameterObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Double> diameterObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Double>(this, "diameter", null) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Double getDiameter() { return diameterObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setDiameter(Double value) { diameterObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withDiameter(Double value) { setDiameter(value); return this; }
/** childrenAreCircular: if all children are circular, then we can use a different size */
public ObjectProperty<Boolean> childrenAreCircularProperty() { return childrenAreCircularObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Boolean> childrenAreCircularObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Boolean>(this, "childrenAreCircular", false) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Boolean getChildrenAreCircular() { return childrenAreCircularObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setChildrenAreCircular(Boolean value) { childrenAreCircularObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withChildrenAreCircular(Boolean value) { setChildrenAreCircular(value); return this; }
/** clipAwayExcessWhitespace: cut away excess whitespace on the outside */
public ObjectProperty<Boolean> clipAwayExcessWhitespaceProperty() { return clipAwayExcessWhitespaceObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Boolean> clipAwayExcessWhitespaceObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Boolean>(this, "clipAwayExcessWhitespace", true) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Boolean getClipAwayExcessWhitespace() { return clipAwayExcessWhitespaceObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setClipAwayExcessWhitespace(Boolean value) { clipAwayExcessWhitespaceObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withClipAwayExcessWhitespace(Boolean value) { setClipAwayExcessWhitespace(value); return this; }
/** animationDuration */
public ObjectProperty<Duration> animationDurationProperty() { return animationDurationObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Duration> animationDurationObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Duration>(this, "animationDuration", Duration.millis(500));
public Duration getAnimationDuration() { return animationDurationObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setAnimationDuration(Duration value) { animationDurationObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withAnimationDuration(Duration value) { setAnimationDuration(value); return this; }
/** animationInterpolation: calculate the position of a node during the animation (default: move from origin), use node.relocate to position node (or manually apply layoutBounds.minX/Y) */
public ObjectProperty<AnimationInterpolation> animationInterpolationProperty() { return animationInterpolationObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<AnimationInterpolation> animationInterpolationObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<AnimationInterpolation>(this, "animationInterpolation", null);
public AnimationInterpolation getAnimationInterpolation() { return animationInterpolationObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setAnimationInterpolation(AnimationInterpolation value) { animationInterpolationObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withAnimationInterpolation(AnimationInterpolation value) { setAnimationInterpolation(value); return this; }
/** animating */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty animatingProperty() { return animating.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
private void setAnimating(boolean value) { animating.set(value); }
public final boolean isAnimating() { return animatingProperty().get(); }
private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper animating = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(this, "animating");
/** animatingIn */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty animatingInProperty() { return animatingIn.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
private void setAnimatingIn(boolean value) { animatingIn.set(value); }
public final boolean isAnimatingIn() { return animatingInProperty().get(); }
private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper animatingIn = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(this, "animatingIn");
/** animatingOut */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty animatingOutProperty() { return animatingOut.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
private void setAnimatingOut(boolean value) { animatingOut.set(value); }
public final boolean isAnimatingOut() { return animatingOutProperty().get(); }
private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper animatingOut = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(this, "animatingOut");
/** animateInFinished */
public ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> animateInFinishedProperty() { return animateInFinishedObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> animateInFinishedObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>(this, "animateInFinished", null);
public EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnAnimateInFinished() { return animateInFinishedObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setOnAnimateInFinished(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { animateInFinishedObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane witOnhAnimateInFinished(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { setOnAnimateInFinished(value); return this; }
/** animateOutFinished */
public ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> animateOutFinishedProperty() { return animateOutFinishedObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> animateOutFinishedObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>(this, "animateOutFinished", null);
public EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnAnimateOutFinished() { return animateOutFinishedObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setOnAnimateOutFinished(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { animateOutFinishedObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withOnAnimateOutFinished(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { setOnAnimateOutFinished(value); return this; }
/** debug: show debug hints */
public ObjectProperty<Paint> showDebugProperty() { return showDebugObjectProperty; }
final private ObjectProperty<Paint> showDebugObjectProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Paint>(this, "showDebug", null) {
{ // anonymous constructor
addListener( (invalidationEvent) -> {
public Paint getShowDebug() { return showDebugObjectProperty.getValue(); }
public void setShowDebug(Paint value) { showDebugObjectProperty.setValue(value); }
public CircularPane withShowDebug(Paint value) { setShowDebug(value); return this; }
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
protected double computeMinWidth(double height) {
return calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.MIN).clippedWidth;
protected double computeMinHeight(double width) {
return calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.MIN).clippedHeight;
protected double computePrefWidth(double height) {
return calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.PREF).clippedWidth;
protected double computePrefHeight(double width) {
return calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.PREF).clippedHeight;
protected double computeMaxWidth(double height) {
// In 'normal' layout logic these computed sizes would denote an ability.
// - Min would indicate the minimal size the node or layout is able to render itself,
// - Pref the preferred size a node would like to have,
// - and Max the maximum size a node is ABLE to render itself.
// If a node were given more space to render itself, without any further instructions from the user (through layout constraints),
// it should still stick to its preferred size, because that after all is its preferred size.
// However, in JavaFX Max does not denote an ability, but is seen as an intent.
// If a node indicates it has a max of, say, Double.MAX_VALUE (as CircularPane should do, because it is able to render itself that size),
// the Pane implementations in JavaFX will actually make CircularPane always grow into any additional space, instead of keeping its preferred size.
// In my opinion this is wrong, but unfortunately this is the way things are in JavaFX.
// Therefore the Max size is the preferred size.
return computePrefWidth(height);
protected double computeMaxHeight(double width) {
// For an explanation, see computerMaxWidth
return computePrefHeight(width);
protected void layoutChildren() {
if (layingoutChildren.get() > 0) {
try {
//System.out.println("=============== layoutChildren ");
// remove all beads
// calculate the layout
LayoutInfo lLayoutInfo = calculateLayout(null); // null: use the available size instead of a calculated one
// position the nodes
List<Node> nodes = getManagedChildren();
int idx = 0;
for (Node lNode : nodes) {
/// get layout
NodeLayoutInfo lNodeLayoutInfo = lLayoutInfo.layoutInfoMap.get(lNode);
// position node
lNode.resize(lNodeLayoutInfo.w, lNodeLayoutInfo.h);
// create the administration for the animation
AnimationLayoutInfo lAnimationLayoutInfo = new AnimationLayoutInfo();
lAnimationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo = lLayoutInfo;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.node = lNode;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.idx = idx++;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.nodeStartX = lNode.getLayoutX() + lNode.getLayoutBounds().getMinX(); // undo what relocate() adds to the X (and thus is included in the value of getLayoutX())
lAnimationLayoutInfo.nodeStartY = lNode.getLayoutY() + lNode.getLayoutBounds().getMinY(); // undo what relocate() adds to the Y (and thus is included in the value of getLayoutY())
lAnimationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo = lNodeLayoutInfo;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.originX = (lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter / 2) + (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter/2) - lLayoutInfo.clipLeft;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.originY = (lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter / 2) + (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter/2) - lLayoutInfo.clipTop;
lAnimationLayoutInfo.initial = initial;
animationLayoutInfos.put(lNode, lAnimationLayoutInfo);
// add a bead to show where this node boundary is
if (getShowDebug() != null) {
// bead
Bead lBead = new Bead(lNodeLayoutInfo);
nodeToBeadMap.put(lNode, lBead);
// connector
Connector lConnector = new Connector(lAnimationLayoutInfo);
nodeToConnectorMap.put(lNode, lConnector);
// are we animating?
if (initial && getAnimationInterpolation() != null) {
// reposition to the initial position for the animation
getAnimationInterpolation().interpolate(0.0, lAnimationLayoutInfo);
else {
lNode.relocate(lNodeLayoutInfo.x, lNodeLayoutInfo.y);
// are we animating?
if (initial && getAnimationInterpolation() != null) {
// no longer the initial layout
if (initial) {
initial = false;
finally {
private final AtomicInteger layingoutChildren = new AtomicInteger(0);
private boolean initial = true;
private final Map<Node, Bead> nodeToBeadMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
private final Map<Node, Connector> nodeToConnectorMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
public void requestLayout() {
// When to clear the calculation cache; will this be enough?
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
protected LayoutInfo calculateLayout(MinPrefMax size) {
// layout info, it may be cached
LayoutInfo lLayoutInfo = calculateLayoutCache.get(size);
if (lLayoutInfo != null) {
return lLayoutInfo;
lLayoutInfo = new LayoutInfo();
// get the nodes we need to render
List<Node> nodes = getManagedChildren();
if (nodes.size() == 0) {
// nothing to do
return lLayoutInfo;
lLayoutInfo.numberOfNodes = nodes.size();
// First we're going to render like we have a full chain (circle) available
// Then we're going to clip away excess white space
// determine the bead and chain size we layout with
// If we have a size, then this is a forced calculation
// If we do not have a size, we project our (assigned) size to the calculated preferred size to determine how if scaling is needed
double lPrefToMinScaleFactor = 1.0;
if (size != null) {
// calculation
lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter = determineBeadDiameter(size);
lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter = computeChainDiameter(lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter);
else {
// project preferred to the assigned size
LayoutInfo lMinLayoutInfo = calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.MIN);
LayoutInfo lPrefLayoutInfo = calculateLayout(MinPrefMax.PREF);
double lWidth = Math.max( getWidth(), lMinLayoutInfo.clippedWidth);
double lHeight = Math.max( getHeight(), lMinLayoutInfo.clippedHeight);
lPrefToMinScaleFactor = Math.min( lWidth / lPrefLayoutInfo.clippedWidth,lHeight/ lPrefLayoutInfo.clippedHeight);
//System.out.println(getId() + ": layout lPrefScaleFactor=" + lPrefToMinScaleFactor);
if (lPrefToMinScaleFactor > 1.0) {
// TODO: should we allow scaling up? (Trail5)
lPrefToMinScaleFactor = 1.0;
lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter = lPrefLayoutInfo.beadDiameter * lPrefToMinScaleFactor;
lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter = lPrefLayoutInfo.chainDiameter * lPrefToMinScaleFactor;
//System.out.println("----------------- " + size);
//System.out.println(getId() + ": layout lPrefToMinScaleFactor=" + lPrefToMinScaleFactor);
//System.out.println(getId() + ": layout beadDiameter=" + lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter);
//System.out.println(getId() + ": layout chainDiameter=" + lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter);
// prepare the layout loop
// the chain diameter runs through the center of the beads
lLayoutInfo.minX = lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter + lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter;
lLayoutInfo.minY = lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter + lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter;
lLayoutInfo.maxX = 0;
lLayoutInfo.maxY = 0;
lLayoutInfo.angleStep = getArc() / lLayoutInfo.numberOfNodes;
double lAngle = getStartAngle360() + (lLayoutInfo.angleStep / 2);
lLayoutInfo.startAngle = lAngle;
//System.out.println(getId() + ": layout startAngle=" + lAngle);
//int cnt = 0;
for (Node lNode : nodes) {
// bead layout
NodeLayoutInfo lNodeLayoutInfo = new NodeLayoutInfo();
lNodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo = lLayoutInfo;
lNodeLayoutInfo.angle = lAngle;
lLayoutInfo.layoutInfoMap.put(lNode, lNodeLayoutInfo);
// size the node
// if we are rendered smaller than the preferred, scale down to min gracefully
lNodeLayoutInfo.w = calculateNodeWidth(lNode, MinPrefMax.PREF) * lPrefToMinScaleFactor;
lNodeLayoutInfo.h = calculateNodeHeight(lNode, MinPrefMax.PREF) * lPrefToMinScaleFactor;
// calculate the origin X,Y position on the chain where the bead should be placed
//System.out.println(cnt + " layout startAngle=" + lAngle + " " + lNode);
lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX = calculateX(lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter, lAngle) + (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY = calculateY(lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter, lAngle) + (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
//System.out.println(getId() + ": " + cnt + " layout beadCenter=" + lAngle + " (" + lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX + "," + lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY + ")");
// place on the right spot
lNodeLayoutInfo.x = lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX
- (lNodeLayoutInfo.w / 2) // add the difference between the bead's size and the node's, so it ends up in the center
lNodeLayoutInfo.y = lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY
- (lNodeLayoutInfo.h / 2) // add the difference between the bead's size and the node's, so it ends up in the center
//System.out.println(getId() + ": " + cnt + " layout startAngle=" + lAngle + " (" + lNodeLayoutInfo.x + "," + lNodeLayoutInfo.y + ") " + lNodeLayoutInfo.w + "x" + lNodeLayoutInfo.h + " " + lNode);
// remember the min and max XY
lLayoutInfo.minX = Math.min(lLayoutInfo.minX, lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX - (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
lLayoutInfo.minY = Math.min(lLayoutInfo.minY, lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY - (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
lLayoutInfo.maxX = Math.max(lLayoutInfo.maxX, lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX - (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
lLayoutInfo.maxY = Math.max(lLayoutInfo.maxY, lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY - (lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
// next
lAngle += lLayoutInfo.angleStep;
// calculate the clip sizes
lLayoutInfo.clipTop = (getClipAwayExcessWhitespace() ? lLayoutInfo.minY : 0);
lLayoutInfo.clipRight = (getClipAwayExcessWhitespace() ? lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter - lLayoutInfo.maxX : 0);
lLayoutInfo.clipBottom = (getClipAwayExcessWhitespace() ? lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter - lLayoutInfo.maxY : 0);
lLayoutInfo.clipLeft = (getClipAwayExcessWhitespace() ? lLayoutInfo.minX : 0);
for (Node lNode : nodes) {
NodeLayoutInfo lNodeLayoutInfo = lLayoutInfo.layoutInfoMap.get(lNode);
lNodeLayoutInfo.x -= lLayoutInfo.clipLeft;
lNodeLayoutInfo.y -= lLayoutInfo.clipTop;
lNodeLayoutInfo.beadX -= lLayoutInfo.clipLeft;
lNodeLayoutInfo.beadY -= lLayoutInfo.clipTop;
// calculate size
lLayoutInfo.clippedWidth = lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter + lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter // the chain runs through the center of the beads, so we need to add 2x 1/2 a bead to get to the encompassing diameter
- lLayoutInfo.clipLeft - lLayoutInfo.clipRight;
lLayoutInfo.clippedHeight = lLayoutInfo.chainDiameter + lLayoutInfo.beadDiameter // the chain runs through the center of the beads, so we need to add 2x 1/2 a bead to get to the encompassing diameter
- lLayoutInfo.clipTop - lLayoutInfo.clipBottom;
// done, cache it
if (size != null) {
calculateLayoutCache.put(size, lLayoutInfo);
return lLayoutInfo;
private final Map<MinPrefMax, LayoutInfo> calculateLayoutCache = new HashMap<>();
* This class holds layout information at pane level
public class LayoutInfo {
public int numberOfNodes;
public double startAngle;
public double angleStep;
public double chainDiameter = 0;
public double beadDiameter = 0;
public double minX = 0;
public double minY = 0;
public double maxX = 0;
public double maxY = 0;
public double clipTop = 0;
public double clipRight = 0;
public double clipBottom = 0;
public double clipLeft = 0;
public double clippedWidth = 0;
public double clippedHeight = 0;
final public Map<Node, NodeLayoutInfo> layoutInfoMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
* This class holds layout information at node level
public class NodeLayoutInfo {
public LayoutInfo layoutInfo;
public double angle;
public double beadX;
public double beadY;
public double x;
public double y;
public double w;
public double h;
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
public void animateIn() {
public void animateOut() {
private void animate(double rate) {
// no animation configured
if (getAnimationInterpolation() == null) {
if (transition == null) {
transition = new Transition() {
// anonymous constructor
setOnFinished( (event) -> {
if (transition.getRate() > 0 && getOnAnimateInFinished() != null) {
transition = null;
if (transition.getRate() < 0 && getOnAnimateOutFinished() != null) {
transition = null;
protected void interpolate(double progress) {
for (AnimationLayoutInfo lAnimationLayoutInfo : animationLayoutInfos.values()) {
getAnimationInterpolation().interpolate( progress, lAnimationLayoutInfo);
// set direction (this is done here instead of in the constructor because it may be modified mid-animation)
// if animation not started
if (transition.getStatus() != Animation.Status.RUNNING) {
// while the animation is running, don't touch the children
setAnimatingIn(rate > 0);
setAnimatingOut(rate < 0);
// play forward or backwards
transition.playFrom(transition.getRate() > 0 ? Duration.ZERO : transition.getCycleDuration());
Transition transition = null;
* This class holds additional layout information for animation.
public class AnimationLayoutInfo {
public Node node;
public int idx;
public LayoutInfo layoutInfo;
public NodeLayoutInfo nodeLayoutInfo;
public double originX;
public double originY;
public double nodeStartX;
public double nodeStartY;
public boolean initial;
public double calculateX(double angle) {
return CircularPane.calculateX(layoutInfo.chainDiameter, angle);
public double calculateY(double angle) {
return CircularPane.calculateY(layoutInfo.chainDiameter, angle);
final Map<Node, AnimationLayoutInfo> animationLayoutInfos = new HashMap<>();
* @author user
public interface AnimationInterpolation {
public void interpolate(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo);
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateFromTheOrigin(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
double lOX = animationLayoutInfo.originX - (animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
double lOY = animationLayoutInfo.originY - (animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
double lX = lOX + (progress * (animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.x - lOX));
double lY = lOY + (progress * (animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.y - lOY));
//System.out.println(animationLayoutInfo.idx + ": x=" + lX + ", y=" + lY);
animationLayoutInfo.node.relocate(lX, lY);
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateSpiralOut(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
double spreadWindow = 0.4;
double animationWindow = 1.0 - spreadWindow;
double offset = animationLayoutInfo.idx / ((double)animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.numberOfNodes) * spreadWindow;
double scaledProgress;
if (progress < offset) {
scaledProgress = 0.0;
else if (progress >= (offset + animationWindow)) {
scaledProgress = 1.0;
else {
scaledProgress = ((progress - offset) / animationWindow);
animateFromTheOrigin(scaledProgress, animationLayoutInfo);
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateFromTheOriginWithFadeRotate(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
// do the calculation
CircularPane.animateFromTheOrigin(progress, animationLayoutInfo);
// add a fade
animationLayoutInfo.node.setRotate(2 * 360 * progress);
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateOverTheArc(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
double lAngle = animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.startAngle + (progress * (animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.angle - animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.startAngle));
double lX = calculateX(animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.chainDiameter, lAngle) + (animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2)
- (animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.w / 2) // add the difference between the bead's size and the node's, so it ends up in the center
- animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.clipLeft
double lY = calculateY(animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.chainDiameter, lAngle) + (animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2)
- (animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.w / 2) // add the difference between the bead's size and the node's, so it ends up in the center
- animationLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.clipTop
animationLayoutInfo.node.relocate(lX, lY);
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateOverTheArcWithFade(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
// do the calculation
CircularPane.animateOverTheArc(progress, animationLayoutInfo);
// add a fade
* @param progress
* @param animationLayoutInfo
static public void animateAppear(double progress, AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
animationLayoutInfo.node.relocate(animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.x, animationLayoutInfo.nodeLayoutInfo.y);
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
public CircularPane add(Node node) {
return this;
public CircularPane remove(Node node) {
return this;
// ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
private List<Node> getManagedChildrenWithoutBeads() {
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(getManagedChildren());
return nodes;
static private double calculateX(double chainDiameter, double angle) {
angle = angle % 360;
double lX = (chainDiameter / 2) // from the center
+ ( (chainDiameter / 2) * -1 * Math.sin(degreesToRadials(angle + 180))) // determine the position on the chain (-1 = clockwise, 180 = start north)
//System.out.println(getId() + ": calculateX chainDiameter=" + chainDiameter + " angle=" + angle + " -> " + lX);
return lX;
static private double calculateY(double chainDiameter, double angle) {
angle = angle % 360;
double lY = (chainDiameter / 2) // from the center
+ ( (chainDiameter / 2) * Math.cos(degreesToRadials(angle + 180))) // determine the position on the chain (180 = start north)
//System.out.println(getId() + ": calculateY chainDiameter=" + chainDiameter + " angle=" + angle + " -> " + lY);
return lY;
private class Bead extends Circle {
public Bead(NodeLayoutInfo nodeLayoutInfo) {
setRadius( (nodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter - getStrokeWidth()) / 2); // make the line fall within the allotted room
setLayoutX(nodeLayoutInfo.beadX - (nodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
setLayoutY(nodeLayoutInfo.beadY - (nodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2));
// because a JavaFX circle has its origin in the top-left corner, we need to offset half a bead
setTranslateX(nodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
setTranslateY(nodeLayoutInfo.layoutInfo.beadDiameter / 2);
private class Connector extends Line {
public Connector(AnimationLayoutInfo animationLayoutInfo) {
* The chain is the circle that runs through the bead's centers
* @param size
* @param width
* @return
private double computeChainDiameter(double beadDiameter) {
// force set?
if (getDiameter() != null) {
return getDiameter() - beadDiameter; // the diameter is the outer circle, the chain runs through the bead's centers
// prepare
List<Node> nodes = getManagedChildrenWithoutBeads();
int numberOfNodes = nodes.size();
int numberOfNodesOnFullChain = (int)Math.ceil(numberOfNodes * (360 / getArc())); // these are the number of bead as would be placed on the chain if it were used 360
//System.out.println(getId() + ": computeChainDiameter numberOfNodes=" + numberOfNodes + ", for calculation=" + numberOfNodesOnFullChain);
// special situations
if (numberOfNodes == 0) {
return 0;
if (numberOfNodes == 1) {
return 0; // the chain runs through the center of the beads, with only one bead, there is no chain
if (numberOfNodesOnFullChain == 2) {
// the chain runs through the center of the beads, with only two beads the chain runs through 2x 1/2 a bead
return beadDiameter + getGap();
// determine the size of the circle where the center of the bead would be placed on (Daan's formula)
double lDiameter = (beadDiameter + getGap()) / Math.sin(degreesToRadials(360 / ((double)numberOfNodesOnFullChain) / 2));
return lDiameter;
private double determineBeadDiameter(MinPrefMax size) {
double lBeadDiameter = 0.0;
if (getChildrenAreCircular()) {
lBeadDiameter = determineBeadDiameterUsingWidthOrHeight(size);
else {
lBeadDiameter = determineBeadDiameterUsingTheDiagonal(size);
return lBeadDiameter;
private double determineBeadDiameterUsingWidthOrHeight(MinPrefMax size) {
List<Node> nodes = getManagedChildrenWithoutBeads();
double lMaximumSize = 0;
for (Node lNode : nodes) {
if (lNode instanceof Bead) {
double lWidth = calculateNodeWidth(lNode, size);
if (lWidth > lMaximumSize) {
lMaximumSize = lWidth;
double lHeight = calculateNodeHeight(lNode, size);
if (lHeight > lMaximumSize) {
lMaximumSize = lHeight;
return lMaximumSize;
private double determineBeadDiameterUsingTheDiagonal(MinPrefMax size) {
List<Node> nodes = getManagedChildrenWithoutBeads();
double lMaximumSize = 0;
for (Node lNode : nodes) {
if (lNode instanceof Bead) {
double lWidth = calculateNodeWidth(lNode, size);
double lHeight = calculateNodeHeight(lNode, size);
double lSize = Math.sqrt( (lWidth * lWidth) + (lHeight * lHeight) );
if (lSize > lMaximumSize) {
lMaximumSize = lSize;
return lMaximumSize;
private double calculateNodeWidth(Node n, MinPrefMax size) {
if (size == MinPrefMax.MIN) {
return n.minWidth(-1);
if (size == MinPrefMax.MAX) {
return n.maxWidth(-1);
return n.prefWidth(-1);
private double calculateNodeHeight(Node n, MinPrefMax size) {
if (size == MinPrefMax.MIN) {
return n.minHeight(-1);
if (size == MinPrefMax.MAX) {
return n.maxHeight(-1);
return n.prefHeight(-1);
static private double degreesToRadials(double d) {
double r = (d % 360) / 360 * 2 * Math.PI;
return r;