Package net.opentsdb.core

Source Code of net.opentsdb.core.CopyMetricInRowKeyCB

// This file is part of OpenTSDB.
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012  The OpenTSDB Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
// will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If not,
// see <>.
package net.opentsdb.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;

import org.hbase.async.Bytes;
import org.hbase.async.PutRequest;

import net.opentsdb.meta.Annotation;
import net.opentsdb.stats.Histogram;

* Receives new data points and stores them in HBase.
final class IncomingDataPoints implements WritableDataPoints {

  /** For how long to buffer edits when doing batch imports (in ms).  */
  private static final short DEFAULT_BATCH_IMPORT_BUFFER_INTERVAL = 5000;

   * Keep track of the latency (in ms) we perceive sending edits to HBase.
   * We want buckets up to 16s, with 2 ms interval between each bucket up to
   * 100 ms after we which we switch to exponential buckets.
  static final Histogram putlatency = new Histogram(16000, (short) 2, 100);

  /** The {@code TSDB} instance we belong to. */
  private final TSDB tsdb;

   * The row key.
   * 3 bytes for the metric name, 4 bytes for the base timestamp, 6 bytes per
   * tag (3 for the name, 3 for the value).
  private byte[] row;

   * Qualifiers for individual data points.
   * The last Const.FLAG_BITS bits are used to store flags (the type of the
   * data point - integer or floating point - and the size of the data point
   * in bytes).  The remaining MSBs store a delta in seconds from the base
   * timestamp stored in the row key.
  private short[] qualifiers;

  /** Each value in the row. */
  private long[] values;
  /** Track the last timestamp written for this series */
  private long last_ts;

  /** Number of data points in this row. */
  private short size;

  /** Are we doing a batch import? */
  private boolean batch_import;

   * Constructor.
   * @param tsdb The TSDB we belong to.
  IncomingDataPoints(final TSDB tsdb) {
    this.tsdb = tsdb;
    // the qualifiers and values were meant for pre-compacting the rows. We
    // could implement this later, but for now we don't need to track the values
    // as they'll just consume space during an import
    //this.qualifiers = new short[3];
    //this.values = new long[3];

   * Validates the given metric and tags.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the arguments aren't valid.
  static void checkMetricAndTags(final String metric, final Map<String, String> tags) {
    if (tags.size() <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need at least one tags (metric="
          + metric + ", tags=" + tags + ')');
    } else if (tags.size() > Const.MAX_NUM_TAGS) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many tags: " + tags.size()
          + " maximum allowed: " + Const.MAX_NUM_TAGS + ", tags: " + tags);

    Tags.validateString("metric name", metric);
    for (final Map.Entry<String, String> tag : tags.entrySet()) {
      Tags.validateString("tag name", tag.getKey());
      Tags.validateString("tag value", tag.getValue());

  * Returns a partially initialized row key for this metric and these tags.
  * The only thing left to fill in is the base timestamp.
  static byte[] rowKeyTemplate(final TSDB tsdb,
                               final String metric,
                               final Map<String, String> tags) {
    final short metric_width = tsdb.metrics.width();
    final short tag_name_width = tsdb.tag_names.width();
    final short tag_value_width = tsdb.tag_values.width();
    final short num_tags = (short) tags.size();

    int row_size = (metric_width + Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES
                    + tag_name_width * num_tags
                    + tag_value_width * num_tags);
    final byte[] row = new byte[row_size];

    short pos = 0;

    copyInRowKey(row, pos, (tsdb.config.auto_metric() ?
        tsdb.metrics.getOrCreateId(metric) : tsdb.metrics.getId(metric)));
    pos += metric_width;

    pos += Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES;

    for(final byte[] tag : Tags.resolveOrCreateAll(tsdb, tags)) {
      copyInRowKey(row, pos, tag);
      pos += tag.length;
    return row;
   * Returns a partially initialized row key for this metric and these tags.
   * The only thing left to fill in is the base timestamp.
   * @since 2.0
  static Deferred<byte[]> rowKeyTemplateAsync(final TSDB tsdb,
                                         final String metric,
                                         final Map<String, String> tags) {
    final short metric_width = tsdb.metrics.width();
    final short tag_name_width = tsdb.tag_names.width();
    final short tag_value_width = tsdb.tag_values.width();
    final short num_tags = (short) tags.size();

    int row_size = (metric_width + Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES
                    + tag_name_width * num_tags
                    + tag_value_width * num_tags);
    final byte[] row = new byte[row_size];

    // Lookup or create the metric ID.
    final Deferred<byte[]> metric_id;
    if (tsdb.config.auto_metric()) {
      metric_id = tsdb.metrics.getOrCreateIdAsync(metric);
    } else {
      metric_id = tsdb.metrics.getIdAsync(metric);

    // Copy the metric ID at the beginning of the row key.
    class CopyMetricInRowKeyCB implements Callback<byte[], byte[]> {
      public byte[] call(final byte[] metricid) {
        copyInRowKey(row, (short) 0, metricid);
        return row;

    // Copy the tag IDs in the row key.
    class CopyTagsInRowKeyCB
      implements Callback<Deferred<byte[]>, ArrayList<byte[]>> {
      public Deferred<byte[]> call(final ArrayList<byte[]> tags) {
        short pos = metric_width;
        pos += Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES;
        for (final byte[] tag : tags) {
          copyInRowKey(row, pos, tag);
          pos += tag.length;
        // Once we've resolved all the tags, schedule the copy of the metric
        // ID and return the row key we produced.
        return metric_id.addCallback(new CopyMetricInRowKeyCB());

    // Kick off the resolution of all tags.
    return Tags.resolveOrCreateAllAsync(tsdb, tags)
      .addCallbackDeferring(new CopyTagsInRowKeyCB());

  public void setSeries(final String metric, final Map<String, String> tags) {
    checkMetricAndTags(metric, tags);
    try {
      row = rowKeyTemplate(tsdb, metric, tags);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen", e);
    size = 0;

   * Copies the specified byte array at the specified offset in the row key.
   * @param row The row key into which to copy the bytes.
   * @param offset The offset in the row key to start writing at.
   * @param bytes The bytes to copy.
  private static void copyInRowKey(final byte[] row, final short offset, final byte[] bytes) {
    System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, row, offset, bytes.length);

   * Updates the base time in the row key.
   * @param timestamp The timestamp from which to derive the new base time.
   * @return The updated base time.
  private long updateBaseTime(final long timestamp) {
    // We force the starting timestamp to be on a MAX_TIMESPAN boundary
    // so that all TSDs create rows with the same base time.  Otherwise
    // we'd need to coordinate TSDs to avoid creating rows that cover
    // overlapping time periods.
    final long base_time = timestamp - (timestamp % Const.MAX_TIMESPAN);
    // Clone the row key since we're going to change it.  We must clone it
    // because the HBase client may still hold a reference to it in its
    // internal datastructures.
    row = Arrays.copyOf(row, row.length);
    Bytes.setInt(row, (int) base_time, tsdb.metrics.width());
    tsdb.scheduleForCompaction(row, (int) base_time);
    return base_time;

   * Implements {@link #addPoint} by storing a value with a specific flag.
   * @param timestamp The timestamp to associate with the value.
   * @param value The value to store.
   * @param flags Flags to store in the qualifier (size and type of the data
   * point).
   * @return A deferred object that indicates the completion of the request.
  private Deferred<Object> addPointInternal(final long timestamp, final byte[] value,
                                            final short flags) {
    if (row == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("setSeries() never called!");
    final boolean ms_timestamp = (timestamp & Const.SECOND_MASK) != 0;
    // we only accept unix epoch timestamps in seconds or milliseconds
    if (timestamp < 0 || (ms_timestamp && timestamp > 9999999999999L)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException((timestamp < 0 ? "negative " : "bad")
          + " timestamp=" + timestamp
          + " when trying to add value=" + Arrays.toString(value) + " to " + this);

    // always maintain last_ts in milliseconds
    if ((ms_timestamp ? timestamp : timestamp * 1000) <= last_ts) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("New timestamp=" + timestamp
          + " is less than or equal to previous=" + last_ts
          + " when trying to add value=" + Arrays.toString(value)
          + " to " + this);
    last_ts = (ms_timestamp ? timestamp : timestamp * 1000);  
    long base_time = baseTime();
    long incoming_base_time;
    if (ms_timestamp) {
      // drop the ms timestamp to seconds to calculate the base timestamp
      incoming_base_time = ((timestamp / 1000) -
          ((timestamp / 1000) % Const.MAX_TIMESPAN));
    } else {
      incoming_base_time = (timestamp - (timestamp % Const.MAX_TIMESPAN));
    if (incoming_base_time - base_time >= Const.MAX_TIMESPAN) {
      // Need to start a new row as we've exceeded Const.MAX_TIMESPAN.
      base_time = updateBaseTime((ms_timestamp ? timestamp / 1000: timestamp));

    // Java is so stupid with its auto-promotion of int to float.
    final byte[] qualifier = Internal.buildQualifier(timestamp, flags);

    final PutRequest point = new PutRequest(tsdb.table, row, TSDB.FAMILY,
                                            qualifier, value);
    // TODO(tsuna): The following timing is rather useless.  First of all,
    // the histogram never resets, so it tends to converge to a certain
    // distribution and never changes.  What we really want is a moving
    // histogram so we can see how the latency distribution varies over time.
    // The other problem is that the Histogram class isn't thread-safe and
    // here we access it from a callback that runs in an unknown thread, so
    // we might miss some increments.  So let's comment this out until we
    // have a proper thread-safe moving histogram.
    //final long start_put = System.nanoTime();
    //final Callback<Object, Object> cb = new Callback<Object, Object>() {
    //  public Object call(final Object arg) {
    //    putlatency.add((int) ((System.nanoTime() - start_put) / 1000000));
    //    return arg;
    //  }
    //  public String toString() {
    //    return "time put request";
    //  }

    // TODO(tsuna): Add an errback to handle some error cases here.
    return tsdb.client.put(point)/*.addBoth(cb)*/;

  private void grow() {
    // We can't have more than 1 value per second, so MAX_TIMESPAN values.
    final int new_size = Math.min(size * 2, Const.MAX_TIMESPAN);
    if (new_size == size) {
      throw new AssertionError("Can't grow " + this + " larger than " + size);
    values = Arrays.copyOf(values, new_size);
    qualifiers = Arrays.copyOf(qualifiers, new_size);

  /** Extracts the base timestamp from the row key. */
  private long baseTime() {
    return Bytes.getUnsignedInt(row, tsdb.metrics.width());

  public Deferred<Object> addPoint(final long timestamp, final long value) {
    final byte[] v;
    if (Byte.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
      v = new byte[] { (byte) value };
    } else if (Short.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
      v = Bytes.fromShort((short) value);
    } else if (Integer.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      v = Bytes.fromInt((int) value);
    } else {
      v = Bytes.fromLong(value);
    final short flags = (short) (v.length - 1)// Just the length.
    return addPointInternal(timestamp, v, flags);

  public Deferred<Object> addPoint(final long timestamp, final float value) {
    if (Float.isNaN(value) || Float.isInfinite(value)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("value is NaN or Infinite: " + value
                                         + " for timestamp=" + timestamp);
    final short flags = Const.FLAG_FLOAT | 0x3// A float stored on 4 bytes.
    return addPointInternal(timestamp,

  public void setBufferingTime(final short time) {
    if (time < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative time: " + time);

  public void setBatchImport(final boolean batchornot) {
    if (batch_import == batchornot) {
    final long current_interval = tsdb.client.getFlushInterval();
    if (batchornot) {
      batch_import = true;
      // If we already were given a larger interval, don't override it.
      if (DEFAULT_BATCH_IMPORT_BUFFER_INTERVAL > current_interval) {
    } else {
      batch_import = false;
      // If we're using the default batch import buffer interval,
      // revert back to 0.
      if (current_interval == DEFAULT_BATCH_IMPORT_BUFFER_INTERVAL) {
        setBufferingTime((short) 0);

  public String metricName() {
    try {
      return metricNameAsync().joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);
  public Deferred<String> metricNameAsync() {
    if (row == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("setSeries never called before!");
    final byte[] id = Arrays.copyOfRange(row, 0, tsdb.metrics.width());
    return tsdb.metrics.getNameAsync(id);

  public Map<String, String> getTags() {
    try {
      return getTagsAsync().joinUninterruptibly();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);
  public Deferred<Map<String, String>> getTagsAsync() {
    return Tags.getTagsAsync(tsdb, row);

  public List<String> getAggregatedTags() {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  public Deferred<List<String>> getAggregatedTagsAsync() {
    final List<String> empty = Collections.emptyList();
    return Deferred.fromResult(empty);

  public List<String> getTSUIDs() {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  public List<Annotation> getAnnotations() {
    return null;
  public int size() {
    return size;

  public int aggregatedSize() {
    return 0;

  public SeekableView iterator() {
    return new DataPointsIterator(this);

  /** @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i} is out of bounds. */
  private void checkIndex(final int i) {
    if (i > size) {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + i + " > " + size
          + " for this=" + this);
    if (i < 0) {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("negative index " + i
          + " for this=" + this);

  private static short delta(final short qualifier) {
    return (short) ((qualifier & 0xFFFF) >>> Const.FLAG_BITS);

  public long timestamp(final int i) {
    return baseTime() + (delta(qualifiers[i]) & 0xFFFF);

  public boolean isInteger(final int i) {
    return (qualifiers[i] & Const.FLAG_FLOAT) == 0x0;

  public long longValue(final int i) {
    // Don't call checkIndex(i) because isInteger(i) already calls it.
    if (isInteger(i)) {
      return values[i];
    throw new ClassCastException("value #" + i + " is not a long in " + this);

  public double doubleValue(final int i) {
    // Don't call checkIndex(i) because isInteger(i) already calls it.
    if (!isInteger(i)) {
      return Float.intBitsToFloat((int) values[i]);
    throw new ClassCastException("value #" + i + " is not a float in " + this);

  /** Returns a human readable string representation of the object. */
  public String toString() {
    // The argument passed to StringBuilder is a pretty good estimate of the
    // length of the final string based on the row key and number of elements.
    final String metric = metricName();
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(80 + metric.length()
                                                + row.length * 4 + size * 16);
    final long base_time = baseTime();
       .append(row == null ? "<null>" : Arrays.toString(row))
       .append(" (metric=")
       .append("), base_time=")
       .append(" (")
       .append(base_time > 0 ? new Date(base_time * 1000) : "no date")
       .append("), [");
    for (short i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (isInteger(i)) {
      } else {
      if (i != size - 1) {
        buf.append(", ");
    return buf.toString();


Related Classes of net.opentsdb.core.CopyMetricInRowKeyCB

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