// This file is part of OpenTSDB.
// Copyright (C) 2013 The OpenTSDB Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it
// will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not,
// see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.opentsdb.tsd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import net.opentsdb.core.IncomingDataPoint;
import net.opentsdb.core.TSDB;
import net.opentsdb.stats.StatsCollector;
import net.opentsdb.utils.JSON;
import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;
* Handles fetching statistics from all over the code, collating them in a
* string buffer or list, and emitting them to the caller. Stats are collected
* lazily, i.e. only when this method is called.
* This class supports the 1.x style HTTP call as well as the 2.x style API
* calls.
* @since 2.0
public final class StatsRpc implements TelnetRpc, HttpRpc {
* Telnet RPC responder that returns the stats in ASCII style
* @param tsdb The TSDB to use for fetching stats
* @param chan The netty channel to respond on
* @param cmd call parameters
public Deferred<Object> execute(final TSDB tsdb, final Channel chan,
final String[] cmd) {
final boolean canonical = tsdb.getConfig().getBoolean("tsd.stats.canonical");
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024);
final ASCIICollector collector = new ASCIICollector("tsd", buf, null);
doCollectStats(tsdb, collector, canonical);
return Deferred.fromResult(null);
* HTTP resposne handler
* @param tsdb The TSDB to which we belong
* @param query The query to parse and respond to
public void execute(final TSDB tsdb, final HttpQuery query) {
// only accept GET/POST
if (query.method() != HttpMethod.GET && query.method() != HttpMethod.POST) {
throw new BadRequestException(HttpResponseStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
"Method not allowed", "The HTTP method [" + query.method().getName() +
"] is not permitted for this endpoint");
final boolean canonical = tsdb.getConfig().getBoolean("tsd.stats.canonical");
// if we don't have an API request we need to respond with the 1.x version
if (query.apiVersion() < 1) {
final boolean json = query.hasQueryStringParam("json");
final StringBuilder buf = json ? null : new StringBuilder(2048);
final ArrayList<String> stats = json ? new ArrayList<String>(64) : null;
final ASCIICollector collector = new ASCIICollector("tsd", buf, stats);
doCollectStats(tsdb, collector, canonical);
if (json) {
} else {
// we have an API version, so go newschool
final List<IncomingDataPoint> dps = new ArrayList<IncomingDataPoint>(64);
final SerializerCollector collector = new SerializerCollector("tsd", dps,
* Helper to record the statistics for the current TSD
* @param tsdb The TSDB to use for fetching stats
* @param collector The collector class to call for emitting stats
private void doCollectStats(final TSDB tsdb, final StatsCollector collector,
final boolean canonical) {
* Implements the StatsCollector with ASCII style output. Builds a string
* buffer response to send to the caller
final class ASCIICollector extends StatsCollector {
final StringBuilder buf;
final ArrayList<String> stats;
* Default constructor
* @param prefix The prefix to prepend to all statistics
* @param buf The buffer to store responses in
* @param stats An array of strings to write for the old style JSON output
* May be null. If that's the case, we'll try to write to the {@code buf}
public ASCIICollector(final String prefix, final StringBuilder buf,
final ArrayList<String> stats) {
this.buf = buf;
this.stats = stats;
* Called by the {@link #record} method after a source writes a statistic.
public final void emit(final String line) {
if (stats != null) {
stats.add(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1)); // strip the '\n'
} else {
* Implements the StatsCollector with a list of IncomingDataPoint objects that
* can be passed on to a serializer for output.
final class SerializerCollector extends StatsCollector {
final boolean canonical;
final List<IncomingDataPoint> dps;
* Default constructor
* @param prefix The prefix to prepend to all statistics
* @param dps The array to store objects in
public SerializerCollector(final String prefix,
final List<IncomingDataPoint> dps, final boolean canonical) {
this.dps = dps;
this.canonical = canonical;
* Override that records the stat to an IncomingDataPoint object and puts it
* in the list
* @param name Metric name
* @param value The value to store
* @param xtratag An optional extra tag in the format "tagk=tagv". Can only
* have one extra tag
public void record(final String name, final long value,
final String xtratag) {
final IncomingDataPoint dp = new IncomingDataPoint();
dp.setMetric(prefix + "." + name);
dp.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
String tagk = "";
if (xtratag != null) {
if (xtratag.indexOf('=') != xtratag.lastIndexOf('=')) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid xtratag: " + xtratag
+ " (multiple '=' signs), name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
} else if (xtratag.indexOf('=') < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid xtratag: " + xtratag
+ " (missing '=' signs), name=" + name + ", value=" + value);
final String[] pair = xtratag.split("=");
tagk = pair[0];
addExtraTag(tagk, pair[1]);
final HashMap<String, String> tags =
new HashMap<String, String>(extratags);
if (!tagk.isEmpty()) {