package r.nodes.exec;
import r.*;
import r.builtins.*;
import r.errors.*;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.runtime.*;
// FIXME: the frame slot lookup can be done statically, like in ArithmeticUpdateVariable
// TODO: needs to be updated with eval in mind (e.g. correct handling of top-level vs. empty environment)
public abstract class ReadVariable extends BaseR {
final RSymbol symbol;
private static final boolean DEBUG_R = false;
public ReadVariable(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym) {
symbol = sym;
// FIXME: merge this with REnvironment.GLOBAL, re-visit when adding support for search path
public static RAny readNonVariablePerhapsBuiltin(ASTNode ast, RSymbol symbol) {
// builtins
RBuiltIn builtIn = Primitives.getBuiltIn(symbol, null);
if (builtIn != null) {
return builtIn;
} else {
throw RError.getUnknownVariable(ast, symbol);
public static RNode getUninitialized(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym) {
int ddIndex = sym.dotDotValue();
if (ddIndex != -1) {
return new ReadDotDotVariable(orig, ddIndex - 1);
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
try {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
ReadVariable node;
int slot;
EnclosingSlot rse;
String reason;
if (frame == null) {
node = getReadOnlyFromTopLevel(getAST(), symbol); // FIXME: could also add a listener here
reason = "installReadOnlyFromTopLevelNode";
} else if ((slot = frame.findVariable(symbol)) != -1) {
if (frame instanceof SmallFrame) {
node = getSimpleReadLocalSmallFrame(getAST(), symbol, slot, (SmallFrame) frame);
} else {
node = getSimpleReadLocal(getAST(), symbol, slot);
reason = "installReadLocalNode";
} else if ((rse = frame.readSetEntry(symbol)) == null) {
// note: this can happen even without reflective variable access, when reading a top-level variable from a top-level function
node = getReadStableTopLevel(getAST(), symbol);
reason = "installReadStableTopLevel";
if (node == null) {
node = getReadTopLevel(getAST(), symbol);
reason = "installReadTopLevel";
} else {
node = getReadEnclosing(getAST(), symbol, rse.hops, rse.slot);
reason = "installReadEnclosingNode";
replace(node, reason);
if (DEBUG_R) { Utils.debug("read - "+symbol.pretty()+" uninitialized rewritten: "+reason); }
return node.execute(frame);
private static ReadVariable getSimpleReadLocal(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym, final int slot) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
try {
Object value = frame.getObjectForcingPromises(slot);
if (value == null) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return value;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
return replace(getReadLocal(ast, symbol, slot)).execute(frame);
private static ReadVariable getSimpleReadLocalSmallFrame(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym, final int slot, SmallFrame frameTemplate) {
// TODO: add more specializations, but at the point when it starts making sense performance-wise
// also could make SmallFrameNSlots inherit from (N-1)Slots, allowing more re-use here
// surprisingly, this is not helping so much...
if (frameTemplate instanceof SmallFrame.SmallFrame1Slot && slot == 0) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
SmallFrame.SmallFrame1Slot sframe = Utils.cast(frame);
try {
Object value = RPromise.force(sframe.slot1);
if (value == null) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return value;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
return replace(getReadLocal(ast, symbol, slot)).execute(frame);
if (frameTemplate instanceof SmallFrame.SmallFrame2Slots && slot == 0) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
SmallFrame.SmallFrame2Slots sframe = Utils.cast(frame);
try {
Object value = RPromise.force(sframe.slot1);
if (value == null) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return value;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
return replace(getReadLocal(ast, symbol, slot)).execute(frame);
if (frameTemplate instanceof SmallFrame.SmallFrame2Slots && slot == 1) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
SmallFrame.SmallFrame2Slots sframe = Utils.cast(frame);
try {
Object value = RPromise.force(sframe.slot2);
if (value == null) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return value;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
return replace(getReadLocal(ast, symbol, slot)).execute(frame);
return getSimpleReadLocal(orig, sym, slot);
private static ReadVariable getReadLocal(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym, final int slot) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
Object val = frame.readViaWriteSet(slot, symbol);
if (val == null) {
// NOTE: builtins handled in readViaWriteSet
throw RError.getUnknownVariable(ast, symbol);
if (DEBUG_R) { Utils.debug("read - "+symbol.pretty()+" local-ws, returns "+val+" ("+((RAny)val).pretty()+") from slot "+slot); }
return val;
private static ReadVariable getReadEnclosing(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym, final int hops, final int slot) {
// FIXME: could we get better performance through updating hops, position ?
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
Object val = frame.readViaReadSet(hops, slot, symbol);
if (val == null) {
// NOTE: builtins handled in readViaReadSet
throw RError.getUnknownVariable(ast, symbol);
if (DEBUG_R) { Utils.debug("read - "+symbol.pretty()+" read-set, returns "+val+" ("+((RAny)val).pretty()+") from slot "+slot+" hops "+hops); }
return val;
public static class ReadStableTopLevel extends ReadVariable implements SymbolChangeListener {
private final Object stableValue;
public ReadStableTopLevel(ASTNode orig, RSymbol symbol, Object stableValue) {
super(orig, symbol);
this.stableValue = stableValue;
assert Utils.check(stableValue != null);
assert Utils.check(!(stableValue instanceof RPromise));
public Object execute(Frame frame) {
return stableValue;
public boolean onChange(RSymbol sym) {
assert Utils.check(getNewNode() == null);
replace(getReadTopLevel(ast, symbol), "install ReadTopLevel from ReadStableTopLevel");
return false;
private static ReadVariable getReadStableTopLevel(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym) {
Object value = sym.getValueNoForce();
if (value == null || value instanceof RPromise || sym.getVersion() != 0) {
return null;
return new ReadStableTopLevel(orig, sym, value);
private static ReadVariable getReadTopLevel(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
// NOTE: we could do more here, and original the plan was to do so
// we could remember the last frame and version, and update the version whenever we make sure that no variable has been
// inserted in that frame -- however, I can't see how that could be faster in the common case (an extra branch on the fast path),
// and I am not sure we care about the slow path
// NOTE: we would have to remember the frame, as there can be more than one frame active with the node, and some may have an
// inserted symbol while another may not
// WARNING: changing the behavior of version will also impact optimizations in function call (calling a builtin)
// (same as SuperWriteVariable)
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
Object val;
if (symbol.getVersion() != 0) {
val = frame.readFromExtensionEntry(symbol);
if (val == null) {
val = symbol.getValue();
} else {
val = symbol.getValue();
if (val == null) {
return readNonVariablePerhapsBuiltin(ast, symbol);
if (DEBUG_R) { Utils.debug("read - "+symbol.pretty()+" top-level, returns "+val+" ("+((RAny) val).pretty()+")" ); }
return val;
private static ReadVariable getReadOnlyFromTopLevel(ASTNode orig, RSymbol sym) {
return new ReadVariable(orig, sym) {
public final Object execute(Frame frame) {
assert Utils.check(frame == null);
Object val = symbol.getValue();
if (val == null) { // TODO: another node
return readNonVariablePerhapsBuiltin(ast, symbol);
return val;
private static class ReadDotDotVariable extends BaseR {
final int index; // index in ..., 0-based
@Child RNode readDots;
public ReadDotDotVariable(ASTNode ast, int index) {
assert Utils.check(index >= 0);
this.index = index;
this.readDots = adoptChild(ReadVariable.getUninitialized(ast, RSymbol.THREE_DOTS_SYMBOL));
public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RDots dotsValue = (RDots) readDots.execute(frame);
Object[] values = dotsValue.values();
int len = values.length;
if (index < len) {
Object value = values[index];
if (value != null) {
return RPromise.force(value);
} else {
throw RError.getDotDotMissing(ast, index);
throw RError.getDotsBounds(ast, index + 1);
protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (readDots == oldNode) {
readDots = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);