* MVEL 2.0
* Copyright (C) 2007 MVFLEX/Valhalla Project and the Codehaus
* Mike Brock, Dhanji Prasanna, John Graham, Mark Proctor
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mvel2;
import org.mvel2.compiler.CompiledAccExpression;
import org.mvel2.compiler.CompiledExpression;
import org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement;
import org.mvel2.compiler.ExpressionCompiler;
import org.mvel2.integration.Interceptor;
import org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory;
import org.mvel2.integration.impl.*;
import org.mvel2.optimizers.impl.refl.nodes.GetterAccessor;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean;
import static java.lang.String.valueOf;
import static org.mvel2.DataConversion.convert;
import static org.mvel2.MVELRuntime.execute;
import static org.mvel2.util.ParseTools.loadFromFile;
import static org.mvel2.util.ParseTools.optimizeTree;
* The MVEL convienence class is a collection of static methods that provides a set of easy integration points for
* MVEL. The vast majority of MVEL's core functionality can be directly accessed through methods in this class.
public class MVEL {
public static final String NAME = "MVEL (MVFLEX Expression Language)";
public static final String VERSION = "2.1";
public static final String VERSION_SUB = "0";
public static final String CODENAME = "liberty";
static boolean DEBUG_FILE = getBoolean("mvel2.debug.fileoutput");
static String ADVANCED_DEBUGGING_FILE = System.getProperty("mvel2.debugging.file") == null ? "mvel_debug.txt" : System.getProperty("mvel2.debugging.file");
static boolean ADVANCED_DEBUG = getBoolean("mvel2.advanced_debugging");
static boolean WEAK_CACHE = getBoolean("mvel2.weak_caching");
static boolean NO_JIT = getBoolean("mvel2.disable.jit");
public static boolean INVOKED_METHOD_EXCEPTIONS_BUBBLE = getBoolean("mvel2.invoked_meth_exceptions_bubble");
public static boolean COMPILER_OPT_ALLOW_NAKED_METH_CALL = getBoolean("mvel2.compiler.allow_naked_meth_calls");
public static boolean COMPILER_OPT_ALLOW_OVERRIDE_ALL_PROPHANDLING = getBoolean("mvel2.compiler.allow_override_all_prophandling");
public static boolean COMPILER_OPT_ALLOW_RESOLVE_INNERCLASSES_WITH_DOTNOTATION = getBoolean("mvel2.compiler.allow_resolve_inner_classes_with_dotnotation");
public static boolean COMPILER_OPT_SUPPORT_JAVA_STYLE_CLASS_LITERALS = getBoolean("mvel2.compiler.support_java_style_class_literals");
static boolean OPTIMIZER = true;
static {
if (System.getProperty("mvel2.optimizer") != null) {
OPTIMIZER = getBoolean("mvel2.optimizer");
private MVEL() {
public static boolean isAdvancedDebugging() {
public static String getDebuggingOutputFileName() {
public static boolean isFileDebugging() {
return DEBUG_FILE;
* Evaluate an expression and return the value.
* @param expression A String containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @return the resultant value
public static Object eval(String expression) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, new ImmutableDefaultFactory()).parse();
* Evaluate an expression against a context object. Expressions evaluated against a context object are designed
* to treat members of that context object as variables in the expression. For example:
* <pre><code>
* MVEL.eval("foo == 1", ctx);
* </code></pre>
* In this case, the identifier <tt>foo</tt> would be resolved against the <tt>ctx</tt> object. So it would have
* the equivalent of: <tt>ctc.getFoo() == 1</tt> in Java.
* @param expression A String containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @return The resultant value
public static Object eval(String expression, Object ctx) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, new ImmutableDefaultFactory()).parse();
* Evaluate an expression with externally injected variables via a {@link VariableResolverFactory}. A factory
* provides the means by which MVEL can resolve external variables. MVEL contains a straight-forward implementation
* for wrapping Maps: {@link MapVariableResolverFactory}, which is used implicitly when calling overloaded methods
* in this class that use Maps.
* <p/>
* An example:
* <pre><code>
* Map varsMap = new HashMap();
* varsMap.put("x", 5);
* varsMap.put("y", 2);
* <p/>
* VariableResolverFactory factory = new MapVariableResolverFactory(varsMap);
* <p/>
* Integer i = (Integer) MVEL.eval("x * y", factory);
* <p/>
* assert i == 10;
* </code></pre>
* @param expression A String containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param resolverFactory The instance of the VariableResolverFactory to be used.
* @return The resultant value.
public static Object eval(String expression, VariableResolverFactory resolverFactory) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, resolverFactory).parse();
* Evaluates an expression against a context object and injected variables from a {@link VariableResolverFactory}.
* This method of execution will prefer to find variables from the factory and <em>then</em> from the context.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @param resolverFactory The instance of the VariableResolverFactory to be used.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory)
public static Object eval(String expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory resolverFactory) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, resolverFactory).parse();
* Evaluates an expression against externally injected variables. This is a wrapper convenience method which
* wraps the provided Map of vars in a {@link MapVariableResolverFactory}
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars A map of vars to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory)
public static Object eval(String expression, Map<String, Object> vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, null, factory).parse();
finally {
* Evaluates an expression against a context object and externally injected variables. This is a wrapper
* convenience method which wraps the provided Map of vars in a {@link MapVariableResolverFactory}
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @param vars A map of vars to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, VariableResolverFactory)
public static Object eval(String expression, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, factory).parse();
finally {
* Evaluates an expression and, if necessary, coerces the resultant value to the specified type. Example:
* <pre><code>
* Float output = MVEL.eval("5 + 5", Float.class);
* </code></pre>
* <p/>
* This converts an expression that would otherwise return an <tt>Integer</tt> to a <tt>Float</tt>.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param toType The target type that the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value.
public static <T> T eval(String expression, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression).parse(), toType);
* Evaluates an expression against a context object and, if necessary, coerces the resultant value to the specified
* type.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @param toType The target type that the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Class)
public static <T> T eval(String expression, Object ctx, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx).parse(), toType);
* Evaluates an expression against externally injected variables and, if necessary, coerces the resultant value
* to the specified type.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @param toType The target type that the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, VariableResolverFactory)
* @see #eval(String, Class)
public static <T> T eval(String expression, VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, null, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluates an expression against externally injected variables. The resultant value is coerced to the specified
* type if necessary. This is a wrapper convenience method which wraps the provided Map of vars in a{@link MapVariableResolverFactory}
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars A map of vars to be injected
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory)
public static <T> T eval(String expression, Map<String, Object> vars, Class<T> toType) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, null, factory).parse(), toType);
finally {
* Evaluates an expression against a context object and externally injected variables. If necessary, the resultant
* value is coerced to the specified type.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars The vars to be injected
* @param toType The target type that the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value.
* @see #eval(String, Object, VariableResolverFactory)
* @see #eval(String, Class)
public static <T> T eval(String expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluates an expression against a context object and externally injected variables. If necessary, the resultant
* value is coerced to the specified type.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars A Map of variables to be injected.
* @param toType The target type that the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value.
* @see #eval(String, Object, VariableResolverFactory)
* @see #eval(String, Class)
public static <T> T eval(String expression, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars, Class<T> toType) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, factory).parse(), toType);
finally {
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @return The resultant value
public static String evalToString(String expression) {
return valueOf(eval(expression));
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object)
public static String evalToString(String expression, Object ctx) {
return valueOf(eval(expression, ctx));
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, VariableResolverFactory)
public static String evalToString(String expression, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return valueOf(eval(expression, vars));
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @param vars A Map of variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Map)
public static String evalToString(String expression, Map vars) {
return valueOf(eval(expression, vars));
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Map)
public static String evalToString(String expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return valueOf(eval(expression, ctx, vars));
* Evaluates an expression and returns the resultant value as a String.
* @param expression A string containing the expressino to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against.
* @param vars A Map of variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Map)
public static String evalToString(String expression, Object ctx, Map vars) {
return valueOf(eval(expression, ctx, vars));
* Evaluate an expression and return the value.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String)
public static Object eval(char[] expression) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, new ImmutableDefaultFactory()).parse();
* Evaluate an expression against a context object and return the value
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object)
public static Object eval(char[] expression, Object ctx) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx).parse();
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, Class<T> type) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression).parse(), type);
* Evaluate an expression against a context object and return the value
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object, VariableResolverFactory)
public static Object eval(char[] expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, vars).parse();
public static Object eval(char[] expression, int start, int offset, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, start, offset, ctx, vars).parse();
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, int start, int offset, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, start, offset, ctx, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate an expression against a context object and return the value
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars A Map of variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object, Map)
public static Object eval(char[] expression, Object ctx, Map vars) {
return new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, vars).parse();
* Evaluate an expression with a context object and injected variables and return the value. If necessary convert
* the resultant value to the specified type.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars A Map of variables to be injected
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object, Map, Class)
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate an expression with a context object and return the value. If necessary convert
* the resultant value to the specified type.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object, Class)
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, Object ctx, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate an expression with a context object and injected variables and return the value. If necessary convert
* the resultant value to the specified type.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context object to evaluate against
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Object, VariableResolverFactory, Class)
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, ctx, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate an expression with injected variables and return the value. If necessary convert
* the resultant value to the specified type.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, VariableResolverFactory, Class)
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, null, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate an expression with injected variables and return the resultant value. If necessary convert
* the resultant value to the specified type.
* @param expression A char[] containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @param toType The target type the resultant value will be converted to, if necessary.
* @return The resultant value
* @see #eval(String, Map, Class)
public static <T> T eval(char[] expression, Map<String, Object> vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(new MVELInterpretedRuntime(expression, null, vars).parse(), toType);
* Evaluate a script from a file and return the resultant value.
* @param file The file to process
* @return The resultant value
* @throws IOException Exception thrown if there is an IO problem accessing the file.
public static Object evalFile(File file) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, null, new CachedMapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap()));
public static Object evalFile(File file, String encoding) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, encoding, null, new CachedMapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap()));
* Evaluate a script from a file, against a context object and return the resultant value.
* @param file The file to process
* @param ctx The context to evaluate the script against.
* @return The resultant value
* @throws IOException Exception thrown if there is an IO problem accessing the file.
public static Object evalFile(File file, Object ctx) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, ctx, new CachedMapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap()));
public static Object evalFile(File file, String encoding, Object ctx) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, encoding, ctx, new CachedMapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap()));
* Evaluate a script from a file with injected variables and return the resultant value.
* @param file The file to process
* @param vars Variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @throws IOException Exception thrown if there is an IO problem accessing the file.
public static Object evalFile(File file, Map<String, Object> vars) throws IOException {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return _evalFile(file, null, factory);
finally {
* Evaluate a script from a file with injected variables and a context object, then return the resultant value.
* @param file The file to process
* @param ctx The context to evaluate the script against.
* @param vars Variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @throws IOException Exception thrown if there is an IO problem accessing the file.
public static Object evalFile(File file, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars) throws IOException {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return _evalFile(file, ctx, factory);
finally {
public static Object evalFile(File file, String encoding, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars) throws IOException {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return _evalFile(file, encoding, ctx, factory);
finally {
* Evaluate a script from a file with injected variables and a context object, then return the resultant value.
* @param file The file to process
* @param ctx The context to evaluate the script against.
* @param vars Variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value
* @throws IOException Exception thrown if there is an IO problem accessing the file.
public static Object evalFile(File file, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, ctx, vars);
public static Object evalFile(File file, String encoding, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, encoding, ctx, vars);
private static Object _evalFile(File file, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory factory) throws IOException {
return _evalFile(file, null, ctx, factory);
private static Object _evalFile(File file, String encoding, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory factory) throws IOException {
return eval(loadFromFile(file, encoding), ctx, factory);
* Evaluate an expression in Boolean-only mode against a root context object and injected variables.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context against which to evaluate the expression
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value as a Boolean
public static Boolean evalToBoolean(String expression, Object ctx, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return eval(expression, ctx, vars, Boolean.class);
* Evaluate an expression in Boolean-only mode against a root context object.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context against which to evaluate the expression
* @return The resultant value as a Boolean
public static Boolean evalToBoolean(String expression, Object ctx) {
return eval(expression, ctx, new ImmutableDefaultFactory(), Boolean.class);
* Evaluate an expression in Boolean-only mode against a root context object and injected variables.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param ctx The context against which to evaluate the expression
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value as a Boolean
public static Boolean evalToBoolean(String expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return eval(expression, ctx, vars, Boolean.class);
* Evaluate an expression in Boolean-only with injected variables.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value as a Boolean
public static Boolean evalToBoolean(String expression, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
return eval(expression, vars, Boolean.class);
* Evaluate an expression in Boolean-only with injected variables.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param vars The variables to be injected
* @return The resultant value as a Boolean
public static Boolean evalToBoolean(String expression, Map<String, Object> vars) {
return evalToBoolean(expression, null, vars);
* Performs an analysis compileShared, which will populate the ParserContext with type, input and variable information,
* but will not produce a payload.
* @param expression - the expression to analyze
* @param ctx - the parser context
public static void analysisCompile(char[] expression, ParserContext ctx) {
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler(expression);
public static void analysisCompile(String expression, ParserContext ctx) {
analysisCompile(expression.toCharArray(), ctx);
public static Class analyze(char[] expression, ParserContext ctx) {
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler(expression);
return compiler.getReturnType();
public static Class analyze(String expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return analyze(expression.toCharArray(), ctx);
* Compiles an expression and returns a Serializable object containing the compiled expression. The returned value
* can be reused for higher-performance evaluation of the expression. It is used in a straight forward way:
* <pre><code>
* <p/>
* // Compile the expression
* Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression("x * 10");
* <p/>
* // Create a Map to hold the variables.
* Map vars = new HashMap();
* <p/>
* // Create a factory to envelop the variable map
* VariableResolverFactory factory = new MapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
* <p/>
* int total = 0;
* for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
* // Update the 'x' variable.
* vars.put("x", i);
* <p/>
* // Execute the expression against the compiled payload and factory, and add the result to the total variable.
* total += (Integer) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, factory);
* }
* <p/>
* // Total should be 49500
* assert total == 49500;
* </code></pre>
* <p/>
* The above example demonstrates a compiled expression being reused ina tight, closed, loop. Doing this greatly
* improves performance as re-parsing of the expression is not required, and the runtime can dynamically compileShared
* the expression to bytecode of necessary.
* @param expression A String contaiing the expression to be compiled.
* @return The cacheable compiled payload.
public static Serializable compileExpression(String expression) {
return compileExpression(expression, null, null, null);
* Compiles an expression and returns a Serializable object containing the compiled expression. This method
* also accept a Map of imports. The Map's keys are String's representing the imported, short-form name of the
* Classes or Methods imported. An import of a Method is essentially a static import. This is a substitute for
* needing to declare <tt>import</tt> statements within the actual script.
* <p/>
* <pre><code>
* Map imports = new HashMap();
* imports.put("HashMap", java.util.HashMap.class); // import a class
* imports.put("time", MVEL.getStaticMethod(System.class, "currentTimeMillis", new Class[0])); // import a static method
* <p/>
* // Compile the expression
* Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression("map = new HashMap(); map.put('time', time()); map.time");
* <p/>
* // Execute with a blank Map to allow vars to be declared.
* Long val = (Long) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, new HashMap());
* <p/>
* assert val > 0;
* </code></pre>
* @param expression A String contaiing the expression to be compiled.
* @param imports A String-Class/String-Method pair Map containing imports for the compiler.
* @return The cacheable compiled payload.
public static Serializable compileExpression(String expression, Map<String, Object> imports) {
return compileExpression(expression, imports, null, null);
* Compiles an expression and returns a Serializable object containing the compiled expression. This method
* accepts a Map of imports and Interceptors. See {@link #compileExpression(String, Map)} for information on
* imports. The imports parameter in this method is <em>optional</em> and it is safe to pass a <tt>null</tt>
* value.<br/>{@link org.mvel2.integration.Interceptor Interceptors} are markers within an expression that allow external hooks
* to be tied into the expression.
* <p/>
* <pre><code>
* // Create a Map to hold the interceptors.
* Map interceptors = new HashMap();
* <p/>
* // Create a simple interceptor.
* Interceptor logInterceptor = new Interceptor() {
* public int doBefore(ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
* System.out.println("Interceptor called before!");
* }
* <p/>
* public int doAfter(Object exitValue, ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
* System.out.println("Interceptor called after!");
* }
* };
* <p/>
* // Add the interceptor to the Map.
* interceptors.put("log", logInterceptor);
* <p/>
* // Create an expression
* String expr = "list = [1,2,3,4,5]; @log for (item : list) { System.out.println(item); };
* <p/>
* Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression(expr, null, interceptors);
* <p/>
* // Execute expression with a blank Map to allow vars to be declared.
* MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, new HashMap());
* </code></pre>
* <p/>
* The above example demonstrates inserting an interceptor into a piece of code. The <tt>@log</tt> interceptor
* wraps the subsequent statement. In this case, the interceptor is fired before the <tt>for</tt> loop and
* after the <tt>for</tt> loop finishes.
* @param expression A String containing the expression to be evaluated.
* @param imports A String-Class/String-Method pair Map containing imports for the compiler.
* @param interceptors A Map of registered interceptors.
* @return A cacheable compiled payload.
public static Serializable compileExpression(String expression, Map<String, Object> imports, Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors) {
return compileExpression(expression, imports, interceptors, null);
* Compiles an expression, and accepts a {@link ParserContext} instance. The ParserContext object is the
* fine-grained configuration object for the MVEL parser and compiler.
* @param expression A string containing the expression to be compiled.
* @param ctx The parser context
* @return A cacheable compiled payload.
public static Serializable compileExpression(String expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return optimizeTree(new ExpressionCompiler(expression).compile(ctx));
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression, int start, int offset, ParserContext ctx) {
ExpressionCompiler c = new ExpressionCompiler(expression, start, offset);
if (ctx != null) c.setPCtx(ctx);
return optimizeTree(c._compile());
public static Serializable compileExpression(String expression, Map<String, Object> imports, Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors, String sourceName) {
return compileExpression(expression, new ParserContext(imports, interceptors, sourceName));
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return optimizeTree(new ExpressionCompiler(expression).compile(ctx));
* Compiles an expression and returns a Serializable object containing the compiled
* expression.
* @param expression The expression to be compiled
* @param imports Imported classes
* @param interceptors Map of named interceptos
* @param sourceName The name of the source file being evaluated (optional)
* @return The cacheable compiled payload
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression, Map<String, Object> imports, Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors, String sourceName) {
return compileExpression(expression, new ParserContext(imports, interceptors, sourceName));
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression) {
return compileExpression(expression, null, null, null);
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression, Map<String, Object> imports) {
return compileExpression(expression, imports, null, null);
public static Serializable compileExpression(char[] expression, Map<String, Object> imports, Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors) {
return compileExpression(expression, imports, interceptors, null);
public static Serializable compileGetExpression(String expression) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression.toCharArray(), Object.class, new ParserContext());
public static Serializable compileGetExpression(String expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression.toCharArray(), Object.class, ctx);
public static Serializable compileGetExpression(char[] expression) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, Object.class, new ParserContext());
public static Serializable compileGetExpression(char[] expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, Object.class, ctx);
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(String expression) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression.toCharArray(), Object.class, new ParserContext());
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(String expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression.toCharArray(), Object.class, ctx);
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(String expression, Class ingressType, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression.toCharArray(), ingressType, ctx);
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(char[] expression) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, Object.class, new ParserContext());
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(char[] expression, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, Object.class, ctx);
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(char[] expression, int start, int offset, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, start, offset, Object.class, ctx);
public static Serializable compileSetExpression(char[] expression, Class ingressType, ParserContext ctx) {
return new CompiledAccExpression(expression, ingressType, ctx);
public static void executeSetExpression(Serializable compiledSet, Object ctx, Object value) {
((CompiledAccExpression) compiledSet).setValue(ctx, ctx, new ImmutableDefaultFactory(), value);
public static void executeSetExpression(Serializable compiledSet, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vrf, Object value) {
((CompiledAccExpression) compiledSet).setValue(ctx, ctx, vrf, value);
public static Object executeExpression(Object compiledExpression) {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(null, new ImmutableDefaultFactory());
* Executes a compiled expression.
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param ctx -
* @param vars -
* @return -
* @see #compileExpression(String)
public static Object executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx, final Map vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = vars != null ? new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars) : null;
try {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(ctx, factory);
finally {
if (factory != null) factory.externalize();
public static Object executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx, final VariableResolverFactory resolverFactory) {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(ctx, resolverFactory);
* Executes a compiled expression.
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param factory -
* @return -
* @see #compileExpression(String)
public static Object executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final VariableResolverFactory factory) {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(null, factory);
* Executes a compiled expression.
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param ctx -
* @return -
* @see #compileExpression(String)
public static Object executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx) {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(ctx, new ImmutableDefaultFactory());
* Executes a compiled expression.
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param vars -
* @return -
* @see #compileExpression(String)
public static Object executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Map vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
try {
return ((ExecutableStatement) compiledExpression).getValue(null, factory);
finally {
* Execute a compiled expression and convert the result to a type
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param ctx -
* @param vars -
* @param toType -
* @return -
public static <T> T executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx, final Map vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(executeExpression(compiledExpression, ctx, vars), toType);
public static <T> T executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx, final VariableResolverFactory vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(executeExpression(compiledExpression, ctx, vars), toType);
* Execute a compiled expression and convert the result to a type
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param vars -
* @param toType -
* @return -
public static <T> T executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, Map vars, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(executeExpression(compiledExpression, vars), toType);
* Execute a compiled expression and convert the result to a type.
* @param compiledExpression -
* @param ctx -
* @param toType -
* @return -
public static <T> T executeExpression(final Object compiledExpression, final Object ctx, Class<T> toType) {
return convert(executeExpression(compiledExpression, ctx), toType);
public static void executeExpression(Iterable<CompiledExpression> compiledExpression) {
for (CompiledExpression ce : compiledExpression) {
ce.getValue(null, null);
public static void executeExpression(Iterable<CompiledExpression> compiledExpression, Object ctx) {
for (CompiledExpression ce : compiledExpression) {
ce.getValue(ctx, null);
public static void executeExpression(Iterable<CompiledExpression> compiledExpression, Map vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
executeExpression(compiledExpression, null, factory);
public static void executeExpression(Iterable<CompiledExpression> compiledExpression, Object ctx, Map vars) {
CachingMapVariableResolverFactory factory = new CachingMapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
executeExpression(compiledExpression, ctx, factory);
public static void executeExpression(Iterable<CompiledExpression> compiledExpression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
for (CompiledExpression ce : compiledExpression) {
ce.getValue(ctx, vars);
public static Object[] executeAllExpression(Serializable[] compiledExpressions, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
if (compiledExpressions == null) return GetterAccessor.EMPTY;
Object[] o = new Object[compiledExpressions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < compiledExpressions.length; i++) {
o[i] = executeExpression(compiledExpressions[i], ctx, vars);
return o;
public static Object executeDebugger(CompiledExpression expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) {
if (expression.isImportInjectionRequired()) {
return execute(true, expression, ctx, new ClassImportResolverFactory(expression.getParserContext().getParserConfiguration(), vars, false));
} else {
return execute(true, expression, ctx, vars);
public static String parseMacros(String input, Map<String, Macro> macros) {
return new MacroProcessor(macros).parse(input);
public static String preprocess(char[] input, PreProcessor[] preprocessors) {
char[] ex = input;
for (PreProcessor proc : preprocessors) {
ex = proc.parse(ex);
return new String(ex);
public static String preprocess(String input, PreProcessor[] preprocessors) {
return preprocess(input.toCharArray(), preprocessors);
public static Object getProperty(String property, Object ctx) {
return PropertyAccessor.get(property, ctx);
public static void setProperty(Object ctx, String property, Object value) {
PropertyAccessor.set(ctx, property, value);
* A simple utility method to get a static method from a class with no checked exception. With throw a
* RuntimeException if the method is not found or is not a static method.
* @param cls The class containing the static method
* @param methodName The method name
* @param signature The signature of the method
* @return An instance of the Method
public static Method getStaticMethod(Class cls, String methodName, Class[] signature) {
try {
Method m = cls.getMethod(methodName, signature);
if ((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("method not a static method: " + methodName);
return m;
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("no such method: " + methodName);