* Copyright 2011-2014 Gregory Shrago
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.intellij.grammar.generator;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValue;
import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValueProvider;
import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValuesManager;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.intellij.util.Function;
import com.intellij.util.ObjectUtils;
import com.intellij.util.PairConsumer;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import gnu.trove.THashSet;
import org.intellij.grammar.analysis.BnfFirstNextAnalyzer;
import org.intellij.grammar.psi.*;
import org.intellij.grammar.psi.impl.BnfElementFactory;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import static org.intellij.grammar.generator.ParserGeneratorUtil.Rule;
import static org.intellij.grammar.generator.ParserGeneratorUtil.getChildExpressions;
import static org.intellij.grammar.generator.RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality.OPTIONAL;
* @author gregsh
public class ExpressionHelper {
public static final Function<BnfExpression, String> TO_STRING = new Function<BnfExpression, String>() {
public String fun(BnfExpression expression) {
return expression.getText();
private final BnfFile myFile;
private final RuleGraphHelper myRuleGraph;
private final boolean myAddWarnings;
private final Map<BnfRule, ExpressionInfo> myExpressionMap = ContainerUtil.newTroveMap();
private final Map<BnfRule, BnfRule> myRootRulesMap = ContainerUtil.newTroveMap();
private static final Key<CachedValue<ExpressionHelper>> EXPRESSION_HELPER_KEY = Key.create("EXPRESSION_HELPER_KEY");
public static ExpressionHelper getCached(final BnfFile file) {
CachedValue<ExpressionHelper> value = file.getUserData(EXPRESSION_HELPER_KEY);
if (value == null) {
file.putUserData(EXPRESSION_HELPER_KEY, value = CachedValuesManager.getManager(file.getProject()).createCachedValue(new CachedValueProvider<ExpressionHelper>() {
public Result<ExpressionHelper> compute() {
return new Result<ExpressionHelper>(new ExpressionHelper(file, RuleGraphHelper.getCached(file), false), file);
}, false));
return value.getValue();
public ExpressionHelper(BnfFile file, RuleGraphHelper ruleGraph, boolean addWarnings) {
myFile = file;
myRuleGraph = ruleGraph;
myAddWarnings = addWarnings;
public boolean hasExpressions() {
return !myExpressionMap.isEmpty();
public void addWarning(String text) {
if (!myAddWarnings) return;
ParserGeneratorUtil.addWarning(myFile.getProject(), text);
public ExpressionInfo getExpressionInfo(BnfRule rule) {
BnfRule root = myRootRulesMap.get(rule);
ExpressionInfo info = root == null ? null : myExpressionMap.get(root);
if (info == null) return null;
if (info.rootRule == rule || Rule.isPrivate(rule)) return info;
return info.priorityMap.containsKey(rule) ? info : null;
private void buildExpressionRules() {
BnfFirstNextAnalyzer analyzer = new BnfFirstNextAnalyzer();
for (BnfRule rule : myFile.getRules()) {
if (Rule.isPrivate(rule) || Rule.isFake(rule)) continue;
if (myRootRulesMap.containsKey(rule)) continue;
Map<PsiElement, RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality> contentRules = myRuleGraph.getFor(rule);
if (!contentRules.isEmpty()) continue;
if (!analyzer.asStrings(analyzer.calcFirst(rule)).contains(rule.getName())) continue;
ExpressionInfo expressionInfo = new ExpressionInfo(rule);
addToPriorityMap(rule, myRuleGraph.getExtendsRules(rule), expressionInfo);
List<BnfRule> rules = ParserGeneratorUtil.topoSort(expressionInfo.priorityMap.keySet(), myRuleGraph);
for (BnfRule r : rules) {
buildOperatorMap(r, rule, expressionInfo);
if (!expressionInfo.priorityMap.isEmpty()) {
myRootRulesMap.put(rule, rule);
myExpressionMap.put(rule, expressionInfo);
private void addToPriorityMap(BnfRule rule, Collection<BnfRule> rulesCluster, ExpressionInfo info) {
Collection<BnfRule> subRules = myRuleGraph.getSubRules(rule);
int priority = rulesCluster.contains(rule) ? -1 : info.nextPriority++;
for (BnfRule subRule : subRules) {
if (info.priorityMap.containsKey(subRule)) {
addWarning(subRule + " has duplicate appearance!");
BnfRule prev = myRootRulesMap.put(subRule, info.rootRule);
if (prev != null) {
subRule + " must not be in several expression hierarchies: " + prev.getName() + " and " + info.rootRule.getName());
if (rulesCluster.contains(subRule)) {
if (!Rule.isPrivate(subRule) || !myRuleGraph.getFor(subRule).isEmpty()) {
info.priorityMap.put(subRule, priority == -1 ? info.nextPriority++ : priority);
else if (ParserGeneratorUtil.Rule.isPrivate(subRule)) {
addToPriorityMap(subRule, rulesCluster, info);
else {
addWarning(subRule + ": priority group must be 'private'");
private void buildOperatorMap(BnfRule rule, BnfRule rootRule, ExpressionInfo expressionInfo) {
Map<PsiElement, RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality> ruleContent = myRuleGraph.getFor(rule);
RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality cardinality = ruleContent.get(rootRule);
BnfRule rootRuleSubst = rootRule;
if (cardinality == null) {
Collection<BnfRule> extendsRules = myRuleGraph.getExtendsRules(rootRule);
for (PsiElement r : ruleContent.keySet()) {
if (r instanceof BnfRule && extendsRules.contains(r)) {
cardinality = ruleContent.get(r);
rootRuleSubst = (BnfRule)r;
String rootRuleName = rootRule.getName();
List<BnfExpression> childExpressions = getChildExpressions(rule.getExpression());
OperatorInfo info;
if (cardinality == null) {
// atom
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
else if (childExpressions.size() < 2) {
addWarning("invalid expression definition for " + rule + ": 2 or more arguments expected");
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
else if (cardinality == RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality.REQUIRED) {
// postfix or prefix unary expression
int index = indexOf(rootRuleSubst, 0, childExpressions, expressionInfo);
BnfRule arg1 = substRule(childExpressions, index, rootRule);
if (index == 0) {
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.POSTFIX, combine(childExpressions.subList(1, childExpressions.size())), null, arg1, null);
else if (index == -1) {
addWarning(rule +": " + rootRuleName + " reference not found, treating as ATOM");
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
else {
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.PREFIX, combine(childExpressions.subList(0, index)),
combine(childExpressions.subList(index + 1, childExpressions.size())), arg1, null);
else if (cardinality == RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality.AT_LEAST_ONE) {
// binary or n-ary expression
int index1 = indexOf(rootRuleSubst, 0, childExpressions, expressionInfo);
int index2 = indexOf(rootRuleSubst, 1, childExpressions, expressionInfo);
if (index1 != 0) {
addWarning(rule +": binary or n-ary expression cannot have prefix, treating as ATOM");
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
else if (index2 == 1) {
addWarning(rule + ": binary expression needs operator, treating as ATOM");
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
else {
BnfRule arg1 = substRule(childExpressions, index1, rootRule);
if (index2 == -1) {
BnfExpression lastExpression = childExpressions.get(1);
boolean badNAry = childExpressions.size() != 2 || !(lastExpression instanceof BnfQuantified) ||
!(((BnfQuantified)lastExpression).getQuantifier().getText().equals("+")) ||
!(((BnfQuantified)lastExpression).getExpression() instanceof BnfParenExpression);
List<BnfExpression> childExpressions2 = badNAry ? Collections.<BnfExpression>emptyList() :
int index3 = indexOf(rootRuleSubst, 0, childExpressions2, expressionInfo);
if (badNAry || index3 == -1) {
rule + ": '" + rootRuleName + " ( <op> " + rootRuleName + ") +' expected for N-ary operator, treating as POSTFIX"
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.POSTFIX, combine(childExpressions.subList(1, childExpressions.size())), null,
arg1, null);
else {
BnfRule arg2 = substRule(childExpressions2, index3, rootRule);
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.N_ARY, combine(childExpressions2.subList(0, index3)),
combine(childExpressions2.subList(index3 + 1, childExpressions2.size())), arg1, arg2);
else {
BnfRule arg2 = substRule(childExpressions, index2, rootRule);
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.BINARY, combine(childExpressions.subList(index1 + 1, index2)),
combine(childExpressions.subList(index2 + 1, childExpressions.size())), arg1, arg2);
else {
addWarning(rule +": unexpected cardinality " + cardinality + " of " + rootRuleName +", treating as ATOM");
info = new OperatorInfo(rule, OperatorType.ATOM, rule.getExpression(), null);
expressionInfo.operatorMap.put(rule, info);
private BnfRule substRule(List<BnfExpression> list, int idx, BnfRule rootRule) {
if (idx < 0) return null;
BnfRule rule = myFile.getRule(list.get(idx).getText());
return rule == rootRule? null : rule;
private static final Key<List<BnfExpression>> ORIGINAL_EXPRESSIONS = Key.create("ORIGINAL_EXPRESSIONS");
private static BnfExpression combine(List<BnfExpression> list) {
if (list.isEmpty()) return null;
if (list.size() == 1) return list.get(0);
Project project = list.get(0).getProject();
String text = StringUtil.join(list, TO_STRING, " ");
BnfExpression result = BnfElementFactory.createExpressionFromText(project, text);
result.putUserData(ORIGINAL_EXPRESSIONS, list);
return result;
public static List<BnfExpression> getOriginalExpressions(BnfExpression expression) {
List<BnfExpression> data = expression.getUserData(ORIGINAL_EXPRESSIONS);
return data == null ? Collections.singletonList(expression) : data;
public RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality fixCardinality(BnfRule rule, PsiElement tree, RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality type) {
if (type.optional()) return type;
// in Expression parsing mode REQUIRED may go OPTIONAL
ExpressionHelper.ExpressionInfo info = getExpressionInfo(rule);
ExpressionHelper.OperatorInfo operatorInfo = info == null ? null : info.operatorMap.get(rule);
if (operatorInfo == null || operatorInfo.type == ExpressionHelper.OperatorType.ATOM) return type;
// emulate expr-parsing pin processing
if ((operatorInfo.type == OperatorType.BINARY ||
operatorInfo.type == OperatorType.N_ARY ||
operatorInfo.type == OperatorType.POSTFIX) &&
ObjectUtils.chooseNotNull(operatorInfo.arg1, info.rootRule) == tree ||
isRealAncestor(rule, operatorInfo.operator, tree)) {
// pinned! return as is
return type;
else {
return type.and(OPTIONAL);
private boolean isRealAncestor(BnfRule rule, BnfExpression expression, PsiElement target) {
List<BnfExpression> list = getOriginalExpressions(expression);
if (list.size() == 1 && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(list.get(0), target, false)) return true;
for (BnfExpression expr : list) {
Map<PsiElement, RuleGraphHelper.Cardinality> map =
myRuleGraph.collectMembers(rule, expr, new THashSet<PsiElement>());
if (map.containsKey(target)) return true;
return false;
private int indexOf(BnfRule rootRule,
int startIndex,
List<BnfExpression> childExpressions,
ExpressionInfo expressionInfo) {
Collection<BnfRule> extendsRules = myRuleGraph.getExtendsRules(rootRule);
for (int i = startIndex, childExpressionsSize = childExpressions.size(); i < childExpressionsSize; i++) {
BnfRule rule = myFile.getRule(childExpressions.get(i).getText());
if (rootRule == rule || extendsRules.contains(rule) || expressionInfo.privateGroups.contains(rule)) {
return i;
return -1;
public static class ExpressionInfo {
public final BnfRule rootRule;
public final Map<BnfRule, Integer> priorityMap = new LinkedHashMap<BnfRule, Integer>();
public final Map<BnfRule, OperatorInfo> operatorMap = new LinkedHashMap<BnfRule, OperatorInfo>();
public final Set<BnfRule> privateGroups = ContainerUtil.newHashSet();
public int nextPriority;
public ExpressionInfo(BnfRule rootRule) {
this.rootRule = rootRule;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Expression root: " + rootRule.getName());
sb.append("\nOperator priority table:\n");
return sb.toString();
public StringBuilder dumpPriorityTable(StringBuilder sb) {
return dumpPriorityTable(sb, new PairConsumer<StringBuilder, OperatorInfo>() {
public void consume(StringBuilder sb, OperatorInfo operatorInfo) {
public StringBuilder dumpPriorityTable(StringBuilder sb, PairConsumer<StringBuilder, OperatorInfo> printer) {
for (int i = 0; i < nextPriority; i++) {
for (BnfRule rule : priorityMap.keySet()) {
if (priorityMap.get(rule) == i) {
sb.append(" ");
printer.consume(sb, operatorMap.get(rule));
return sb;
public int getPriority(BnfRule subRule) {
if (subRule == rootRule) return 0;
Integer integer = priorityMap.get(subRule);
return integer == null ? -1 : integer;
public static enum OperatorType {ATOM, PREFIX, POSTFIX, BINARY, N_ARY}
public static class OperatorInfo {
public final BnfRule rule;
public final OperatorType type;
public final BnfExpression operator;
public final BnfExpression tail; // null for postfix
public final BnfRule arg1;
public final BnfRule arg2;
public OperatorInfo(BnfRule rule, OperatorType type, BnfExpression operator, BnfExpression tail) {
this(rule, type, operator, tail, null, null);
public OperatorInfo(BnfRule rule, OperatorType type, BnfExpression operator, BnfExpression tail,
@Nullable BnfRule arg1,
@Nullable BnfRule arg2) {
if (operator == null) {
throw new AssertionError(rule + ": operator must not be null");
this.rule = rule;
this.type = type;
this.operator = operator;
this.tail = tail;
this.arg1 = arg1;
this.arg2 = arg2;
public String toString() {
return type + "(" + rule.getName() + ")";