* =============================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2011-2014, The THYMELEAF team (http://www.thymeleaf.org)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* =============================================================================
package org.thymeleaf.standard.expression;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.thymeleaf.Configuration;
import org.thymeleaf.context.IProcessingContext;
import org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException;
import org.thymeleaf.util.StringUtils;
import org.thymeleaf.util.Validate;
* @author Daniel Fernández
* @since 2.1.0
public final class AssignationUtils {
public static AssignationSequence parseAssignationSequence(
final Configuration configuration, final IProcessingContext processingContext, final String input,
final boolean allowParametersWithoutValue) {
Validate.notNull(configuration, "Configuration cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(processingContext, "Processing Context cannot be null");
Validate.notNull(input, "Input cannot be null");
final String preprocessedInput =
StandardExpressionPreprocessor.preprocess(configuration, processingContext, input);
if (configuration != null) {
final AssignationSequence cachedAssignationSequence =
ExpressionCache.getAssignationSequenceFromCache(configuration, preprocessedInput);
if (cachedAssignationSequence != null) {
return cachedAssignationSequence;
final AssignationSequence assignationSequence =
internalParseAssignationSequence(preprocessedInput.trim(), allowParametersWithoutValue);
if (assignationSequence == null) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Could not parse as assignation sequence: \"" + input + "\"");
if (configuration != null) {
ExpressionCache.putAssignationSequenceIntoCache(configuration, preprocessedInput, assignationSequence);
return assignationSequence;
static AssignationSequence internalParseAssignationSequence(final String input, final boolean allowParametersWithoutValue) {
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(input)) {
return null;
final ExpressionParsingState decomposition =
if (decomposition == null) {
return null;
return composeSequence(decomposition, 0, allowParametersWithoutValue);
private static AssignationSequence composeSequence(
final ExpressionParsingState state, final int nodeIndex, final boolean allowParametersWithoutValue) {
if (state == null || nodeIndex >= state.size()) {
return null;
if (state.hasExpressionAt(nodeIndex)) {
if (!allowParametersWithoutValue) {
return null;
// could happen if we are traversing pointers recursively, so we will consider it a sequence containing
// only one, no-value assignation (though we will let the Assignation.compose(...) method do the job.
final Assignation assignation = composeAssignation(state, nodeIndex, allowParametersWithoutValue);
if (assignation == null) {
return null;
final List<Assignation> assignations = new ArrayList<Assignation>(2);
return new AssignationSequence(assignations);
final String input = state.get(nodeIndex).getInput();
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(input)) {
return null;
// First, check whether we are just dealing with a pointer input
final int pointer = ExpressionParsingUtil.parseAsSimpleIndexPlaceholder(input);
if (pointer != -1) {
return composeSequence(state, pointer, allowParametersWithoutValue);
final String[] inputParts = StringUtils.split(input, ",");
for (final String inputPart : inputParts) {
// We create new String parsing nodes for all of the elements
// We add all nodes first so that we know the exact indexes in which they are
// (composing assignations here can modify the size of the state object without we noticing)
final List<Assignation> assignations = new ArrayList<Assignation>(4);
final int startIndex = state.size() - inputParts.length;
final int endIndex = state.size();
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
final Assignation assignation =
composeAssignation(state, i, allowParametersWithoutValue);
if (assignation == null) {
return null;
return new AssignationSequence(assignations);
static Assignation composeAssignation(
final ExpressionParsingState state, final int nodeIndex, final boolean allowParametersWithoutValue) {
if (state == null || nodeIndex >= state.size()) {
return null;
if (state.hasExpressionAt(nodeIndex)) {
if (!allowParametersWithoutValue) {
return null;
// could happen if we are traversing pointers recursively, so we will consider it a no-value assignation
return new Assignation(state.get(nodeIndex).getExpression(),null);
final String input = state.get(nodeIndex).getInput();
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(input)) {
return null;
// First, check whether we are just dealing with a pointer input
final int pointer = ExpressionParsingUtil.parseAsSimpleIndexPlaceholder(input);
if (pointer != -1) {
return composeAssignation(state, pointer, allowParametersWithoutValue);
final int inputLen = input.length();
final int operatorPos = input.indexOf('=');
final String leftInput =
(operatorPos == -1? input.trim() : input.substring(0,operatorPos).trim());
final String rightInput =
(operatorPos == -1 || operatorPos == (inputLen - 1) ? null : input.substring(operatorPos + 1).trim());
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(leftInput)) {
return null;
final Expression leftExpr = ExpressionParsingUtil.parseAndCompose(state, leftInput);
if (leftExpr == null) {
return null;
final Expression rightExpr;
if (!StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(rightInput)) {
rightExpr = ExpressionParsingUtil.parseAndCompose(state, rightInput);
if (rightExpr == null) {
return null;
} else if (!allowParametersWithoutValue) {
return null;
} else {
rightExpr = null;
return new Assignation(leftExpr, rightExpr);
private AssignationUtils() {