package r.nodes.exec;
import r.*;
import r.builtins.*;
import r.errors.*;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.nodes.exec.Selector.*;
import r.runtime.*;
* A multi-dimensional read. arrayname '[' [first index] , [second index] { , [ other index]} [ , drop = ] ']' There are
* no node rewrites, but the selection operator nodes have their selector nodes which tend to be overwritten. The
* special case for matrices is determined statically when # of dimensions is 2.
public abstract class ReadArray extends BaseR {
final boolean subset;
@Child RNode lhs;
@Child OptionNode dropExpr;
@Child OptionNode exactExpr;
public ReadArray(ASTNode ast, boolean subset, RNode lhs, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
this.subset = subset;
this.lhs = adoptChild(lhs);
this.dropExpr = adoptChild(dropExpr);
this.exactExpr = adoptChild(exactExpr);
public ReadArray(ReadArray other) {
this(other.ast, other.subset, other.lhs, other.dropExpr, other.exactExpr);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (lhs == oldNode) {
lhs = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (dropExpr == oldNode) {
dropExpr = (r.nodes.exec.Selector.OptionNode) newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (exactExpr == oldNode) {
exactExpr = (r.nodes.exec.Selector.OptionNode) newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
// =================================================================================================================
// Specialized forms
// =================================================================================================================
* Generalized selector operator that works with arrays of arbitraty number of dimensions. Uses the selector index
* mechanism and reverse incrementing to create the selection result. At the moment does not perform any rewriting
* as the matrix - array distinction is known static time from the parser.
public static class GenericRead extends ReadArray {
final int[] offsets;
final int[] selSizes;
@Children final SelectorNode[] selectorExprs;
final Selector[] selectorVals;
public GenericRead(ASTNode ast, boolean subset, RNode lhs, SelectorNode[] selectorExprs, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, subset, lhs, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.selectorExprs = adoptChildren(selectorExprs);
this.offsets = new int[selectorExprs.length + 1];
this.selSizes = new int[selectorExprs.length];
this.selectorVals = new Selector[selectorExprs.length];
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
for (int i = 0; i < selectorVals.length; ++i) {
selectorVals[i] = selectorExprs[i].executeSelector(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != 0; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != selectorExprs.length) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
return executeLoop(array, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (selectorExprs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < selectorExprs.length; i++) {
if (selectorExprs[i] == oldNode) {
selectorExprs[i] = (r.nodes.exec.Selector.SelectorNode) newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
* Execute method which evaluates the lhs, selectors and optional expressions, checks that the array selection
* can proceed and then proceeds optionally replacing the falling selectors. The valued variant of execute is
* called for the production of the result, on failure the responsible selector is replaced and the valued
* variant is called again.
protected final Object executeLoop(RArray array, boolean dropVal, int exactVal) {
while (true) {
try {
return execute(array, dropVal, exactVal);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
Selector failedSelector = (Selector) e.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < selectorVals.length; ++i) {
if (selectorVals[i] == failedSelector) {
RAny index = failedSelector.getIndex();
SelectorNode newSelector = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, subset, index, selectorExprs[i], false, failedSelector.getTransition());
selectorExprs[i] = adoptChild(newSelector);
selectorVals[i] = newSelector.executeSelector(index);
* Returns the selection array or vector. The selSizes array contains sizes of the selectors (number of elements
* that will be returned by it). The idx array contains the indices returned by the selectors (that is the
* indices used to compute the source offset). The selIdx array contains the position in the selector (when this
* is equal to the selector size the selector has overflown).
public Object execute(RArray source, boolean drop, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int exact) throws SpecializationException {
int[] sourceDim = source.dimensions();
boolean mayHaveNA = Selector.initialize(offsets, selectorVals, sourceDim, selSizes, ast);
int[] destDim = Selector.calculateDestinationDimensions(selSizes, !subset || drop);
int destSize = Selector.calculateSizeFromSelectorSizes(selSizes);
RArray dest = Utils.createArray(source, destSize, destDim, null, null); // drop attributes
if (destSize == 0) { return dest; }
int offset = 0;
for (;;) {
int sourceOffset = offsets[0];
if (sourceOffset == RInt.NA) {
Utils.setNA(dest, offset);
} else {
dest.set(offset, source.getRef(sourceOffset));
if (offset < destSize) {
if (!mayHaveNA) {
Selector.advanceNoNA(offsets, sourceDim, selectorVals, ast);
} else {
Selector.advance(offsets, sourceDim, selectorVals, ast);
} else {
return dest;
// reading with the last dimension set only (e.g. x[,,i])
public static class ArrayColumnSubset extends MatrixRead {
@Child RNode columnExpr;
final int nSelectors;
public ArrayColumnSubset(ASTNode ast, RNode lhs, int nSelectors, RNode columnExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, true, lhs, null, null, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.columnExpr = adoptChild(columnExpr);
this.nSelectors = nSelectors;
//assert Utils.check(nSelectors > 2); // we could support 2 as well, but there is MatrixColumnSubset for that
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
RAny colVal = (RAny) columnExpr.execute(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
// TODO: GNU-R has different behavior when selecting from arrays that have some dimension zero
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != nSelectors) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
int n = dim[nSelectors - 1]; // limit for the column (last dimension)
try {
int col;
if (colVal instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
col = ((ScalarIntImpl) colVal).getInt();
} else if (colVal instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
col = Convert.double2int(((ScalarDoubleImpl) colVal).getDouble());
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
if (col > n || col <= 0) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
int[] ndim;
int m; // size of the result
if (dropVal) {
boolean hasNonTrivialDimension = false;
boolean resultIsVector = true;
m = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
int d = dim[i];
if (d != 1) {
if (hasNonTrivialDimension) {
resultIsVector = false;
} else {
hasNonTrivialDimension = true;
m *= d;
if (resultIsVector) {
ndim = null;
} else {
ndim = new int[nSelectors - 1];
System.arraycopy(dim, 0, ndim, 0, ndim.length);
} else {
ndim = new int[nSelectors];
ndim[nSelectors - 1] = 1;
m = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ndim.length - 1; i++) {
int d = dim[i];
ndim[i] = d;
m *= d;
// note: also could be lazy here
RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, m, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
int offset = (col - 1) * m; // note: col is 1-based
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
res.set(i, array.getRef(offset + i));
return res;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
SelectorNode[] selectorExprs = new SelectorNode[nSelectors];
for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
selectorExprs[i] = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, null);
selectorExprs[nSelectors - 1] = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, columnExpr);
GenericRead gr = new GenericRead(ast, true, lhs, selectorExprs, dropExpr, exactExpr);
replace(gr, "install GenericRead from ArrayColumnSubset");
for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors - 1; i++) {
gr.selectorVals[i] = selectorExprs[i].executeSelector(frame);
gr.selectorVals[nSelectors - 1] = selectorExprs[nSelectors - 1].executeSelector(colVal);
return gr.executeLoop(array, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (columnExpr == oldNode) {
columnExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
* Matrix specialization for the array selection.
public static class MatrixRead extends ReadArray {
@Child SelectorNode selectorIExpr;
@Child SelectorNode selectorJExpr;
public MatrixRead(ASTNode ast, boolean subset, RNode lhs, SelectorNode selectorIExpr, SelectorNode selectorJExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, subset, lhs, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.selectorIExpr = adoptChild(selectorIExpr);
this.selectorJExpr = adoptChild(selectorJExpr);
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
Selector selectorI = selectorIExpr.executeSelector(frame);
Selector selectorJ = selectorJExpr.executeSelector(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != 0; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
return executeLoop(array, selectorI, selectorJ, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (selectorIExpr == oldNode) {
selectorIExpr = (r.nodes.exec.Selector.SelectorNode) newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (selectorJExpr == oldNode) {
selectorJExpr = (r.nodes.exec.Selector.SelectorNode) newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
public Object executeLoop(RArray array, Selector selectorI, Selector selectorJ, boolean dropVal, int exactVal) {
Selector selI = selectorI;
Selector selJ = selectorJ;
for (;;) {
try {
return execute(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
Selector failedSelector = (Selector) e.getResult();
if (failedSelector == selI) {
RAny index = selI.getIndex();
selectorIExpr.replace(Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, subset, index, selectorIExpr.child, false, selectorI.getTransition()));
selI = selectorIExpr.executeSelector(index);
} else {
// failedSelector == selectorJ
RAny index = selJ.getIndex();
selectorJExpr.replace(Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, subset, index, selectorJExpr.child, false, selectorJ.getTransition()));
selJ = selectorJExpr.executeSelector(index);
public Object execute(RArray source, Selector selectorI, Selector selectorJ, boolean drop, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int exact) throws SpecializationException {
assert Utils.check(subset);
int[] ndim = source.dimensions();
int m = ndim[0];
int n = ndim[1];
selectorI.start(m, ast);
selectorJ.start(n, ast);
int nm = selectorI.size();
int nn = selectorJ.size();
boolean mayHaveNA = selectorI.mayHaveNA() || selectorJ.mayHaveNA();
int nsize = nm * nn;
if ((nm != 1 && nn != 1) || !drop) {
ndim = new int[]{nm, nn};
} else {
ndim = null;
RArray res = Utils.createArray(source, nsize, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
if (!mayHaveNA) {
int resoffset = 0;
for (int nj = 0; nj < nn; nj++) {
int j = selectorJ.nextIndex(ast);
int srcoffset = j * m;
for (int ni = 0; ni < nm; ni++) {
int i = selectorI.nextIndex(ast);
Object value = source.getRef(srcoffset + i); // FIXME: check overflow? (the same is at many locations, whenever indexing a matrix)
res.set(resoffset++, value);
} else {
for (int nj = 0; nj < nn; nj++) {
int j = selectorJ.nextIndex(ast);
if (j != RInt.NA) {
for (int ni = 0; ni < nm; ni++) {
int offset = nj * nm + ni;
int i = selectorI.nextIndex(ast);
if (i != RInt.NA) {
Object value;
value = source.getRef(j * m + i); // FIXME: check overflow? (the same is at many locations, whenever indexing a matrix)
res.set(offset, value);
} else {
Utils.setNA(res, offset);
} else {
for (int ni = 0; ni < nm; ni++) {
Utils.setNA(res, nj * nm + ni);
return res;
public static class MatrixSubscript extends MatrixRead {
public MatrixSubscript(ASTNode ast, RNode lhs, SelectorNode selectorIExpr, SelectorNode selectorJExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, false, lhs, selectorIExpr, selectorJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
@Override public Object execute(RArray base, Selector selectorI, Selector selectorJ, boolean drop, int exact) throws SpecializationException {
int[] ndim = base.dimensions();
int m = ndim[0];
int n = ndim[1];
selectorI.start(m, ast);
selectorJ.start(n, ast);
int i = selectorI.nextIndex(ast);
int j = selectorJ.nextIndex(ast);
assert Utils.check(i != RInt.NA && j != RInt.NA); // ensured by subscript selectors
int offset = j * m + i;
if (!(base instanceof RList)) {
return base.boxedGet(offset);
} else {
return ((RList) base).getRAny(offset);
public static class MatrixColumnSubset extends MatrixRead {
@Child RNode columnExpr;
public MatrixColumnSubset(ASTNode ast, RNode lhs, RNode columnExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, true, lhs, null, null, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.columnExpr = adoptChild(columnExpr);
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
RAny colVal = (RAny) columnExpr.execute(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
int m = dim[0];
int n = dim[1];
try {
int col;
if (colVal instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
col = ((ScalarIntImpl) colVal).getInt();
} else if (colVal instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
col = Convert.double2int(((ScalarDoubleImpl) colVal).getDouble());
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
if (col > n || col <= 0) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
int[] ndim;
if (dropVal) {
ndim = null;
} else {
ndim = new int[]{m, 1};
// note: also could be lazy here
RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, m, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
int offset = (col - 1) * m; // note: col is 1-based
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
res.set(i, array.getRef(offset + i));
return res;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
SelectorNode selIExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, null);
SelectorNode selJExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, columnExpr);
MatrixRead mr = new MatrixRead(ast, true, lhs, selIExpr, selJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
replace(mr, "install MatrixRead from MatrixColumnSubset");
Selector selI = selIExpr.executeSelector(frame);
Selector selJ = selJExpr.executeSelector(colVal);
return mr.executeLoop(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (columnExpr == oldNode) {
columnExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
public static class MatrixRowSubset extends MatrixRead {
@Child RNode rowExpr;
public MatrixRowSubset(ASTNode ast, RNode lhs, RNode rowExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, true, lhs, null, null, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.rowExpr = adoptChild(rowExpr);
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
RAny rowVal = (RAny) rowExpr.execute(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
int m = dim[0];
int n = dim[1];
try {
int row;
if (rowVal instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
row = ((ScalarIntImpl) rowVal).getInt();
} else if (rowVal instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
row = Convert.double2int(((ScalarDoubleImpl) rowVal).getDouble());
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
if (row > n || row <= 0) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
int[] ndim;
if (dropVal) {
ndim = null;
} else {
ndim = new int[]{1, n};
// note: also could be lazy here
RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, n, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
int offset = row - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res.set(i, array.getRef(offset));
offset += m;
return res;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
SelectorNode selIExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, rowExpr);
SelectorNode selJExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, null);
MatrixRead nn = new MatrixRead(ast, true, lhs, selIExpr, selJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
replace(nn, "install MatrixRead from MatrixRowSubset");
Selector selI = selIExpr.executeSelector(rowVal);
Selector selJ = selJExpr.executeSelector(frame);
return nn.executeLoop(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (rowExpr == oldNode) {
rowExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
// subset using two sequences, m[a:b, c:d], only simple cases (positive limits, within bounds)
public static class MatrixSequenceSubset extends ReadArray {
@Child RNode rowFromExpr;
@Child RNode rowToExpr;
@Child RNode colFromExpr;
@Child RNode colToExpr;
public MatrixSequenceSubset(ASTNode ast, RNode lhs, RNode rowFromExpr, RNode rowToExpr, RNode colFromExpr, RNode colToExpr, OptionNode dropExpr, OptionNode exactExpr) {
super(ast, true, lhs, dropExpr, exactExpr);
this.rowFromExpr = adoptChild(rowFromExpr);
this.rowToExpr = adoptChild(rowToExpr);
this.colFromExpr = adoptChild(colFromExpr);
this.colToExpr = adoptChild(colToExpr);
private static int extractLimit(Object value) throws SpecializationException { // zero-based
if (value instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double d = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) value).getDouble();
if (d > 0 && d <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return ((int) d) - 1; // truncate towards zero
} else if (value instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int i = ((ScalarIntImpl) value).getInt();
if (i > 0) { return i - 1; }
throw new SpecializationException(null);
@Override public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lhsVal = (RAny) lhs.execute(frame);
Object rowFromVal = rowFromExpr.execute(frame);
Object rowToVal = rowToExpr.execute(frame);
Object colFromVal = colFromExpr.execute(frame);
Object colToVal = colToExpr.execute(frame);
boolean dropVal = dropExpr.executeLogical(frame) != RLogical.FALSE; // FIXME: what is the correct execution order of these args?
int exactVal = exactExpr.executeLogical(frame);
if (!(lhsVal instanceof RArray)) { throw RError.getObjectNotSubsettable(ast, lhsVal.typeOf()); }
RArray array = (RArray) lhsVal;
try {
int rowFrom = extractLimit(rowFromVal); // zero-based
int rowTo = extractLimit(rowToVal);
int colFrom = extractLimit(colFromVal);
int colTo = extractLimit(colToVal);
int[] dim = array.dimensions();
if (dim == null || dim.length != 2) { throw RError.getIncorrectDimensions(getAST()); }
int m = dim[0];
int n = dim[1];
int rowStep;
int rowSize;
if (rowFrom <= rowTo) {
rowStep = 1;
if (rowTo > m) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
rowSize = rowTo - rowFrom + 1;
} else {
rowStep = -1;
if (rowFrom > m) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
rowSize = rowFrom - rowTo + 1;
int colStep;
int colSize;
if (colFrom <= colTo) {
colStep = 1;
if (colTo > n) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
colSize = colTo - colFrom + 1;
} else {
colStep = -1;
if (colFrom > n) { throw new SpecializationException(null); }
colSize = colFrom - colTo + 1;
int[] ndim;
if (!dropVal || (rowSize > 1 && colSize > 1)) {
ndim = new int[]{rowSize, colSize};
} else {
ndim = null;
int size = rowSize * colSize;
RArray res = Utils.createArray(array, size, ndim, null, null); // drop attributes
if (colStep == 1 && rowStep == 1) {
int j = colFrom * m + rowFrom; // j - index to source matrix
int jmax = j + rowSize;
int jadvance = m - rowSize;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
res.set(i, array.getRef(j++)); // i - index to target matrix
if (j == jmax) {
j += jadvance;
jmax += m;
} else {
int i = 0;
// NOTE: here we know that colFrom != colTo and rowFrom != rowTo
for (int col = colFrom; col != colTo + colStep; col += colStep) {
for (int row = rowFrom; row != rowTo + rowStep; row += rowStep) {
res.set(i++, array.getRef(col * m + row));
return res;
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
// FIXME: clean this up; does Colon need to be package-private?
ASTNode rowAST = rowFromExpr.getAST().getParent();
Builtin rowColon = (Builtin) Primitives.getCallFactory(RSymbol.getSymbol(":"), null).create(rowAST, rowFromExpr, rowToExpr);
SelectorNode selIExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(rowAST, true, rowColon);
ASTNode colAST = colFromExpr.getAST().getParent();
Builtin colColon = (Builtin) Primitives.getCallFactory(RSymbol.getSymbol(":"), null).create(colAST, colFromExpr, colToExpr);
SelectorNode selJExpr = Selector.createSelectorNode(ast, true, colColon);
MatrixRead nn = new MatrixRead(ast, true, lhs, selIExpr, selJExpr, dropExpr, exactExpr);
replace(nn, "install MatrixRead from MatrixSequenceSubset");
Selector selI = selIExpr.executeSelector(rowColon.doBuiltIn(frame, new RAny[]{(RAny) rowFromVal, (RAny) rowToVal}));
Selector selJ = selJExpr.executeSelector(colColon.doBuiltIn(frame, new RAny[]{(RAny) colFromVal, (RAny) colToVal}));
return nn.executeLoop(array, selI, selJ, dropVal, exactVal);
@Override protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (rowFromExpr == oldNode) {
rowFromExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (rowToExpr == oldNode) {
rowToExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (colFromExpr == oldNode) {
colFromExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (colToExpr == oldNode) {
colToExpr = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);