package com.prupe.mcpatcher;
import com.prupe.mcpatcher.TileLoader$1;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.src.Icon;
import net.minecraft.src.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.src.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.src.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.src.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.src.TextureMap;
public class TileLoader {
private static final MCLogger logger = MCLogger.getLogger("Tilesheet");
private static final List<TileLoader> loaders = new ArrayList();
private static final ResourceLocation BLANK_RESOURCE = new ResourceLocation("mcpatcher/blank.png");
private static final boolean debugTextures = Config.getBoolean("Connected Textures", "debugTextures", false);
private static final int splitTextures = Config.getInt("Connected Textures", "splitTextures", 1);
private static final Map<String, String> specialTextures = new HashMap();
private static final TexturePackChangeHandler changeHandler;
private static boolean changeHandlerCalled;
private static boolean registerIconsCalled;
private static final Set<TextureMap> overflowMaps = new HashSet();
private static final int OVERFLOW_TEXTURE_MAP_INDEX = 2;
private static final long MAX_TILESHEET_SIZE;
protected final String mapName;
protected final boolean allowOverflow;
protected final MCLogger subLogger;
private int overflowIndex;
private TextureMap baseTextureMap;
private Map<String, TextureAtlasSprite> baseTexturesByName;
private final Set<ResourceLocation> tilesToRegister = new HashSet();
private final Map<ResourceLocation, BufferedImage> tileImages = new HashMap();
private final Map<String, Icon> iconMap = new HashMap();
public static void registerIcons(TextureMap textureMap, String mapName, Map<String, TextureAtlasSprite> map) {
logger.fine("before registerIcons(%s) %d icons", new Object[] {mapName, Integer.valueOf(map.size())});
mapName = mapName.replaceFirst("/$", "");
registerIconsCalled = true;
if (!changeHandlerCalled) {
logger.severe("beforeChange was not called, invoking directly", new Object[0]);
TessellatorUtils.registerTextureMap(textureMap, mapName);
Iterator i$ = loaders.iterator();
while (i$.hasNext()) {
TileLoader loader = (TileLoader)i$.next();
if (loader.baseTextureMap == null && mapName.equals(loader.mapName)) {
loader.baseTextureMap = textureMap;
loader.baseTexturesByName = map;
if (loader.isForThisMap(mapName) && !loader.tilesToRegister.isEmpty()) {
loader.subLogger.fine("adding icons to %s (%d remaining)", new Object[] {mapName, Integer.valueOf(loader.tilesToRegister.size()), mapName});
while (!loader.tilesToRegister.isEmpty() && loader.registerOneIcon(textureMap, mapName, map)) {
loader.subLogger.fine("done adding icons to %s (%d remaining)", new Object[] {mapName, Integer.valueOf(loader.tilesToRegister.size()), mapName});
logger.fine("after registerIcons(%s) %d icons", new Object[] {mapName, Integer.valueOf(map.size())});
public static String getOverridePath(String prefix, String name, String ext) {
String path;
if (name.endsWith(".png")) {
path = name.replaceFirst("\\.[^.]+$", "") + ext;
} else {
path = prefix;
if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
path = prefix + "/";
path = path + name;
path = path + ext;
logger.finer("getOverridePath(%s, %s, %s) -> %s", new Object[] {prefix, name, ext, path});
return path;
public static boolean isSpecialTexture(TextureMap map, String texture, String special) {
return special.equals(texture) || special.equals(specialTextures.get(texture));
public static BufferedImage getOverrideImage(ResourceLocation resource) throws IOException {
Iterator i$ = loaders.iterator();
BufferedImage image;
do {
if (!i$.hasNext()) {
image = TexturePackAPI.getImage(resource);
if (image == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(resource + " not found");
return image;
TileLoader loader = (TileLoader)i$.next();
image = (BufferedImage)loader.tileImages.get(resource);
} while (image == null);
return image;
public static void updateAnimations() {
Iterator i$ = overflowMaps.iterator();
while (i$.hasNext()) {
TextureMap textureMap = (TextureMap)i$.next();
public static BufferedImage generateDebugTexture(String text, int width, int height, boolean alternate) {
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, 2);
Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
graphics.setColor(alternate ? new Color(0, 255, 255, 128) : Color.WHITE);
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
graphics.setColor(alternate ? Color.RED : Color.BLACK);
int ypos = 10;
if (alternate) {
ypos += height / 2;
int charsPerRow = width / 8;
if (charsPerRow <= 0) {
return image;
} else {
while (text.length() % charsPerRow != 0) {
text = text + " ";
while (ypos < height && !text.equals("")) {
graphics.drawString(text.substring(0, charsPerRow), 1, ypos);
ypos += graphics.getFont().getSize();
text = text.substring(charsPerRow);
return image;
static void init() {}
public static ResourceLocation getBlocksAtlas() {
return TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture;
public static ResourceLocation getItemsAtlas() {
return TextureMap.locationItemsTexture;
public TileLoader(String mapName, boolean allowOverflow, MCLogger logger) {
this.mapName = mapName;
this.allowOverflow = allowOverflow;
this.subLogger = logger;
private static long getTextureSize(TextureAtlasSprite texture) {
return texture == null ? 0L : (long)(4 * texture.getIconWidth() * texture.getIconHeight());
private static long getTextureSize(Collection<TextureAtlasSprite> textures) {
long size = 0L;
TextureAtlasSprite texture;
for (Iterator i$ = textures.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); size += getTextureSize(texture)) {
texture = (TextureAtlasSprite)i$.next();
return size;
public static ResourceLocation getDefaultAddress(ResourceLocation propertiesAddress) {
return TexturePackAPI.transformResourceLocation(propertiesAddress, ".properties", ".png");
public static ResourceLocation parseTileAddress(ResourceLocation propertiesAddress, String value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value.equals("blank")) {
} else if (!value.equals("null") && !value.equals("none") && !value.equals("default") && !value.equals("")) {
if (!value.endsWith(".png")) {
value = value + ".png";
return TexturePackAPI.parseResourceLocation(propertiesAddress, value);
} else {
return null;
public boolean preloadTile(ResourceLocation resource, boolean alternate, String special) {
if (this.tileImages.containsKey(resource)) {
return true;
} else {
BufferedImage image = null;
if (!debugTextures) {
image = TexturePackAPI.getImage(resource);
if (image == null) {
this.subLogger.warning("missing %s", new Object[] {resource});
if (image == null) {
image = generateDebugTexture(resource.getResourcePath(), 64, 64, alternate);
this.tileImages.put(resource, image);
if (special != null) {
specialTextures.put(resource.toString(), special);
return true;
public boolean preloadTile(ResourceLocation resource, boolean alternate) {
return this.preloadTile(resource, alternate, (String)null);
protected boolean isForThisMap(String mapName) {
return this.allowOverflow && splitTextures > 1 ? mapName.startsWith(this.mapName + "_overflow") : mapName.startsWith(this.mapName);
private boolean registerDefaultIcon(String name) {
if (name.startsWith(this.mapName) && name.endsWith(".png") && this.baseTextureMap != null) {
String defaultName = name.substring(this.mapName.length()).replaceFirst("\\.png$", "");
TextureAtlasSprite texture = (TextureAtlasSprite)this.baseTexturesByName.get(defaultName);
if (texture != null) {
this.subLogger.finer("%s -> existing icon %s", new Object[] {name, defaultName});
this.iconMap.put(name, texture);
return true;
return false;
private boolean registerOneIcon(TextureMap textureMap, String mapName, Map<String, TextureAtlasSprite> map) {
ResourceLocation resource = (ResourceLocation)this.tilesToRegister.iterator().next();
String name = resource.toString();
if (this.registerDefaultIcon(name)) {
return true;
} else {
BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage)this.tileImages.get(resource);
if (image == null) {
this.subLogger.error("tile for %s unexpectedly missing", new Object[] {resource});
return true;
} else {
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
long currentSize = getTextureSize(map.values());
long newSize = (long)(4 * width * width);
if (newSize + currentSize > MAX_TILESHEET_SIZE) {
float icon1 = (float)currentSize / 1048576.0F;
if (currentSize <= 0L) {
this.subLogger.error("%s too big for any tilesheet (%.1fMB), dropping", new Object[] {name, Float.valueOf(icon1)});
return true;
} else {
this.subLogger.warning("%s nearly full (%.1fMB), will start a new tilesheet", new Object[] {mapName, Float.valueOf(icon1)});
return false;
} else {
Icon icon = textureMap.registerIcon(name);
map.put(name, (TextureAtlasSprite)icon);
if (mapName.contains("_overflow")) {
TessellatorUtils.registerIcon(textureMap, icon);
this.iconMap.put(name, icon);
String extra = width == height ? "" : ", " + height / width + " frames";
this.subLogger.finer("%s -> %s icon %dx%d%s", new Object[] {name, mapName, Integer.valueOf(width), Integer.valueOf(width), extra});
return true;
public void finish() {
public Icon getIcon(String name) {
if (name != null && !name.equals("")) {
Icon icon = (Icon)this.iconMap.get(name);
if (icon == null && this.baseTexturesByName != null) {
icon = (Icon)this.baseTexturesByName.get(name);
return icon;
} else {
return null;
public Icon getIcon(ResourceLocation resource) {
return resource == null ? null : this.getIcon(resource.toString());
public boolean setDefaultTextureMap(Tessellator tessellator) {
tessellator.textureMap = this.baseTextureMap;
return this.baseTextureMap != null;
static boolean access$002(boolean x0) {
changeHandlerCalled = x0;
return x0;
static Set access$100() {
return overflowMaps;
static List access$200() {
return loaders;
static Map access$300() {
return specialTextures;
static Set access$400(TileLoader x0) {
return x0.tilesToRegister;
static int access$500() {
return splitTextures;
static boolean access$602(boolean x0) {
registerIconsCalled = x0;
return x0;
static int access$704(TileLoader x0) {
return ++x0.overflowIndex;
static MCLogger access$800() {
return logger;
static boolean access$600() {
return registerIconsCalled;
static {
long maxSize = 4096L;
try {
maxSize = (long)Minecraft.getGLMaximumTextureSize();
} catch (Throwable var3) {
MAX_TILESHEET_SIZE = maxSize * maxSize * 4L * 7L / 8L;
logger.config("max texture size is %dx%d (%.1fMB)", new Object[] {Long.valueOf(maxSize), Long.valueOf(maxSize), Float.valueOf((float)MAX_TILESHEET_SIZE / 1048576.0F)});
changeHandler = new TileLoader$1("Tilesheet API", 2);