package kiss.lang.expression;
import clojure.lang.IPersistentMap;
import clojure.lang.IPersistentSet;
import kiss.lang.Environment;
import kiss.lang.Expression;
import kiss.lang.Type;
import kiss.lang.impl.KissException;
import kiss.lang.impl.KissUtils;
import kiss.lang.type.JavaType;
import kiss.lang.type.Nothing;
* An expression which casts the type of its body to a specified Type
* Will throw a compile time exception if the cast is impossible
* Will throw a runtime exception if the Java cast fails.
* @author Mike
public class Cast extends Expression {
Type type;
Expression body;
private Cast(Type type, Expression body) {
public static Cast create(Type type, Expression body) {
Type bt=body.getType();
if (bt.intersection(type)==Nothing.INSTANCE) {
throw new KissException("Can't cast type "+bt+" to "+type);
return new Cast(type,body.specialise(type));
public static Cast create(Class<?> klass, Expression body) {
return create(JavaType.create(klass),body);
public Type getType() {
return type;
public Environment compute(Environment d, IPersistentMap bindings) {
Environment ev= body.compute(d, bindings);
if (ev.isExiting()) return ev;
Object result=ev.getResult();
if (type.checkInstance(result)) {
throw new KissException("Can't cast value of class "+KissUtils.typeName(result)+" to "+type);
return ev;
public Expression optimise() {
Expression b=body.optimise();
Type bt=body.getType();
if (b.isConstant()) {
Object val=b.eval();
if (type.checkInstance(val)) throw new KissException("Impossible to cast value "+val+" to type: "+type);
// TODO: is this logic sound? what about interface casts?
return b;
Type t=type;
if (t.contains(bt)) t=bt;
if ((b==body)&&(t==type)) return this;
return create(t,b);
public boolean isPure() {
return body.isPure();
public Expression specialise(Type type) {
if (type==this.type) return this;
if (type.contains(this.type)) return this;
Type it = type.intersection(this.type);
if (it==Nothing.INSTANCE) return null;
return create(it,body.specialise(it));
public IPersistentSet accumulateFreeSymbols(IPersistentSet s) {
return s;
public Expression substitute(IPersistentMap bindings) {
Expression nBody=body.substitute(bindings);
if (nBody==body) return this;
if (nBody==null) return null;
return create(type,nBody);
public void validate() {
// OK?