// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This file is part of Propel.
// Propel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Propel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Propel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Authored by: Nikolaos Tountas -> salam.kaser-at-gmail.com
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
package propel.core.utils;
import static propel.core.functional.projections.Objects.toStringify;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import lombok.Function;
import lombok.Predicate;
import lombok.Validate;
import lombok.Validate.NotNull;
import lombok.val;
import propel.core.collections.KeyValuePair;
import propel.core.collections.lists.ReifiedArrayList;
import propel.core.collections.maps.avl.AvlHashtable;
import propel.core.collections.sets.AvlTreeSet;
import propel.core.common.CONSTANT;
* Provides utility functionality for reflective manipulations
public final class ReflectionUtils
* Activates an object from the type.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws InstantiationException When instantiation fails.
* @throws IllegalAccessException When a member is illegally accessed.
public static <T> T activate(@NotNull final Class<T> clazz)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
return clazz.newInstance();
* Activates an object from the class given, using the specified constructor arguments.
* @throws NullPointerException The class argument is null.
* @throws InstantiationException When instantiation fails.
* @throws IllegalAccessException When a member is illegally accessed.
* @throws InvocationTargetException When the constructor called throws an exception.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException When no constructor accepting this many arguments is found, or there are more than 1 constructors
* found accepting the arguments given.
public static <T> T activate(@NotNull final Class<T> clazz, @NotNull final Object[] constructorArgs)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException
if (constructorArgs == null || constructorArgs.length == 0)
return activate(clazz);
val constructorArgsLength = constructorArgs.length;
// find relevant constructors
val constructors = Linq.where(clazz.getConstructors(), constructorParametersEqual(constructorArgsLength));
if (constructors.length <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A constructor with " + constructorArgsLength + " arguments was not found: " + clazz.getName());
val constructor = constructors.length == 1 ? constructors[0] : matchConstructor(constructors, constructorArgs);
return (T) constructor.newInstance(constructorArgs);
private static boolean constructorParametersEqual(final Constructor<?> element, final int _len)
return element.getParameterTypes().length == _len;
private static Constructor<?> matchConstructor(Constructor<?>[] constructors, Object[] constructorArgs)
// get constructor argument types
val argTypes = Linq.select(constructorArgs, getClassIfNotNull());
// not found, throw ambiguous call exception
for (val constructor : constructors)
// get parameter types
val parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes();
// combine into one class
val list = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair<Class<?>, Class<?>>>();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++)
list.add(new KeyValuePair<Class<?>, Class<?>>(argTypes[i], parameterTypes[i]));
// see if all args types are assignable to constructor parameter types
if (Linq.all(list, isParameterAssignable()))
return constructor;
// failed to find match, log an informative message
val constructorSignatures = Linq.select(constructors, toStringify());
val argTypeNames = Linq.select(argTypes, toStringify());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are " + constructorSignatures.length + " constructors ("
+ StringUtils.delimit(constructorSignatures, CONSTANT.COMMA) + ") accepting the arguments given: "
+ StringUtils.delimit(argTypeNames, CONSTANT.COMMA));
static String getSimpleNameIfNotNull(final Class<?> arg)
return arg != null ? arg.getSimpleName() : "[NULL]";
private static boolean isParameterAssignable(final KeyValuePair<Class<?>, Class<?>> element)
Class<?> argType = element.getKey();
Class<?> parameterType = element.getValue();
// check if assignable
if (parameterType.isAssignableFrom(argType))
return true;
return false;
private static Class<?> getClassIfNotNull(final Object arg)
return arg != null ? arg.getClass() : null;
* Activates an object from the class name given.
* @throws InstantiationException When instantiation fails.
* @throws IllegalAccessException When a member is illegally accessed.
* @throws InvocationTargetException When the constructor called throws an exception.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException The specified class name does not correspond to a class.
public static Object activate(@NotNull final String className)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException
return activate(className, new Object[0]);
* Activates an object from the class name given.
* @throws InstantiationException When instantiation fails.
* @throws IllegalAccessException When a member is illegally accessed.
* @throws InvocationTargetException When the constructor called throws an exception.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException The specified class name does not correspond to a class.
public static Object activate(@NotNull final String className, Object[] constructorArgs)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException
Class<?> clazz = parse(className);
return activate(clazz, constructorArgs);
* Compares two Method classes and returns true if they appear to be referring to the same signature of a method.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean equal(@NotNull final Method methodA, @NotNull final Method methodB)
if (methodA.getName().equals(methodB.getName()))
if (methodA.getReturnType().equals(methodB.getReturnType()))
val firstMethodArgs = methodA.getParameterTypes();
val secondMethodArgs = methodB.getParameterTypes();
if (Linq.sequenceEqual(firstMethodArgs, secondMethodArgs))
return true;
return false;
* Compares two Field classes and returns true if they appear to be referring to the same signature of a field.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean equal(@NotNull final Field fieldA, @NotNull final Field fieldB)
if (fieldA.getName().equals(fieldB.getName()))
if (fieldA.getType().equals(fieldB.getType()))
return true;
return false;
* Compares two Constructors and returns true if they appear to be referring to the same constructor.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean equal(@NotNull final Constructor<?> constrA, @NotNull final Constructor<?> constrB)
if (constrA.getName().equals(constrB.getName()))
if (constrA.getDeclaringClass().equals(constrB.getDeclaringClass()))
return true;
return false;
* Compares two class members and returns true if they appear to be referring to the same member.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean equal(@NotNull final MemberInfo membA, @NotNull final MemberInfo membB)
// check if of the same backing member type
if ((membA.isField() & membB.isField()) != true)
if ((membA.isMethod() & membB.isMethod()) != true)
if ((membA.isProperty() & membB.isProperty()) != true)
if (membA.isConstructor() & membB.isConstructor() != true)
return false;
if (membA.isField())
return equal(membA.getFieldInfo(), membB.getFieldInfo());
if (membA.isMethod())
return equal(membA.getMethodInfo(), membB.getMethodInfo());
if (membA.isProperty())
return equal(membA.getPropertyInfo(), membB.getPropertyInfo());
if (membA.isConstructor())
return equal(membA.getConstructorInfo(), membB.getConstructorInfo());
return false;
* Compares two Method classes and returns true if they appear to be referring to the same signature of a property.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean equal(@NotNull final PropertyInfo propA, @NotNull final PropertyInfo propB)
if (propA.getName().equals(propB.getName()))
if (propA.getPropertyType().equals(propB.getPropertyType()))
// compare getters
val getterA = propA.getGetter();
val getterB = propB.getGetter();
boolean gettersEqual = false;
if (getterA == null && getterB == null)
gettersEqual = true;
if (getterA != null && getterB != null)
gettersEqual = equal(getterA, getterB);
if (getterA == null || getterB == null)
gettersEqual = false;
if (!gettersEqual)
return false;
// compare setters
val setterA = propA.getSetter();
val setterB = propB.getSetter();
boolean settersEqual = false;
if (setterA == null && setterB == null)
settersEqual = true;
if (setterA != null && setterB != null)
settersEqual = equal(setterA, setterB);
if (setterA == null || setterB == null)
settersEqual = false;
if (!settersEqual)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Returns the stack-trace element above the one of this method. This allows to determine the calling class, method name, etc.
public static StackTraceElement getCallingStackTraceElement()
return (new Throwable()).fillInStackTrace().getStackTrace()[1];
* Lists all classes inside a package.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException A package is invalid.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException When finding a class from a class name fails while enumerating.
public static List<Class<?>> getClasses(@NotNull final Package pkg)
throws ClassNotFoundException
val result = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
// Get a File object for the package
File directory = null;
String fullPath = null;
val pkgName = pkg.getName();
URL resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(relPath);
if (resource == null)
// try the other slashes
resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(relPath);
// not found
if (resource == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No resource found for " + relPath);
fullPath = resource.getFile();
// un-escape to locate locally
val normalizedFullPath = EscapingUtils.fromUrl(fullPath);
directory = new File(normalizedFullPath);
val classExt = ".class";
if (directory.exists())
// Get the list of the files contained in the package
val files = directory.list();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
// we are only interested in .class files
if (StringUtils.match(files[i], MatchType.EndsWith, classExt, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// removes the .class extension
val className = pkgName + CONSTANT.DOT_CHAR + files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - classExt.length());
catch(NoClassDefFoundError e)
// no class definition present
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Could not find class '" + className + "' in package '" + pkgName + "'.");
} else
// directory does not exist, find JAR file
val jarpath = fullPath.replaceFirst("[.]jar[!].*", ".jar").replaceFirst("file:", CONSTANT.EMPTY_STRING);
// un-escape to locate locally
val normalizedJarPath = EscapingUtils.fromUrl(jarpath);
// enumerate entries
val jarFile = new JarFile(normalizedJarPath);
val entries = jarFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
// get next entry
val entry = entries.nextElement();
val entryName = entry.getName();
// must be a .class entry, starting with the package name
if (entryName.endsWith(classExt) && entryName.startsWith(relPath))
// must be in the same package
// attempt to get the class by its name
val clazz = Class.forName(className);
if (clazz.getPackage().equals(pkg))
catch(NoClassDefFoundError e)
// no class definition present
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Could not find class '" + className + "' in JAR file '" + normalizedJarPath + "'.");
catch(IOException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package " + pkgName + " (for JAR " + normalizedJarPath + ") does not appear to be valid.", e);
return result;
* Returns all annotations from the annotated class (and its subclasses if required)
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static <T extends Annotation> List<T> getAnnotations(@NotNull final Class<?> annotatedClass, @NotNull final Class<T> annotationType, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ArrayList<T>(16);
// get derived class annotations
List<Annotation> annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(annotatedClass.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
if (includeInherited)
// get all annotations from base classes and implemented interfaces
Class<?> superClass = annotatedClass;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
// get super class annotations
annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(superClass.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
// now get all the superinterfaces' annotations
for (val iface : annotatedClass.getInterfaces())
annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(iface.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
return result;
* Returns all annotations from the annotated class (and its subclasses if required)
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static List<Annotation> getAnnotations(@NotNull final Class<?> annotatedClass, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ArrayList<Annotation>(16);
// get derived class annotations
if (includeInherited)
// get all annotations from base classes and implemented interfaces
Class<?> superClass = annotatedClass;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
// get super class annotations
// now get all the superinterfaces' annotations
for (val iface : annotatedClass.getInterfaces())
return result;
* Returns all annotations from the annotated method which are of specified annotation class type (or any its subclasses, if required)
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static List<Annotation> getMethodAnnotations(@NotNull final Method annotatedMethod, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ArrayList<Annotation>(16);
// get method annotations
if (includeInherited)
// get all annotations from base classes and implemented interfaces
Class<?> superClass = annotatedMethod.getDeclaringClass();
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
// get super class method annotations
Method superClassMethod = findDeclaredMethod(superClass, annotatedMethod);
if (superClassMethod != null)
// now get all the super-interfaces' annotations
for (val iface : annotatedMethod.getDeclaringClass().getInterfaces())
val ifaceMethod = findDeclaredMethod(iface, annotatedMethod);
if (ifaceMethod != null)
return result;
* Returns all annotations from the annotated method which are of specified annotation class type (or any its subclasses, if required)
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static <T extends Annotation> List<T> getMethodAnnotations(@NotNull final Method annotatedMethod, @NotNull final Class<T> annotationType,
boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ArrayList<T>(16);
// get method annotations
List<Annotation> annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(annotatedMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
if (includeInherited)
// get all annotations from base classes and implemented interfaces
Class<?> superClass = annotatedMethod.getDeclaringClass();
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
// get super class method annotations
val superClassMethod = findDeclaredMethod(superClass, annotatedMethod);
if (superClassMethod != null)
annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(superClassMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
// now get all the super-interfaces' annotations
for (val iface : annotatedMethod.getDeclaringClass().getInterfaces())
val ifaceMethod = findDeclaredMethod(iface, annotatedMethod);
if (ifaceMethod != null)
annotations = ArrayUtils.toList(ifaceMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations());
result.addAll(Linq.toList(Linq.ofType(annotations, annotationType)));
return result;
* Returns all interfaces of a type, except the specified as a generic argument one (T).
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static Class<?>[] getInterfaces(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
val typeStack = new LinkedList<Class<?>>();
// populate initially with type's implementing interfaces
for (val iface : type.getInterfaces())
if (!result.contains(iface))
if (includeInherited)
// populate with super-classes' interfaces
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
for (Class<?> iface : superClass.getInterfaces())
if (!result.contains(iface))
// iterate through all added interfaces to find any further interfaces
while (typeStack.size() > 0)
// get next and check
Class<?> iType = typeStack.pop();
for (Class<?> iface : iType.getInterfaces())
if (!result.contains(iface))
return result.toArray(new Class<?>[result.size()]);
* Returns all interfaces of a type, except the specified as a generic argument one (T). Note that this does not return inherited
* interfaces.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static Class<?>[] getInterfacesExcept(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Class<?> excludedInterface)
// get all interfaces
val interfaces = new ReifiedArrayList<Class<?>>(16, Class.class);
// exclude the specified one
for (val iface : type.getInterfaces())
if (!iface.equals(excludedInterface))
return interfaces.toArray();
* Gets all constructors found in a type. Optionally returns superclass constructors too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Constructor<?>[] getConstructors(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeSuperClass)
val result = new ReifiedArrayList<Constructor<?>>() {};
for (val constr : type.getDeclaredConstructors())
if (includeSuperClass)
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
return result.toArray();
* Returns null if a type has no default no-argument constructor, otherwise returns the constructor.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Constructor<?> getConstructorDefault(@NotNull final Class<?> type)
// iterate constructors
for (val constructor : type.getConstructors())
if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0)
return constructor;
return null;
* Gets all fields found in a type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Field[] getFields(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ReifiedArrayList<Field>(Field.class);
for (val field : type.getDeclaredFields())
if (includeInherited)
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
return result.toArray();
* Returns all fields found in a class type matching the given name. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared
* ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Field[] getFields(final Class<?> type, final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.where(getFields(type, includeInherited), fieldNameEquals(name));
* Returns the constructor information for an object's property, if found, otherwise null.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Field getField(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getFields(type, includeInherited), fieldNameEquals(name));
private static boolean fieldNameEquals(final Field element, final String _name)
return element.getName().equals(_name);
* Gets all properties found in a type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static PropertyInfo[] getProperties(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ReifiedArrayList<PropertyInfo>(PropertyInfo.class);
val methods = new AvlHashtable<String, Method>(String.class, Method.class);
// get declared method names
for (val method : type.getDeclaredMethods())
val methodName = method.getName();
if (isGetter(method) || isSetter(method))
if (!methods.containsKey(methodName))
methods.add(method.getName(), method);
// get inherited, if required
if (includeInherited)
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
for (val method : superClass.getDeclaredMethods())
String methodName = method.getName();
if (!methods.containsKey(methodName))
if (isGetter(method) || isSetter(method))
methods.add(method.getName(), method);
// find which methods exist in pairs of getters/setters
val propertyNames = new AvlTreeSet<String>(String.class);
for (String methodName : methods.getKeys())
Method getter;
Method setter;
// skip "get" or "set" to identify property name
String propertyName = methodName.substring(3);
if (!propertyNames.contains(propertyName))
// find getter if we have setter and vice versa
if (methodName.startsWith("get"))
getter = methods.get(methodName);
setter = methods.containsKey("set" + propertyName) ? methods.get("set" + propertyName) : null;
} else
setter = methods.get(methodName);
getter = methods.containsKey("get" + propertyName) ? methods.get("get" + propertyName) : null;
// skip if both are not available
if (getter != null && setter != null)
// check that the getter returns the setter's first argument type
if (getter.getReturnType().equals(setter.getParameterTypes()[0]))
// add if not already found
if (propertyNames.add(propertyName))
PropertyInfo pi = new PropertyInfo(type, propertyName, getter, setter, getter.getReturnType());
return result.toArray();
* Returns all properties found in a class type matching the given name. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared
* ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static PropertyInfo[] getProperties(Class<?> type, final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.where(getProperties(type, includeInherited), propertyNameEquals(name));
* Returns the property information for an object's property, if found, otherwise null.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static PropertyInfo getProperty(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getProperties(type, includeInherited), propertyNameEquals(name));
private static boolean propertyNameEquals(final PropertyInfo element, final String _name)
return element.getName().equals(_name);
* Returns all getters found in a class type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method[] getGetters(Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val methods = getMethods(type, includeInherited);
return Linq.where(methods, methodIsGetter());
* Returns the first encountered getter with the given name, or null if not found
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method getGetter(Class<?> type, String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(Linq.where(getGetters(type, includeInherited), methodNameEquals(name)));
private static boolean methodIsGetter(final Method element)
return isGetter(element);
* Returns all setters found in a class type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method[] getSetters(Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val methods = getMethods(type, includeInherited);
return Linq.where(methods, methodIsSetter());
* Returns the first encountered setter with the given name, or null if not found
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method getSetter(Class<?> type, String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(Linq.where(getSetters(type, includeInherited), methodNameEquals(name)));
private static boolean methodIsSetter(final Method element)
return isSetter(element);
* Returns all methods found in a class type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method[] getMethods(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ReifiedArrayList<Method>(Method.class);
for (Method method : type.getDeclaredMethods())
if (includeInherited)
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
for (Method method : superClass.getDeclaredMethods())
return result.toArray();
* Returns all methods found in a class type matching the given name. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared
* ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method[] getMethods(Class<?> type, final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.where(getMethods(type, includeInherited), methodNameEquals(name));
* Returns the method information for an object's method, if found, otherwise null.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static Method getMethod(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getMethods(type, includeInherited), methodNameEquals(name));
private static boolean methodNameEquals(final Method element, final String _name)
return element.getName().equals(_name);
* Returns all methods found in a class type. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static MemberInfo[] getMembers(@NotNull final Class<?> type, boolean includeInherited)
val result = new ReifiedArrayList<MemberInfo>(MemberInfo.class);
// get fields
result.addAll(Arrays.asList(Linq.select(getFields(type, includeInherited), fieldToMemberInfo())));
// get methods
result.addAll(Arrays.asList(Linq.select(getMethods(type, includeInherited), methodToMemberInfo())));
// get properties
result.addAll(Arrays.asList(Linq.select(getProperties(type, includeInherited), propertyToMemberInfo())));
// get constructors
result.addAll(Arrays.asList(Linq.select(getConstructors(type, includeInherited), constructorToMemberInfo())));
return result.toArray();
private static MemberInfo constructorToMemberInfo(final Constructor<?> arg)
return new MemberInfo(arg);
private static MemberInfo propertyToMemberInfo(final PropertyInfo arg)
return new MemberInfo(arg);
private static MemberInfo methodToMemberInfo(final Method arg)
return new MemberInfo(arg);
private static MemberInfo fieldToMemberInfo(final Field arg)
return new MemberInfo(arg);
* Returns all members found in a class type matching the given name. Optionally returns inherited ones too, rather than just declared
* ones.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static MemberInfo[] getMembers(Class<?> type, final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.where(getMembers(type, includeInherited), memberNameEquals(name));
* Returns the property information for an object's property, if found, otherwise null.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static MemberInfo getMember(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final String name, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getMembers(type, includeInherited), memberNameEquals(name));
private static <T> boolean memberNameEquals(MemberInfo element, String _name)
return element.getName().equals(_name);
* Returns true if a method appears to be part of a type.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static boolean hasMethod(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Method method, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getMethods(type, includeInherited), methodsAreEqual(method)) != null;
private static boolean methodsAreEqual(final Method element, final Method _method)
return equal(element, _method);
* Returns true if a method appears to be part of a type.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static boolean hasProperty(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final PropertyInfo property, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getProperties(type, includeInherited), propertiesAreEqual(property)) != null;
private static boolean propertiesAreEqual(final PropertyInfo element, final PropertyInfo _pi)
return equal(element, _pi);
* Returns true if a field appears to be part of a type.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static boolean hasField(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Field field, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getFields(type, includeInherited), fieldsAreEqual(field)) != null;
private static boolean fieldsAreEqual(final Field element, final Field _field)
return equal(element, _field);
* Returns true if a member appears to be part of a type.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static boolean hasMember(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final MemberInfo member, boolean includeInherited)
return Linq.firstOrDefault(getMembers(type, includeInherited), membersAreEqual(member)) != null;
private static boolean membersAreEqual(final MemberInfo element, final MemberInfo _member)
return equal(element, _member);
* Returns true if a class is generic
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean isGeneric(@NotNull final Class<?> type)
return type.getTypeParameters().length > 0;
* Returns true if the method appears to be a POJO getter.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean isGetter(@NotNull final Method method)
val mod = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isAbstract(mod) || Modifier.isFinal(mod) || Modifier.isNative(mod) || Modifier.isStatic(mod))
return false;
val methodName = method.getName();
// bean syntax for getters
if (((methodName.length() >= 4) && methodName.startsWith("get")) || ((methodName.length() >= 3) && methodName.startsWith("is")))
// must have non-void return type and no arguments
if (!isReturnTypeVoid(method))
if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0)
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the method return type is void.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean isReturnTypeVoid(@NotNull final Method method)
return method.getReturnType() == void.class || method.getReturnType() == Void.class;
* Returns true if the method appears to be a POJO setter.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean isSetter(@NotNull final Method method)
val mod = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isAbstract(mod) || Modifier.isFinal(mod) || Modifier.isNative(mod) || Modifier.isStatic(mod))
return false;
val methodName = method.getName();
if (methodName.length() >= 4)
// bean syntax for setters
if (methodName.startsWith("set"))
// must have void return type and 1 argument
if (isReturnTypeVoid(method))
if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1)
return true;
return false;
* Inject a value to a property of an object. You may specify whether to include inherited properties in the search of the property name.
* @throws NullPointerException The object or property name is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static void injectProperty(@NotNull final Object obj, @NotNull final String propertyName, Object propertyValue, boolean includeInherited)
// find property
val pi = getProperty(obj.getClass(), propertyName, includeInherited);
if (pi == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object of type " + obj.getClass().getName() + " does not have a property named '"
+ propertyName + "'");
// obtain setter and inject value
pi.getSetter().invoke(obj, propertyValue);
catch(Throwable e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not inject property value on object of type " + obj.getClass().getName() + " and property "
+ propertyName, e);
* Returns true if any of the type's base types/interfaces are equal to the given type, or if the two types are the same. The method scans
* up until the root of the object hierarchy.
* @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
public static boolean instanceOf(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Class<?> baseClassOrInterfaceType)
if (baseClassOrInterfaceType.isInterface())
return isImplementing(type, baseClassOrInterfaceType);
return isExtending(type, baseClassOrInterfaceType);
* Returns true if any of the type's BaseTypes are equal to the given type or if the two types are the same. The method scans up until the
* root of the object hierarchy. Only classes are checked (no interfaces).
* @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
public static boolean isExtending(@NotNull Class<?> type, @NotNull final Class<?> baseClassType)
if (baseClassType.isInterface())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type '" + baseClassType.getName() + "' is an interface.");
if (type.equals(baseClassType))
return true;
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
// check
if (type.getSuperclass().equals(baseClassType))
return true;
// move to next
type = type.getSuperclass();
return false;
* Returns true if the given type appears to look like a given interface (or other class). The method does not check for inheritance
* relationships. Rather it checks if duck typing would be possible (i.e. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a
* duck). This is useful for checking if an annotation "implements" some interface, because in Java annotations cannot extend or implement
* other types. Note: even if this returns true, it does not mean that you can perform casting. You may specify whether all or only
* declared methods are to be checked.
public static boolean isLookingLike(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Class<?> interfaceType, boolean includeTypeInherited,
boolean includeInterfaceTypeInherited)
// get methods we are looking for
val methods = getMethods(interfaceType, includeInterfaceTypeInherited);
// must find all these methods in the given type
return Linq.all(methods, methodHasMethod(type, includeTypeInherited));
private static boolean methodHasMethod(final Method element, final Class<?> _type, final boolean _includeTypeInherited)
return hasMethod(_type, element, _includeTypeInherited);
* Returns true if the given type implements the interface type specified. The method scans all implementing interfaces as well as their
* parents all the way up. No classes are checked (only interfaces).
* @throws NullPointerException When an argument is null
public static boolean isImplementing(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Class<?> interfaceType)
if (!interfaceType.isInterface())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type '" + interfaceType.getName() + "' is not an interface.");
val processed = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
val typeStack = new LinkedList<Class<?>>();
// populate initially with type's implementing interfaces
for (Class<?> iface : type.getInterfaces())
// populate with superclasses' interfaces
Class<?> superClass = type;
while ((superClass = superClass.getSuperclass()) != null)
for (Class<?> iface : superClass.getInterfaces())
// iterate through all added interfaces
while (typeStack.size() > 0)
// get next and check if matching
Class<?> iType = typeStack.pop();
if (iType.equals(interfaceType))
return true;
// otherwise add this type's implementing interfaces for investigation
for (Class<?> iface : iType.getInterfaces())
if (!processed.contains(iface))
return false;
* Returns true if the class given is taking part in a nested class hierarchy.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
public static boolean isNested(@NotNull final Class<?> type)
return type.getName().contains(CONSTANT.DOLLAR_SIGN);
* Returns true if a method can be overridden.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
public static boolean isOverridable(@NotNull final Method methodInfo)
val mod = methodInfo.getModifiers();
return Modifier.isAbstract(mod) || !(Modifier.isFinal(mod) || Modifier.isStatic(mod));
* Checks that a class is overridable, i.e. has at least one overridable method and is non final, primitive, etc.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws SecurityException Cannot perform reflection operations in this context.
public static boolean isOverridable(@NotNull final Class<?> type)
if (type.isPrimitive())
return false;
if (type.isEnum())
return false;
if (type.isAnonymousClass())
return false;
if (type.isInterface())
return true;
int mod = type.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isFinal(mod))
return false;
if (Modifier.isAbstract(mod))
return true;
if (getConstructorDefault(type) == null)
return false;
boolean existsOverridableMethod = false;
for (Method mi : type.getMethods())
if (isOverridable(mi))
return true;
return existsOverridableMethod;
* Returns true if the type specified is a primitive type such as int, boolean, etc. This cannot be used for arrays, see the ReifiedArray
* class for that.
public static PrimitiveType getPrimitiveType(@NotNull final Class<?> type)
val name = type.getName();
if ("byte".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Byte;
if ("int".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Int;
if ("double".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Double;
if ("long".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Long;
if ("short".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Short;
if ("boolean".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Boolean;
if ("float".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Float;
if ("char".equals(name))
return PrimitiveType.Char;
return PrimitiveType.NotPrimitive;
* Parses a class from a string.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException The class was not found.
public static Class<?> parse(@NotNull final String value)
throws ClassNotFoundException
// parse
val clazz = Class.forName(value);
return clazz;
* Parses a class from a string. The created class type must be of specified type (or a subtype of it)
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException The class was not found.
public static <T> Class<T> parse(@NotNull final String value, @NotNull final Class<T> baseType)
throws ClassNotFoundException
val result = parse(value);
if (!isExtending(result, baseType))
throw new ClassCastException("The type " + value + " is not derived from " + baseType.getName());
return (Class<T>) result;
* Quick-and-dirty proxy-ing utility method, allows dynamic dispatch on any object using a specified interface. The run-time object and
* the interface given need not have an inheritance relationship. Method calls to interface methods are routed to the given run-time
* object. TODO: support overloaded methods.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The interface class type is not an actual interface type
public static <T> T proxy(@NotNull final Object obj, @NotNull final Class<T> interfaceType)
if (!interfaceType.isInterface())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(interfaceType.getName() + " is not an interface!");
// wrap with proxy, implementing the specified interface and this invocation handler
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaceType.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {interfaceType}, new InvocationHandler() {
* Dispatches method invocations to the original object, using reflection
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable
// convert proxy method invocation to a call to the service
String methodName = method.getName();
Method dispatchedMethod = getMethod(obj.getClass(), methodName, true);
if (dispatchedMethod == null)
throw new NoSuchMethodException("methodName=" + methodName);
return dispatchedMethod.invoke(obj, args);
* Overloaded variation of the above method, which allows certain methods to be prevented from being called. Useful for "sealing" classes
* in a fashion similar to e.g. UnmodifiableMap and such classes. TODO: support overloaded methods.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The interface class type is not an actual interface type
public static <T> T
proxy(@NotNull final Object obj, @NotNull final Class<T> interfaceType, @NotNull final String[] suppressedMethodNames)
if (!interfaceType.isInterface())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(interfaceType.getName() + " is not an interface!");
// wrap with proxy, implementing the specified interface and this invocation handler
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaceType.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {interfaceType}, new InvocationHandler() {
* Dispatches method invocations to the original object, using reflection
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable
// convert proxy method invocation to a call to the service
val methodName = method.getName();
if (StringUtils.contains(suppressedMethodNames, methodName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The method '" + methodName + "' is not allowed to be called");
Method dispatchedMethod = getMethod(obj.getClass(), methodName, true);
if (dispatchedMethod == null)
throw new NoSuchMethodException("methodName=" + methodName);
return dispatchedMethod.invoke(obj, args);
* Internal-use function, matches a method in the declared methods of a class, returning the method found in the class instead of the
* method given. Returns null if the method is not found.
* @throws NullPointerException An argument is null.
private static Method findDeclaredMethod(@NotNull final Class<?> type, @NotNull final Method method)
for (val m : type.getDeclaredMethods())
if (equal(m, method))
return m;
return null;
private ReflectionUtils()