package r.nodes.exec;
import java.util.*;
import r.*;
import r.errors.*;
import r.ext.*;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.runtime.*;
// FIXME: the complex arithmetic differs for scalars/non-scalars (NA semantics - which part is NA), though
// this should not be visible to the end-user
public class Arithmetic extends BaseR {
@Child RNode left;
@Child RNode right;
final ValueArithmetic arit;
final VectorArithmetic vectorArit;
private static final boolean SINGLE_CHILD_TIGHT_LOOP_MATERIALIZATION = true;
private static final boolean EAGER = false;
private static final boolean LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH = false && !(Frame.MATERIALIZE_ON_ASSIGNMENT && AbstractCall.MATERIALIZE_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS);
private static final int MAX_VIEW_DEPTH = 5;
private static final boolean DEBUG_AR = false;
public Arithmetic(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, VectorArithmetic vectorArit) {
this.left = adoptChild(left);
this.right = adoptChild(right);
this.arit = arit;
this.vectorArit = vectorArit;
public Arithmetic(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit) {
this(ast, left, right, arit, null);
public static boolean returnsDouble(ValueArithmetic arit) {
return arit.returnsDouble();
public Object execute(Frame frame) {
// // an experiment
// if (!arit.returnsDouble()) {
// return replace(new ScalarIntSpecialized(ast, left, right, arit)).execute(frame);
// }
Object lexpr = left.execute(frame);
if (getNewNode() != null) {
return ((Arithmetic) getNewNode()).executeWithLexpr(frame, lexpr);
// hand-inlined execute(Frame, Object)
Object rexpr = right.execute(frame);
if (getNewNode() != null) {
return ((Arithmetic) getNewNode()).execute(lexpr, rexpr);
return execute(lexpr, rexpr);
public Object executeWithLexpr(Frame frame, Object lexpr) {
Object rexpr = right.execute(frame);
if (getNewNode() != null) {
return ((Arithmetic) getNewNode()).execute(lexpr, rexpr);
return execute(lexpr, rexpr);
public Object execute(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
try {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
if (left instanceof Constant || right instanceof Constant) {
SpecializedConst sc = SpecializedConst.createSpecialized((RAny) lexpr, (RAny) rexpr, ast, left, right, arit);
replace(sc, "install Specialized from Uninitialized");
if (DEBUG_AR) Utils.debug("Installed " + sc.dbg + " for expressions " + lexpr + "(" + ((RAny) lexpr).pretty() + ") and " + rexpr + "(" + ((RAny) rexpr).pretty() + ")");
return sc.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
} else {
assert Utils.check(vectorArit == null);
Specialized sn = Specialized.createSpecialized((RAny) lexpr, (RAny) rexpr, ast, left, right, arit);
replace(sn, "install Specialized from Uninitialized");
if (DEBUG_AR) Utils.debug("Installed " + sn.dbg);
return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (left == oldNode) {
left = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
if (right == oldNode) {
right = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
public enum FailedSpecialization {
static class Specialized extends Arithmetic {
final String dbg;
final Calculator calc;
public Specialized(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, VectorArithmetic vectorArit, Calculator calc, String dbg) {
super(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit);
this.dbg = dbg;
this.calc = calc;
public Specialized(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, Calculator calc, String dbg) {
super(ast, left, right, arit);
this.dbg = dbg;
this.calc = calc;
public abstract static class Calculator {
public abstract Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException;
public static Specialized createSpecialized(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit) {
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
ScalarComplexImpl lcomp = (ScalarComplexImpl) lexpr;
double lreal = lcomp.getReal();
double limag = lcomp.getImag();
ScalarComplexImpl rcomp = (ScalarComplexImpl) rexpr;
double rreal = rcomp.getReal();
double rimag = rcomp.getImag();
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(lreal, limag) && !RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(rreal, rimag)) {
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag));
} else {
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarComplex, ScalarComplex>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
ScalarComplexImpl lcomp = (ScalarComplexImpl) lexpr;
double lreal = lcomp.getReal();
double limag = lcomp.getImag();
double rreal = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(lreal, limag) && !RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rreal)) {
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, 0), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, 0));
} else {
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarComplex, ScalarDouble>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double lreal = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
ScalarComplexImpl rcomp = (ScalarComplexImpl) rexpr;
double rreal = rcomp.getReal();
double rimag = rcomp.getImag();
if (!RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(lreal) && !RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(rreal, rimag)) {
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, 0, rreal, rimag), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, 0, rreal, rimag));
} else {
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble, ScalarComplex>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble, ScalarDouble>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl) || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rint));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble, ScalarInt>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (lint == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, lint, rdbl));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ScalarDouble>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl && rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
if (returnsDouble(arit)) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (lint == RInt.NA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, (double) lint, (double) rint));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ScalarInt>");
} else {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl && rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (lint == RInt.NA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ScalarInt>");
// vectors
return createProfiling(ast, left, right, arit);
public static Specialized createSpecializedVector(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit, final VectorArithmetic vectorArit) {
if (leftTemplate instanceof RDouble && rightTemplate instanceof RDouble) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof RDouble && rexpr instanceof RDouble)) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RDouble)lexpr, (RDouble)rexpr, arit, ast);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit, c, "<RDouble, RDouble>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof RDouble && rightTemplate instanceof RInt) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof RDouble && rexpr instanceof RInt)) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RDouble)lexpr, (RInt)rexpr, arit, ast);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit, c, "<RDouble, RInt>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof RInt && rightTemplate instanceof RDouble) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof RInt && rexpr instanceof RDouble)) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RInt)lexpr, (RDouble)rexpr, arit, ast);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit, c, "<RInt, RDouble>");
if (leftTemplate instanceof RInt && rightTemplate instanceof RInt && !returnsDouble(arit)) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof RInt && rexpr instanceof RInt)) {
throw new SpecializationException(null);
return vectorArit.intBinary((RInt)lexpr, (RInt)rexpr, arit, ast);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit, c, "<RInt, RInt>");
return createGeneric(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit);
public static Specialized createSpecializedMultiType(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit) {
if ((leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) &&
(rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
final boolean alwaysDouble = returnsDouble(arit);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
boolean leftIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl);
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (leftIsNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (leftIsNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rint));
} else if (lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
boolean leftIsNA = lint == RInt.NA;
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (leftIsNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, lint, rdbl));
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
boolean arithIsNA = leftIsNA || rint == RInt.NA;
if (alwaysDouble) {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, (double) lint, (double) rint));
} else {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.MULTI_TYPE);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble|Int, ScalarDouble|Int>");
return null;
public static RArray genericCalc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr, ValueArithmetic arit, boolean returnsDouble, VectorArithmetic vectorArit, ASTNode ast) {
// TODO: re-visit this, the error semantics with non-numeric types is very likely wrong
if (lexpr instanceof RComplex || rexpr instanceof RComplex) {
RComplex lcmp = ((RAny)lexpr).asComplex();
RComplex rcmp = ((RAny)rexpr).asComplex();
return vectorArit.complexBinary(lcmp, rcmp, arit, ast);
if (returnsDouble) {
RDouble ldbl = ((RAny)lexpr).asDouble();
RDouble rdbl = ((RAny)rexpr).asDouble();
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, rdbl, arit, ast);
if (lexpr instanceof RDouble) {
RDouble ldbl = (RDouble) lexpr;
if (rexpr instanceof RDouble) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, (RDouble) rexpr, arit, ast);
} else if (rexpr instanceof RInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, (RInt) rexpr, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, ((RAny) rexpr).asDouble(), arit, ast);
if (rexpr instanceof RDouble) {
RDouble rdbl = (RDouble) rexpr;
if (lexpr instanceof RInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RInt) lexpr, rdbl, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(((RAny) lexpr).asDouble(), rdbl, arit, ast);
if (lexpr instanceof RInt || rexpr instanceof RInt || lexpr instanceof RLogical || rexpr instanceof RLogical) { // FIXME: this check should be simpler
RInt lint = ((RAny) lexpr).asInt();
RInt rint = ((RAny) rexpr).asInt();
return vectorArit.intBinary(lint, rint, arit, ast);
throw RError.getNonNumericBinary(ast);
public static Specialized createProfiling(final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit) {
Calculator c;
final boolean returnsDouble = returnsDouble(arit);
c = new Calculator() {
ViewProfile profile;
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (profile == null) {
profile = new ViewProfile();
RArray res = genericCalc(lexpr, rexpr, arit, returnsDouble, LAZY_VECTOR, ast);
return ProfilingView.ViewProfile.profile(res, profile);
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(chooseVectorArithmetic(profile));
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, LAZY_VECTOR, c, "profiling Generic, Generic>");
public static Specialized createGeneric(final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit, final VectorArithmetic vectorArit) {
Calculator c;
final boolean returnsDouble = returnsDouble(arit);
c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
return genericCalc(lexpr, rexpr, arit, returnsDouble, vectorArit, ast);
return new Specialized(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit, c, "<Generic, Generic>");
public final Object execute(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
try {
return calc.calc(lexpr, rexpr);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
Object r = e.getResult();
if (r instanceof VectorArithmetic) {
// result of profiling - the previous node must have been a profiling node
Specialized sn = createSpecializedVector((RAny)lexpr, (RAny) rexpr, ast, left, right, arit, (VectorArithmetic) r);
replace(sn, "install SpecializedVector from Specialized-Profiling");
return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
FailedSpecialization f = (FailedSpecialization) r;
if (f == FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE) {
Specialized sn = createSpecializedMultiType((RAny) lexpr, (RAny) rexpr, ast, left, right, arit);
if (sn != null) {
replace(sn, "install SpecializedMultiType from Specialized");
return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
if (vectorArit == null) {
Specialized sn = createProfiling(ast, left, right, arit);
replace(sn, "install Profiling from Specialized-?");
return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
Specialized gn = createGeneric(ast, left, right, arit, vectorArit);
replace(gn, "install Specialized<Generic, Generic> from Specialized");
return gn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
// // just an experiment for now
// static class ScalarIntSpecialized extends BaseR {
// @Child RNode left;
// @Child RNode right;
// final ValueArithmetic arit;
// public ScalarIntSpecialized(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit) {
// super(ast);
// this.left = adoptChild(left);
// this.right = adoptChild(right);
// this.arit = arit;
// assert Utils.check(!arit.returnsDouble());
// }
// private Object recover(Object lobj, Object robj) {
// RAny lexpr = (RAny) lobj;
// RAny rexpr = (RAny) robj;
// Arithmetic an = new Arithmetic(ast, left, right, arit);
// replace(an);
// return an.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
//// Specialized sn = Specialized.createSpecializedMultiType(lexpr, rexpr, ast, left, right, arit);
//// if (sn != null) {
//// replace(sn, "install SpecializedMultiType from ScalarIntSpecialized");
//// return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
//// }
//// Specialized gn = Specialized.createGeneric(ast, left, right, arit);
//// replace(gn, "install Specialized<Generic, Generic> from ScalarIntSpecialized");
//// return gn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
// }
// @Override
// public int executeScalarInteger(Frame frame) throws UnexpectedResultException {
// int lint;
// try {
// lint = left.executeScalarInteger(frame);
// } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
// throw new UnexpectedResultException(recover(e.getResult(), right.execute(frame)));
// }
// int rint;
// try {
// rint = right.executeScalarInteger(frame);
// } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
// throw new UnexpectedResultException(recover(left.execute(frame), e.getResult()));
// }
// if (lint == RInt.NA || rint == RInt.NA) {
// return RInt.NA;
// }
// return arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint);
// }
// @Override
// public Object execute(Frame frame) {
// try {
// return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(executeScalarInteger(frame)); // does the rewriting
// } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) {
// return e.getResult();
// }
// }
// }
static class SpecializedConst extends Arithmetic {
final String dbg;
final Calculator calc;
public SpecializedConst(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, Calculator calc, String dbg) {
super(ast, left, right, arit);
this.dbg = dbg;
this.calc = calc;
public abstract static class Calculator {
public abstract Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException;
public static SpecializedConst createSpecialized(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit) {
boolean leftConst = left instanceof Constant;
boolean rightConst = right instanceof Constant;
// non-const is complex
if (leftConst && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl) &&
(leftTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl)) {
RComplex lcmp = leftTemplate.asComplex();
final double lreal = lcmp.getReal(0);
final double limag = lcmp.getImag(0);
final boolean isLeftNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(lreal, limag);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
ScalarComplexImpl rcmp = (ScalarComplexImpl) rexpr;
double rreal = rcmp.getReal();
double rimag = rcmp.getImag();
if (isLeftNA || RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(rreal, rimag)) {
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarNumber, ScalarComplex>");
if (rightConst && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl) &&
(rightTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl)) {
RComplex rcmp = rightTemplate.asComplex();
final double rreal = rcmp.getReal(0);
final double rimag = rcmp.getImag(0);
final boolean isRightNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(rreal, rimag);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
ScalarComplexImpl lcmp = (ScalarComplexImpl) lexpr;
double lreal = lcmp.getReal();
double limag = lcmp.getImag();
if (isRightNA || RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(lreal, limag)) {
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, rimag));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarComplex, ConstScalarNumber>");
// non-const is double and const is complex
if (leftConst && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
ScalarComplexImpl lcmp = (ScalarComplexImpl) leftTemplate;
final double lreal = lcmp.getReal(0);
final double limag = lcmp.getImag(0);
final boolean isLeftNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(lreal, limag);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double rreal = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (isLeftNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(rreal)) { // NOTE: not arithIsNA !
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, 0), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, limag, rreal, 0));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarComplex, ScalarDouble>");
if (rightConst && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarComplexImpl)) {
ScalarComplexImpl rcmp = (ScalarComplexImpl) rightTemplate;
final double rreal = rcmp.getReal(0);
final double rimag = rcmp.getImag(0);
final boolean isRightNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(rreal, rimag);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double lreal = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
if (isRightNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(lreal)) { // NOTE: not arithIsNA !
return RComplex.BOXED_NA;
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(arit.opReal(ast, lreal, 0, rreal, rimag), arit.opImag(ast, lreal, 0, rreal, rimag));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble, ConstScalarComplex>");
// non-const is double
if (leftConst && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl)) {
final double ldbl = (leftTemplate.asDouble()).getDouble(0);
final boolean isLeftNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (isLeftNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarNon-Complex, ScalarDouble>");
if (rightConst && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl)) {
final double rdbl = (rightTemplate.asDouble()).getDouble(0);
final boolean isRightNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
if (isRightNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarDouble, ConstScalarNon-Complex>");
// non-const is int and const is double
// FIXME: handle also logical?
if (leftConst && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
final double ldbl = (leftTemplate.asDouble()).getDouble(0);
final boolean isLeftNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (isLeftNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rint));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarDouble, ScalarInt>");
if (rightConst && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
final double rdbl = (rightTemplate.asDouble()).getDouble(0);
final boolean isRightNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl);
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
if (isRightNA || lint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, lint, rdbl));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ConstScalarDouble>");
// non-const is int and const is int or logical
if (leftConst && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || leftTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl) && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
final int lint = (leftTemplate.asInt()).getInt(0);
final boolean isLeftNA = (lint == RInt.NA);
if (returnsDouble(arit)) {
final double ldbl = lint;
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (isLeftNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, (double) rint));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarInt, ScalarInt>");
} else {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (isLeftNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarInt, ScalarInt>");
if (rightConst && (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl || rightTemplate instanceof ScalarLogicalImpl) && (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
final int rint = (rightTemplate.asInt()).getInt(0);
final boolean isRightNA = (rint == RInt.NA);
if (returnsDouble(arit)) {
final double rdbl = rint;
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
if (isRightNA || lint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, (double) lint, rdbl));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ConstScalarInt>");
} else {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (!(lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl)) {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE);
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
if (isRightNA || lint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt, ConstScalarInt>");
return createGeneric(leftTemplate, rightTemplate, ast, left, right, arit, chooseVectorArithmetic(leftTemplate, rightTemplate, arit));
public static SpecializedConst createSpecializedMultiType(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit) {
boolean leftConst = left instanceof Constant;
boolean rightConst = right instanceof Constant;
assert Utils.check(leftConst || rightConst);
final boolean alwaysDouble = returnsDouble(arit);
if ((!(leftTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl) && !(leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl)) ||
(!(rightTemplate instanceof ScalarIntImpl) && !(rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl))) {
return null;
if (leftConst) {
double tldbl;
int tlint;
boolean tisLeftNA;
boolean tisLeftDouble;
if (leftTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
tlint = -1; // not used
tldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) leftTemplate).getDouble();
tisLeftNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(tldbl);
tisLeftDouble = true;
} else {
tlint = ((ScalarIntImpl) leftTemplate).getInt();
tldbl = tlint;
tisLeftNA = tlint == RInt.NA;
tisLeftDouble = false;
final double ldbl = tldbl;
final int lint = tlint;
final boolean isLeftNA = tisLeftNA;
final boolean isLeftDouble = tisLeftDouble;
if (isLeftDouble || alwaysDouble) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (isLeftNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
} else if (rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (isLeftNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rint));
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.MULTI_TYPE);
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarDouble, ScalarInt|Double>");
} else {
// left is constant int
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (rexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double rdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rexpr).getDouble();
if (isLeftNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(rdbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, lint, rdbl));
} else if (rexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int rint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rexpr).getInt();
if (isLeftNA || rint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.MULTI_TYPE);
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstScalarInt, ScalarInt|Double>");
} else {
// rightConst
double trdbl;
int trint;
boolean tisRightNA;
boolean tisRightDouble;
if (rightTemplate instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
trint = -1; // not used
trdbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) rightTemplate).getDouble();
tisRightNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(trdbl);
tisRightDouble = true;
} else {
trint = ((ScalarIntImpl) rightTemplate).getInt();
trdbl = trint;
tisRightNA = trint == RInt.NA;
tisRightDouble = false;
final double rdbl = trdbl;
final int rint = trint;
final boolean isRightNA = tisRightNA;
final boolean isRightDouble = tisRightDouble;
if (isRightDouble || alwaysDouble) {
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
if (isRightNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rdbl));
} else if (lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
if (isRightNA || lint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, lint, rdbl));
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.MULTI_TYPE);
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt|Double, ConstScalarDouble>");
} else {
// left is constant int
Calculator c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) throws SpecializationException {
if (lexpr instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl) {
double ldbl = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) lexpr).getDouble();
if (isRightNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(ldbl)) {
return RDouble.BOXED_NA;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.op(ast, ldbl, rint));
} else if (lexpr instanceof ScalarIntImpl) {
int lint = ((ScalarIntImpl) lexpr).getInt();
if (isRightNA || lint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.BOXED_NA;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getScalar(arit.opWarnOverflow(ast, lint, rint));
} else {
throw new SpecializationException(FailedSpecialization.MULTI_TYPE);
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ScalarInt|Double, ConstScalarInt>");
public static SpecializedConst createGeneric(RAny leftTemplate, RAny rightTemplate, final ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, final ValueArithmetic arit, final VectorArithmetic vectorArit) {
Calculator c = null;
boolean leftConst = left instanceof Constant;
boolean rightConst = right instanceof Constant;
final boolean returnsDouble = returnsDouble(arit);
if (leftConst) {
final boolean leftComplex = leftTemplate instanceof RComplex;
final boolean leftDouble = leftTemplate instanceof RDouble;
final boolean leftInt = leftTemplate instanceof RInt;
final boolean leftLogicalOrInt = leftTemplate instanceof RLogical || leftTemplate instanceof RInt; // FIXME: does this pre-allocation pay off?
final RComplex lcmp = (leftComplex) ? (RComplex) leftTemplate : leftTemplate.asComplex();
final RDouble ldbl = (leftDouble) ? (RDouble) leftTemplate : leftTemplate.asDouble();
final RInt lint = (leftLogicalOrInt) ? leftTemplate.asInt() : null;
c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
// TODO: re-visit this, the error semantics with non-numeric types is very likely wrong
if (leftComplex || rexpr instanceof RComplex) {
RComplex rcmp = ((RAny) rexpr).asComplex();
return vectorArit.complexBinary(lcmp, rcmp, arit, ast);
if (returnsDouble) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, ((RAny) rexpr).asDouble(), arit, ast);
if (leftDouble) {
if (rexpr instanceof RDouble) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, (RDouble) rexpr, arit, ast);
} else if (rexpr instanceof RInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, (RInt) rexpr, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, ((RAny) rexpr).asDouble(), arit, ast);
if (rexpr instanceof RDouble) {
RDouble rdbl = (RDouble) rexpr;
if (leftInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(lint, rdbl, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, rdbl, arit, ast);
if (leftLogicalOrInt || rexpr instanceof RInt || rexpr instanceof RLogical) { // FIXME: this check should be simpler
RInt rint = ((RAny) rexpr).asInt();
return vectorArit.intBinary(lint, rint, arit, ast);
Utils.nyi("unsupported case for binary arithmetic operation");
return null;
if (rightConst) {
final boolean rightComplex = rightTemplate instanceof RComplex;
final boolean rightDouble = rightTemplate instanceof RDouble;
final boolean rightInt = rightTemplate instanceof RInt;
final boolean rightLogicalOrInt = rightTemplate instanceof RLogical || rightTemplate instanceof RInt;
final RComplex rcmp = (rightComplex) ? (RComplex) rightTemplate : rightTemplate.asComplex();
final RDouble rdbl = (rightDouble) ? (RDouble) rightTemplate : rightTemplate.asDouble();
final RInt rint = (rightLogicalOrInt) ? rightTemplate.asInt() : null;
c = new Calculator() {
public Object calc(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
// TODO: re-visit this, the error semantics with non-numeric types is very likely wrong
if (rightComplex || lexpr instanceof RComplex) {
RComplex lcmp = ((RAny) lexpr).asComplex();
return vectorArit.complexBinary(lcmp, rcmp, arit, ast);
if (returnsDouble) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(((RAny) lexpr).asDouble(), rdbl, arit, ast);
if (rightDouble) {
if (lexpr instanceof RDouble) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RDouble) lexpr, rdbl, arit, ast);
} else if (lexpr instanceof RInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary((RInt) lexpr, rdbl, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(((RAny) lexpr).asDouble(), rdbl, arit, ast);
if (lexpr instanceof RDouble) {
RDouble ldbl = (RDouble) lexpr;
if (rightInt) {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(ldbl, rint, arit, ast);
} else {
return vectorArit.doubleBinary(((RAny) lexpr).asDouble(), rdbl, arit, ast);
if (rightLogicalOrInt || lexpr instanceof RInt || lexpr instanceof RLogical) { // FIXME: this check should be simpler
RInt lint = ((RAny) lexpr).asInt();
return vectorArit.intBinary(lint, rint, arit, ast);
Utils.nyi("unsupported case for binary arithmetic operation");
return null;
assert Utils.check(c != null);
if (rightConst) {
return createRightConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<Generic, ConstGeneric>");
} else {
return createLeftConst(ast, left, right, arit, c, "<ConstGeneric, Generic>");
public static SpecializedConst createLeftConst(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, Calculator calc, String dbg) {
assert Utils.check(left instanceof Constant);
return new SpecializedConst(ast, left, right, arit, calc, dbg) {
public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny rexpr = (RAny) right.execute(frame);
if (getNewNode() != null) {
((SpecializedConst) getNewNode()).executeWithLexpr(null, rexpr);
return execute(null, rexpr);
public static SpecializedConst createRightConst(ASTNode ast, RNode left, RNode right, ValueArithmetic arit, Calculator calc, String dbg) {
assert Utils.check(right instanceof Constant);
return new SpecializedConst(ast, left, right, arit, calc, dbg) {
public Object execute(Frame frame) {
RAny lexpr = (RAny) left.execute(frame);
if (getNewNode() != null) {
((SpecializedConst) getNewNode()).execute(lexpr, null);
return execute(lexpr, null);
private static RAny getExpr(RNode node, RAny value) {
if (value == null) {
return (RAny) node.execute(null);
} else {
return value;
public Object execute(Object lexpr, Object rexpr) {
try {
return calc.calc(lexpr, rexpr);
} catch (SpecializationException e) {
FailedSpecialization f = (FailedSpecialization) e.getResult();
RAny leftTemplate = getExpr(left, (RAny) lexpr);
RAny rightTemplate = getExpr(right, (RAny) rexpr);
if (f == FailedSpecialization.FIXED_TYPE) {
SpecializedConst sn = createSpecializedMultiType(leftTemplate, rightTemplate, ast, left, right, arit);
if (sn != null) {
replace(sn, "install SpecializedConstMultiType from SpecializedConst");
return sn.execute(lexpr, rexpr);
SpecializedConst gn = createGeneric(leftTemplate, rightTemplate, ast, left, right, arit, chooseVectorArithmetic(leftTemplate, rightTemplate, arit));
replace(gn, "install SpecializedConst<Generic, Generic> from SpecializedConst");
if (DEBUG_AR) Utils.debug("Rewrote Const" + dbg + " to " + gn.dbg);
return gn.execute(leftTemplate, rightTemplate);
public static class IntStatus {
boolean overflown;
private static final IntStatus intStatus = new IntStatus();
public abstract static class ValueArithmetic {
public abstract double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d); // (a + bi) op (c + di)
public abstract double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d);
public abstract Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d);
public abstract double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b);
public abstract int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b);
public abstract void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast);
public final int opWarnOverflow(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
int res = op(ast, a, b);
if (res == RInt.NA) {
return res;
public final double op(ASTNode ast, double a, int b) {
return op(ast, a, (double) b);
public final double op(ASTNode ast, int a, double b) {
return op(ast, (double) a, b);
public final double opCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return op(ast, a, b);
public final double opCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double a, int b) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.NA;
return op(ast, a, b);
public final Complex opComplexCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
if (RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, c) || RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(b, d)) {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
return opComplex(ast, a, b, c, d);
// TODO: NA checks on operations with scalars below
public abstract void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize);
public abstract void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize);
public RComplex opComplexImplEqualSize(ASTNode ast, ComplexImpl xcomp, ComplexImpl ycomp, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xcomp.getContent();
double[] y = ycomp.getContent();
if (xcomp.isTemporary()) {
opComplexEqualSize(ast, x, y, x, size);
return xcomp;
} else if (ycomp.isTemporary()) {
opComplexEqualSize(ast, x, y, y, size);
return ycomp;
} else {
int rsize = size * 2;
double[] res = new double[rsize];
opComplexEqualSize(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opComplexImplScalar(ASTNode ast, ComplexImpl xcomp, double c, double d, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xcomp.getContent();
if (xcomp.isTemporary()) {
opComplexScalar(ast, x, c, d, x, size);
return xcomp;
} else {
int rsize = size * 2;
double[] res = new double[rsize];
opComplexScalar(ast, x, c, d, res, size);
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opComplexImplScalarCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, ComplexImpl xcomp, double c, double d, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opComplexImplScalar(ast, xcomp, c, d, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opScalarComplexImpl(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, ComplexImpl ycomp, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] y = ycomp.getContent();
if (ycomp.isTemporary()) {
opScalarComplex(ast, a, b, y, y, size);
return ycomp;
} else {
int rsize = size * 2;
double[] res = new double[rsize];
opScalarComplex(ast, a, b, y, res, size);
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opScalarComplexImplCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, ComplexImpl ycomp, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opScalarComplexImpl(ast, a, b, ycomp, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opComplexImplASized(ASTNode ast, ComplexImpl xcomp, ComplexImpl ycomp, int size, int bsize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xcomp.getContent();
double[] y = ycomp.getContent();
if (xcomp.isTemporary()) {
opComplexASized(ast, x, y, x, size, bsize);
return xcomp;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opComplexASized(ast, x, y, res, size, bsize);
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RComplex opComplexImplBSized(ASTNode ast, ComplexImpl xcomp, ComplexImpl ycomp, int size, int asize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xcomp.getContent();
double[] y = ycomp.getContent();
if (ycomp.isTemporary()) {
opComplexBSized(ast, x, y, y, size, asize);
return ycomp;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opComplexBSized(ast, x, y, res, size, asize);
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public abstract void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize);
public abstract void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize);
public RDouble opDoubleImplEqualSize(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (xdbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleEqualSize(ast, x, y, x, size);
return xdbl;
} else if (ydbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleEqualSize(ast, x, y, y, size);
return ydbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleEqualSize(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplScalar(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, double y, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
if (xdbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleScalar(ast, x, y, x, size);
return xdbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleScalar(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplScalarCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, double y, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(y)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opDoubleImplScalar(ast, xdbl, y, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplScalarIntCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, int y, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (y == RInt.NA) {
// FIXME could re-use the array
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opDoubleImplScalar(ast, xdbl, y, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opScalarIntDoubleImplCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, int x, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (x == RInt.NA) {
// FIXME could re-use the array
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opDoubleImplScalar(ast, ydbl, x, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opScalarDoubleImpl(ASTNode ast, double x, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (ydbl.isTemporary()) {
opScalarDouble(ast, x, y, y, size);
return ydbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opScalarDouble(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opScalarDoubleImplCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double x, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(x)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opScalarDoubleImpl(ast, x, ydbl, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplASized(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int bsize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (xdbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleASized(ast, x, y, x, size, bsize);
return xdbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleASized(ast, x, y, res, size, bsize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplBSized(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int asize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (ydbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleBSized(ast, x, y, y, size, asize);
return ydbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleBSized(ast, x, y, res, size, asize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public abstract void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize);
public abstract void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize);
public RDouble opDoubleImplIntImplEqualSize(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, IntImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
int[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (xdbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleIntEqualSize(ast, x, y, x, size);
return xdbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleIntEqualSize(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opScalarDoubleIntImpl(ASTNode ast, double x, IntImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] y = ydbl.getContent();
double[] res = new double[size];
opScalarDoubleInt(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opScalarDoubleIntImplCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, double x, IntImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(x)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opScalarDoubleIntImpl(ast, x, ydbl, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplIntImplASized(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, IntImpl ydbl, int size, int bsize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
int[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (xdbl.isTemporary()) {
opDoubleIntASized(ast, x, y, x, size, bsize);
return xdbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleIntASized(ast, x, y, res, size, bsize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opDoubleImplIntImplBSized(ASTNode ast, DoubleImpl xdbl, IntImpl ydbl, int size, int bsize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
double[] x = xdbl.getContent();
int[] y = ydbl.getContent();
double[] res = new double[size];
opDoubleIntBSized(ast, x, y, res, size, bsize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public abstract void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size);
public abstract void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize);
public abstract void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize);
public RDouble opIntImplDoubleImplEqualSize(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (ydbl.isTemporary()) {
opIntDoubleEqualSize(ast, x, y, y, size);
return ydbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opIntDoubleEqualSize(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opIntImplScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xdbl, double y, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] res = new double[size];
opIntScalarDouble(ast, x, y, res, size);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opIntImplScalarDoubleCheckingNA(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xdbl, double y, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(y)) {
// FIXME could re-use the array, but arithIsNA should be non-checking anyway
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getNAArray(size, dimensions, names, attributes);
} else {
return opIntImplScalarDouble(ast, xdbl, y, size, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opIntImplDoubleImplASized(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int bsize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
double[] res = new double[size];
opIntDoubleASized(ast, x, y, res, size, bsize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public RDouble opIntImplDoubleImplBSized(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xdbl, DoubleImpl ydbl, int size, int asize, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] x = xdbl.getContent();
double[] y = ydbl.getContent();
if (ydbl.isTemporary()) {
opIntDoubleBSized(ast, x, y, y, size, asize);
return ydbl;
} else {
double[] res = new double[size];
opIntDoubleBSized(ast, x, y, res, size, asize);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public abstract void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size);
public RInt opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, IntImpl xint, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int size, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes) {
int[] x = xint.getContent();
if (xint.isTemporary()) {
opIntImplSequenceASized(ast, x, yfrom, yto, ystep, x, size);
return xint;
} else {
int[] res = new int[size];
opIntImplSequenceASized(ast, x, yfrom, yto, ystep, res, size);
return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(res, dimensions, names, attributes);
public abstract boolean returnsDouble();
public static final class Add extends ValueArithmetic {
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return a + c;
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return b + d;
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return new Complex(a + c, b + d);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return a + b;
public static int add(int a, int b) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
int r = a + b;
boolean bLTr = b < r;
if (a > 0) {
if (bLTr) {
return r;
} else {
if (!bLTr) {
return r;
return RInt.NA;
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
return add(a, b);
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
private static void add(double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int rsize) {
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a + c;
res[j] = b + d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vzAdd(size, x, y, res);
add(x, y, res, size * 2);
private static void add(double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int rsize) {
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
res[i] = a + c;
res[j] = b + d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
private static void add(double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int rsize) {
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
res[i] = a + c;
res[j] = b + d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
add(x, c, d, res, size * 2);
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
add(a, b, y, res, size * 2);
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int bsize2 = 2 * bsize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[i + 1];
double c = y[j];
double d = y[j + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a + c;
res[i + 1] = b + d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == bsize2) {
j = 0;
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int asize2 = 2 * asize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[j];
double b = x[j + 1];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a + c;
res[i + 1] = b + d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == asize2) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vdAdd(size, x, y, res);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = a + b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + y;
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x + b;
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = a + b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = a + b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x + b;
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + y;
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a + b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
int y = yfrom;
boolean overflown = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RInt.NA;
} else {
int r = add(a, y);
if (r == RInt.NA) {
overflown = true;
res[i] = r;
y += ystep;
if (y > yto) {
y = yfrom;
if (overflown) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return false;
public static final class Sub extends ValueArithmetic {
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return a - c;
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return b - d;
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return new Complex(a - c, b - d);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return a - b;
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
int r = a - b;
if ((a < 0 == b < 0) || (a < 0 == r < 0)) {
return r;
} else {
return RInt.NA;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vzSub(size, x, y, res);
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a - c;
res[j] = b - d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
res[i] = a - c;
res[j] = b - d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
res[i] = a - c;
res[j] = b - d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int bsize2 = 2 * bsize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[i + 1];
double c = y[j];
double d = y[j + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a - c;
res[i + 1] = b - d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == bsize2) {
j = 0;
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int asize2 = 2 * asize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[j];
double b = x[j + 1];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
res[i] = a - c;
res[i + 1] = b - d;
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == asize2) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vdSub(size, x, y, res);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = a - b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - y;
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x - b;
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = a - b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = a - b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x - b;
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - y;
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a - b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return false;
public static double convertNaN(double d) {
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
return Math.copySign(0, d);
} else {
return d;
public static double convertInf(double d) {
return Math.copySign(Double.isInfinite(d) ? 1 : 0, d);
public static final class Mult extends ValueArithmetic { // FIXME: will be slow for complex numbers (same calculations for real and imaginary parts)
private static final double[] opTMP = new double[2];
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return opTMP[0];
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return opTMP[1];
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return new Complex(opTMP[0], opTMP[1]);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return a * b;
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
long l = (long) a * (long) b;
if (!(l < Integer.MIN_VALUE || l > Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
return (int) l;
} else {
return RInt.NA;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
private static void cmult(double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int rsize) {
if (x == y) {
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
Arithmetic.Pow.cpow2(a, b, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
private static void cmult(double a, double b, double c, double d, double[] res, int offset) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GCC, which is licensed under GPL
// libgcc2
double ac = a * c;
double bd = b * d;
double bc = b * c;
double ad = a * d;
double real = ac - bd;
double imag = bc + ad;
if (Double.isNaN(real) && Double.isNaN(imag)) {
boolean recalc = false;
double ra = a;
double rb = b;
double rc = c;
double rd = d;
if (Double.isInfinite(ra) || Double.isInfinite(rb)) {
ra = convertInf(ra);
rb = convertInf(rb);
rc = convertNaN(rc);
rd = convertNaN(rd);
recalc = true;
if (Double.isInfinite(rc) || Double.isInfinite(rd)) {
rc = convertInf(rc);
rd = convertInf(rd);
ra = convertNaN(ra);
rb = convertNaN(rb);
recalc = true;
if (!recalc && (Double.isInfinite(ac) || Double.isInfinite(bd) || Double.isInfinite(ad) || Double.isInfinite(bc))) {
ra = convertNaN(ra);
rb = convertNaN(rb);
rc = convertNaN(rc);
rd = convertNaN(rd);
recalc = true;
if (recalc) {
real = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (ra * rc - rb * rd);
imag = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (ra * rd + rb * rc);
res[ offset ] = real;
res[ offset + 1 ] = imag;
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vzMul(size, x, y, res);
cmult(x, y, res, 2 * size);
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int bsize2 = 2 * bsize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[i + 1];
double c = y[j];
double d = y[j + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == bsize2) {
j = 0;
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int asize2 = 2 * asize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[j];
double b = x[j + 1];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cmult(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == asize2) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
if (x == y) {
MKL.vdSqr(size, x, res);
} else {
MKL.vdMul(size, x, y, res);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = a * b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * y;
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x * b;
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = a * b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = a * b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x * b;
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * y;
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a * b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return false;
public static double chypot(double real, double imag) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GCC, which is licensed under GPL
// after libgcc2's x86 hypot - note the sign of NaN below (what GNU-R uses)
// note that Math.hypot in Java is _very_ slow as it tries to be more precise
double res = Math.sqrt(real * real + imag * imag);
if (!isFinite(real) || !isFinite(imag)) {
if (Double.isInfinite(real) || Double.isInfinite(imag)) {
} else if (Double.isNaN(imag)) {
res = imag;
} else {
res = real;
return res;
public static final class Pow extends ValueArithmetic {
private static void creciprocal(double[] z, int offset) {
// LICENSE: this code is derived from the division code, which is transcribed code from GCC, which is licensed under GPL
double c = z[offset];
double d = z[offset + 1];
double ratio;
double denom;
double x;
double y;
if (Math.abs(c) < Math.abs(d)) {
ratio = c / d;
denom = (c * ratio) + d;
x = ratio / denom;
y = -1 / denom;
} else {
ratio = d / c;
denom = (d * ratio) + c;
x = 1 / denom;
y = -ratio / denom;
if (Double.isNaN(x) && Double.isNaN(y)) {
if (c == 0.0 && d == 0.0) {
x = Math.copySign(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c);
y = Math.copySign(Double.NaN, c);
} else if (Double.isInfinite(c) || Double.isInfinite(d)) {
double rc = convertInf(c);
double rd = convertInf(d);
x = 0.0 * rc;
y = 0.0 * (-rd);
z[offset] = x;
z[offset + 1] = y;
private static final double[] cpowTMP = new double[2];
// R_cpow_n in complex.c
private static void cpow(double xr, double xi, int k, double[] z, int offset) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
if (k == 0) {
z[offset] = 1;
z[offset + 1] = 0; // FIXME: perhaps should rely on cleared z
if (k == 1) {
z[offset] = xr;
z[offset + 1] = xi;
if (k < 0) {
cpow(xr, xi, -k, z, offset); // x^(-k)
creciprocal(z, offset);
double[] x = cpowTMP; // "x"
x[0] = xr;
x[1] = xi;
z[offset] = 1; // "z"
z[offset + 1] = 0;
int kk = k;
while (kk > 0) {
if ((kk & 1) != 0) {
// "z = z * X"
Mult.cmult(z[offset], z[offset + 1], x[0], x[1], z, offset);
if (kk == 1) {
kk = kk / 2;
// "X = X * X"
cpow2(x[0], x[1], x, 0);
private static void cpow(double xr, double xi, double yr, double yi, double[] z, int offset) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
if (xr == 0) {
if (yi == 0) {
z[offset] = pow(0, yr);
z[offset + 1] = xi;
} else {
z[offset] = Double.NaN;
z[offset + 1] = Double.NaN;
if (yi == 0) {
int k = (int) yr;
if (yr == k && Math.abs(k) <= 65536) {
cpow(xr, xi, k, z, offset);
double zr = chypot(xr, xi);
double zi = Math.atan2(xi, xr);
double theta = zi * yr;
double rho;
if (yi == 0) {
rho = pow(zr, yr);
} else {
zr = Math.log(zr);
theta += zr * yi;
rho = Math.exp(zr * yr - zi * yi);
z[offset] = rho * Math.cos(theta);
z[offset + 1] = rho * Math.sin(theta);
private static final double[] opTMP = new double[2];
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cpow(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return opTMP[0];
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cpow(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0); // FIXME: remember last values? would a boxed version be faster?
return opTMP[1];
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cpow(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0); // FIXME: remember last values? would a boxed version be faster?
return new Complex(opTMP[0], opTMP[1]);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
// NOTE: Math.pow (which uses FDLIBM) is very slow, the version written in assembly in GLIBC (SSE2 optimized) is about 2x faster
// arithmetic.c (GNU R)
if (b == 2) {
return a * a;
if (a == 1 || b == 0) {
return 1;
if (a == 0) {
if (b > 0) {
return 0;
if (b < 0) {
return b; // NA or NaN
if (isFinite(a) && isFinite(b)) {
return pow(a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(b)) {
// NA check was before, so this can only mean NaN
return a + b;
if (!isFinite(a)) {
if (a > 0) { // Inf ^ y
if (b < 0) {
return 0;
} else if (isFinite(b) && b == Math.floor(b)) { // (-Inf) ^ n
if (b < 0) {
return 0;
return fmod(ast, b, 2) != 0 ? a : -a;
if (!isFinite(b)) {
if (a >= 0) {
if (b > 0) {
return (a >= 1) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : 0;
return (a < 1) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : 0;
return Double.NaN;
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
return -1;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) { // FIXME: check it has the same semantics as GNU-R
MKL.vzPow(size, x, y, res);
int rsize = 2 * size;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double xr = x[i];
double xi = x[i + 1];
double yr = y[i];
double yi = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(xr, xi) && !RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(yr, yi)) {
cpow(xr, xi, yr, yi, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
public static void cpow2(double a, double b, double[] res, int offset) {
// LICENSE: this code is derived from the multiplication code, which is transcribed code from GCC, which is licensed under GPL
double a2 = a * a;
double b2 = b * b;
double ab = a * b;
double real = a2 - b2;
double imag = 2 * ab;
if (Double.isNaN(real) && Double.isNaN(imag)) {
boolean recalc = false;
double ra = a;
double rb = b;
if (Double.isInfinite(ra) || Double.isInfinite(rb)) {
ra = convertInf(ra);
rb = convertInf(rb);
recalc = true;
if (!recalc && (Double.isInfinite(a2) || Double.isInfinite(b2) || Double.isInfinite(ab))) {
ra = convertNaN(ra);
rb = convertNaN(rb);
recalc = true;
if (recalc) {
real = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (ra * ra - rb * rb);
imag = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (ra * rb);
res[ offset ] = real;
res[ offset + 1 ] = imag;
private static void cpow(double[] x, double yr, double yi, double[] res, int rsize) {
if (yr == 2 && yi == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double xr = x[i];
double xi = x[i + 1];
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(xr, xi)) {
cpow2(xr, xi, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double xr = x[i];
double xi = x[i + 1];
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(xr, xi)) {
cpow(xr, xi, yr, yi, res, i); // FIXME: extract some checks on the exponent here
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
private static void cpow(double xr, double xi, double[] y, double[] res, int rsize) {
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double yr = y[i];
double yi = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplex.RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(xr, xi)) {
cpow(xr, xi, yr, yi, res, i); // FIXME: extract some checks on the exponent here
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
cpow(x, c, d, res, size * 2);
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
cpow(a, b, y, res, size * 2);
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int bsize2 = 2 * bsize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[i + 1];
double c = y[j];
double d = y[j + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cpow(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == bsize2) {
j = 0;
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int asize2 = 2 * asize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[j];
double b = x[j + 1];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cpow(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == asize2) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vdPow(size, x, y, res);
if (!RContext.hasSystemLibs()) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = pow(a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
} else {
SystemLibs.pow(x, y, res, size);
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vdPowx(size, x, y, res);
if (!RContext.hasSystemLibs()) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, y);
} else {
SystemLibs.pow(x, y, res, size);
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RContext.hasSystemLibs()) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(x, b);
} else {
SystemLibs.pow(x, y, res, size);
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = pow(a, b); // FIXME: should move the loop to native code
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = pow(a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(x, b);
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, y);
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = pow(a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return true;
public static boolean isFinite(double d) {
// NOTE: this is currently equivalent to RDoubleUtils.isFinite, but that can change in the future
return !Double.isInfinite(d) && !Double.isNaN(d);
public static double pow(double a, double b) {
if (!RContext.hasSystemLibs()) {
return Math.pow(a, b);
} else {
return SystemLibs.pow(a, b);
public static void cdiv(double a, double b, double c, double d, double[] res, int offset) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GCC, which is licensed under GPL
// libgcc2
double ratio;
double denom;
double x;
double y;
if (Math.abs(c) < Math.abs(d)) {
ratio = c / d;
denom = (c * ratio) + d;
x = ((a * ratio) + b) / denom;
y = ((b * ratio) - a) / denom;
} else {
ratio = d / c;
denom = (d * ratio) + c;
x = ((b * ratio) + a) / denom;
y = (b - (a * ratio)) / denom;
if (Double.isNaN(x) && Double.isNaN(y)) {
if (c == 0.0 && d == 0.0 && (!Double.isNaN(a) || !Double.isNaN(b))) {
x = Math.copySign(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c) * a;
y = Math.copySign(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c) * b;
} else if ((Double.isInfinite(a) || Double.isInfinite(b)) && isFinite(c) && isFinite(d)) {
double ra = convertInf(a);
double rb = convertInf(b);
x = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (ra * c + rb * d);
y = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (rb * c - ra * d);
} else if ((Double.isInfinite(c) || Double.isInfinite(d)) && isFinite(a) && isFinite(b)) {
double rc = convertInf(c);
double rd = convertInf(d);
x = 0.0 * (a * rc + b * rd);
y = 0.0 * (b * rc - a * rd);
res[offset] = x;
res[offset + 1] = y;
public static final class Div extends ValueArithmetic {
private static final double[] opTMP = new double[2];
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return opTMP[0];
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return opTMP[1];
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, opTMP, 0);
return new Complex(opTMP[0], opTMP[1]);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return a / b; // FIXME: check that the R rules correspond to Java
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
return -1;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vzDiv(size, x, y, res);
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
int rsize = size * 2;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++, i++, j++, j++) {
double c = y[i];
double d = y[j];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b)) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[j] = RDouble.NA;
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int bsize2 = 2 * bsize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[i];
double b = x[i + 1];
double c = y[j];
double d = y[j + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == bsize2) {
j = 0;
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
int rsize = 2 * size;
int asize2 = 2 * asize;
for(int i = 0; i < rsize; i += 2) {
double a = x[j];
double b = x[j + 1];
double c = y[i];
double d = y[i + 1];
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(a, b) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(c, d)) {
cdiv(a, b, c, d, res, i);
} else {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
res[i + 1] = RDouble.NA;
j += 2;
if (j == asize2) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RDoubleUtils.ARITH_NA_CHECKS && RContext.hasMKL() && MKL.use(size)) {
MKL.vdDiv(size, x, y, res);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = a / b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / y;
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x / b;
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = a / b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = a / b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = x / b;
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / y;
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = a / b;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return true;
public static final class IntegerDiv extends ValueArithmetic {
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
double q = a / b;
if (b != 0) {
double qfloor = Math.floor(q);
double tmp = a - qfloor * b; // FIXME: this is R implementation, check if we can avoid this in Java
return qfloor + Math.floor(tmp / b);
} else {
return q;
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
if (b != 0) {
return (int) Math.floor((double) a / (double) b); // FIXME: this is R implementation, can we do faster without floating point?
} else {
return RInt.NA;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
// no warning
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = op(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, y);
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, x, b);
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = op(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = op(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, x, b);
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, y);
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = op(ast, a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return false;
public static double fmod(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) { // FIXME: this is R implementation, can we do faster in Java?
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
double q = a / b;
if (b != 0) {
double tmp = a - Math.floor(q) * b;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isFinite(q) && Math.abs(q) > 1 / RDouble.EPSILON) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.ACCURACY_MODULUS);
return tmp - Math.floor(tmp / b) * b;
} else {
return RDouble.NaN;
public static final class Mod extends ValueArithmetic {
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return fmod(ast, a, b);
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
if (b != 0) {
if (a >= 0 && b > 0) {
return a % b;
} else {
return (int) fmod(ast, a, b);
} else {
return RInt.NA;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
// no warning
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
throw RError.getUnimplementedComplex(ast);
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
if (!RContext.hasSystemLibs()) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
} else { // FIXME: check if it won't be better to use the Java version for short vectors (branch above)
boolean warn = SystemLibs.fmod(x, y, res, size);
if (warn) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.ACCURACY_MODULUS); // FIXME: will only appear once per vector
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, y);
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, x, b);
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
double c = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
double c = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int b = y[i];
if (b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, x, b);
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[j];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int [] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
if (a == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, y);
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[i];
double b = y[j];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (j == bsize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int a = x[j];
double b = y[i];
if (a == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = fmod(ast, a, b);
if (j == asize) {
j = 0;
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return false;
public static final Add ADD = new Add();
public static final Sub SUB = new Sub();
public static final Mult MULT = new Mult();
public static final Pow POW = new Pow();
public static final Div DIV = new Div();
public static final IntegerDiv INTEGER_DIV = new IntegerDiv();
public static final Mod MOD = new Mod();
public abstract static class VectorArithmetic {
public abstract RComplex complexBinary(RComplex a, RComplex b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast);
public abstract RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast);
public abstract RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast);
public abstract RDouble doubleBinary(RInt a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast);
public abstract RInt intBinary(RInt a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast);
public static final class LazyVectorArithmetic extends VectorArithmetic {
public RComplex complexBinary(RComplex a, RComplex b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int depth = 0;
depth = complexViewDepth(a) + complexViewDepth(b) + 1;
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
RComplex res;
if (na == nb) {
res = new ComplexViewForComplexComplex.EqualSize(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (nb == 1 && na > 0) {
res = new ComplexViewForComplexComplex.VectorScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (na == 1 && nb > 0) {
res = new ComplexViewForComplexComplex.ScalarVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
res = new ComplexViewForComplexComplex.GenericASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new ComplexViewForComplexComplex.GenericBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
res = TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(res);
if (EAGER || (LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH && (depth > MAX_VIEW_DEPTH)) || (na == 1 && nb == 1)) {
return res.materialize();
return res;
public RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int depth = 0;
depth = doubleViewDepth(a) + doubleViewDepth(b) + 1;
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
RDouble res;
if (na == nb) {
// if (arit == POW && na > 1) {
// // FIXME: this is a hack.. POW is so expensive though that this is likely to pay off
// return arit.opDoubleImplEqualSize(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), na, dim, names, attributes);
// }
// if (a instanceof DoubleImpl && b instanceof DoubleImpl && (a.isTemporary() || b.isTemporary())) {
// // FIXME: do this only for Pow? sometimes? the check may be costly for short vectors
// return arit.opDoubleImplEqualSize(ast, (DoubleImpl) a, (DoubleImpl) b, na, dim, names, attributes);
// }
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.EqualSizeVectorVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (nb == 1 && na > 0) {
// if (arit == POW && na > 1) {
// return arit.opDoubleImplScalarCheckingNA(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), b.getDouble(0), na, dim, names, attributes);
// }
// if (na > 1 && a instanceof DoubleImpl && a.isTemporary()) {
// // FIXME: re-visit the condition, like above
// return arit.opDoubleImplScalar(ast, (DoubleImpl) a, b.getDouble(0), na, dim, names, attributes);
// }
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.VectorScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (na == 1 && nb > 0) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.ScalarVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
res = TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(res);
if (EAGER || (LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH && (depth > MAX_VIEW_DEPTH)) || (na == 1 && nb == 1)) {
return res.materialize();
return res;
// FIXME: try to reduce copy-paste, but may not be easy without harming performance
public RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int depth = 0;
depth = doubleViewDepth(a) + intViewDepth(b) + 1;
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
RDouble res;
if (na == nb) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.EqualSizeVectorSimpleRange(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.EqualSizeVectorSequence(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.EqualSizeVectorVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (nb == 1 && na > 0) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.VectorScalar(a, b.asDouble(), dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (na == 1 && nb > 0) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.ScalarSimpleRange(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.ScalarSequence(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.ScalarVector(a, b.asDouble(), dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.VectorSimpleRangeASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.VectorSimpleRangeBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.VectorSequenceASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleInt.VectorSequenceBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericASized(a, b.asDouble(), dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericBSized(a, b.asDouble(), dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
res = TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(res);
if (EAGER || (LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH && (depth > MAX_VIEW_DEPTH)) || (na == 1 && nb == 1)) {
return res.materialize();
return res;
// FIXME: try to reduce copy-paste, but may not be easy without harming performance
public RDouble doubleBinary(RInt a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int depth = 0;
depth = intViewDepth(a) + doubleViewDepth(b) + 1;
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
RDouble res;
if (na == nb) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.EqualSizeSimpleRangeVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.EqualSizeSequenceVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.EqualSizeVectorVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (nb == 1 && na > 0) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SimpleRangeScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SequenceScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.VectorScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (na == 1 && nb > 0) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.ScalarVector(a.asDouble(), b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SimpleRangeVectorASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SimpleRangeVectorBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SequenceVectorASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForIntDouble.SequenceVectorBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
if (n == na) {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericASized(a.asDouble(), b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new DoubleViewForDoubleDouble.GenericBSized(a.asDouble(), b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
res = TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(res);
if (EAGER || (LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH && (depth > MAX_VIEW_DEPTH)) || (na == 1 && nb == 1)) {
return res.materialize();
return res;
// FIXME: it might pay off to use some of the optimizations only with sufficiently large vectors, so e.g. conditionally on the size
// that is being checked already anyway
public RInt intBinary(RInt a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
assert Utils.check(!arit.returnsDouble());
int depth = 0;
depth = intViewDepth(a) + intViewDepth(b) + 1;
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
RInt res;
if (na == nb) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.EqualSizeIntSimpleRange(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.EqualSizeSimpleRangeInt(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.EqualSizeIntSequence(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.EqualSizeSequenceInt(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.EqualSize(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (nb == 1 && na > 0) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SimpleRangeScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SequenceScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.VectorScalar(a, b, dim, names, attributes, na, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (na == 1 && nb > 0) {
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.ScalarSimpleRange(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.ScalarSequence(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.ScalarVector(a, b, dim, names, attributes, nb, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b)) {
if (na == n) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.VectorSimpleRangeASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.VectorSimpleRangeBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a)) {
if (na == n) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SimpleRangeVectorASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SimpleRangeVectorBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(b)) {
// HACK HACK just to test if this would help in one benchmark
// if (na > 1 && arit == ADD && a.isTemporary() && n == na) {
// return hackAddTemporaryIntandSequence(a, (RIntSequence) b, na, nb, arit, ast);
// }
// TODO: why is this actually slowing us down?
// if (a instanceof IntImpl && a.isTemporary() && n == na) {
// return arit.op(ast, (IntImpl) a, (RIntSequence) b, n, dim, names, attributes);
// }
if (na == n) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.VectorSequenceASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.VectorSequenceBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else if (RIntSequence.isInstance(a)) {
if (na == n) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SequenceVectorASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.SequenceVectorBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
if (n == na) {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.GenericASized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
} else {
res = new IntViewForIntInt.GenericBSized(a, b, dim, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
res = TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(res);
if (EAGER || (LIMIT_VIEW_DEPTH && (depth > MAX_VIEW_DEPTH)) || (na == 1 && nb == 1)) {
return res.materialize();
return res;
public static final class EagerVectorArithmetic extends VectorArithmetic {
public RComplex complexBinary(RComplex a, RComplex b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
if (na == nb) {
if (na > 1) {
return arit.opComplexImplEqualSize(ast, (ComplexImpl) a.materialize(), (ComplexImpl) b.materialize(), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
// scalars
Complex acomp = a.getComplex(0);
Complex bcomp = b.getComplex(0);
Complex res = arit.opComplexCheckingNA(ast, acomp.realValue(), acomp.imagValue(), bcomp.realValue(), bcomp.imagValue());
// FIXME: it may really be worth having Complex == ScalarComplexImpl
return RComplex.RComplexFactory.getScalar(res.realValue(), res.imagValue(), dim, names, attributes);
} else if (nb == 1) {
Complex bcomp = b.getComplex(0);
return arit.opComplexImplScalarCheckingNA(ast, (ComplexImpl) a.materialize(), bcomp.realValue(), bcomp.imagValue(), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else if (na == 1) {
Complex acomp = a.getComplex(0);
return arit.opScalarComplexImplCheckingNA(ast, acomp.realValue(), acomp.imagValue(), (ComplexImpl) b.materialize(), nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
return arit.opComplexImplASized(ast, (ComplexImpl) a.materialize(), (ComplexImpl) b.materialize(), n, nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
return arit.opComplexImplBSized(ast, (ComplexImpl) a.materialize(), (ComplexImpl) b.materialize(), n, na, dim, names, attributes);
public RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
if (na == nb) {
if (na > 1) {
return arit.opDoubleImplEqualSize(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
// scalars
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.opCheckingNA(ast, a.getDouble(0), b.getDouble(0)), dim, names, attributes);
} else if (nb == 1) {
return arit.opDoubleImplScalarCheckingNA(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), b.getDouble(0), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else if (na == 1) {
return arit.opScalarDoubleImplCheckingNA(ast, a.getDouble(0), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
return arit.opDoubleImplASized(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), n, nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
return arit.opDoubleImplBSized(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), n, na, dim, names, attributes);
public RDouble doubleBinary(RDouble a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) { // TODO: int sequences
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
if (na == nb) {
if (na > 1) {
return arit.opDoubleImplIntImplEqualSize(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (IntImpl) b.materialize(), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
// scalars
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.opCheckingNA(ast, a.getDouble(0), b.getInt(0)), dim, names, attributes);
} else if (nb == 1) {
return arit.opDoubleImplScalarIntCheckingNA(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), b.getInt(0), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else if (na == 1) {
return arit.opScalarDoubleIntImplCheckingNA(ast, a.getDouble(0), (IntImpl) b.materialize(), nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
return arit.opDoubleImplIntImplASized(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (IntImpl) b.materialize(), n, nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
return arit.opDoubleImplIntImplBSized(ast, (DoubleImpl) a.materialize(), (IntImpl) b.materialize(), n, na, dim, names, attributes);
public RDouble doubleBinary(RInt a, RDouble b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) { // TODO: int sequences
int[] dim = resultDimensions(ast, a, b);
Names names = resultNames(ast, a, b);
Attributes attributes = resultAttributes(ast, a, b);
int na = a.size();
int nb = b.size();
if (na == nb) {
if (na > 1) {
return arit.opIntImplDoubleImplEqualSize(ast, (IntImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
// scalars
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getScalar(arit.opCheckingNA(ast, a.getInt(0), b.getDouble(0)), dim, names, attributes);
} else if (nb == 1) {
return arit.opIntImplScalarDoubleCheckingNA(ast, (IntImpl) a.materialize(), b.getDouble(0), na, dim, names, attributes);
} else if (na == 1) {
return arit.opScalarIntDoubleImplCheckingNA(ast, a.getInt(0), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
int n = resultSize(ast, na, nb);
if (n == na) {
return arit.opIntImplDoubleImplASized(ast, (IntImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), n, nb, dim, names, attributes);
} else {
return arit.opIntImplDoubleImplBSized(ast, (IntImpl) a.materialize(), (DoubleImpl) b.materialize(), n, na, dim, names, attributes);
public RInt intBinary(RInt a, RInt b, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
return LAZY_VECTOR.intBinary(a, b, arit, ast).materialize();
public static final LazyVectorArithmetic LAZY_VECTOR = new LazyVectorArithmetic();
public static final EagerVectorArithmetic EAGER_VECTOR = new EagerVectorArithmetic();
public static VectorArithmetic chooseVectorArithmetic(Object leftTemplate, Object rightTemplate, ValueArithmetic arit) {
if (leftTemplate instanceof RArray && rightTemplate instanceof RArray) {
int lsize = ((RArray) leftTemplate).size();
int rsize = ((RArray) rightTemplate).size();
if (lsize < 30 && rsize < 30) {
return LAZY_VECTOR; // default
public static VectorArithmetic chooseVectorArithmetic(ViewProfile profile) {
if (profile.shouldBeLazy()) {
} else {
public abstract static class ComplexView extends View.RComplexView implements RComplex {
final int n;
final int[] dimensions;
final Names names;
final Attributes attributes;
final ValueArithmetic arit;
final ASTNode ast;
// limiting view depth
protected int depth; // total views involved
public ComplexView(int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
this.ast = ast;
this.arit = arit;
this.dimensions = dimensions;
this.names = names;
this.attributes = attributes;
this.n = n;
this.depth = depth;
public int size() {
return n;
public int[] dimensions() {
return dimensions;
public Names names() {
return names;
public Attributes attributes() {
return attributes;
public abstract static class ComplexViewForComplexComplex extends ComplexView implements RComplex {
final RComplex a;
final RComplex b;
public ComplexViewForComplexComplex(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public boolean isSharedReal() {
return a.isShared() || b.isShared();
public void ref() {
public boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
return a.dependsOn(value) || b.dependsOn(value);
public void visit_all(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class Generic extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
final int na;
final int nb;
public Generic(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
Complex acmp = a.getComplex(ai);
Complex bcmp = b.getComplex(bi);
double areal = acmp.realValue();
double aimag = acmp.imagValue();
double breal = bcmp.realValue();
double bimag = bcmp.imagValue();
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericASized extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
final int nb;
public GenericASized(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai = i;
int bi = i % nb;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai = i;
int bi = i % nb;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
int ai = i;
int bi = i % nb;
Complex acmp = a.getComplex(ai);
Complex bcmp = b.getComplex(bi);
double areal = acmp.realValue();
double aimag = acmp.imagValue();
double breal = bcmp.realValue();
double bimag = bcmp.imagValue();
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericBSized extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
final int na;
public GenericBSized(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai = i % na;
int bi = i;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
int ai = i % na;
int bi = i;
double areal = a.getReal(ai);
double aimag = a.getImag(ai);
double breal = b.getReal(bi);
double bimag = b.getImag(bi);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int bi = i;
Complex acmp = a.getComplex(ai);
Complex bcmp = b.getComplex(bi);
double areal = acmp.realValue();
double aimag = acmp.imagValue();
double breal = bcmp.realValue();
double bimag = bcmp.imagValue();
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSize extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
public EqualSize(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double areal = a.getReal(i);
double aimag = a.getImag(i);
double breal = b.getReal(i);
double bimag = b.getImag(i);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double areal = a.getReal(i);
double aimag = a.getImag(i);
double breal = b.getReal(i);
double bimag = b.getImag(i);
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
Complex acmp = a.getComplex(i);
Complex bcmp = b.getComplex(i);
double areal = acmp.realValue();
double aimag = acmp.imagValue();
double breal = bcmp.realValue();
double bimag = bcmp.imagValue();
if (!RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag) && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof ComplexImpl) {
if (b instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opComplexEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
if (b instanceof RComplexView) {
((RComplexView) b).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opComplexEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), resContent, resContent, n);
} else if (a instanceof RComplexView) {
if (b instanceof ComplexImpl) {
((RComplexView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opComplexEqualSize(ast, resContent, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
// use a tight loop for at least one child
((RComplexView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
EqualSize myClone = new EqualSize(RComplex.RComplexFactory.getFor(resContent), b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof ComplexImpl && b instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opComplexEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorScalar extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double breal;
final double bimag;
public VectorScalar(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
breal = b.getReal(0);
bimag = b.getImag(0);
arithIsNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.eitherIsNA(breal, bimag);
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double areal = a.getReal(i);
double aimag = a.getImag(i);
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double areal = a.getReal(i);
double aimag = a.getImag(i);
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
Complex acmp = a.getComplex(i);
double areal = acmp.realValue();
double aimag = acmp.imagValue();
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(areal, aimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opComplexScalar(ast, a.getContent(), breal, bimag, resContent, n);
} else if (a instanceof RComplexView) {
((RComplexView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opComplexScalar(ast, resContent, breal, bimag, resContent, n);
} else {
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opComplexScalar(ast, a.getContent(), breal, bimag, resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarVector extends ComplexViewForComplexComplex implements RComplex {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double areal;
final double aimag;
public ScalarVector(RComplex a, RComplex b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
areal = a.getReal(0);
aimag = a.getImag(0);
arithIsNA = RComplex.RComplexUtils.eitherIsNA(areal, aimag);
public double getReal(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double breal = b.getReal(i);
double bimag = b.getImag(i);
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opReal(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public double getImag(int i) { // FIXME: this is very slow (real and imag getters repeat the same computation)
double breal = b.getReal(i);
double bimag = b.getImag(i);
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opImag(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RDouble.NA;
public Complex getComplex(int i) {
Complex bcmp = b.getComplex(i);
double breal = bcmp.realValue();
double bimag = bcmp.imagValue();
if (!arithIsNA && !RComplexUtils.arithEitherIsNA(breal, bimag)) {
return arit.opComplex(ast, areal, aimag, breal, bimag);
} else {
return RComplex.COMPLEX_BOXED_NA;
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (b instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opScalarComplex(ast, areal, aimag, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else if (b instanceof RComplexView) {
((RComplexView) b).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opScalarComplex(ast, areal, aimag, resContent, resContent, n);
} else {
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (b instanceof ComplexImpl) {
arit.opScalarComplex(ast, areal, aimag, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
private static int doubleViewDepth(RDouble a) {
RDouble x = a;
if (TracingView.VIEW_TRACING) {
if (a instanceof RDoubleTracingView) {
x = ((RDoubleTracingView) a).orig;
if (x instanceof DoubleView) {
return ((DoubleView) x).depth();
} else {
return 0;
private static int intViewDepth(RInt a) {
RInt x = a;
if (TracingView.VIEW_TRACING) {
if (a instanceof RIntTracingView) {
x = ((RIntTracingView) a).orig;
if (x instanceof IntView) {
return ((IntView) x).depth();
} else {
return 0;
private static int complexViewDepth(RComplex a) {
RComplex x = a;
if (TracingView.VIEW_TRACING) {
if (a instanceof RComplexTracingView) {
x = ((RComplexTracingView) a).orig;
if (x instanceof ComplexView) {
return ((ComplexView) x).depth;
} else {
return 0;
// private static WeakReference doubleMaterializeBuffer;
// private static double[] getDoubleBuffer(int size) { // FIXME: for single-threaded use only
// if (doubleMaterializeBuffer != null) {
// Object b = doubleMaterializeBuffer.get();
// if (b != null) {
// double[] ba = (double[]) b;
// if (ba.length >= size) {
// return ba;
// }
// }
// }
// double[] ba = new double[size];
// doubleMaterializeBuffer = new WeakReference<>(ba);
// return ba;
// }
abstract static class DoubleView extends View.RDoubleView implements RDouble {
final int n;
final int[] dimensions;
final Names names;
final Attributes attributes;
final ValueArithmetic arit;
final ASTNode ast;
// limiting view depth
protected int depth; // total views involved
public DoubleView(int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
this.dimensions = dimensions;
this.names = names;
this.attributes = attributes;
this.n = n;
this.depth = depth;
this.arit = arit;
this.ast = ast;
public final int size() {
return n;
public final int[] dimensions() {
return dimensions;
public final Names names() {
return names;
public final Attributes attributes() {
return attributes;
public final int depth() {
return depth;
// TODO: implement more efficient versions of materializeIntoOnTheFly
// note that one can change to DoubleImpl, and then use .dependsOn to rule out a dependency, and hence fall back
// to tight loops
// NOTE: it is tempting to template this class by the type of a and type of b, re-using for
// int and double combinations; unfortunately, that leads to slower execution
abstract static class DoubleViewForDoubleDouble extends DoubleView implements RDouble {
final RDouble a;
final RDouble b;
public DoubleViewForDoubleDouble(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public final boolean isSharedReal() {
return a.isShared() || b.isShared();
public final void ref() {
public final boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
return a.dependsOn(value) || b.dependsOn(value);
public void visit_all(ValueVisitor v) {
public RDouble materializeOnAssignmentRef(Object oldValue) {
DoubleImpl res;
if (a == oldValue && a instanceof DoubleImpl && !a.isShared() && a.size() == n) {
res = (DoubleImpl) a;
} else if (b == oldValue && b instanceof DoubleImpl && !b.isShared() && b.size() == n) {
res = (DoubleImpl) b;
} else {
return super.materializeOnAssignmentRef(oldValue);
materializeIntoOnTheFly(res.getContent()); // no ref
return (RDouble) res.setNames(names).setDimensions(dimensions).setAttributes(attributes);
static final class Generic extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
final int na;
final int nb;
public Generic(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
double adbl = a.getDouble(ai);
double bdbl = b.getDouble(bi);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericASized extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
final int nb;
public GenericASized(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(a.size() == n);
nb = b.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
double bdbl = b.getDouble(bi);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericBSized extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
final int na;
public GenericBSized(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
assert Utils.check(b.size() == n);
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
double adbl = a.getDouble(ai);
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeVectorVector extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
public EqualSizeVectorVector(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public double getDouble(int i) {
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl) {
if (b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opDoubleEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
if (b instanceof RDoubleView) {
((RDoubleView) b).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opDoubleEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), resContent, resContent, n);
} else if (a instanceof RDoubleView) {
if (b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
((RDoubleView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opDoubleEqualSize(ast, resContent, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
// use a tight loop for at least one child
((RDoubleView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
EqualSizeVectorVector myClone = new EqualSizeVectorVector(RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(resContent), b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl && b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opDoubleEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorScalar extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double bdbl;
public VectorScalar(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
bdbl = b.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl);
public double getDouble(int i) {
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
if (arithIsNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opDoubleScalar(ast, a.getContent(), bdbl, resContent, n);
} else if (a instanceof RDoubleView) {
((RDoubleView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opDoubleScalar(ast, resContent, bdbl, resContent, n);
} else {
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opDoubleScalar(ast, a.getContent(), bdbl, resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
// FIXME: this should be specialized much more in the call stack (building names, dimensions, attributes, calling ref, depends on, ...)
static final class ScalarVector extends DoubleViewForDoubleDouble implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double adbl;
public ScalarVector(RDouble a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
adbl = a.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl);
public double getDouble(int i) {
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (arithIsNA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bdbl);
public double sum(boolean narm) {
if (arit == ADD) {
double bsum = b.sum(narm);
if (narm && arithIsNA) {
return bsum;
} else {
return adbl + bsum;
if (false) { // hack to test if synthesis could help for b25-prog2 (perfres)
if (a instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && b instanceof RInt.RDoubleView) {
RInt bint = ((RInt.RDoubleView) b).asInt(); // hack to get the original view
if (bint instanceof IntViewForIntInt.VectorSequenceASized) {
// 1 / (t(b) + 0:(a-1))
IntViewForIntInt.VectorSequenceASized bview = (IntViewForIntInt.VectorSequenceASized) bint;
double avalue = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) a).getDouble();
int[] ba = bview.a.getContent();
RIntSequence bbs = (RIntSequence) bview.b;
int bbfrom = bbs.from();
int bbto =;
int bbstep = bbs.step();
ValueArithmetic barith = bview.arit;
double res = 0;
int bbb = bbfrom;
boolean overflown = false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int bba = ba[i];
if (bba == RInt.NA) {
if (!narm) {
res = RDouble.NA;
} else {
int r = barith.op(ast, bba, bbb);
if (r == RInt.NA) {
overflown = true;
if (!narm) {
res = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res += arit.op(ast, avalue, (double) r);
bbb += bbstep;
if (bbb > bbto) {
bbb = bbfrom;
if (overflown) {
return res;
return super.sum(narm);
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opScalarDouble(ast, adbl, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else if (b instanceof RDoubleView) {
((RDoubleView) b).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opScalarDouble(ast, adbl, resContent, resContent, n);
} else {
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
arit.opScalarDouble(ast, adbl, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else {
// @Override
// public RDouble materialize() {
// if (false) { // hack to test if synthesis could help for b25-prog2 (perfres)
// if (a instanceof ScalarDoubleImpl && b instanceof RInt.RDoubleView) {
// RInt bint = ((RInt.RDoubleView) b).asInt(); // hack to get the original view
// if (bint instanceof IntView.VectorSequenceASized) {
// // 1 / (t(b) + 0:(a-1))
// IntView.VectorSequenceASized bview = (IntView.VectorSequenceASized) bint;
// double avalue = ((ScalarDoubleImpl) a).getDouble();
// int[] ba = bview.a.getContent();
// RIntSequence bbs = (RIntSequence) bview.b;
// int bbfrom = bbs.from();
// int bbto =;
// int bbstep = bbs.step();
// ValueArithmetic barith = bview.arit;
// double[] content = new double[n];
// int bbb = bbfrom;
// boolean overflown = false;
// for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// int bba = ba[i];
// if (bba == RInt.NA) {
// content[i] = RDouble.NA;
// } else {
// int r = barith.op(ast, bba, bbb);
// double rd;
// if (r == RInt.NA) {
// overflown = true;
// rd = RDouble.NA;
// } else {
// rd = r;
// }
// content[i] = arit.op(ast, avalue, rd);
// }
// bbb += bbstep;
// if (bbb > bbto) {
// bbb = bbfrom;
// }
// }
// if (overflown) {
// barith.emitOverflowWarning(ast);
// }
// return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(content, dimensions, names, attributes);
// }
// }
// }
// if (b instanceof DoubleImpl) {
// return arit.opScalarDoubleImpl(ast, a.getDouble(0), (DoubleImpl) b, n, dimensions, names, attributes);
// } else {
// return super.materialize();
// }
// }
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
// note: the base class is a copy-paste of ArithmeticDoubleView, but templates make it slower
abstract static class DoubleViewForDoubleInt extends DoubleView implements RDouble {
final RDouble a;
final RInt b;
public DoubleViewForDoubleInt(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public final boolean isSharedReal() {
return a.isShared() || b.isShared();
public final void ref() {
public final boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
return a.dependsOn(value) || b.dependsOn(value);
public void visit_all(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequence extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int na;
final int nb;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public VectorSequence(RDouble a, RIntSequence b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
bfrom = b.from();
bstep = b.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
double adbl = a.getDouble(ai);
int bint = bfrom + bi * bstep;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequenceASized extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int nb;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public VectorSequenceASized(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(a.size() == n);
nb = b.size();
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
int bint = bfrom + bi * bstep;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSimpleRangeASized extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int nb;
public VectorSimpleRangeASized(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
assert Utils.check(a.size() == n);
nb = b.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bi + 1);
public double sum(boolean narm) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl) {
double[] acontent = ((DoubleImpl) a).getContent();
double res = 0;
int j = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double adbl = acontent[i];
if (narm && RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
res += arit.op(ast, adbl, (double) j); // FIXME: possibly virtual call
if (j > nb) {
j = 1;
return res;
} else {
return super.sum(narm);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequenceBSized extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int na;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public VectorSequenceBSized(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
double adbl = a.getDouble(ai);
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSimpleRangeBSized extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int na;
public VectorSimpleRangeBSized(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
double adbl = a.getDouble(ai);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, i + 1);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeVectorVector extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
public EqualSizeVectorVector(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public double getDouble(int i) {
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (bint == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void materializeInto(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl) {
if (b instanceof IntImpl) {
arit.opDoubleIntEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
// FIXME: perhaps an int view should be able to materialize itself into a double?
if (a instanceof RDoubleView) {
if (b instanceof IntImpl) {
((RDoubleView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
arit.opDoubleIntEqualSize(ast, resContent, b.getContent(), resContent, n);
// use a tight loop for at least one child
((RDoubleView) a).materializeInto(resContent);
EqualSizeVectorVector myClone = new EqualSizeVectorVector(RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(resContent), b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
// TODO: handle int view
// FIXME: should create an extra buffer?
public void materializeIntoOnTheFly(double[] resContent) {
if (a instanceof DoubleImpl && b instanceof IntImpl) {
arit.opDoubleIntEqualSize(ast, a.getContent(), b.getContent(), resContent, n);
} else {
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeVectorSequence extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public EqualSizeVectorSequence(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeVectorSimpleRange extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
public EqualSizeVectorSimpleRange(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
public double getDouble(int i) {
double adbl = a.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, adbl, i + 1);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarSequence extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double adbl;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public ScalarSequence(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
adbl = a.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl);
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (arithIsNA) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, bint);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarSimpleRange extends DoubleViewForDoubleInt implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double adbl;
public ScalarSimpleRange(RDouble a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
adbl = a.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(adbl);
public double getDouble(int i) {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, adbl, i + 1);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
// note: the base class is a copy-paste of Arithmetic.DoubleView, but templates make it slower
abstract static class DoubleViewForIntDouble extends DoubleView implements RDouble {
final RInt a;
final RDouble b;
public DoubleViewForIntDouble(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public final boolean isSharedReal() {
return a.isShared() || b.isShared();
public final void ref() {
public final boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
return a.dependsOn(value) || b.dependsOn(value);
public void visit_all(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVector extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int na;
final int nb;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVector(RIntSequence a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
afrom = a.from();
astep = a.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
int aint = afrom + ai * astep;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(bi);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVectorASized extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int nb;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVectorASized(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int aint = afrom + i * astep;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(bi);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeVectorASized extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int nb;
public SimpleRangeVectorASized(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(bi);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, i + 1, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVectorBSized extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int na;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVectorBSized(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int aint = afrom + ai * astep;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeVectorBSized extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int na;
public SimpleRangeVectorBSized(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, ai + 1, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeVectorVector extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
public EqualSizeVectorVector(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public double getDouble(int i) {
int aint = a.getInt(i);
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (aint == RInt.NA || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeSequenceVector extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public EqualSizeSequenceVector(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
int aint = afrom + i * astep;
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeSimpleRangeVector extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
public EqualSizeSimpleRangeVector(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
public double getDouble(int i) {
double bdbl = b.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl)) {
return RDouble.NA;
return arit.op(ast, i + 1, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorScalar extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double bdbl;
public VectorScalar(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
bdbl = b.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl);
public double getDouble(int i) {
double aint = a.getInt(i);
if (arithIsNA || aint == RInt.NA) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceScalar extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double bdbl;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceScalar(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
bdbl = b.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl);
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public double getDouble(int i) {
double aint = afrom + i*astep;
if (arithIsNA) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, aint, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeScalar extends DoubleViewForIntDouble implements RDouble {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final double bdbl;
public SimpleRangeScalar(RInt a, RDouble b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
bdbl = b.getDouble(0);
arithIsNA = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(bdbl);
public double getDouble(int i) {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RDouble.NA;
} else {
return arit.op(ast, i + 1, bdbl);
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
// // experimental optimization - may have to be re-visited later
// private static RInt hackAddTemporaryIntandSequence(RInt aArg, RIntSequence b, int na, int nb, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
// int[] a = aArg.getContent();
// int bfrom = b.from();
// int bstep = b.step();
// boolean overflown = false;
// int nfull = na / nb;
// int aoffset = 0;
// for (int fi = 0; fi < nfull; fi++) {
// int bval = bfrom;
// for (int bi = 0; bi < nb; bi++) {
// int ai = aoffset + bi;
// int aval = a[ai];
// int res;
// if (aval > 0) {
// res = aval + bval;
// // NOTE: aval cannot be RInt.NA
// if (bval >= res) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// overflown = true;
// }
// } else {
// if (aval == RInt.NA) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// } else {
// res = aval + bval;
// if (bval < res) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// overflown = true;
// } else {
// if (res == RInt.NA) {
// // r may be NA (may "naturally" reach NA which is however still reported as overflow by R)
// overflown = true;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// a[ai] = res;
// bval += bstep;
// }
// aoffset += nb;
// }
// int bval = bfrom;
// for (int ai = aoffset; ai < na; ai++) {
// int aval = a[ai];
// int res;
// if (aval > 0) {
// res = aval + bval;
// // NOTE: aval cannot be RInt.NA
// if (bval >= res) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// overflown = true;
// }
// } else {
// if (aval == RInt.NA) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// } else {
// res = aval + bval;
// if (bval < res) {
// res = RInt.NA;
// overflown = true;
// } else {
// if (res == RInt.NA) {
// // r may be NA (may "naturally" reach NA which is however still reported as overflow by R)
// overflown = true;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// bval += bstep;
// }
// if (overflown) {
// arit.emitOverflowWarning(ast);
// }
// return aArg;
// }
abstract static class IntView extends View.RIntView implements RInt {
final int n;
final int[] dimensions;
final Names names;
final Attributes attributes;
final ValueArithmetic arit;
final ASTNode ast;
boolean overflown;
// limiting view depth
protected int depth; // total views involved
public IntView(int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
this.dimensions = dimensions;
this.names = names;
this.attributes = attributes;
this.n = n;
this.depth = depth;
this.arit = arit;
this.ast = ast;
public final int size() {
return n;
public final int[] dimensions() {
return dimensions;
public final Names names() {
return names;
public final Attributes attributes() {
return attributes;
public final int depth() {
return depth;
// TODO: implement more efficient versions of materializeIntoOnTheFly
// note that one can change to DoubleImpl, and then use .dependsOn to rule out a dependency, and hence fall back
// to tight loops
abstract static class IntViewForIntInt extends IntView implements RInt {
final RInt a;
final RInt b;
public IntViewForIntInt(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public boolean isSharedReal() {
return a.isShared() || b.isShared();
public void ref() {
public boolean dependsOn(RAny value) {
return a.dependsOn(value) || b.dependsOn(value);
public void visit_all(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class Generic extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
final int nb;
public Generic(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
int aint = a.getInt(ai);
int bint = b.getInt(bi);
if (aint == RInt.NA || bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericASized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int nb;
public GenericASized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int aint = a.getInt(i);
int bint = b.getInt(bi);
if (aint == RInt.NA || bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class GenericBSized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
public GenericBSized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
assert Utils.check(b.size() == n);
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int aint = a.getInt(ai);
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (aint == RInt.NA || bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequence extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
final int nb;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public VectorSequence(RInt a, RIntSequence b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
bfrom = b.from();
bstep = b.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
int aint = a.getInt(ai);
int bint = bfrom + bi * bstep;
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequenceASized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int nb;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
final int bto;
public VectorSequenceASized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(a.size() == n);
nb = b.size();
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
bto =;
public int getInt(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int aint = a.getInt(i);
int bint = bfrom + bi * bstep;
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSimpleRangeASized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int nb;
public VectorSimpleRangeASized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
assert Utils.check(a.size() == n);
nb = b.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int aint = a.getInt(i);
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bi + 1);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSequenceBSized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public VectorSequenceBSized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(b.size() == n);
na = a.size();
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int aint = a.getInt(ai);
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorSimpleRangeBSized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
public VectorSimpleRangeBSized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
assert Utils.check(b.size() == n);
na = a.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int aint = a.getInt(ai);
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, i + 1);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVector extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
final int nb;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVector(RIntSequence a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
na = a.size();
nb = b.size();
afrom = a.from();
astep = a.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai;
int bi;
if (i >= na) {
ai = i % na;
bi = i;
} else if (i >= nb) {
bi = i % nb;
ai = i;
} else {
ai = i;
bi = i;
int aint = afrom + ai * astep;
int bint = b.getInt(bi);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVectorASized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int nb;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVectorASized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int aint = afrom + i * astep;
int bint = b.getInt(bi);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeVectorASized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int nb;
public SimpleRangeVectorASized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
assert Utils.check(n == a.size());
nb = b.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int bi = i % nb;
int bint = b.getInt(bi);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, i + 1, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceVectorBSized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceVectorBSized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int aint = afrom + ai * astep;
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeVectorBSized extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int na;
public SimpleRangeVectorBSized(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
assert Utils.check(n == b.size());
na = a.size();
public int getInt(int i) {
int ai = i % na;
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, ai + 1, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSize extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
public EqualSize(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = a.getInt(i);
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (aint == RInt.NA || bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeIntSequence extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public EqualSizeIntSequence(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = a.getInt(i);
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeIntSimpleRange extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
public EqualSizeIntSimpleRange(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = a.getInt(i);
if (aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, i + 1);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeSequenceInt extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public EqualSizeSequenceInt(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = afrom + i * astep;
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class EqualSizeSimpleRangeInt extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
public EqualSizeSimpleRangeInt(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
public int getInt(int i) {
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, i + 1, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class VectorScalar extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int bint;
public VectorScalar(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
bint = b.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = bint == RInt.NA;
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = a.getInt(i);
if (arithIsNA || aint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SequenceScalar extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int bint;
final int afrom;
final int astep;
public SequenceScalar(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
bint = b.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = bint == RInt.NA;
RIntSequence as = RIntSequence.cast(a);
afrom = as.from();
astep = as.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int aint = afrom + i * astep;
if (arithIsNA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class SimpleRangeScalar extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int bint;
public SimpleRangeScalar(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(a));
bint = b.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = bint == RInt.NA;
public int getInt(int i) {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, i + 1, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarVector extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int aint;
public ScalarVector(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
aint = a.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = aint == RInt.NA;
public int getInt(int i) {
int bint = b.getInt(i);
if (arithIsNA || bint == RInt.NA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarSequence extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int aint;
final int bfrom;
final int bstep;
public ScalarSequence(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
aint = a.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = aint == RInt.NA;
RIntSequence bs = RIntSequence.cast(b);
bfrom = bs.from();
bstep = bs.step();
public int getInt(int i) {
int bint = bfrom + i * bstep;
if (arithIsNA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, bint);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
static final class ScalarSimpleRange extends IntViewForIntInt implements RInt {
final boolean arithIsNA;
final int aint;
public ScalarSimpleRange(RInt a, RInt b, int[] dimensions, Names names, Attributes attributes, int n, int depth, ValueArithmetic arit, ASTNode ast) {
super(a, b, dimensions, names, attributes, n, depth, arit, ast);
assert Utils.check(RIntSimpleRange.isInstance(b));
aint = a.getInt(0);
arithIsNA = aint == RInt.NA;
public int getInt(int i) {
if (arithIsNA) {
return RInt.NA;
} else {
int res = arit.op(ast, aint, i + 1);
if (res == RInt.NA && !overflown) {
overflown = true;
return res;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
public static int[] resultDimensions(ASTNode ast, RArray a, RArray b) {
int[] dima = a.dimensions();
int[] dimb = b.dimensions();
if (dima == null) {
if (dimb != null) {
int asize = a.size();
int bsize = b.size();
if (asize > bsize) {
throw RError.getDimsDontMatchLength(ast, bsize, asize);
return dimb;
if (dimb == null) {
if (dima != null) {
int asize = a.size();
int bsize = b.size();
if (bsize > asize) {
throw RError.getDimsDontMatchLength(ast, asize, bsize);
return dima;
int alen = dima.length;
int blen = dimb.length;
if (alen == 2 && blen == 2 && dima[0] == dimb[0] && dima[1] == dimb[1]) {
return dima;
if (alen == blen) {
for (int i = 0; i < alen; i++) {
if (dima[i] != dimb[i]) {
throw RError.getNonConformableArrays(ast);
return dima;
throw RError.getNonConformableArrays(ast);
public static Names resultNames(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ASTNode ast, RArray a, RArray b) {
Names na = a.names();
Names nb = b.names();
if (nb == null) {
return na;
if (na == null) {
return nb;
int asize = a.size();
int bsize = b.size();
if (bsize > asize) {
return nb;
} else {
return na;
// note: increments reference count on attributes
public static Attributes resultAttributes(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ASTNode ast, RArray a, RArray b) {
Attributes aa = a.attributes();
Attributes ba = b.attributes();
if (ba == null && aa == null) {
return null;
int asize = a.size();
int bsize = b.size();
if (asize > bsize) {
return Attributes.markShared(aa);
if (bsize > asize) {
return Attributes.markShared(ba);
// asize == bsize
if (ba == null) {
return Attributes.markShared(aa);
if (aa == null) {
return Attributes.markShared(ba);
// both aa != null and ba != null
Attributes res = ba.copy();
Map<RSymbol, RAny> amap =;
for (Map.Entry<RSymbol, RAny> ae : amap.entrySet()) {
RAny value = ae.getValue();
res.put(ae.getKey(), value);
return res;
public static int resultSize(ASTNode ast, int na, int nb) {
int n;
if (na == 0 || nb == 0) {
return 0;
if (na > nb) {
n = na;
if ((n / nb) * nb != n) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.LENGTH_NOT_MULTI);
} else {
n = nb;
if ((n / na) * na != n) {
RContext.warning(ast, RError.LENGTH_NOT_MULTI);
return n;