// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This file is part of Propel.
// Propel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Propel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Authored by: Nikolaos Tountas -> salam.kaser-at-gmail.com
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
package propel.core.utils;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
import lombok.Validate;
import lombok.Validate.NotNull;
import lombok.val;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import propel.core.collections.maps.avl.AvlHashtable;
import propel.core.common.CONSTANT;
import propel.core.functional.Predicates.Predicate1;
import propel.core.userTypes.Int128;
import propel.core.userTypes.SignedByte;
import propel.core.userTypes.UnsignedByte;
import propel.core.userTypes.UnsignedInteger;
import propel.core.userTypes.UnsignedLong;
import propel.core.userTypes.UnsignedShort;
* Class aiding in casting, encoding/decoding and converting
public final class ConversionUtils
* Used to convert Durations into milliseconds
private static final Calendar ZERO_AD = new GregorianCalendar(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
* Packs two 32-bit integers into a 64-bit long (a,b => ab)
public static long pack64(int a, int b)
long c1 = (((long) a) << 32);
long c2 = ((long) b) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long num = c1 | c2;
return num;
* Reversed the pack64() function
public static int[] unpack64(long num)
int a = (int) (num >>> 32);
int b = (int) num;
return new int[] {a, b};
* Conversion utility method, allows for a C# unsigned byte to be converted to a Java signed byte.
public static byte byteDotNetToJvm(int i)
if (i > 127)
return (byte) (i - 256);
} else
return (byte) i;
* Conversion utility method, allows for a Java signed byte to be converted to a C# unsigned byte.
public static int byteJvmToDotNet(byte b)
return b & 0xFF;
* .NET-style Convert.ChangeType functionality. Works for most built-in types. Attempts to use casting for others.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An incompatible argument was passed (e.g. an array or annotation)
* @throws NumberFormatException An invalid input value was given that does not parse to the specified target type
* @throws ClassCastException A class cast failed
public static <T> T changeType(@NotNull final Object value, @NotNull final Class<T> targetType)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
val sourceType = value.getClass();
// check that we're not working with incompatible types
if (sourceType.isAnnotation() || targetType.isAnnotation())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This conversion process does not support annotations.");
if (sourceType.isArray() || targetType.isArray())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This conversion process does not support arrays.");
// handle conversion to String
if (targetType.equals(String.class))
return (T) value.toString();
// handle parsing from String
if (sourceType.equals(String.class))
return (T) changeTypeParseFromString(value, targetType);
// handle simple casting scenario
if (sourceType.isAssignableFrom(targetType))
return targetType.cast(value);
// handle number conversion
if (value instanceof Number)
return (T) changeTypeFromNumber(value, targetType);
// handle primitive conversion
PrimitiveType primitiveType = ReflectionUtils.getPrimitiveType(sourceType);
if (primitiveType != PrimitiveType.NotPrimitive)
return (T) changeTypeFromPrimitive(value, primitiveType, targetType);
// handle number-like Character and Boolean conversion (these don't implement Number)
if (value instanceof Character)
return (T) changeTypeFromCharacter(value, targetType);
if (value instanceof Boolean)
return (T) changeTypeFromBoolean(value, targetType);
// all attempts have failed
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided object of type '" + sourceType.getSimpleName() + "' could not be converted to '"
+ targetType.getSimpleName());
// JODA, XML data types, etc.
* Converts an XML Gregorian Calendar data type to a Joda LocalDateTime
public static LocalDateTime fromXMLGregorianCalendar(@NotNull final XMLGregorianCalendar value)
return new LocalDateTime(value.getYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDay(), value.getHour(), value.getMinute(), value.getSecond(),
* Converts an XML Duration data type to a Joda Duration
public static Duration fromXMLDuration(@NotNull final javax.xml.datatype.Duration value)
return new Duration(value.getTimeInMillis(ZERO_AD));
* Converts a Joda LocalDateTime object to an XML Gregorian Calendar data type
public static XMLGregorianCalendar toXMLGregorianCalendar(@NotNull final LocalDateTime value)
throws DatatypeConfigurationException
val gc = new GregorianCalendar(value.getYear(), value.getMonthOfYear() - 1, value.getDayOfMonth(), value.getHourOfDay(),
value.getMinuteOfHour(), value.getSecondOfMinute());
gc.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, value.getMillisOfSecond());
return DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(gc);
* Converts a Joda Duration object to an XML Duration data type
public static javax.xml.datatype.Duration toXMLDuration(@NotNull final Duration value)
throws DatatypeConfigurationException
return DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newDuration(value.getMillis());
// BINARY conversions
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final UnsignedLong num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 64, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(UnsignedLong num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(2);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(long num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 64, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(long num)
return Long.toBinaryString(num);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final UnsignedInteger num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 32, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final UnsignedInteger num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(2);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(int num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 32, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(int num)
return Integer.toBinaryString(num);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final UnsignedShort num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 16, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(UnsignedShort num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(2);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(short num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 16, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(short num)
return Integer.toBinaryString(num);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final UnsignedByte num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 8, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(UnsignedByte num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(2);
* Converts a number to binary, e.g. 255 -> 11111111. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBinary(byte num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toBinary(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toBinary(num), 8, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to binary
public static String toBinary(byte num)
return Integer.toBinaryString(num);
* Converts a byte array to a binary string. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final byte[] bytes)
val sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 8);
for (byte b : bytes)
sb.append(toBinary(b, true));
return sb.toString();
* Converts a byte array to a binary string. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
public static String toBinary(@NotNull final byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int length)
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > bytes.length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " bytesLen=" + bytes.length);
if (length < 0 || length + startIndex > bytes.length || length + startIndex < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " length=" + length + " bytesLen=" + bytes.length);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 8);
for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++)
sb.append(toBinary(bytes[i], true));
return sb.toString();
* Converts a binary back to an int. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static int fromBinaryToInt32(@NotNull final String binary)
return Integer.parseInt(binary, 2);
* Converts a binary back to an uint. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedInteger fromBinaryToUInt32(@NotNull final String binary)
return new UnsignedInteger(new BigInteger(binary, 2));
* Converts a binary back to a long. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static long fromBinaryToInt64(@NotNull final String binary)
return Long.parseLong(binary, 2);
* Converts a binary back to a ulong. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedLong fromBinaryToUInt64(@NotNull final String binary)
return new UnsignedLong(new BigInteger(binary, 2));
* Converts a binary back to a short. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static short fromBinaryToInt16(@NotNull final String binary)
return Short.parseShort(binary, 2);
* Converts a binary back to a ushort. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedShort fromBinaryToUInt16(@NotNull final String binary)
return new UnsignedShort(new BigInteger(binary, 2));
* Converts a binary back to a byte. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte fromBinaryToByte(@NotNull final String binary)
return Byte.parseByte(binary, 2);
* Converts a binary back to an unsigned byte. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedByte fromBinaryToUInt8(@NotNull final String binary)
return new UnsignedByte(new BigInteger(binary, 2));
* Converts a binary back to a byte[]. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromBinaryToByteArray(@NotNull final String binary)
return fromBinaryToByteArray(binary, 0, binary.length());
* Converts a binary back to a byte[]. Binary representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromBinaryToByteArray(@NotNull final String binary, int startIndex, int length)
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > binary.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " binaryLen=" + binary.length());
if (length < 0 || length + startIndex > binary.length() || length + startIndex < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " length=" + length + " binaryLen=" + binary.length());
if (binary.length() == 0 || binary.length() % 8 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The binary string should use 8 digits per byte: " + binary.length());
byte[] result = new byte[length / 8];
for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i += 8)
result[i / 8 - startIndex / 8] = fromBinaryToByte(binary.substring(i, 8));
return result;
// DECIMAL conversions
* Converts a string back to a uint
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedInteger fromStringToUInt32(@NotNull final String value)
return new UnsignedInteger(value);
* Converts a string back to an int
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static int fromStringToInt32(@NotNull final String value)
return Integer.parseInt(value, 10);
* Converts a string back to a ulong
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedLong fromStringToUInt64(@NotNull final String value)
return new UnsignedLong(value);
* Converts a string back to a long
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static long fromStringToInt64(@NotNull final String value)
return Long.parseLong(value, 10);
* Converts a string back to a ushort
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedShort fromStringToUInt16(@NotNull final String value)
return new UnsignedShort(value);
* Converts a string back to a short
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static short fromStringToInt16(@NotNull final String value)
return Short.parseShort(value, 10);
* Converts a string back to an unsigned byte
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedByte fromStringToUInt8(@NotNull final String value)
return new UnsignedByte(value);
* Converts a string back to a byte
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte fromStringToByte(@NotNull final String value)
return Byte.parseByte(value, 10);
// HEX conversions
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF. Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedLong num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedLong num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16) : StringUtils.padLeft(num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16), 16, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF. Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(long num)
return Long.toHexString(num);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(long num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? Long.toHexString(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(Long.toHexString(num), 16, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF. Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedInteger num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedInteger num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16) : StringUtils.padLeft(num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16), 8, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(int num)
return Integer.toHexString(num);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(int num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? Integer.toHexString(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(Integer.toHexString(num), 8, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF. Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedShort num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedShort num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16) : StringUtils.padLeft(num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16), 4, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(short num)
return Integer.toHexString(num);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(short num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? Integer.toHexString(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(Integer.toHexString(num), 4, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF. Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedByte num)
return num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final UnsignedByte num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16) : StringUtils.padLeft(num.bigIntegerValue().toString(16), 2, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(byte num)
return toHex(new byte[] {num});
* Converts a number to hex, e.g. 255 -> FF Hex representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toHex(byte num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toHex(new byte[] {num}) : StringUtils.padLeft(toHex(new byte[] {num}), 2, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a byte array to hex Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final byte[] ba)
return toHex(ba, 0, ba.length);
* Converts a byte array to hex Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
public static String toHex(@NotNull final byte[] ba, int offset, int length)
if (offset < 0 || offset > ba.length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset=" + offset + " baLen=" + ba.length);
if (length < 0 || offset + length > ba.length || offset + length < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset=" + offset + " length=" + length + " baLen=" + ba.length);
final String HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(2 * ba.length);
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++)
hex.append(HEX.charAt((ba[i] & 0xF0) >> 4)).append(HEX.charAt((ba[i] & 0x0F)));
return hex.toString();
* Converts a hex string to a byte array Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromHexToByteArray(String hex)
return fromHexToByteArray(hex, 0, hex.length());
* Converts a hex string to a byte array Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromHexToByteArray(@NotNull final String hex, int startIndex, int length)
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > hex.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " hexLen=" + hex.length());
if (length < 0 || length + startIndex > hex.length() || length + startIndex < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " length=" + length + " hexLen=" + hex.length());
if (length == 0 || length % 2 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The hex string should use two digits per byte: " + hex.length());
byte[] result = new byte[hex.length() / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
int index = i * 2;
int v = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(index, index + 2), 16);
result[i] = (byte) v;
return result;
* Converts a hex back to a ulong Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedLong fromHexToUInt64(@NotNull final String hex)
return new UnsignedLong(new BigInteger(hex, 16));
* Converts a hex back to a long Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static long fromHexToInt64(@NotNull final String hex)
return Long.parseLong(hex, 16);
* Converts a hex back to a uint Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedInteger fromHexToUInt32(@NotNull final String hex)
return new UnsignedInteger(new BigInteger(hex, 16));
* Converts a hex back to an int Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static int fromHexToInt32(@NotNull final String hex)
return Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);
* Converts a hex back to a ushort Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedInteger fromHexToUInt16(@NotNull final String hex)
return new UnsignedInteger(new BigInteger(hex, 16));
* Converts a hex back to a short Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static short fromHexToInt16(@NotNull final String hex)
int i = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);
if (i < Short.MIN_VALUE || i > Short.MAX_VALUE)
throw new NumberFormatException("The hex string '" + hex + "' cannot be represented as a Short.");
return (short) i;
* Converts a hex back to a ushort Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedByte fromHexToUInt8(@NotNull final String hex)
return new UnsignedByte(new BigInteger(hex, 16));
* Converts a hex back to a byte Hex representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte fromHexToByte(@NotNull final String hex)
int i = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);
if (i < Byte.MIN_VALUE || i > Byte.MAX_VALUE)
throw new NumberFormatException("The hex string '" + hex + "' cannot be represented as a Byte.");
return (byte) i;
// BASE64 conversions
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(UnsignedLong num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(long num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(UnsignedInteger num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(int num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(UnsignedShort num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(short num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num));
* Converts a number to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
public static String toBase64(byte num)
return Base64.encodeBytes(new byte[] {num});
* Converts a byte array to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static String toBase64(byte[] array)
return Base64.encodeBytes(array);
* Converts a byte array to Base64. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
public static String toBase64(@NotNull final byte[] array, int offset, int length)
return Base64.encodeBytes(array, offset, length);
* Converts a Base64 back to a long. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static long fromBase64ToInt64(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toInt64(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as a Long: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to a ulong. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedLong fromBase64ToUInt64(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toUInt64(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as a ULong: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to an int. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static int fromBase64ToInt32(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toInt32(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as an Int: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to a uint. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedInteger fromBase64ToUInt32(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toUInt32(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as a UInt: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to a short. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static short fromBase64ToInt16(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toInt16(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as an Short: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to a ushort. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedShort fromBase64ToUInt16(@NotNull final String base64)
return ByteArrayUtils.toUInt16(Base64.decode(base64));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as an Short: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 back to a byte. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte fromBase64ToByte(@NotNull final String base64)
short s = ByteArrayUtils.toInt16(Base64.decode(base64));
if (s < Byte.MIN_VALUE || s > Byte.MAX_VALUE)
throw new Exception("Byte value is out of valid range.");
return (byte) s;
catch(Throwable e)
throw new NumberFormatException("The base64 string '" + base64 + "' could not be parsed as a Byte: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts a Base64 representation to a byte array. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromBase64ToByteArray(@NotNull final String base64)
return Base64.decode(base64);
catch(Throwable e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified base64 string could not be decoded.", e);
* Converts a Base64 representation to a byte array. Base64 representations can be endian dependent.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of range.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromBase64ToByteArray(@NotNull final String base64, int startIndex, int length)
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > base64.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " baseLen=" + base64.length());
if (length < 0 || startIndex + length > base64.length() || startIndex + length < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " length=" + length + " base64Len=" + base64.length());
return Base64.decode(base64.substring(startIndex, startIndex + length));
catch(Throwable e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified base64 string could not be decoded.", e);
// Alphanumeric conversions
* Converts a number to alphanumeric, e.g. 0 -> 0, 16 -> G, 61 -> z, 62 -> 10. Only works for positive numbers.
public static String toAlphanumeric(@NotNull final UnsignedLong num)
if (num.bigIntegerValue().equals(BigInteger.ZERO))
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16);
BigInteger sixtyTwo = new BigInteger("62");
BigInteger value = num.bigIntegerValue();
// this algorithm gives us the alphanumeric number in reverse order
while (value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)
int remainder = value.mod(sixtyTwo).intValue();
value = value.divide(sixtyTwo);
// reverse result
return StringUtils.reverse(sb.toString());
* Converts a number to alphanumeric, e.g. 0 -> 0, 16 -> G, 61 -> z, 62 -> 10
public static String toAlphanumeric(@NotNull final UnsignedLong num, boolean padLeft)
return !padLeft ? toAlphanumeric(num) : StringUtils.padLeft(toAlphanumeric(num), 11, CONSTANT.ZERO_CHAR);
* Converts a byte array to alphanumeric
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static String toAlphanumeric(@NotNull final byte[] ba)
return toAlphanumeric(ba, 0, ba.length);
* Converts a byte array to alphanumeric
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
public static String toAlphanumeric(@NotNull final byte[] ba, int offset, int length)
if (offset < 0 || offset > ba.length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset=" + offset + " baLen=" + ba.length);
if (length < 0 || length + offset > ba.length || length + offset < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length=" + length + " offset=" + offset + " baLen=" + ba.length);
if (length == 0 || length % 8 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length should be divisible by 8: " + length);
// convert blocks to alphanumerics
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16);
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i += 8)
byte[] ulBytes = ByteArrayUtils.subarray(ba, i, 8);
UnsignedLong num = ByteArrayUtils.toUInt64(ulBytes);
sb.append(toAlphanumeric(num, true));
return sb.toString();
* Converts an alphanumeric string to a byte array
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromAlphanumericToByteArray(@NotNull final String alphanumeric)
return fromAlphanumericToByteArray(alphanumeric, 0, alphanumeric.length());
* Converts an alphanumeric string to a byte array
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range.
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static byte[] fromAlphanumericToByteArray(@NotNull final String alphanumeric, int startIndex, int length)
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > alphanumeric.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex=" + startIndex + " alphaLen=" + alphanumeric.length());
if (length < 0 || length + startIndex > alphanumeric.length() || length + startIndex < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length=" + length + " startIndex=" + startIndex + " alphaLen=" + alphanumeric.length());
if (length == 0 || alphanumeric.length() % 11 != 0)
throw new NumberFormatException("The alphanumeric string should use 11 digits per word: " + alphanumeric.length());
byte[] result = new byte[alphanumeric.length() / 11 * 8];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < alphanumeric.length(); i += 11)
UnsignedLong num = fromAlphanumericToUInt64(alphanumeric.substring(i, i + 11));
byte[] bytes = ByteArrayUtils.getBytes(num);
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, result, j, 8);
j += 8;
return result;
* Converts an alphanumeric back to a ulong
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
* @throws NumberFormatException A number could not be parsed.
public static UnsignedLong fromAlphanumericToUInt64(@NotNull final String alphanumeric)
if (alphanumeric.equals(CONSTANT.ZERO))
return new UnsignedLong(BigInteger.ZERO);
UnsignedLong result = new UnsignedLong(BigInteger.ZERO);
BigInteger sixtyTwo = new BigInteger("62");
int len = alphanumeric.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
char ch = alphanumeric.charAt(i);
if (!StringUtils.contains(CONSTANT.ALPHANUMERIC_DIGITS, ch))
throw new NumberFormatException("The digit does not belong to the alphanumeric number structure: " + ch);
// add and check for overflows
int pos = len - i - 1;
int charIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(CONSTANT.ALPHANUMERIC_DIGITS, ch);
BigInteger added = sixtyTwo.pow(pos).multiply(new BigInteger(charIndex + ""));
result = new UnsignedLong(result.bigIntegerValue().add(added));
return result;
* TODO: implement these
* // Human-readable values // TODO: these are locale sensitive date formats
* /// <summary> /// Built-in date/time ToString styles. /// </summary> public enum DateTimeStyle { /// <summary> /// Displays e.g.
* 15/04/2008 for en-GB, 04/15/2008 for en-US, 4/15/2008 for en-NZ, 15.04.2008 for de-DE, etc. /// </summary> ShortDate, /// <summary> ///
* Displays e.g. Thursday, April 10, 2008 for en-GB, quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008 for pt-BR, jueves, 10 de abril de 2008 for es-MX
* /// </summary> LongDate, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:30 AM for en-US, jeudi 10 avril 2008 06:30 for
* fr-FR /// </summary> FullDateShortTime, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:30:00 AM for en-US, jeudi 10 avril
* 2008 06:30:00 for fr-FR /// </summary> FullDateLongTime, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. 4/10/2008 6:30 AM for en-US, 10/04/2008 6:30
* for fr-BE /// </summary> GeneralDateShortTime, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. 4/10/2008 6:30:00 AM for en-US, 10/04/2008 6:30:00 for
* nl-BE /// </summary> GeneralDateLongTime, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. April 10 for en-US, 10 April for ms-MY /// </summary>
* MonthDay, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. 2008-04-10T06:30:00.0000000 for a DateTime, 2008-04-10T06:30:00.0000000-07:00 for a
* DateTimeOffset /// </summary> RoundTrip, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:30:00 GMT /// </summary> Rfc1123, ///
* <summary> /// Displays e.g. 2008-04-10T06:30:00 /// </summary> Sortable, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. 6:30 AM for en-US, 6:30 for
* es-ES /// </summary> ShortTime, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. 6:30:00 AM for en-US, 6:30:00 AM for es-ES /// </summary> LongTime, ///
* <summary> /// Displays e.g. 2008-04-10 13:30:00Z /// </summary> UniversalSortable, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. Thursday, April 10,
* 2008 1:30:00 PM for en-US, den 10 april 2008 13:30:00 for sv-FI /// </summary> UniversalFull, /// <summary> /// Displays e.g. April,
* 2008 for en-US, April 2008 for af-ZA /// </summary> YearMonth }
public static String toHumanReadable(@NotNull final Period p)
return toHumanReadable(p.toStandardDuration());
* Returns the value of the given timespan in a human-readable form, appending the suffix.
* <pre>
* Example: 10 seconds become "less than a minute".
* Example: 1.1 minutes become "about a minute from now".
* Example: 50 minutes become "50 minutes".
* Example: 13 hours, 10 minutes become "about 13 hours".
* The suffix " ago" or " from now" is appended depending on the sign of the timespan.
* </pre>
public static String toHumanReadable(@NotNull Duration ts)
String suffix = " ago";
if (ts.getMillis() < 0.0)
// negate
ts = new Duration(-ts.getMillis());
// indicate this is
suffix = " from now";
return toHumanReadable(ts, suffix);
* Returns the value of the given timespan in a human-readable form, appending the suffix. Example: 10 seconds become
* "less than a minute". Example: 1.1 minutes become "about a minute". Example: 50 minutes become "50 minutes". Example: 13 hours, 10
* minutes become "about 13 hours". The suffix can be used to describe the event's position in time, use e.g. " ago" or " from now"
public static String toHumanReadable(@NotNull final Duration ts, @NotNull final String suffix)
val values = new AvlHashtable<Double, String>(Double.class, String.class);
long totalSeconds = Math.abs(ts.getStandardSeconds());
final double totalMinutes = Math.round(totalSeconds / 60);
double totalHours = Math.round(totalMinutes / 60);
double totalDays = Math.floor(totalHours / 24);
double totalMonths = Math.floor(totalDays / 30);
double totalYears = Math.floor(totalMonths / 12);
values.add(0.75d, "less than a minute");
values.add(1.5d, "about a minute");
values.add(45d, String.format("%d minutes", (int) totalMinutes));
values.add(90d, "about an hour");
values.add(1440d, String.format("about %d hours", (int) totalHours)); // 60 * 24
values.add(2880d, "a day"); // 60 * 48
values.add(43200d, String.format("%d days", (int) totalDays)); // 60 * 24 * 30
values.add(86400d, "about a month"); // 60 * 24 * 60
values.add(525600d, String.format("%d months", (int) totalMonths)); // 60 * 24 * 365
values.add(1051200d, "about a year"); // 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
values.add(Double.MAX_VALUE, String.format("%d years", (int) totalYears));
Double key = Linq.first(values.getKeys(), keyGreaterThan(totalMinutes));
return values.get(key) + suffix;
private static Predicate1<Double> keyGreaterThan(final double _totalMinutes)
return new Predicate1<Double>() {
public boolean evaluate(final Double value)
return _totalMinutes < value;
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(long number)
return new Formatter().format("%,d", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(int number)
return new Formatter().format("%,d", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(short number)
return new Formatter().format("%,d", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(byte number)
return new Formatter().format("%,d", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(float number)
return new Formatter().format("%,f", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument was invalid
public static String toHumanReadable(float number, int decimalPlaces)
if (decimalPlaces < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("decimalPlaces=" + decimalPlaces);
return new Formatter().format("%,." + decimalPlaces + "f", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
public static String toHumanReadable(double number)
return new Formatter().format("%,f", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument was invalid
public static String toHumanReadable(double number, int decimalPlaces)
if (decimalPlaces < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("decimalPlaces=" + decimalPlaces);
return new Formatter().format("%,." + decimalPlaces + "f", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static String toHumanReadable(@NotNull final BigDecimal number)
return new Formatter().format("%,f", number).toString();
* Returns the value of the given number in a human-readable form. Example: 1000 becomes 1,000 (UK) or 1.000 (US).
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument was invalid
public static String toHumanReadable(@NotNull final BigDecimal number, int decimalPlaces)
return new Formatter().format("%,." + decimalPlaces + "f", number).toString();
// TODO: implement these
* /// <summary> /// Returns the date/time value in a human-readable and standard form, /// as specified by the given style selection.
* Uses current thread locale. /// </summary> public static String ToHumanReadable(DateTime dateTime, DateTimeStyle style) { return
* ToHumanReadable(dateTime, style, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } /// <summary> /// Returns the date/time value in a human-readable and
* standard form, /// as specified by the given style selection. Uses current specified locale. /// </summary> /// <exception
* cref="ArgumentException">Unrecognized date/time style used.</exception> public static String ToHumanReadable(DateTime dateTime,
* DateTimeStyle style, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { switch(style) { case DateTimeStyle.ShortDate: return dateTime.ToString("d",
* cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.LongDate: return dateTime.ToString("D", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.FullDateShortTime: return
* dateTime.ToString("f", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.FullDateLongTime: return dateTime.ToString("F", cultureInfo); case
* DateTimeStyle.GeneralDateShortTime: return dateTime.ToString("g", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.GeneralDateLongTime: return
* dateTime.ToString("G", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.MonthDay: return dateTime.ToString("m", cultureInfo); case
* DateTimeStyle.RoundTrip: return dateTime.ToString("o", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.Rfc1123: return dateTime.ToString("r",
* cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.Sortable: return dateTime.ToString("s", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.ShortTime: return
* dateTime.ToString("t", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.LongTime: return dateTime.ToString("T", cultureInfo); case
* DateTimeStyle.UniversalSortable: return dateTime.ToString("u", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.UniversalFull: return
* dateTime.ToString("U", cultureInfo); case DateTimeStyle.YearMonth: return dateTime.ToString("y", cultureInfo); default: throw new
* ArgumentException("Unrecognized date/time format: " + style); } }
// Text <-> Byte-array conversions
* Converts a UTF8-encoded string to a byte[]
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws RuntimeException The UTF8 encoding is not supported.
public static byte[] toByteArray(@NotNull final String text)
return text.getBytes(CONSTANT.UTF8);
catch(Throwable e)
throw new RuntimeException("UTF8 encoding is not supported by this JVM.", e);
* Converts a UTF8-encoded string to a byte[]
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range
* @throws RuntimeException The UTF8 encoding is not supported
public static byte[] toByteArray(@NotNull final String text, int index, int count)
if (index < 0 || index > text.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " textLen=" + text.length());
if (count < 0 || index + count > text.length() || index + count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count + " index=" + index + " textLen=" + text.length());
return toByteArray(text.substring(index, index + count));
* Converts a string to a byte[]
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static byte[] toByteArray(@NotNull final String text, @NotNull final Charset encoding)
return text.getBytes(encoding);
* Converts a string to a byte[]
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range
* @throws RuntimeException The UTF8 encoding is not supported
public static byte[] toByteArray(@NotNull final String text, @NotNull final Charset encoding, int index, int count)
if (index < 0 || index > text.length())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " textLen=" + text.length());
if (count < 0 || index + count > text.length() || index + count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count + " index=" + index + " textLen=" + text.length());
return text.substring(index, index + count).getBytes(encoding);
* Converts a byte array to a UTF8-encoded string
public static String toString(@NotNull final byte[] ba)
return new String(ba);
* Converts a byte array to a UTF8-encoded string
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range
public static String toString(@NotNull final byte[] ba, int index, int count)
if (index < 0 || index > ba.length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " baLen=" + ba.length);
if (count < 0 || index + count > ba.length || index + count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count + " index=" + index + " baLen=" + ba.length);
return new String(ba, index, count);
* Converts a byte array to an encoded string
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static String toString(@NotNull final byte[] ba, @NotNull final Charset encoding)
return new String(ba, encoding);
* Converts a byte array to an encoded string
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException An index is out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException An argument is out of range
public static String toString(@NotNull final byte[] ba, @NotNull final Charset encoding, int index, int count)
if (index < 0 || index > ba.length)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " baLen=" + ba.length);
if (count < 0 || index + count > ba.length || index + count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count=" + count + " index=" + index + " baLen=" + ba.length);
return new String(ba, index, count, encoding);
private static Object changeTypeFromPrimitive(Object value, PrimitiveType sourceType, Class<?> targetType)
case Boolean:
return changeTypeFromBoolean(Boolean.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Char:
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(value.toString()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot change primitive to Char, because it is null or empty.");
return changeTypeFromCharacter(Character.valueOf(value.toString().charAt(0)), targetType);
case Byte:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Byte.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Short:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Short.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Int:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Integer.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Long:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Long.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Double:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Double.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
case Float:
return changeTypeFromNumber(Float.valueOf(value.toString()), targetType);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected source type: " + sourceType);
private static Object changeTypeFromNumber(Object value, Class<?> targetType)
Number number = (Number) value;
// dispatch to appropriate constructor method
if (targetType.equals(Byte.class))
return new Byte(number.byteValue());
if (targetType.equals(Boolean.class))
return number.longValue() == 0 ? new Boolean(false) : new Boolean(true);
if (targetType.equals(Short.class))
return new Short(number.shortValue());
if (targetType.equals(Integer.class))
return new Integer(number.intValue());
if (targetType.equals(Long.class))
return new Long(number.longValue());
if (targetType.equals(Float.class))
return new Float(number.floatValue());
if (targetType.equals(Double.class))
return new Double(number.doubleValue());
if (targetType.equals(Character.class))
return new Character((char) number.shortValue());
if (targetType.equals(byte.class))
return number.byteValue();
if (targetType.equals(boolean.class))
return number.longValue() == 0 ? false : true;
if (targetType.equals(char.class))
return (char) number.shortValue();
if (targetType.equals(short.class))
return number.shortValue();
if (targetType.equals(int.class))
return number.intValue();
if (targetType.equals(long.class))
return number.longValue();
if (targetType.equals(float.class))
return number.floatValue();
if (targetType.equals(double.class))
return number.doubleValue();
if (targetType.equals(LocalDateTime.class))
return new LocalDateTime(number.longValue());
if (targetType.equals(DateTime.class))
return new DateTime(number.longValue());
if (targetType.equals(BigDecimal.class))
return new BigDecimal(number.toString());
if (targetType.equals(Duration.class))
return new Duration(number.longValue());
if (targetType.equals(Period.class))
return new Period(number.longValue());
if (targetType.equals(Int128.class))
return new Int128(number.toString());
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedByte.class))
return new UnsignedByte((short) (number.byteValue() & 0xFF));
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedShort.class))
return new UnsignedShort((int) (number.shortValue() & 0xFFFF));
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedInteger.class))
return new UnsignedInteger((long) (number.intValue() & 0xFFFFFFFF));
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedLong.class))
// perform similar operation as above to get rid of the negative values
long ln = new BigInteger(number.toString()).longValue();
return new UnsignedLong(new BigInteger("0" + toBinary(ln)));
if (targetType.equals(SignedByte.class))
return new SignedByte(number.byteValue());
if (targetType.equals(BigInteger.class))
return new BigInteger(number.toString());
if (targetType.equals(propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger.class))
propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger bi = new propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger();
return bi;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided Number could not be converted to type '" + targetType.getSimpleName() + "': " + value);
private static Object changeTypeFromCharacter(Object value, Class<?> targetType)
char ch = ((Character) value).charValue();
// dispatch to appropriate construction method
if (targetType.equals(Byte.class))
return new Byte((byte) ch);
if (targetType.equals(Boolean.class))
return ch == 0 ? new Boolean(false) : new Boolean(true);
if (targetType.equals(Short.class))
return new Short((short) ch);
if (targetType.equals(Integer.class))
return new Integer(ch);
if (targetType.equals(Long.class))
return new Long(ch);
if (targetType.equals(Float.class))
return new Float(ch);
if (targetType.equals(Double.class))
return new Double(ch);
if (targetType.equals(byte.class))
return (byte) ch;
if (targetType.equals(boolean.class))
return ch == 0 ? false : true;
if (targetType.equals(char.class))
return ch;
if (targetType.equals(short.class))
return (short) ch;
if (targetType.equals(int.class))
return (int) ch;
if (targetType.equals(long.class))
return (long) ch;
if (targetType.equals(float.class))
return (float) ch;
if (targetType.equals(double.class))
return (double) ch;
if (targetType.equals(LocalDateTime.class))
return new LocalDateTime((long) ch);
if (targetType.equals(DateTime.class))
return new DateTime((long) ch);
if (targetType.equals(BigDecimal.class))
return new BigDecimal(ch);
if (targetType.equals(Duration.class))
return new Duration((long) ch);
if (targetType.equals(Period.class))
return new Period((long) ch);
if (targetType.equals(Int128.class))
return new Int128(Integer.valueOf(ch).toString());
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedByte.class))
return new UnsignedByte((byte) ch);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedShort.class))
return new UnsignedShort(ch);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedInteger.class))
return new UnsignedInteger(ch);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedLong.class))
return new UnsignedLong(new Integer(ch).toString());
if (targetType.equals(SignedByte.class))
return new SignedByte((byte) ch);
if (targetType.equals(BigInteger.class))
return new BigInteger(Integer.valueOf(ch).toString());
if (targetType.equals(propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger.class))
propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger bi = new propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger();
return bi;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided Character could not be converted to type '" + targetType.getSimpleName() + "': "
+ value);
private static Object changeTypeFromBoolean(Object value, Class<?> targetType)
boolean bool = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
// dispatch to appropriate construction method
if (targetType.equals(Byte.class))
return bool ? new Byte((byte) 1) : new Byte((byte) 0);
if (targetType.equals(Character.class))
return bool ? new Character((char) 0) : new Character((char) 1);
if (targetType.equals(Short.class))
return bool ? new Short((short) 1) : new Short((short) 0);
if (targetType.equals(Integer.class))
return bool ? new Integer(1) : new Integer(0);
if (targetType.equals(Long.class))
return bool ? new Long(1) : new Long(0);
if (targetType.equals(Float.class))
return bool ? new Float(1) : new Float(0);
if (targetType.equals(Double.class))
return bool ? new Double(1) : new Double(0);
if (targetType.equals(byte.class))
return bool ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
if (targetType.equals(boolean.class))
return bool;
if (targetType.equals(char.class))
return bool ? (char) 1 : (char) 0;
if (targetType.equals(short.class))
return bool ? (short) 1 : (short) 0;
if (targetType.equals(int.class))
return bool ? (int) 1 : (int) 0;
if (targetType.equals(long.class))
return bool ? (long) 1 : (long) 0;
if (targetType.equals(float.class))
return bool ? (float) 1.0 : (float) 0.0;
if (targetType.equals(double.class))
return bool ? (double) 1.0 : (double) 0.0;
if (targetType.equals(LocalDateTime.class))
return bool ? new LocalDateTime(1) : new LocalDateTime(0);
if (targetType.equals(DateTime.class))
return bool ? new DateTime(1) : new DateTime(0);
if (targetType.equals(BigDecimal.class))
return bool ? new BigDecimal(1) : new BigDecimal(0);
if (targetType.equals(Duration.class))
return bool ? new Duration(1) : new Duration(0);
if (targetType.equals(Period.class))
return bool ? new Period(1) : new Period(0);
if (targetType.equals(Int128.class))
return bool ? new Int128("1") : new Int128("0");
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedByte.class))
return bool ? new UnsignedByte((byte) 1) : new UnsignedByte((byte) 0);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedShort.class))
return bool ? new UnsignedShort(1) : new UnsignedShort(0);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedInteger.class))
return bool ? new UnsignedInteger(1) : new UnsignedInteger(0);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedLong.class))
return bool ? new UnsignedLong("1") : new UnsignedLong("0");
if (targetType.equals(SignedByte.class))
return bool ? new SignedByte("1") : new SignedByte("0");
if (targetType.equals(BigInteger.class))
return bool ? new BigInteger("1") : new BigInteger("0");
if (targetType.equals(propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger.class))
propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger bi = new propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger();
bi.setCurrentValue(bool ? "1" : "0");
return bi;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided Boolean could not be converted to type '" + targetType.getSimpleName() + "': " + value);
private static Object changeTypeParseFromString(Object value, Class<?> targetType)
String str = value.toString();
// dispatch to appropriate parser method
if (targetType.equals(Byte.class))
return new Byte(StringUtils.parseInt8(str));
if (targetType.equals(Boolean.class))
return new Boolean(StringUtils.parseBool(str));
if (targetType.equals(Character.class))
return new Character(StringUtils.parseChar(str));
if (targetType.equals(Short.class))
return new Short(StringUtils.parseInt16(str));
if (targetType.equals(Integer.class))
return new Integer(StringUtils.parseInt32(str));
if (targetType.equals(Long.class))
return new Long(StringUtils.parseInt64(str));
if (targetType.equals(Float.class))
return new Float(StringUtils.parseFloat(str));
if (targetType.equals(Double.class))
return new Double(StringUtils.parseDouble(str));
if (targetType.equals(byte.class))
return StringUtils.parseInt8(str);
if (targetType.equals(boolean.class))
return StringUtils.parseBool(str);
if (targetType.equals(char.class))
return StringUtils.parseChar(str);
if (targetType.equals(short.class))
return StringUtils.parseInt16(str);
if (targetType.equals(int.class))
return StringUtils.parseInt32(str);
if (targetType.equals(long.class))
return StringUtils.parseInt64(str);
if (targetType.equals(float.class))
return StringUtils.parseFloat(str);
if (targetType.equals(double.class))
return StringUtils.parseDouble(str);
if (targetType.equals(LocalDateTime.class))
return StringUtils.parseDateTime(str);
if (targetType.equals(DateTime.class))
return StringUtils.parseDateTime(str).toDateTime();
if (targetType.equals(BigDecimal.class))
return StringUtils.parseDecimal(str);
if (targetType.equals(Duration.class))
return StringUtils.parseTimeSpan(str);
if (targetType.equals(Period.class))
return StringUtils.parseTimeSpan(str).toPeriod();
if (targetType.equals(Int128.class))
return StringUtils.parseInt128(str);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedByte.class))
return new UnsignedByte(str);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedShort.class))
return new UnsignedShort(str);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedInteger.class))
return new UnsignedInteger(str);
if (targetType.equals(UnsignedLong.class))
return new UnsignedLong(str);
if (targetType.equals(SignedByte.class))
return new SignedByte(str);
if (targetType.equals(BigInteger.class))
return new BigInteger(str);
if (targetType.equals(propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger.class))
propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger bi = new propel.core.userTypes.BigInteger();
return bi;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided object could not be converted to type '" + targetType.getSimpleName() + "': " + value);
private ConversionUtils()