package aQute.lib.converter;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import junit.framework.*;
import aQute.lib.converter.Converter.Hook;
import aQute.libg.cryptography.*;
"unchecked", "rawtypes"
public class ConverterTest extends TestCase {
Converter converter = new Converter();
interface M {
String a();
int b();
int c();
double d();
public void testMap() throws Exception {
Map<String,String> map = MAP.$("a", "A").$("b", "2");
M m = converter.convert(M.class, map);
assertEquals("A", m.a());
assertEquals(2, m.b());
assertEquals(0, m.c());
assertEquals(0d, m.d());
public void testTypeRef() throws Exception {
Map<String,Integer> f;
Type type = (new TypeReference<Map<String,Integer>>() {}).getType();
assertTrue(type instanceof ParameterizedType);
ParameterizedType ptype = (ParameterizedType) type;
assertEquals(Map.class, ptype.getRawType());
assertEquals(String.class, ptype.getActualTypeArguments()[0]);
assertEquals(Integer.class, ptype.getActualTypeArguments()[1]);
Map<Integer,String> m = MAP.$(1, "1").$(2, "2");
f = converter.convert(new TypeReference<Map<String,Integer>>() {}, m);
assertEquals(f.get("1"), (Integer) 1);
assertEquals(f.get("2"), (Integer) 2);
public static void hookTest() throws Exception {
Converter converter = new Converter().hook(File.class, new Hook() {
public Object convert(Type dest, Object o) {
if (o instanceof String) {
return IO.getFile(new File(""), o.toString());
return null;
assertEquals(new Integer(6), converter.convert(Integer.class, "6"));
assertEquals(new File("src").getAbsoluteFile(), converter.convert(File.class, "src"));
converter.hook(null, new Hook() {
public Object convert(Type dest, Object o) throws Exception {
if (dest instanceof Class) {
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom((Class< ? >) dest))
return 1;
return null;
assertEquals(new Integer(1), converter.convert(Integer.class, "6"));
assertEquals(new Integer(1), converter.convert(Long.class, "6"));
assertEquals("6", converter.convert(String.class, "6"));
* Test map to object
public class DD {
public class D {
int n;
String s;
public void testMap2Object() throws Exception {
* Digests as byte[]
* @throws Exception
public void testDigest() throws Exception {
Digester<SHA1> digester = SHA1.getDigester();
try {
IO.copy("ABC".getBytes(), digester);
SHA1 digest = digester.digest();
byte[] out = converter.convert(byte[].class, digest);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(digest.digest(), out));
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bout.write("Hello World".getBytes());
assertTrue(Arrays.equals("Hello World".getBytes(), converter.convert(byte[].class, bout)));
finally {
* Map a string to a char[], Character[], or Collection<Character>
public void testCharacters() throws Exception {
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new char[] {
'A', 'B', 'C'
}, converter.convert(char[].class, "ABC")));
assertEquals("ABC", converter.convert(String.class, new char[] {
'A', 'B', 'C'
* Test string to primitives
* @throws Exception
public void testStringtoPrimitives() throws Exception {
assertEquals((Integer) (int) 'A', converter.convert(int.class, 'A'));
assertEquals((Integer) (int) 'A', converter.convert(Integer.class, 'A'));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(boolean.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Boolean) false, converter.convert(boolean.class, "0"));
assertEquals((Boolean) false, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "0"));
assertEquals((Byte) (byte) 1, converter.convert(byte.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Byte) (byte) 1, converter.convert(Byte.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Short) (short) 1, converter.convert(short.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Short) (short) 1, converter.convert(Short.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Integer) 1, converter.convert(int.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Integer) 1, converter.convert(Integer.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Long) 1L, converter.convert(long.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Long) 1L, converter.convert(Long.class, "1"));
assertEquals(1f, converter.convert(float.class, "1"));
assertEquals(1f, converter.convert(Float.class, "1"));
assertEquals(1d, converter.convert(double.class, "1"));
assertEquals(1d, converter.convert(double.class, "1"));
assertEquals((Character) 'A', converter.convert(char.class, "A"));
assertEquals((Character) 'A', converter.convert(Character.class, "A"));
* Test the wrappers
* @throws Exception
public void testWrappers() throws Exception {
Object[] types = {
Boolean.FALSE, (byte) 0, '\u0000', (short) 0, 0, 0L, 0f, 0d
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
assertEquals("" + i + " " + j, types[i], converter.convert(types[i].getClass(), types[j]));
* Create an array and see if we can convert a single number
* @throws Exception
public void testPrimitives() throws Exception {
assertPrimitives(new Object[] {
0, 1, 2
assertPrimitives1(new Object[] {
1, 2
* Test enums
* @param source
* @throws Exception
public enum X {
A, B, C;
public void testEnums() throws Exception {
assertEquals(X.A, converter.convert(X.class, "A"));
assertEquals(X.B, converter.convert(X.class, 1));
* Test collections
* @param source
* @throws Exception
static class XX {
public ArrayList<String> al;
public Collection<String> col;
public Queue<String> queue;
public Stack<String> stack;
public Vector<String> vector;
public Set<String> set;
public TreeSet<String> treeset;
public SortedSet<String> sorted;
public ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String> concurrent;
public CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> concurrentList;
public CopyOnWriteArraySet<String> concurrentSet;
public void testCollections() throws Exception {
Class<XX> xx = XX.class;
Object xxx = xx.newInstance();
int count = 11;
for (Field field : xx.getFields()) {
Object o = converter.convert(field.getGenericType(), 1);
assertTrue(o instanceof Collection);
Collection c = (Collection) o;
assertEquals("1", c.iterator().next());
field.set(xxx, o);
assertEquals(0, count);
* Test generic collections
* @param source
* @throws Exception
static class GC {
public Collection<String> strings;
public Collection<Collection<String>> stringss;
public Collection<String>[] stringsarray;
public List<X> enums;
public X[] enuma;
public List list;
public void testGenericCollections() throws Exception {
Class<GC> xx = GC.class;
GC g = xx.newInstance();
for (Field field : xx.getFields()) {
Object o = converter.convert(field.getGenericType(), 1);
field.set(g, o);
assertEquals("[1]", g.strings.toString());
assertEquals(String.class, g.strings.iterator().next().getClass());
assertEquals("[[1]]", g.stringss.toString());
assertEquals("[1]", g.stringsarray[0].toString());
assertEquals("[1]", g.list.toString());
assertTrue(g.list.get(0) instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(X.B, g.enuma[0]);
assertEquals(X.B, g.enums.get(0));
* Test generic maps
* @param source
* @throws Exception
public static class GM {
public Map<String,Integer> strings;
public SortedMap<String,Integer> sorted;
public TreeMap<String,Integer> tree;
public ConcurrentHashMap<String,Integer> concurrenthash;
public ConcurrentMap<String,Integer> concurrent;
public Map map;
public static class GT {
public int a = 1;
public double b = 2;
public void testGenericMaps() throws Exception {
Class<GM> xx = GM.class;
GM gMap = xx.newInstance();
GM gSemiMap = xx.newInstance();
GT semiMap = new GT();
Map map = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
map.put("a", 1);
map.put("b", 2);
for (Field field : xx.getFields()) {
Object o = converter.convert(field.getGenericType(), map);
field.set(gMap, o);
Object o2 = converter.convert(field.getGenericType(), semiMap);
field.set(gSemiMap, o2);
assertEquals("{a=1, b=2}", new TreeMap(gMap.strings).toString());
assertEquals("{a=1, b=2}", new TreeMap(gSemiMap.strings).toString());
void assertPrimitives(@SuppressWarnings("unused")
Object source) throws Exception {
Class[] types = {
byte.class, boolean.class, char.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class
for (Class c : types) {
Class at = Array.newInstance(c, 1).getClass();
Object parray = converter.convert(at, 0);
Object o = Array.get(parray, 0);
if (o instanceof Number)
assertEquals(0, ((Number) o).intValue());
else if (o instanceof Character)
assertEquals(0, ((Character) o).charValue());
else if (o instanceof Boolean)
assertEquals(false, ((Boolean) o).booleanValue());
fail(o.getClass() + " unexpected ");
assertEquals(at, parray.getClass());
assertEquals(c, parray.getClass().getComponentType());
* Test constructor
* @param source
* @throws Exception
public void testConstructor() throws Exception {
String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
assertEquals(new File(home), converter.convert(File.class, home));
// assertEquals(new Version(1, 0, 0), converter.convert(Version.class,
// "1.0.0"));
* Test valueOf
* @param source
* @throws Exception
public void testValueOf() throws Exception {
assertEquals((Byte) (byte) 12, converter.convert(Byte.class, "12"));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "TRUE"));
assertEquals((Character) '1', converter.convert(char.class, "49"));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "TRUE"));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "TRUE"));
assertEquals((Boolean) true, converter.convert(Boolean.class, "TRUE"));
void assertPrimitives1(Object source) throws Exception {
Class[] types = {
byte.class, boolean.class, char.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class
for (Class c : types) {
Class at = Array.newInstance(c, 1).getClass();
Object parray = converter.convert(at, source);
Object o = Array.get(parray, 0);
if (o instanceof Number)
assertEquals(1, ((Number) o).intValue());
else if (o instanceof Character)
assertEquals(1, ((Character) o).charValue());
else if (o instanceof Boolean)
assertEquals(true, ((Boolean) o).booleanValue());
fail(o.getClass() + " unexpected ");
assertEquals(at, parray.getClass());
assertEquals(c, parray.getClass().getComponentType());
public void testProperties() throws Exception {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, "1"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, 1));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, 1L));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, 1D));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, 1f));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new String[]{"1"}));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList((byte)1)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList((short)1)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList(1)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList(1L)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList(1D)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, Arrays.asList(1L)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new BigDecimal(1)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new BigInteger(new byte[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new byte[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new short[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new char[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new long[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new float[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new double[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new BigInteger[] {
new BigInteger(new byte[] {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1L), Converter.cnv(new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}, new BigDecimal[] {
new BigDecimal(1)