Package net.opentsdb.tsd

Source Code of net.opentsdb.tsd.QueriesCB

// This file is part of OpenTSDB.
// Copyright (C) 2013  The OpenTSDB Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
// will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If not,
// see <>.
package net.opentsdb.tsd;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;

import net.opentsdb.core.DataPoints;
import net.opentsdb.core.Query;
import net.opentsdb.core.RateOptions;
import net.opentsdb.core.TSDB;
import net.opentsdb.core.TSQuery;
import net.opentsdb.core.TSSubQuery;
import net.opentsdb.core.Tags;
import net.opentsdb.meta.Annotation;

* Handles queries for timeseries datapoints. Each request is parsed into a
* TSQuery object, the values given validated, and if all tests pass, the
* query is converted into TsdbQueries and each one is executed to fetch the
* data. The resulting DataPoints[] are then passed to serializers for
* formatting.
* <p>
* Some private methods are included for parsing query string data into a
* TSQuery object.
* @since 2.0
final class QueryRpc implements HttpRpc {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryRpc.class);
   * Implements the /api/query endpoint to fetch data from OpenTSDB.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for fetching data
   * @param query The HTTP query for parsing and responding
  public void execute(final TSDB tsdb, final HttpQuery query)
    throws IOException {
    // only accept GET/POST
    if (query.method() != HttpMethod.GET && query.method() != HttpMethod.POST) {
      throw new BadRequestException(HttpResponseStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
          "Method not allowed", "The HTTP method [" + query.method().getName() +
          "] is not permitted for this endpoint");
    final TSQuery data_query;
    if (query.method() == HttpMethod.POST) {
      switch (query.apiVersion()) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
        data_query = query.serializer().parseQueryV1();
        throw new BadRequestException(HttpResponseStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
            "Requested API version not implemented", "Version " +
            query.apiVersion() + " is not implemented");
    } else {
      data_query = this.parseQuery(tsdb, query);
    // validate and then compile the queries
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BadRequestException(HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
          e.getMessage(), data_query.toString(), e);
    Query[] tsdbqueries = data_query.buildQueries(tsdb);
    final int nqueries = tsdbqueries.length;
    final ArrayList<DataPoints[]> results =
      new ArrayList<DataPoints[]>(nqueries);
    final ArrayList<Deferred<DataPoints[]>> deferreds =
      new ArrayList<Deferred<DataPoints[]>>(nqueries);
    for (int i = 0; i < nqueries; i++) {

    * After all of the queries have run, we get the results in the order given
    * and add dump the results in an array
    class QueriesCB implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<DataPoints[]>> {
      public Object call(final ArrayList<DataPoints[]> query_results)
        throws Exception {
        return null;
    // if the user wants global annotations, we need to scan and fetch
    // TODO(cl) need to async this at some point. It's not super straight
    // forward as we can't just add it to the "deferreds" queue since the types
    // are different.
    List<Annotation> globals = null;
    if (!data_query.getNoAnnotations() && data_query.getGlobalAnnotations()) {
      try {
        globals = Annotation.getGlobalAnnotations(tsdb,
            data_query.startTime() / 1000, data_query.endTime() / 1000)
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't be here", e);
    try {
      Deferred.groupInOrder(deferreds).addCallback(new QueriesCB())
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't be here", e);
    switch (query.apiVersion()) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      query.sendReply(query.serializer().formatQueryV1(data_query, results,
      throw new BadRequestException(HttpResponseStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
          "Requested API version not implemented", "Version " +
          query.apiVersion() + " is not implemented");

   * Parses a query string legacy style query from the URI
   * @param tsdb The TSDB we belong to
   * @param query The HTTP Query for parsing
   * @return A TSQuery if parsing was successful
   * @throws BadRequestException if parsing was unsuccessful
  private TSQuery parseQuery(final TSDB tsdb, final HttpQuery query) {
    final TSQuery data_query = new TSQuery();
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("padding")) {
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("no_annotations")) {
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("global_annotations")) {
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("show_tsuids")) {
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("ms")) {
    // handle tsuid queries first
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("tsuid")) {
      final List<String> tsuids = query.getQueryStringParams("tsuid");    
      for (String q : tsuids) {
        this.parseTsuidTypeSubQuery(q, data_query);
    if (query.hasQueryStringParam("m")) {
      final List<String> legacy_queries = query.getQueryStringParams("m");     
      for (String q : legacy_queries) {
        this.parseMTypeSubQuery(q, data_query);
    if (data_query.getQueries() == null || data_query.getQueries().size() < 1) {
      throw new BadRequestException("Missing sub queries");
    return data_query;
   * Parses a query string "m=..." type query and adds it to the TSQuery.
   * This will generate a TSSubQuery and add it to the TSQuery if successful
   * @param query_string The value of the m query string parameter, i.e. what
   * comes after the equals sign
   * @param data_query The query we're building
   * @throws BadRequestException if we are unable to parse the query or it is
   * missing components
  private void parseMTypeSubQuery(final String query_string,
      TSQuery data_query) {
    if (query_string == null || query_string.isEmpty()) {
      throw new BadRequestException("The query string was empty");
    // m is of the following forms:
    // agg:[interval-agg:][rate:]metric[{tag=value,...}]
    // where the parts in square brackets `[' .. `]' are optional.
    final String[] parts = Tags.splitString(query_string, ':');
    int i = parts.length;
    if (i < 2 || i > 5) {
      throw new BadRequestException("Invalid parameter m=" + query_string + " ("
          + (i < 2 ? "not enough" : "too many") + " :-separated parts)");
    final TSSubQuery sub_query = new TSSubQuery();
    // the aggregator is first
    i--; // Move to the last part (the metric name).
    HashMap<String, String> tags = new HashMap<String, String>();
    sub_query.setMetric(Tags.parseWithMetric(parts[i], tags));
    // parse out the rate and downsampler
    for (int x = 1; x < parts.length - 1; x++) {
      if (parts[x].toLowerCase().startsWith("rate")) {
        if (parts[x].indexOf("{") >= 0) {
          sub_query.setRateOptions(QueryRpc.parseRateOptions(true, parts[x]));
      } else if (Character.isDigit(parts[x].charAt(0))) {
    if (data_query.getQueries() == null) {
      final ArrayList<TSSubQuery> subs = new ArrayList<TSSubQuery>(1);
   * Parses a "tsuid=..." type query and adds it to the TSQuery.
   * This will generate a TSSubQuery and add it to the TSQuery if successful
   * @param query_string The value of the m query string parameter, i.e. what
   * comes after the equals sign
   * @param data_query The query we're building
   * @throws BadRequestException if we are unable to parse the query or it is
   * missing components
  private void parseTsuidTypeSubQuery(final String query_string,
      TSQuery data_query) {
    if (query_string == null || query_string.isEmpty()) {
      throw new BadRequestException("The tsuid query string was empty");
    // tsuid queries are of the following forms:
    // agg:[interval-agg:][rate:]tsuid[,s]
    // where the parts in square brackets `[' .. `]' are optional.
    final String[] parts = Tags.splitString(query_string, ':');
    int i = parts.length;
    if (i < 2 || i > 5) {
      throw new BadRequestException("Invalid parameter m=" + query_string + " ("
          + (i < 2 ? "not enough" : "too many") + " :-separated parts)");
    final TSSubQuery sub_query = new TSSubQuery();
    // the aggregator is first
    i--; // Move to the last part (the metric name).
    final List<String> tsuid_array = Arrays.asList(parts[i].split(","));
    // parse out the rate and downsampler
    for (int x = 1; x < parts.length - 1; x++) {
      if (parts[x].toLowerCase().startsWith("rate")) {
        if (parts[x].indexOf("{") >= 0) {
          sub_query.setRateOptions(QueryRpc.parseRateOptions(true, parts[x]));
      } else if (Character.isDigit(parts[x].charAt(0))) {
    if (data_query.getQueries() == null) {
      final ArrayList<TSSubQuery> subs = new ArrayList<TSSubQuery>(1);
   * Parses the "rate" section of the query string and returns an instance
   * of the RateOptions class that contains the values found.
   * <p/>
   * The format of the rate specification is rate[{counter[,#[,#]]}].
   * @param rate If true, then the query is set as a rate query and the rate
   * specification will be parsed. If false, a default RateOptions instance
   * will be returned and largely ignored by the rest of the processing
   * @param spec The part of the query string that pertains to the rate
   * @return An initialized RateOptions instance based on the specification
   * @throws BadRequestException if the parameter is malformed
   * @since 2.0
   static final public RateOptions parseRateOptions(final boolean rate,
       final String spec) {
     if (!rate || spec.length() == 4) {
       return new RateOptions(false, Long.MAX_VALUE,

     if (spec.length() < 6) {
       throw new BadRequestException("Invalid rate options specification: "
           + spec);

     String[] parts = Tags
         .splitString(spec.substring(5, spec.length() - 1), ',');
     if (parts.length < 1 || parts.length > 3) {
       throw new BadRequestException(
           "Incorrect number of values in rate options specification, must be " +
           "counter[,counter max value,reset value], recieved: "
               + parts.length + " parts");

     final boolean counter = "counter".equals(parts[0]);
     try {
       final long max = (parts.length >= 2 && parts[1].length() > 0 ? Long
           .parseLong(parts[1]) : Long.MAX_VALUE);
       try {
         final long reset = (parts.length >= 3 && parts[2].length() > 0 ? Long
             .parseLong(parts[2]) : RateOptions.DEFAULT_RESET_VALUE);
         return new RateOptions(counter, max, reset);
       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
         throw new BadRequestException(
             "Reset value of counter was not a number, received '" + parts[2]
                 + "'");
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
       throw new BadRequestException(
           "Max value of counter was not a number, received '" + parts[1] + "'");

Related Classes of net.opentsdb.tsd.QueriesCB

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