package kiss.lang;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import kiss.lang.expression.Constant;
import kiss.lang.impl.IExitResult;
import kiss.lang.impl.KissException;
import clojure.lang.APersistentMap;
import clojure.lang.IMapEntry;
import clojure.lang.IPersistentMap;
import clojure.lang.IPersistentSet;
import clojure.lang.ISeq;
import clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap;
import clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet;
import clojure.lang.RT;
import clojure.lang.Symbol;
* This is the immutable environment used by the Kiss compiler
* Design intent:
* - Behaves like an immutable map of Symbols -> Values
* - Maintains a dependency graph for recompilation
* - Maintains a "result" value, so it can include an expression return value
* It is a first class object, but probably shouldn't be messed with outside of the kiss.core functions.
* @author Mike
public final class Environment extends APersistentMap {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2048617052932290067L;
public static final Environment EMPTY = new Environment();
public final IPersistentMap map; // Symbol -> Mapping
public final IPersistentMap dependencies; // Symbol -> set of Symbols
public final IPersistentMap dependents; // Symbol -> set of Symbols
public final Object result;
private Environment() {
private Environment(IPersistentMap map, IPersistentMap deps, IPersistentMap backDeps, Object result) {;
public Environment withResult(Object value) {
if (value==result) return this;
return new Environment(map,dependencies,dependents,value);
* Redefine a symbol in this environment to a new Expression.
* @param key
* @param body
* @return
public Environment define(Symbol key, Expression body) {
return define(key,body,PersistentHashMap.EMPTY);
public Environment define(Symbol key, Expression body, IPersistentMap bindings) {
// handle define with local bindings
if (bindings.count()>0) {
Expression newBody=body.substitute(bindings);
if (newBody!=body) newBody=newBody.optimise(); // re-optimise if needed
// manage dependency updates
IPersistentMap tempDependencies=this.dependencies;
IPersistentMap tempDependents=this.dependents;
IPersistentSet free=body.accumulateFreeSymbols(PersistentHashSet.EMPTY);
IPersistentSet oldDeps=(IPersistentSet) tempDependencies.valAt(key);
if ((oldDeps==null)) oldDeps=PersistentHashSet.EMPTY;
// update dependencies to match the free variables in the expression
tempDependencies=tempDependencies.assoc(key, free);
// Compute which symbols cannot yet be bound from the current environment
IPersistentSet unbound=free;
for (ISeq s=RT.seq(unbound);s!=null; {
Symbol sym=(Symbol) s.first();
if (isBound(sym)) {
if (unbound.count()==0) {
Environment newEnv=body.compute(this, bindings);
Object value=newEnv.getResult();
newEnv = new Environment(map.assoc(key, Mapping.createExpression(body, value, null)),tempDependencies,tempDependents,value);
return newEnv;
} else {
return new Environment(map.assoc(key, Mapping.createExpression(body, null, unbound)),tempDependencies,tempDependents,null);
private static Environment updateDependents(Environment e, Symbol key) {
// get the set of symbols that depend directly or indirectly on the given key
IPersistentSet ss = e.accumulateDependents(PersistentHashSet.EMPTY,key);
// check if there are any dependents
if (ss==PersistentHashSet.EMPTY) return e;
for (Symbol s:((java.util.Collection<Symbol>)ss)) {
Mapping m=(Mapping);
IPersistentSet sunbound=m.getUnbound();
if (sunbound.count()==0) {
// TODO: update needed!
return e;
private IPersistentSet accumulateDependents(IPersistentSet set, Symbol key) {
IPersistentSet ss=(IPersistentSet)(dependents.valAt(key));
if ((ss==null)||(ss==PersistentHashSet.EMPTY)) return set;
for (Symbol s: ((java.util.Collection<Symbol>)ss)) {
if (!set.contains(s)) {
set=(IPersistentSet) set.cons(s);
return set;
private boolean isBound(Symbol sym) {
Object m= map.valAt(sym);
if (m==null) return false;
return ((Mapping)m).isBound();
private IPersistentMap updateBackDeps(Symbol key,IPersistentMap backDeps,
IPersistentSet oldDeps, IPersistentSet newDeps) {
if (oldDeps==newDeps) return backDeps;
// add new back dependencies
for (ISeq s=newDeps.seq(); s!=null; {
Symbol sym=(Symbol)s.first();
if (oldDeps.contains(sym)) continue;
IPersistentSet bs=(IPersistentSet) backDeps.valAt(sym);
if (bs==null) bs=PersistentHashSet.EMPTY;
backDeps=backDeps.assoc(sym, bs.cons(key));
// remove old back dependencies
for (ISeq s=oldDeps.seq(); s!=null; {
Symbol sym=(Symbol)s.first();
if (newDeps.contains(sym)) continue;
IPersistentSet bs=(IPersistentSet) backDeps.valAt(sym);
if (bs.count()==0) {
} else {
backDeps=backDeps.assoc(sym, bs);
return backDeps;
public IPersistentMap without(Object key) {
Mapping m=getMapping(key);
if (m==null) return this;
return new Environment(map.without(key),dependencies,dependents, result);
public Environment assoc(Object key, Object val) {
return define((Symbol) key,Constant.create(val));
public Environment assocEx(Object key, Object val) {
return define((Symbol) key,Constant.create(val));
public Mapping getMapping(Object key) {
return (Mapping)map.valAt(key);
public Iterator<?> iterator() {
return new EnvioronmentIterator(map.iterator());
private static final class EnvioronmentIterator implements Iterator<Entry<Symbol,Mapping>> {
final Iterator<Entry<Symbol,Mapping>> source;
private EnvioronmentIterator(Iterator<Entry<Symbol,Mapping>> vs) {
public boolean hasNext() {
return source.hasNext();
public Entry<Symbol,Mapping> next() {
Mapping m=entry.getValue();
return m.toMapEntry(entry.getKey());
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Immutable!");
* Merges a second environment into this one
* @param e
* @return
public Environment merge(Environment e) {
Environment result=this;
for (Object o : {
Map.Entry<Symbol, Mapping> ent=(Entry<Symbol, Mapping>) o;
result=result.define(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue().getExpression());
return result;
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return map.containsKey(key);
public IMapEntry entryAt(Object key) {
Mapping m=getMapping(key);
if (m==null) return null;
return m.toMapEntry(key);
public int count() {
return map.count();
public Environment empty() {
return EMPTY;
public ISeq seq() {
return clojure.lang.IteratorSeq.create(iterator());
public Object valAt(Object key) {
Mapping m=getMapping(key);
if (m==null) return null;
return m.getValue();
public Object valAt(Object key, Object notFound) {
Mapping m=getMapping(key);
if (m==null) return notFound;
return m.getValue();
* Returns the current result in the environment.
* @return
public Object getResult() {
return result;
public void validate() {
for (Object o : map) {
Map.Entry<Symbol, Mapping> ent=(Entry<Symbol, Mapping>) o;
Symbol key=ent.getKey();
Mapping m=ent.getValue();
if (m==null) throw new KissException("Unexcpected null mapping for symbol: "+key);
// check free symbols equals dependencies
IPersistentSet free=m.getExpression().accumulateFreeSymbols(PersistentHashSet.EMPTY);
IPersistentSet ds=(IPersistentSet) dependencies.valAt(key);
if (!free.equiv(ds)) {
throw new KissException("Mismatched dependencies for symbol: "+key+" free="+free+" deps="+ds);
// check unbound dependencies are consistent
IPersistentSet unbound=m.getUnbound();
for (ISeq s=unbound.seq(); s!=null; {
Symbol sym=(Symbol)s.first();
if (isBound(sym)) throw new KissException("Expected symbol to be unbound: "+sym);
// check reverse dependencies
for (ISeq s=ds.seq(); s!=null; {
Symbol sym=(Symbol)s.first();
IPersistentSet bs=(IPersistentSet) dependents.valAt(sym);
if (!bs.contains(key)) throw new KissException("Missing back dependency from "+sym+"=>"+key);
* Returns true if the current result is an exit condition. This includes recur and return conditions.
* @return
public boolean isExiting() {
return result instanceof IExitResult;