Package propel.core.utils

Source Code of propel.core.utils.Linq

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// This file is part of Propel.
// Propel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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// Propel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// Authored by: Nikolaos Tountas ->
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package propel.core.utils;

import static propel.core.functional.projections.MiscProjections.argToResult;
import static propel.core.functional.predicates.Iterables.isNotEmpty;
import static lombok.Yield.yield;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import lombok.Validate;
import lombok.Validate.NotNull;
import propel.core.collections.ReifiedIterable;
import propel.core.collections.arrays.ReifiedArray;
import propel.core.collections.lists.ReifiedArrayList;
import propel.core.collections.lists.ReifiedList;
import propel.core.collections.maps.ReifiedMap;
import propel.core.collections.maps.avl.AvlHashtable;
import propel.core.common.CONSTANT;
import propel.core.configuration.ConfigurableConsts;
import propel.core.configuration.ConfigurableParameters;
import propel.core.counters.ModuloCounter;
import propel.core.functional.Actions.Action1;
import propel.core.functional.Functions.Function1;
import propel.core.functional.Functions.Function2;
import propel.core.functional.Predicates.Predicate1;
import propel.core.functional.tuples.Pair;
import java.lang.SuppressWarnings;
import lombok.val;

* Provides similar functionality to .NET language integrated query (LINQ). There are usually two versions of each function, one for
* operating on Iterables (such as collections) which uses deferred execution and one for arrays which does not.
public final class Linq
   * The default list size to use for collecting results when the result size is unknown
  public static final int DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE = ConfigurableParameters.getInt32(ConfigurableConsts.LINQ_DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

  private static Function1 argToResult = argToResult();
  private static Predicate1 isNotEmpty = isNotEmpty();

   * Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TAccumulate> TAccumulate aggregate(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values, @NotNull final TAccumulate seed,
                                                             @NotNull final Function2<TAccumulate, ? super TSource, TAccumulate> function)
    return aggregate(values, seed, function, (Function1<TAccumulate, TAccumulate>) argToResult);

   * Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TAccumulate> TAccumulate aggregate(@NotNull final TSource[] values, @NotNull final TAccumulate seed,
                                                             @NotNull final Function2<TAccumulate, ? super TSource, TAccumulate> function)
    return aggregate(values, seed, function, (Function1<TAccumulate, TAccumulate>) argToResult);

   * Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value, and the specified
   * function is used to select the result value from the accumulator's type.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TAccumulate, TResult> TResult
      aggregate(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values, @NotNull final TAccumulate seed,
                @NotNull final Function2<TAccumulate, ? super TSource, TAccumulate> function,
                @NotNull final Function1<TAccumulate, TResult> resultSelector)
    TAccumulate result = seed;

    for (TSource item : values)
      result = function.apply(result, item);

    return resultSelector.apply(result);

   * Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value, and the specified
   * function is used to select the result value from the accumulator's type.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TAccumulate, TResult> TResult
      aggregate(@NotNull final TSource[] values, @NotNull final TAccumulate seed,
                @NotNull final Function2<TAccumulate, ? super TSource, TAccumulate> function,
                @NotNull final Function1<TAccumulate, TResult> resultSelector)
    TAccumulate result = seed;

    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      result = function.apply(result, values[i]);

    return resultSelector.apply(result);

   * Returns true if a condition is true for all items in a sequence. Otherwise returns false.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean all(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T v : values)
      if (!predicate.apply(v))
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if a condition is true for all items in a sequence. Otherwise returns false.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean all(@NotNull T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      if (!predicate.apply(values[i]))
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if a condition is true for any of the items in a sequence. Otherwise returns false.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean any(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T v : values)
      if (predicate.apply(v))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if a condition is true for any of the items in a sequence. Otherwise returns false.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean any(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (predicate.apply(values[i]))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to a sequence of values of another type. Uses InvalidCastBehaviour.Remove i.e. excluding
   * any elements that do not successfully cast, without throwing exceptions. This operates differently to OfType, in that it forces a cast
   * rather than checking if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> cast(final Iterable<TSource> values, final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    return cast(values, destinationClass, InvalidCastBehaviour.Remove);

   * Casts an array of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type. Uses InvalidCastBehaviour.Remove i.e. excluding any
   * elements that do not successfully cast, without throwing exceptions. This operates differently to OfType, in that it forces a cast
   * rather than checking if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TDest> TDest[] cast(TSource[] values, Class<TDest> destClass)
    return (TDest[]) cast(values, destClass, InvalidCastBehaviour.Remove);

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to a sequence of values of another type, using the specified behaviour upon the event of a
   * cast failure. This operates differently to OfType, in that it forces a cast rather than checking if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized cast behaviour.
  public static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> cast(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values,
                                                      @NotNull final Class<TDest> destinationClass, InvalidCastBehaviour castBehaviour)
      case Throw:
        return castThrow(values, destinationClass);
      case Remove:
        return castRemove(values, destinationClass);
      case UseDefault:
        return castUseDefault(values, destinationClass);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised cast behaviour: " + castBehaviour);

   * Casts an array of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, using the specified behaviour upon the event of a
   * cast failure. This operates differently to OfType, in that it forces a cast rather than checking if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized cast behaviour.
  public static <TSource, TDest> TDest[] cast(@NotNull final TSource[] values, @NotNull final Class<TDest> destClass,
                                              InvalidCastBehaviour castBehaviour)
    val list = new ReifiedArrayList<TDest>(values.length, destClass);

      case Throw:
        castThrow(values, list);
      case Remove:
        castRemove(values, list);
      case UseDefault:
        castUseDefault(values, list);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised cast behaviour: " + castBehaviour);

    return toArray(list);

   * Concatenates two or more sequences
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or one of its (Iterable&lt;T&gt;) elements is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> concat(@NotNull final Iterable<? extends T>... values)
    ReifiedArray<? extends T> array = new ReifiedArray<T>(values);

    for (Iterable<? extends T> vals : array)
      if (vals == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Item of values");

      for (final T item : vals)

   * Concatenates two or more arrays
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or one of its elements is null.
  public static <T> T[] concat(@NotNull final T[]... values)
    Class<?> componentType = null;
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (val vals : values)
      if (vals == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Item of values");
      if (componentType == null)
        componentType = vals.getClass().getComponentType();

      for (T item : vals)

    return toArray(result, componentType);

   * Returns true if an item is contained in a sequence. Scans the sequence linearly. You may scan for nulls.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean contains(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final T item)
    if (item == null)
      return containsNull(values);
      return containsNonNull(values, item);

   * Returns true if an item is contained in a sequence. Scans the sequence linearly. You may scan for nulls.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument or the comparer is null.
  public static <T> boolean contains(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, T item, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    if (item == null)
      return containsNull(values);
      return containsNonNull(values, item, comparer);

   * Returns true if an item is contained in a sequence. Scans the sequence linearly. You may scan for nulls.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean contains(@NotNull final T[] values, final T item)
    if (item == null)
      return containsNull(values);
      return containsNonNull(values, item);

   * Returns true if an item is contained in a sequence. Scans the sequence linearly. You may scan for nulls.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the array or the comparer is null.
  public static <T> boolean contains(@NotNull final T[] values, T item, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    if (item == null)
      return containsNull(values);
      return containsNonNull(values, item, comparer);

   * Returns true if any of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAny(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> items)
    for (T item : items)
      if (contains(values, item))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if any of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean
      containsAny(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> items, Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    for (T item : items)
      if (contains(values, item, comparer))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if any of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAny(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] items)
    for (T item : items)
      if (contains(values, item))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if any of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAny(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] items, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    for (T item : items)
      if (contains(values, item, comparer))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if all of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAll(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> items)
    for (T item : items)
      if (!contains(values, item))
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if all of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAll(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> items,
                                        final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    for (T item : items)
      if (!contains(values, item, comparer))
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if all of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAll(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] items)
    for (T item : items)
      if (!contains(values, item))
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if all of the items are contained in the given values. Scans the values sequence linearly, up to items.Length number of
   * times. You may scan for null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean containsAll(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] items, Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    for (T item : items)
      if (!contains(values, item, comparer))
        return false;

    return true;

  // TODO: test this works as expected, use breakpoints

   * Counts an Iterable in the most efficient manner possible.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    if (values instanceof Collection<?>)
      Collection<?> list = (Collection<?>) values;
      return list.size();
    if (values instanceof Map<?, ?>)
      Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) values;
      return map.size();
    if (values instanceof ReifiedList<?>)
      ReifiedList<?> list = (ReifiedList<?>) values;
      return list.size();
    if (values instanceof ReifiedMap<?, ?>)
      ReifiedMap<?, ?> map = (ReifiedMap<?, ?>) values;
      return map.size();

    // resort to counting elements one by one
    int result = 0;
    for (T item : values)

    return result;

   * Returns the array length.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final T[] array)
    return array.length;

   * Returns the number of occurrences of an object in a sequence. It is possible to search for null objects.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final T item)
    if (item == null)
      return countNulls(values);
      return countNonNull(values, item);

   * Returns the number of occurrences of an object in a sequence. It is possible to search for null objects.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument or the comparer is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, T item, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    if (item == null)
      return countNulls(values);
      return countNonNull(values, item, comparer);

   * Returns the number of occurrences of an object in a sequence. It is possible to search for null objects.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final T[] values, T item)
    if (item == null)
      return countNulls(values);
      return countNonNull(values, item);

   * Returns the number of occurrences of an object in a sequence. It is possible to search for null objects.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int count(@NotNull final T[] values, T item, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    if (item == null)
      return countNulls(values);
      return countNonNull(values, item, comparer);

   * Returns the number of occurrences that satisfy the given condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> int countWhere(@NotNull final Iterable<? extends T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    int counter = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (predicate.apply(item))

    return counter;

   * Returns the number of occurrences that satisfy the given condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> int countWhere(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    int counter = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (predicate.apply(item))

    return counter;

   * Returns the sequence if at least one element exists in it, otherwise returns a collection consisting of a single element which has a
   * null value.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> defaultIfEmpty(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    boolean empty = true;
    for (T item : values)
      empty = false;

    if (empty)

   * Returns the sequence if at least one element exists in it, otherwise returns a collection consisting of a single element which has a
   * null value.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] defaultIfEmpty(@NotNull final T[] values)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    for (T item : values)

    if (result.size() == 0)

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Concatenates the given values using their toString() method and appending the given delimiter between all values. Returns String.Empty
   * if an empty or null collection was provided. Ignores null collection items.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> String delimit(Iterable<T> values, String delimiter)
    return delimit(values, delimiter, null);

   * Concatenates the given values using their ToString method and appending the given delimiter between all values. Returns String.Empty if
   * an empty or null collection was provided. Substitutes null items with a null-replacement value, if provided and is not null.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> String delimit(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final String delimiter, String nullReplacementValue)
    val sb = new StringBuilder(256);

    for (T value : values)
      if (value != null)
      } else
      // append null replacement
      if (nullReplacementValue != null)

    if (sb.length() > 0)
      return sb.subSequence(0, sb.length() - delimiter.length()).toString();


   * Concatenates the given values using their toString() method and appending the given delimiter between all values. Returns String.Empty
   * if an empty or null collection was provided. Ignores null collection items.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> String delimit(T[] values, String delimiter)
    return delimit(values, delimiter, null);

   * Concatenates the given values using their ToString method and appending the given delimiter between all values. Returns String.Empty if
   * an empty or null collection was provided. Substitutes null items with a null-replacement value, if provided and is not null.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> String delimit(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final String delimiter, String nullReplacementValue)
    val sb = new StringBuilder(256);

    for (T value : values)
      if (value != null)
      } else
      // append null replacement
      if (nullReplacementValue != null)

    if (sb.length() > 0)
      return sb.subSequence(0, sb.length() - delimiter.length()).toString();


   * Returns distinct (i.e. no duplicate) elements from a sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> distinct(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    return distinct(values, null);

   * Returns distinct (i.e. no duplicate) elements from a sequence
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] distinct(@NotNull final T[] values)
    return distinct(values, null);

   * Returns distinct (i.e. no duplicate) elements from a sequence. Uses the specified comparer to identify duplicates.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> distinct(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    Set<T> set;
    if (comparer != null)
      set = new TreeSet<T>(comparer);
      set = new TreeSet<T>();

    for (T item : values)
      if (!set.contains(item))

   * Returns distinct (i.e. no duplicate) elements from a sequence. Uses the specified comparer to identify duplicates.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] distinct(@NotNull final T[] values, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val list = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, values.getClass().getComponentType());
    Set<T> set;
    if (comparer != null)
      set = new TreeSet<T>(comparer);
      set = new TreeSet<T>();

    for (T item : values)
      if (!set.contains(item))

    return list.toArray();

   * Returns the element at the given position in the provided sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException When the index is out of range.
  public static <T> T elementAt(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final int index)
    if (index < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index);

    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (i == index)
        return item;

    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("max=" + i + " index=" + index);

   * Returns the element at the given position in the provided sequence. It will return null if there is no such index.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> T elementAtOrDefault(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final int index)
    if (index >= 0)
      int i = 0;
      for (T item : values)
        if (i == index)
          return item;

    return null;

   * Returns the element at the given position in the provided sequence. It will return null if there is no such index.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> T elementAtOrDefault(@NotNull final T[] values, final int index)
    if (index >= 0 && index < values.length)
      return values[index];

    return null;

   * Returns all distinct values except the specified removed values.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> except(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> removedValues)
    return except(values, removedValues, null);

   * Returns all distinct values except the specified removed values.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or removedValues argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> except(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Iterable<T> removedValues,
                                       final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    Iterable<T> distinctValues;
    Iterable<T> distinctRemovedValues;

    if (comparer == null)
      distinctValues = distinct(values);
      distinctRemovedValues = distinct(removedValues);
    } else
      distinctValues = distinct(values, comparer);
      distinctRemovedValues = distinct(removedValues, comparer);

    for (T item : distinctValues)
      if (!contains(distinctRemovedValues, item))

   * Returns all distinct values except the specified removed values.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] except(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] removedValues)
    return except(values, removedValues, null);

   * Returns all distinct values except the specified removed values.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or removedValues argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] except(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T[] removedValues, Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    T[] distinctValues;
    T[] distinctRemovedValues;

    if (comparer == null)
      distinctValues = distinct(values);
      distinctRemovedValues = distinct(removedValues);
    } else
      distinctValues = distinct(values, comparer);
      distinctRemovedValues = distinct(removedValues, comparer);

    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (T item : distinctValues)
      if (!contains(distinctRemovedValues, item))

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no first element.
  public static <T> T first(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    for (T item : values)
      return item;

    throw new NoSuchElementException("The iterable is empty.");

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no first element.
  public static <T> T first(@NotNull final T[] values)
    if (values.length <= 0)
      throw new NoSuchElementException("The array is empty.");

    return values[0];

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence that matches a condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no match to the given predicate.
  public static <T> T first(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        return element;

    throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no match to the given predicate.");

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence that matches a condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no match to the given predicate.
  public static <T> T first(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    int count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T element = values[i];
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        return element;

    throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no match to the given predicate.");

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence. If no element is found, then null is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T firstOrDefault(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    for (T item : values)
      return item;

    return null;

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence that matches a condition. It will return the default value of T if there is no
   * match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T firstOrDefault(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        return element;

    return null;

   * Returns the first element in the provided array. If no element is found, then null is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T firstOrDefault(@NotNull final T[] values)
    if (values.length == 0)
      return null;

    return values[0];

   * Returns the first element in the provided sequence that matches a condition. It will return the default value of T if there is no
   * match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T firstOrDefault(@NotNull final T[] values, Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    int count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T element = values[i];
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        return element;

    return null;

   * Executes an action against all elements, returning them
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] forAll(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Action1<T> action)
    for (val value : values)

    return values;

   * Executes an action against all elements, returning them
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> forAll(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Action1<T> action)
    for (val value : values)

    return values;

   * Groups elements by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey, TResult> Iterable<TResult> groupBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values,
                                                          @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector)
    return groupBy(values, keySelector, null);

   * Groups elements by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey, TResult> TResult[] groupBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values, @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector)
    return groupBy(values, keySelector, null);

   * Groups elements by a specified key and comparer.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument or the key selector is null.
  public static <TKey, TResult> Iterable<TResult> groupBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values,
                                                          @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                                                          final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer)
    TreeMap<TKey, TResult> lookup;
    if (comparer == null)
      lookup = new TreeMap<TKey, TResult>();
      lookup = new TreeMap<TKey, TResult>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);

      if (!lookup.containsKey(key))
        lookup.put(key, item);

    for (TResult result : lookup.values())

   * Groups elements by a specified key and comparer.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument or the key selector is null.
  public static <TKey, TResult> TResult[] groupBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values, @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                                                  final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer)
    TreeMap<TKey, TResult> lookup;
    if (comparer == null)
      lookup = new TreeMap<TKey, TResult>();
      lookup = new TreeMap<TKey, TResult>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);

      if (!lookup.containsKey(key))
        lookup.put(key, item);

    return toArray(lookup.values(), values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Returns the index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int indexOf(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, T element)
    return element == null ? indexOfNull(values) : indexOfNotNull(values, element);

   * Returns the index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or the comparer argument is null.
  public static <T> int indexOf(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    return element == null ? indexOfNull(values) : indexOfNotNull(values, element, comparer);

   * Returns the index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int indexOf(@NotNull final T[] values, T element)
    return element == null ? indexOfNull(values) : indexOfNotNull(values, element);

   * Returns the index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int indexOf(@NotNull final T[] values, T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    return element == null ? indexOfNull(values) : indexOfNotNull(values, element, comparer);

   * Returns the intersection of the distinct elements of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> intersect(@NotNull final Iterable<T> first, @NotNull final Iterable<T> second)
    return intersect(first, second, null);

   * Returns the intersection of the distinct elements of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the first or second argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> intersect(@NotNull final Iterable<T> first, @NotNull final Iterable<T> second,
                                          final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    Iterable<T> distinctFirst;
    Iterable<T> distinctSecond;

    if (comparer == null)
      distinctFirst = distinct(first);
      distinctSecond = distinct(second);
    } else
      distinctFirst = distinct(first, comparer);
      distinctSecond = distinct(second, comparer);

    for (T item : distinctFirst)
      if (contains(distinctSecond, item))

   * Returns the intersection of the distinct elements of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] intersect(@NotNull final T[] first, @NotNull final T[] second)
    return intersect(first, second, null);

   * Returns the intersection of the distinct elements of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the first or second argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] intersect(@NotNull final T[] first, @NotNull final T[] second, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    T[] distinctFirst;
    T[] distinctSecond;

    if (comparer == null)
      distinctFirst = distinct(first);
      distinctSecond = distinct(second);
    } else
      distinctFirst = distinct(first, comparer);
      distinctSecond = distinct(second, comparer);

    for (T item : distinctFirst)
      if (contains(distinctSecond, item))

    return toArray(result, first.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Returns true if the sequence is empty.
   * @throws NullPointerException Is the argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean isEmpty(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    for (T v : values)
      return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if the array is empty.
   * @throws NullPointerException Is the argument is null.
  public static <T> boolean isEmpty(@NotNull final T[] values)
    return values.length == 0;

   * Performs an inner join (more specifically an equi-join) over two sequences. The outer values are filtered for key uniqueness (first
   * encountered key kept), whereas inner values may be non-unique.
   * @throws NullPointerException If an argument is null.
  public static <TOuter, TInner, TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TResult> Iterable<TResult>
      join(@NotNull final Iterable<TOuter> outerValues, @NotNull final Iterable<TInner> innerValues,
           @NotNull final Function1<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector, @NotNull final Function1<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector,
           @NotNull final Function2<TOuter, TInner, TResult> resultSelector)
    AvlHashtable<TKey, TOuter> lookup = new AvlHashtable<TKey, TOuter>(outerKeySelector.getReturnType(),

    for (TOuter value : outerValues)
      TKey outerKey = outerKeySelector.apply(value);
      lookup.add(outerKey, value);

    for (TInner inner : innerValues)
      TKey innerKey = innerKeySelector.apply(inner);

      if (lookup.containsKey(innerKey))
        TOuter outer = lookup.get(innerKey);
        TResult res = resultSelector.apply(outer, inner);

   * Performs an inner join (more specifically an equi-join) over two sequences. The outer values are filtered for key uniqueness (first
   * encountered key kept), whereas inner values may be non-unique.
   * @throws NullPointerException If an argument is null.
  public static <TOuter, TInner, TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TResult> TResult[]
      join(@NotNull final TOuter[] outerValues, @NotNull final TInner[] innerValues,
           @NotNull final Function1<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector, @NotNull final Function1<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector,
           @NotNull final Function2<TOuter, TInner, TResult> resultSelector)
    val result = new ArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    val lookup = new AvlHashtable<TKey, TOuter>(outerKeySelector.getReturnType(), outerKeySelector.getReturnType());

    for (TOuter value : outerValues)
      TKey outerKey = outerKeySelector.apply(value);
      lookup.add(outerKey, value);

    for (TInner inner : innerValues)
      TKey innerKey = innerKeySelector.apply(inner);

      if (lookup.containsKey(innerKey))
        TOuter outer = lookup.get(innerKey);
        TResult res = resultSelector.apply(outer, inner);

    return toArray(result, resultSelector.getReturnType());

   * Returns the last element in the iterable.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the array is null
   * @throws NoSuchElementException If the iterable is empty
  public static <T> T last(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    // check if any items present
    T last;
      last = first(values);
    catch(NoSuchElementException e)
      // no last element
      throw new NoSuchElementException("The iterable is empty.");

    // find last
    for (T item : values)
      last = item;

    return last;

   * Returns the last element in the array.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the array is null
   * @throws NoSuchElementException If the array is empty
  public static <T> T last(@NotNull final T[] array)
    if (array.length <= 0)
      throw new NoSuchElementException("The array is empty.");

    return array[array.length - 1];

   * Returns the last element in the provided sequence that matches a condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no match to the given predicate
  public static <T> T last(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    T result = null;
    boolean found = false;

    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        found = true;
        result = element;

    if (found)
      return result;

    throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no match to the given predicate.");

   * Returns the last element in the provided sequence that matches a condition.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException There is no match to the given predicate
  public static <T> T last(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    T result = null;
    boolean found = false;

    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        found = true;
        result = element;

    if (found)
      return result;

    throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no match to the given predicate.");

   * Returns the last element in the provided sequence. It will return null if there is no match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T lastOrDefault(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    T result = null;
    boolean found = false;

    for (T item : values)
      result = item;
      found = true;

    return found ? result : (T) null;

   * Returns the last element in the provided array. It will return null if there is no match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T lastOrDefault(@NotNull final T[] values)
    if (values.length <= 0)
      return null;

    return values[values.length - 1];

   * Returns the last element in the provided sequence that matches a condition. It will return null if there is no match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T lastOrDefault(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    T result = null;

    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        result = element;

    return result;

   * Returns the last element in the provided sequence that matches a condition. It will return null if there is no match.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T lastOrDefault(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    T result = null;

    int count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T element = values[i];
      if (predicate.apply(element))
        result = element;

    return result;

   * Returns the last index where the specified element is found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int lastIndexOf(@NotNull final Iterable<? super T> values, final T element)
    return element == null ? lastIndexOfNull(values) : lastIndexOfNotNull(values, element);

   * Returns the last index where the specified element is found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the values or comparer argument is null.
  public static <T> int lastIndexOf(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    return element == null ? lastIndexOfNull(values) : lastIndexOfNotNull(values, element, comparer);

   * Returns the last index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns
   * -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the values argument is null.
  public static <T> int lastIndexOf(@NotNull final T[] values, final T element)
    return element == null ? lastIndexOfNull(values) : lastIndexOfNotNull(values, element);

   * Returns the last index where the specified element is first found. You may search for nulls. If the element is not found, this returns
   * -1.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the values or comparer argument is null.
  public static <T> int lastIndexOf(@NotNull final T[] values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    return element == null ? lastIndexOfNull(values) : lastIndexOfNotNull(values, element, comparer);

   * Returns the maximum of the given values. If not values are given, null is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T max(@NotNull final T[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return null;

    T max = items[0];
    for (T item : items)
      if (max.compareTo(item) < 0)
        max = item;

    return max;

   * Returns the maximum of the given values. If not values are given, 0 is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static int max(@NotNull final int[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return 0;

    int max = items[0];
    for (int item : items)
      if (max < item)
        max = item;

    return max;

   * Returns the maximum of the given values. If not values are given, 0 is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static long max(@NotNull final long[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return 0;

    long max = items[0];
    for (long item : items)
      if (max < item)
        max = item;

    return max;

   * Returns the minimum of the given values. If not values are given, null is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T min(@NotNull final T[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return null;

    T min = items[0];
    for (T item : items)
      if (min.compareTo(item) > 0)
        min = item;

    return min;

   * Returns the minimum of the given values. If not values are given, 0 is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static int min(@NotNull final int[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return 0;

    int min = items[0];
    for (int item : items)
      if (min > item)
        min = item;

    return min;

   * Returns the minimum of the given values. If not values are given, 0 is returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static long min(@NotNull final long[] items)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return 0;

    long min = items[0];
    for (long item : items)
      if (min > item)
        min = item;

    return min;

   * Returns the item with the most occurrences in the given array. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload uses
   * the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T maxOccurring(T[] items)
    return maxOccurring(items, null);

   * Returns the item with the most occurrences in the given array. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload uses
   * the specified comparator for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T maxOccurring(@NotNull final T[] items, final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return null;

    val lookup = new TreeMap<T, ModuloCounter>(comparator);
    for (T item : items)
      if (!lookup.containsKey(item))
        lookup.put(item, new ModuloCounter(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1));


    long max = -1;
    T result = null;
    for (val kvp : lookup.entrySet())
      if (kvp.getValue().getValue() > max)
        max = kvp.getValue().getValue();
        result = kvp.getKey();

    return result;

   * Returns the item with the most occurrences in the given iterable. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload
   * uses the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T maxOccurring(Iterable<T> items)
    return maxOccurring(items, null);

   * Returns the item with the most occurrences in the given iterable. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload
   * uses the specified comparator for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T maxOccurring(@NotNull final Iterable<T> items, final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    val lookup = new TreeMap<T, ModuloCounter>(comparator);
    for (T item : items)
      if (!lookup.containsKey(item))
        lookup.put(item, new ModuloCounter(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1));

    if (lookup.size() <= 0)
      return null;

    long max = -1;
    T result = null;
    for (val kvp : lookup.entrySet())
      if (kvp.getValue().getValue() > max)
        max = kvp.getValue().getValue();
        result = kvp.getKey();

    return result;

   * Returns the item with the least occurrences in the given array. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload uses
   * the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T minOccurring(T[] items)
    return minOccurring(items, null);

   * Returns the item with the least occurrences in the given array. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload uses
   * the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T minOccurring(@NotNull final T[] items, final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    if (items.length <= 0)
      return null;

    val lookup = new TreeMap<T, ModuloCounter>(comparator);
    for (T item : items)
      if (!lookup.containsKey(item))
        lookup.put(item, new ModuloCounter(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1));

    long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    T result = null;
    for (val kvp : lookup.entrySet())
      if (kvp.getValue().getValue() < min)
        min = kvp.getValue().getValue();
        result = kvp.getKey();

    return result;

   * Returns the item with the least occurrences in the given iterable. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload
   * uses the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T minOccurring(Iterable<T> items)
    return minOccurring(items, null);

   * Returns the item with the least occurrences in the given iterable. If no items are given then null is returned. This method overload
   * uses the natural item ordering for grouping.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> T minOccurring(@NotNull final Iterable<T> items, final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    val lookup = new TreeMap<T, ModuloCounter>(comparator);

    for (T item : items)
      if (!lookup.containsKey(item))
        lookup.put(item, new ModuloCounter(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1));

    if (lookup.size() <= 0)
      return null;

    long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    T result = null;
    for (val kvp : lookup.entrySet())
      if (kvp.getValue().getValue() < min)
        min = kvp.getValue().getValue();
        result = kvp.getKey();

    return result;

   * Returns all values in a sequence that are of a particular type. This operates differently to Cast, in that it does not force a cast; it
   * rather checks if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> ofType(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values,
                                                        @NotNull final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    for (TSource item : values)
      TDest temp = null;
        temp = destinationClass.cast(item);
      catch(ClassCastException e)


   * Returns all values in a sequence that are of a particular type. This operates differently to Cast, in that it does not force a cast; it
   * rather checks if a TSource is of TDest type.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TDest> TDest[] ofType(@NotNull final TSource[] values, @NotNull final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<TDest>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, destinationClass);

    for (TSource item : values)
        TDest temp = destinationClass.cast(item);
      catch(ClassCastException e)

    return result.toArray();

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TResult> Iterable<TResult>
      orderBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values, @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector)
    return orderBy(values, keySelector, null);

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or keySelector argument is null.
  public static <TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TResult> ReifiedList<TResult>
      orderBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values, @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector,
              final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer)
    TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>> dict;
    if (comparer == null)
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>>();
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);
      if (dict.containsKey(key))
        List<TResult> v = new ArrayList<TResult>();
        dict.put(key, v);

    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, keySelector.getParameterType1());
    for (List<TResult> list : dict.values())

    return result;

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values or keySelector argument is null.
  public static <TKey, TResult> TResult[] orderBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values, @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                                                  final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer)
    TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>> dict;
    if (comparer == null)
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>>();
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, List<TResult>>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);
      if (dict.containsKey(key))
        List<TResult> v = new ArrayList<TResult>();
        dict.put(key, v);

    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, keySelector.getParameterType1());
    for (List<TResult> list : dict.values())

    return result.toArray();

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TResult> TResult[] orderBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values,
                                                                           @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector)
    return orderBy(values, keySelector, null);

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key and matching key results get sorted by a second key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TKey2 extends Comparable<TKey2>, TResult> Iterable<TResult>
      orderByThenBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values, @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                    @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey2> keySelector2)
    return orderByThenBy(values, keySelector, null, keySelector2, null);

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key and matching key results get sorted by a second key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TKey2 extends Comparable<TKey2>, TResult> TResult[]
      orderByThenBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values, @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                    @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey2> keySelector2)
    return orderByThenBy(values, keySelector, null, keySelector2, null);

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key and matching key results get sorted by a second key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey, TKey2, TResult> Iterable<TResult> orderByThenBy(@NotNull final Iterable<TResult> values,
                                                                       @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                                                                       final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer,
                                                                       @NotNull final Function1<? super TResult, TKey2> keySelector2,
                                                                       final Comparator<? super TKey2> comparer2)
    TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>> dict;
    if (comparer == null)
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>>();
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);
      TKey2 key2 = keySelector2.apply(item);

      if (dict.containsKey(key))
        if (dict.get(key).containsKey(key2))
          List<TResult> lst = new ArrayList<TResult>();
          dict.get(key).put(key2, lst);
      } else
        TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>> secondDictionary;

        if (comparer2 == null)
          secondDictionary = new TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>();
          secondDictionary = new TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>(comparer2);

        List<TResult> lst = new ArrayList<TResult>();
        secondDictionary.put(key2, lst);
        dict.put(key, secondDictionary);

    // get all lists and combine into one resultant list
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, keySelector2.getReturnType());
    // get all secondary dictionaries
    for (TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>> tree : dict.values())
      for (List<TResult> list : tree.values())

    return result;

   * Orders a sequence by a specified key and matching key results get sorted by a second key.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TKey, TKey2, TResult> TResult[] orderByThenBy(@NotNull final TResult[] values,
                                                               @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey> keySelector,
                                                               final Comparator<? super TKey> comparer,
                                                               @NotNull final Function1<TResult, TKey2> keySelector2,
                                                               final Comparator<? super TKey2> comparer2)
    TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>> dict;
    if (comparer == null)
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>>();
      dict = new TreeMap<TKey, TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>>(comparer);

    for (TResult item : values)
      TKey key = keySelector.apply(item);
      TKey2 key2 = keySelector2.apply(item);

      if (dict.containsKey(key))
        if (dict.get(key).containsKey(key2))
          List<TResult> lst = new ArrayList<TResult>();
          dict.get(key).put(key2, lst);
      } else
        TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>> secondDictionary;

        if (comparer2 == null)
          secondDictionary = new TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>();
          secondDictionary = new TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>>(comparer2);

        List<TResult> lst = new ArrayList<TResult>();
        secondDictionary.put(key2, lst);
        dict.put(key, secondDictionary);

    // get all lists and combine into one resultant list
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, keySelector2.getReturnType());
    // get all secondary dictionaries
    for (TreeMap<TKey2, List<TResult>> tree : dict.values())
      for (List<TResult> list : tree.values())

    return result.toArray();

   * Partitions the given values based on a predicate. Matching values are first, non-matching second.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> Pair<Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>> partition(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values,
                                                             @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    val matching = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    val nonMatching = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (T item : values)
      if (predicate.evaluate(item))

    return new Pair<Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>>(matching, nonMatching);

   * Partitions the given values based on a predicate. Matching values are first, non-matching second.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> Pair<T[], T[]> partition(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<T> predicate)
    val matching = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, values.getClass().getComponentType());
    val nonMatching = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, values.getClass().getComponentType());

    for (T item : values)
      if (predicate.evaluate(item))

    return new Pair<T[], T[]>(matching.toArray(), nonMatching.toArray());

   * Returns a range from the provided sequence. Inclusiveness is [start, finish) i.e. as in a For loop.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of range.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> range(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final int start, final int finish)
    if (start < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("start=" + start);
    if (finish < start)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("start=" + start + " finish=" + finish);

    int index = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (index >= finish)
      if (index >= start)


    if (index < finish)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("max=" + index + " finish=" + finish);

   * Returns a range from the provided sequence. Inclusiveness is [start, finish) i.e. as in a For loop.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of range.
  public static <T> T[] range(@NotNull final T[] values, final int start, final int finish)
    if (start < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("start=" + start);
    if (finish < start || finish > values.length)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("start=" + start + " finish=" + finish + " length=" + values.length);

    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(finish - start);

    for (int i = start; i < finish; i++)

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Returns a range of values, from start to end (exclusive). The value is incremented using the specified stepping function.
   * @throws NullPointerException The step function argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> range(@NotNull final T start, @NotNull final T end, @NotNull final Function1<T, T> stepFunction)
    T current = start;

    if (start == null || end == null)
      while (current != end)
        current = stepFunction.apply(current);
      while (!current.equals(end))
        current = stepFunction.apply(current);

   * Returns a range of values, by using a step function, until the predicate returns false
   * @throws NullPointerException The predicate or step function argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> range(@NotNull final T start, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate,
                                      @NotNull final Function1<T, T> stepFunction)
    T current = start;
    while (predicate.apply(current))
      current = stepFunction.apply(current);

   * Returns a collection of specified size
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The count is out of range.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the destination class is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> repeat(@NotNull final T value, final int count)
    if (count < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

   * Returns a reversed version of the provided sequence
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <T> List<T> reverse(@NotNull final List<T> values)

    return values;

   * Returns a reversed version of the provided sequence
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> reverse(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    for (T item : values)


    return result;

   * Returns a reversed version of the provided sequence
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <T> ReifiedList<T> reverse(@NotNull final ReifiedIterable<T> values)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(values);

    return result;

   * Returns a reversed version of the provided array
   * @throws NullPointerException When the argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] reverse(@NotNull final T[] values)
    return ArrayUtils.reverse(values);

   * Acts as a Select LINQ function. It will never return null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TResult> Iterable<TResult> select(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values,
                                                            @NotNull final Function1<? super TSource, TResult> selector)
    for (TSource item : values)

   * Acts as a Select LINQ function. It will never return null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TResult> TResult[] select(@NotNull final TSource[] values, @NotNull final Function1<TSource, TResult> selector)
    val result = new ArrayList<TResult>(values.length);

    for (TSource item : values)

    return toArray(result, selector.getReturnType());

   * Acts as a SelectMany LINQ function, to allow selection of iterables and return all their sub-items.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TSource, TResult> Iterable<TResult> selectMany(@NotNull final Iterable<TSource> values,
                                                                @NotNull final Function1<? super TSource, List<TResult>> selector)
    for (TSource item : values)
      List<TResult> subItems = selector.apply(item);
      if (subItems != null)
        for (TResult subItem : subItems)

   * Acts as a SelectMany LINQ function, to allow selection of iterables and return all their sub-items.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException When the run-time type of the resulting array cannot be determined.
  public static <TSource, TResult> TResult[] selectMany(@NotNull final TSource[] values, Function1<TSource, ReifiedList<TResult>> selector)
    val result = new ArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    Class<?> resultClass = null;

    for (TSource item : values)
      ReifiedList<TResult> subItems = selector.apply(item);
      if (subItems != null)
        for (TResult subItem : subItems)
        if (resultClass == null)
          resultClass = subItems.getGenericTypeParameter();

    if (resultClass == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine run-time type because all selection results were null.");

    return toArray(result, resultClass);

   * Returns true if both iterables have the same values in the exact same positions.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> boolean sequenceEqual(@NotNull final Iterable<? super T> values1, @NotNull final Iterable<T> values2)
    if (count(values1) != count(values2))
      return false;
      Iterator<? super T> i1 = values1.iterator();
      Iterator<T> i2 = values2.iterator();

      // enumerate both
      while (i1.hasNext())
        Object v1 =;
        T v2 =;

        // compare using Equals if both not null
        if (v1 != null && v2 != null)
          if (!v1.equals(v2))
            return false;
        } else
        // check if one is null and the other is not
        if (v1 != null || v2 != null)
          return false;

      return true;

   * Returns true if the item sequences within two arrays are equal. Arrays may contain null elements.
   * @throws NullPointerException An array is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Length is out of range.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException Offsets are out of range.
   * @throws ArithmeticException When very large numbers are used and overflow occurs.
  public static <T> boolean sequenceEqual(@NotNull final List<T> a, int offsetA, @NotNull final List<T> b, int offsetB, int count)
    if (count == 0)
      return true;
    if (offsetA < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetA=" + offsetA);
    if (offsetB < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetB=" + offsetB);

    if (count < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count);

    if (offsetA + count > a.size() || offsetA + count < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetA=" + offsetA + " count=" + count + " length=" + a.size());
    if (offsetB + count > b.size() || offsetB + count < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetB=" + offsetB + " count=" + count + " length=" + b.size());

    // comparisons
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T elemA = a.get(offsetA + i);
      T elemB = b.get(offsetB + i);

      // check not null to use Equals
      if (elemA != null && elemB != null)
        if (!elemA.equals(elemB))
          return false;
      } else if (elemA != null || elemB != null)
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns true if both iterables have the same values in the exact same positions.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
  public static <T> boolean sequenceEqual(@NotNull final T[] values1, @NotNull final T[] values2)
    if (values1.length != values2.length)
      return false;
      int count = values1.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        T v1 = values1[i];
        T v2 = values2[i];

        // compare using Equals if both not null
        if (v1 != null && v2 != null)
          if (!v1.equals(v2))
            return false;
        } else
        // check if one is null and the other is not
        if (v1 != null || v2 != null)
          return false;

      return true;

   * Returns true if the item sequences within two arrays are equal. Arrays may contain null elements.
   * @throws NullPointerException An array is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Length is out of range.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException Offsets are out of range.
   * @throws ArithmeticException When very large numbers are used and overflow occurs.
  public static <T> boolean sequenceEqual(@NotNull final T[] a, int offsetA, @NotNull final T[] b, int offsetB, int count)
    if (count == 0)
      return true;
    if (offsetA < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetA=" + offsetA);
    if (offsetB < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetB=" + offsetB);

    if (count < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count);

    if (offsetA + count > a.length || offsetA + count < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetA=" + offsetA + " count=" + count + " length=" + a.length);
    if (offsetB + count > b.length || offsetB + count < 0)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offsetB=" + offsetB + " count=" + count + " length=" + b.length);

    // comparisons
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T elemA = a[offsetA + i];
      T elemB = b[offsetB + i];

      // check not null to use Equals
      if (elemA != null && elemB != null)
        if (!elemA.equals(elemB))
          return false;
      } else if (elemA != null || elemB != null)
        return false;

    return true;

   * Throws an exception if the given Iterable does not have a single element (e.g. none, 2, 3, etc.) If a single element exists, this is
   * returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException When count is out of range.
  public static <T> T single(@NotNull final T[] values)
    if (values.length != 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given array should contain a single element");

    return values[0];

   * Throws an exception if the given Iterable does not have a single element (e.g. none, 2, etc.) If onr element exists, it's returned.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException When count is out of range.
  public static <T> T single(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    int i = 0;
    T result = null;

    for (T item : values)
      if (i == 0)
        result = item;
      if (i == 2)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given iterable contains more than one element");
    if (i == 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given iterable does not contain any elements");

    return result;

   * Skips up to the specified number of elements in the given sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException When count is out of range.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> skip(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final int count)
    if (count < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count);

    // skip phase
    int skipped = 0;
    Iterator<T> iterator = values.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext() && skipped < count)

    // return remaining phase
    while (iterator.hasNext())

   * Skips up to the specified number of elements in the given sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the values argument is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException When count is out of range.
  public static <T> T[] skip(@NotNull final T[] values, final int count)
    if (count < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count);

    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (i++ < count)


    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Skips items in the sequence for which a predicate is true, returning the rest.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T> Iterable<T> skipWhile(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    boolean skipping = true;

    for (T item : values)
      if (skipping)
        if (!predicate.apply(item))
          skipping = false;
      } else

   * Skips items in the sequence for which a predicate is true, returning the rest.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T> T[] skipWhile(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<T> predicate)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    boolean skipping = true;

    for (T item : values)
      if (skipping)
        if (!predicate.apply(item))
          skipping = false;
      } else

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Sorts a list
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sort(@NotNull final List<T> values)
    return values;

   * Sorts a list
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sort(@NotNull final List<T> values, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    Collections.sort(values, comparator);
    return values;

   * Sorts a sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sort(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (T item : values)

    return result;

   * Sorts a sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T extends Comparable<T>> ReifiedList<T> sort(@NotNull final ReifiedIterable<T> values)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(values);
    return result;

   * Sorts a sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T> List<T> sort(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Comparator<? super T> comparator)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    for (T item : values)

    Collections.sort(result, comparator);

    return result;

   * Splits a sequence into parts delimited by the specified delimited. Empty entries between delimiters are removed.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null, or an item in the iterable is null.
  public static <T> List<T>[] split(@NotNull final Iterable<? extends T> values, @NotNull final T delimiter)
    val parts = new ReifiedArrayList<List<T>>() {};
    parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    for (T item : values)
      if (!item.equals(delimiter))
        parts.get(parts.size() - 1).add(item);
        parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    return where(parts.toArray(), isNotEmpty);

   * Splits a sequence into parts delimited by the specified delimited. Empty entries between delimiters are removed.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null, or an item in the iterable is null.
  public static <T> List<T>[] split(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T delimiter)
    val parts = new ReifiedArrayList<List<T>>() {};
    parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    for (T item : values)
      if (!item.equals(delimiter))
        parts.get(parts.size() - 1).add(item);
        parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    return where(parts.toArray(), isNotEmpty);

   * Splits a sequence into parts delimited by the specified delimited. Empty entries between delimiters are removed.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null, or an item in the iterable is null and the comparer does not handle this case.
  public static <T> List<T>[] split(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final T delimiter, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val parts = new ReifiedArrayList<List<T>>() {};
    parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    for (T item : values)
      if (, delimiter) != 0)
        // not a delimiter, add to parts
        parts.get(parts.size() - 1).add(item);
        parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    return where(parts.toArray(), isNotEmpty);

   * Splits a sequence into parts delimited by the specified delimited. Empty entries between delimiters are removed.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null, or an item in the iterable is null and the comparer does not handle this case.
  public static <T> List<T>[] split(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final T delimiter, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val parts = new ReifiedArrayList<List<T>>() {};
    parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    for (T item : values)
      if (, delimiter) != 0)
        parts.get(parts.size() - 1).add(item);
        parts.add(new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE));

    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    return where(parts.toArray(), isNotEmpty);

   * Swaps two elements in an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException Array is null
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException Array indices are out of range.
  public static <T> void swap(@NotNull final T[] array, int a, int b)
    if (a < 0 || a >= array.length)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("a=" + a + " length=" + array.length);

    if (b < 0 || b >= array.length)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("b=" + b + " length=" + array.length);

    if (a == b)

    T value = array[a];
    array[a] = array[b];
    array[b] = value;

   * Swaps two elements in a list
   * @throws NullPointerException List is null
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException List indices are out of range.
  public static <T> void swap(@NotNull final List<T> list, int a, int b)
    if (a < 0 || a >= list.size())
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("a=" + a + " size=" + list.size());

    if (b < 0 || b >= list.size())
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("b=" + b + " size=" + list.size());

    if (a == b)

    T value = list.get(a);
    list.set(a, list.get(b));
    list.set(b, value);

   * Swaps two or more elements in an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException Array is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The length of index arrays are not equal.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An array index in the indices is out of range
  public static <T> void swap(@NotNull final T[] array, @NotNull final int[] a, @NotNull final int[] b)
    if (a.length != b.length)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("a=" + a.length + " b=" + b.length);

    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
      int posA = a[i];
      int posB = b[i];

      if (posA < 0 || posA >= array.length)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posA=" + posA + " length=" + array.length);
      if (posB < 0 || posB >= array.length)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posB=" + posB + " length=" + array.length);

      T value = array[posA];
      array[posA] = array[posB];
      array[posB] = value;

   * Swaps two or more elements in an array
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The length of index arrays are not equal.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An array index in the indices is out of range
  public static <T> void swap(@NotNull final List<T> list, @NotNull final int[] a, @NotNull final int[] b)
    if (a.length != b.length)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("a=" + a.length + " b=" + b.length);

    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
      int posA = a[i];
      int posB = b[i];

      if (posA < 0 || posA >= list.size())
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posA=" + posA + " length=" + list.size());
      if (posB < 0 || posB >= list.size())
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posB=" + posB + " length=" + list.size());

      T value = list.get(posA);
      list.set(posA, list.get(posB));
      list.set(posB, value);

   * Returns up to the specified number of elements from the given sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> take(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, final int count)
    Iterator<T> iterator = values.iterator();

    int index = 0;
    while (index++ < count && iterator.hasNext())

   * Returns up to the specified number of elements from the given sequence.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The count argument is out of range.
  public static <T> T[] take(@NotNull final T[] values, final int count)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count && i < values.length; i++)

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Returns items in the sequence while a predicate is true. Breaks when the condition is not satisfied.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> takeWhile(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T item : values)
      if (predicate.apply(item))

   * Returns items in the sequence while a predicate is true. Breaks when the condition is not satisfied.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] takeWhile(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T item = values[i];
      if (predicate.apply(item))

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Converts an enumeration to an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] toArray(@NotNull final Enumeration<T> enumeration, @NotNull final Class<?> componentType)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(componentType);
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements())

    return result.toArray();

   * Converts a list to an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] toArray(@NotNull final ReifiedList<T> list)
    return toArray(list, list.getGenericTypeParameter());

   * Converts an iterable to an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] toArray(@NotNull final ReifiedIterable<T> values)
    return toArray(values, values.getGenericTypeParameter());

   * Converts an iterable to an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is nul.
  public static <T> T[] toArray(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Class<?> componentType)
    // count items
    val count = count(values);

    val result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, count);

    val iterator = values.iterator();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      result[i] =;

    return result;

   * Converts a collection to an array.
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] toArray(@NotNull final Collection<T> list, @NotNull final Class<?> componentType)
    // count items
    val size = list.size();
    val result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, size);

    val iterator = list.iterator();

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      result[i] =;

    return result;

   * Converts a sequence of items into a key/value AVL tree. Items from which duplicate keys are derived will be skipped. Null keys are not
   * allowed.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T, TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TValue> AvlHashtable<TKey, TValue>
      toAvlHashtable(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Function1<T, TKey> keySelector,
                     @NotNull final Function1<T, TValue> valueSelector)
    val result = new AvlHashtable<TKey, TValue>(keySelector.getReturnType(), valueSelector.getReturnType());
    for (T item : values)
      result.add(keySelector.apply(item), valueSelector.apply(item));

    return result;

   * Converts a sequence of items into a key/value AVL hashtable. Items from which duplicate keys are derived will be skipped. Null keys are
   * not allowed by the AVLHashtable.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T, TKey extends Comparable<TKey>, TValue> AvlHashtable<TKey, TValue>
      toAvlHashtable(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Function1<T, TKey> keySelector,
                     @NotNull final Function1<T, TValue> valueSelector)
    val result = new AvlHashtable<TKey, TValue>(keySelector.getReturnType(), valueSelector.getReturnType());
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      result.add(keySelector.apply(values[i]), valueSelector.apply(values[i]));

    return result;

   * Converts an enumeration to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> List<T> toList(@NotNull final Enumeration<? extends T> enumeration)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>();
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements())

    return result;

   * Converts an enumeration to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  public static <T> ReifiedList<T> toList(@NotNull final Enumeration<T> enumeration, @NotNull final Class<?> genericTypeParameter)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<T>(genericTypeParameter);
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements())

    return result;

   * Converts an Iterable to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> List<T> toList(@NotNull final Iterable<? extends T> values)
    if (values instanceof List)
      return (List<T>) values;

    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
    for (T item : values)

    return result;

   * Converts an iterable to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> ReifiedList<T> toList(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Class<?> genericTypeParameter)
    return new ReifiedArrayList<T>(values, genericTypeParameter);

   * Converts an iterable to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> ReifiedList<T> toList(@NotNull final ReifiedIterable<T> values)
    return new ReifiedArrayList<T>(values);

   * Converts an array to a list
   * @throws NullPointerException The values argument is null.
  public static <T> ReifiedList<T> toList(@NotNull final T[] values)
    return new ReifiedArrayList<T>(values);

   * Returns a toString() of the given collection
  public static <T> String toString(final Iterable<T> iterable)
    Iterator<T> i = iterable.iterator();
    if (!i.hasNext())
      return "[]";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (;;)
      T e =;
      sb.append(e == iterable ? "(this Collection)" : e);
      if (!i.hasNext())
        return sb.append(']').toString();
      sb.append(", ");

   * Returns a toString() of the given array
  public static <T> String toString(final T[] iterable)
    return Arrays.toString(iterable);

   * Produces the union of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> union(@NotNull final Iterable<T> first, @NotNull final Iterable<T> second)
    return union(first, second, null);

   * Produces the union of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the first or second argument is null.
  public static <T> Iterable<T> union(@NotNull final Iterable<T> first, @NotNull final Iterable<T> second,
                                      final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    Iterable<T> firstDistinct;
    Iterable<T> secondDistinct;

    if (comparer == null)
      firstDistinct = distinct(first);
      secondDistinct = distinct(second);
      return concat(firstDistinct, secondDistinct);
    } else
      firstDistinct = distinct(first, comparer);
      secondDistinct = distinct(second, comparer);
      return concat(firstDistinct, secondDistinct);

   * Produces the union of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] union(@NotNull final T[] first, @NotNull final T[] second)
    return union(first, second, null);

   * Produces the union of two sequences.
   * @throws NullPointerException When the first or second argument is null.
  public static <T> T[] union(@NotNull final T[] first, @NotNull final T[] second, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    T[] firstDistinct;
    T[] secondDistinct;

    if (comparer == null)
      firstDistinct = distinct(first);
      secondDistinct = distinct(second);
      T[] union = concat(firstDistinct, secondDistinct);
      return distinct(union);
    } else
      firstDistinct = distinct(first, comparer);
      secondDistinct = distinct(second, comparer);
      T[] union = concat(firstDistinct, secondDistinct);
      return distinct(union, comparer);

   * Performs the reverse operation to zip()
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T, TResult1, TResult2> Iterable<Pair<TResult1, TResult2>>
      unzip(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Function1<? super T, Pair<TResult1, TResult2>> func)
    val result = new ArrayList<Pair<TResult1, TResult2>>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (T item : values)

    return result;

   * Performs the reverse operation to zip()
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T, TResult1, TResult2> Pair<TResult1, TResult2>[] unzip(@NotNull final T[] values,
                                                                         @NotNull final Function1<T, Pair<TResult1, TResult2>> func)
    val result = new ReifiedArrayList<Pair<TResult1, TResult2>>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE, Pair.class);

    for (T item : values)

    return result.toArray();

   * Returns a subset of the provided sequence, which conforms to the given predicate i.e. acts like a Where LINQ function It will never
   * return null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T> Iterable<T> where(@NotNull final Iterable<T> values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))

   * Returns a subset of the provided sequence, which conforms to the given predicate i.e. acts like a Where LINQ function It will never
   * return null.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
  public static <T> T[] where(@NotNull final T[] values, @NotNull final Predicate1<? super T> predicate)
    val result = new ArrayList<T>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    for (T element : values)
      if (predicate.apply(element))

    return toArray(result, values.getClass().getComponentType());

   * Merges two sequences by using the specified predicate function.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TFirst, TSecond, TResult> Iterable<TResult> zip(@NotNull final Iterable<TFirst> first,
                                                                 @NotNull final Iterable<TSecond> second,
                                                                 @NotNull final Function2<TFirst, TSecond, TResult> function)
    Iterator<TFirst> iterator1 = first.iterator();
    Iterator<TSecond> iterator2 = second.iterator();

    while (iterator1.hasNext() && iterator2.hasNext())

   * Merges two sequences by using the specified predicate function.
   * @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null.
  public static <TFirst, TSecond, TResult> TResult[] zip(@NotNull final TFirst[] first, @NotNull final TSecond[] second,
                                                         @NotNull final Function2<TFirst, TSecond, TResult> function)
    val result = new ArrayList<TResult>(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);

    val count = Math.min(first.length, second.length);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      result.add(function.apply(first[i], second[i]));

    return toArray(result, function.getReturnType());

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, throwing an InvalidCastException if any elements
   * are not cast successfully.
  private static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> castThrow(final Iterable<TSource> values, final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    for (TSource v : values)
      TDest castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(v);

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, throwing an InvalidCastException if any elements
   * are not cast successfully.
  private static <TSource, TDest> void castThrow(TSource[] values, ReifiedList<TDest> list)
    val destinationClass = list.getGenericTypeParameter();
    for (TSource v : values)
      TDest castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(v);

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, discarding elements that are not cast successfully.
  private static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> castRemove(final Iterable<TSource> values, final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    for (TSource v : values)
      boolean cce = false;
      TDest castVal;
        castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(v);
      catch(ClassCastException e)
        cce = true;
      if (!cce)

   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, discarding elements that are not cast successfully.
  private static <TSource, TDest> void castRemove(final TSource[] values, final ReifiedList<TDest> list)
    val destinationClass = list.getGenericTypeParameter();
    for (TSource v : values)
      TDest castVal;
        castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(v);
      catch(ClassCastException e)
        // remove upon any failure


   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, using nulls for elements that are not cast
   * successfully
  private static <TSource, TDest> Iterable<TDest> castUseDefault(final Iterable<TSource> values, final Class<TDest> destinationClass)
    for (TSource v : values)
      TDest castVal = null;
        castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(v);
      catch(ClassCastException e)


   * Casts a sequence of values of a certain type to an array of values of another type, using nulls for elements that are not cast
   * successfully
   * @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
  private static <TSource, TDest> void castUseDefault(final TSource[] values, final ReifiedList<TDest> list)
    val destinationClass = list.getGenericTypeParameter();

    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      TDest castVal;
        castVal = (TDest) destinationClass.cast(values[i]);
      catch(ClassCastException e)
        castVal = null;
      // add

   * Returns true if a non-null item is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNonNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T item)
    for (T v : values)
      // if a value is null, we cannot use equals
      if (v != null)
        if (v.equals(item))
          return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if a non-null item is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNonNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T item, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    for (T v : values)
      // if a value is null, we cannot use equals
      if (v != null)
        if (, item) == 0)
          return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if null is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNull(final Iterable<T> values)
    for (T item : values)
      if (item == null)
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if a non-null item is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNonNull(final T[] values, final T item)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T v = values[i];
      // if a value is null, we cannot use equals
      if (v != null)
        if (v.equals(item))
          return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if a non-null item is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNonNull(final T[] values, final T item, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T v = values[i];
      // if a value is null, we cannot use equals
      if (v != null)
        if (, item) == 0)
          return true;

    return false;

   * Returns true if null is contained in the sequence of values
  private static <T> boolean containsNull(final T[] values)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (values[i] == null)
        return true;

    return false;

   * Returns the number of null entries in the sequence
  private static <T> int countNulls(final Iterable<? extends T> values)
    // check if value contained in sequence
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    for (T v : values)
      if (v == null)

    return result;

   * Returns the number of null entries in the sequence
  private static <T> int countNulls(final T[] values)
    // check if value contained in sequence
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (values[i] == null)

    return result;

   * Returns the number of occurences of a non-null value in the collection
  private static <T> int countNonNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T value)
    // check if value contained collection
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    for (T v : values)
      if (v != null)
        if (v.equals(value))

    return result;

   * Returns the number of occurences of a non-null value in the collection
  private static <T> int countNonNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T value, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    // check if value contained collection
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    for (T v : values)
      if (v != null)
        if (, value) == 0)

    return result;

   * Returns the number of occurences of a non-null value in the collection
  private static <T> int countNonNull(final T[] values, final T value)
    // check if value contained collection
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T v = values[i];
      if (v != null)
        if (v.equals(value))

    return result;

   * Returns the number of occurences of a non-null value in the collection
  private static <T> int countNonNull(final T[] values, final T value, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    // check if value contained collection
    int result = 0;

    // the values is confirmed to be a non-null IEnumerable prior to this
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      T v = values[i];
      if (v != null)
        if (, value) == 0)

    return result;

   * Returns the index where the first null element is found. If no null elements are found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNull(final Iterable<T> values)
    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (item == null)
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the index where the first null element is found. If no null elements are found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNull(final T[] values)
    int count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (values[i] == null)
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNotNull(final Iterable<? super T> values, final T element)
    int i = 0;
    for (Object item : values)
      if (element.equals(item))
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNotNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (, item) == 0)
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNotNull(final T[] values, final T element)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (element.equals(values[i]))
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int indexOfNotNull(final T[] values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      if (, values[i]) == 0)
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the last index where the first null element is found. If no null elements are found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNull(final Iterable<T> values)
    int lastPos = -1;
    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (item == null)
        lastPos = i;

    return lastPos;

   * Returns the last index where the first null element is found. If no null elements are found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNull(final T[] values)
    int count = values.length;
    for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--)
      if (values[i] == null)
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the last index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNotNull(final Iterable<? super T> values, final T element)
    int lastPos = -1;
    int i = 0;
    for (Object item : values)
      if (element.equals(item))
        lastPos = i;

    return lastPos;

   * Returns the last index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNotNull(final Iterable<T> values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    int lastPos = -1;
    int i = 0;
    for (T item : values)
      if (, item) == 0)
        lastPos = i;

    return lastPos;

   * Returns the last index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNotNull(final T[] values, final T element)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (element.equals(values[i]))
        return i;

    return -1;

   * Returns the last index where the specified not-null element is first found. If the element is not found, this returns -1.
  private static <T> int lastIndexOfNotNull(final T[] values, final T element, final Comparator<? super T> comparer)
    val count = values.length;
    for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (, values[i]) == 0)
        return i;

    return -1;

  private Linq()

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