package r.builtins;
import java.util.*;
import r.*;
import r.builtins.Order.DoubleComparator;
import r.builtins.Order.IntComparator;
import r.builtins.Order.LogicalComparator;
import r.builtins.Order.StringComparator;
import r.errors.*;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.nodes.exec.*;
import r.runtime.*;
import java.lang.Integer;
// NOTE: in GNU-R, the user can select between a stable version of shellsort and unstable version of quicksort, and the selection is mostly
// honored except for some cases when shellsort is silently used instead of quicksort (so "stable" instead of "unstable")
// In FastR, we treat "shell" as requirement for a stable sort and "quick" as that stability is not required, but we use the algorithms from the
// JDK.
// NOTE: is implemented in R in GNU-R
// TODO: support complex type
final class Sort extends CallFactory {
//TODO: this is as of now, will have to extend when supporting S3
static final CallFactory _ = new Sort("sort", new String[]{"x", "partial", "na.last", "decreasing", "method", "index.return"}, new String[]{"x"});
private Sort(String name, String[] params, String[] required) {
super(name, params, required);
final static ArgumentMatch methodMatch = new ArgumentMatch(new String[] {"shell", "quick"});
// returns true for quicksort, false for shellsort (shellsort is the default)
public static boolean parseMethod(RAny arg, ASTNode ast) {
int m = methodMatch.match(arg, ast, "method");
return m == 1;
public static boolean parseIndexReturn(RAny arg, ASTNode ast) {
if (!(arg instanceof RLogical || arg instanceof RInt || arg instanceof RDouble || arg instanceof RComplex)) {
throw RError.getInvalidArgument(ast, "index.return"); // in GNU-R, this will appear part of if
RLogical a = arg.asLogical();
int size = a.size();
if (size >= 1) {
int l = a.getLogical(0);
if (l == RLogical.TRUE) { return true; }
if (l == RLogical.FALSE) { return false; }
throw RError.getInvalidArgument(ast, "index.return"); // in GNU-R, this will appear part of if
public static RInt parsePartial(RAny arg, ASTNode ast) {
if (arg instanceof RNull) {
return null; // as if partial was not given
if (!(arg instanceof RDouble || arg instanceof RInt || arg instanceof RLogical|| arg instanceof RRaw)) {
throw RError.getNotNumericVector(ast);
return arg.asInt();
@Override public RNode create(ASTNode call, RSymbol[] names, RNode[] exprs) {
ArgumentInfo ia = check(call, names, exprs);
final int xPosition = ia.position("x");
final int partialPosition = ia.position("partial");
final int naLastPosition = ia.position("na.last");
final int decreasingPosition = ia.position("decreasing");
final int methodPosition = ia.position("method");
final int indexReturnPosition = ia.position("index.return");
return new Builtin(call, names, exprs) {
@Override public RAny doBuiltIn(Frame frame, RAny[] params) {
RAny xarg = params[xPosition];
RArray x;
if (xarg instanceof RArray) {
x = (RArray) xarg;
} else {
throw RError.getMustBeAtomic(ast, "x"); // FIXME: make this more complete
RInt partial = (partialPosition == -1) ? null : parsePartial(params[partialPosition], ast);
int naLast = (naLastPosition == -1) ? RLogical.NA : Order.parseNALast(params[naLastPosition], ast);
boolean decreasing = (decreasingPosition == -1) ? false : Order.parseDecreasing(params[decreasingPosition], ast);
@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean quickSort = (methodPosition == -1) ? false : parseMethod(params[methodPosition], ast);
boolean indexReturn = (indexReturnPosition == -1) ? false : parseIndexReturn(params[indexReturnPosition], ast);
if (partial != null) {
if (decreasing || methodPosition != -1 || indexReturn) {
throw RError.getUnsupportedPartial(ast);
Utils.nyi("partial sorting not implemented");
return null;
if (indexReturn && naLast != RInt.NA) {
throw RError.getIndexReturnRemoveNA(ast);
if (x.names() == null && !indexReturn && !decreasing) { // faster versions
if (x instanceof RDouble) {
double[] a = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.copyAsDoubleArray((RDouble) x);
// FIXME: could be in-place for temporary non-scalars with no attributes
a = fixNAs(a, naLast);
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(a); // drop attributes
if (x instanceof RInt) {
int[] a = RInt.RIntUtils.copyAsIntArray((RInt)x);
a = fixNAs(a, naLast);
return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(a); // drop attributes
// FIXME: could add a specialized "sort" for logicals
return sort(x, naLast, decreasing, indexReturn);
public static RArray sort(RArray x, int naLast, boolean decreasing, boolean indexReturn) {
if (x instanceof RDouble) {
return sort((RDouble) x, naLast, decreasing, indexReturn);
if (x instanceof RInt) {
return sort((RInt) x, naLast, decreasing, indexReturn);
if (x instanceof RString) {
return sort((RString) x, naLast, decreasing, indexReturn);
if (x instanceof RLogical) {
return sort((RLogical) x, naLast, decreasing, indexReturn);
Utils.nyi("unsupported type for sorting");
return null;
public static RArray sort(RDouble x, int naLast, final boolean decreasing, boolean indexReturn) {
int size = x.size();
Integer[] order = new Integer[size]; // TODO: remove Java boxing through primitive sort methods
ArrayList<Integer> naorder = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: replace this by an implementation for primitives
int[] naRemoveIndex = indexReturn ? new int[size] : null; // maps each index to index if NA/NaNs were removed
int nnas = 0;
int oi = 0;
boolean naRemove = naLast == RInt.NA;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (naRemoveIndex != null) {
naRemoveIndex[i] = i - nnas;
double d = x.getDouble(i);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(d)) {
if (!naRemove) {
} else {
} else {
order[oi++] = i;
final DoubleComparator cmp = new DoubleComparator(x);
Comparator<Integer> mainComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
@Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int res = cmp.cmp(o1, o2);
return !decreasing ? res : -res;
Arrays.sort(order, 0, oi, mainComparator);
return buildSortResults(x, order, oi, naorder, naLast, naRemoveIndex);
public static RArray sort(RInt x, int naLast, final boolean decreasing, boolean indexReturn) {
int size = x.size();
Integer[] order = new Integer[size]; // TODO: remove Java boxing through primitive sort methods
ArrayList<Integer> naorder = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: replace this by an implementation for primitives
int[] naRemoveIndex = indexReturn ? new int[size] : null; // maps each index to index if NA/NaNs were removed
int nnas = 0;
int oi = 0;
boolean naRemove = naLast == RInt.NA;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (naRemoveIndex != null) {
naRemoveIndex[i] = i - nnas;
int v = x.getInt(i);
if (v == RInt.NA) {
if (!naRemove) {
} else {
} else {
order[oi++] = i;
final IntComparator cmp = new IntComparator(x);
Comparator<Integer> mainComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
@Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int res = cmp.cmp(o1, o2);
return !decreasing ? res : -res;
Arrays.sort(order, 0, oi, mainComparator);
return buildSortResults(x, order, oi, naorder, naLast, naRemoveIndex);
public static RArray sort(RString x, int naLast, final boolean decreasing, boolean indexReturn) {
int size = x.size();
Integer[] order = new Integer[size]; // TODO: remove Java boxing through primitive sort methods
ArrayList<Integer> naorder = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: replace this by an implementation for primitives
int[] naRemoveIndex = indexReturn ? new int[size] : null; // maps each index to index if NA/NaNs were removed
int nnas = 0;
int oi = 0;
boolean naRemove = naLast == RInt.NA;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (naRemoveIndex != null) {
naRemoveIndex[i] = i - nnas;
String v = x.getString(i);
if (v == RString.NA) {
if (!naRemove) {
} else {
} else {
order[oi++] = i;
final StringComparator cmp = new StringComparator(x);
Comparator<Integer> mainComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
@Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int res = cmp.cmp(o1, o2);
return !decreasing ? res : -res;
Arrays.sort(order, 0, oi, mainComparator);
return buildSortResults(x, order, oi, naorder, naLast, naRemoveIndex);
public static RArray sort(RLogical x, int naLast, final boolean decreasing, boolean indexReturn) {
int size = x.size();
Integer[] order = new Integer[size]; // TODO: remove Java boxing through primitive sort methods
ArrayList<Integer> naorder = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: replace this by an implementation for primitives
int[] naRemoveIndex = indexReturn ? new int[size] : null; // maps each index to index if NA/NaNs were removed
int nnas = 0;
int oi = 0;
boolean naRemove = naLast == RInt.NA;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (naRemoveIndex != null) {
naRemoveIndex[i] = i - nnas;
int v = x.getLogical(i);
if (v == RLogical.NA) {
if (!naRemove) {
} else {
} else {
order[oi++] = i;
final LogicalComparator cmp = new LogicalComparator(x);
Comparator<Integer> mainComparator = new Comparator<Integer>() {
@Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
int res = cmp.cmp(o1, o2);
return !decreasing ? res : -res;
Arrays.sort(order, 0, oi, mainComparator);
return buildSortResults(x, order, oi, naorder, naLast, naRemoveIndex);
private static final RArray.Names resultNames = RArray.Names.create(new RSymbol[]{RSymbol.getSymbol("x"), RSymbol.getSymbol("ix")});
// naorder will be empty whenever naLast == RInt.NA
public static RArray buildSortResults(RArray x, Integer[] order, int orderLen, ArrayList<Integer> naorder, int naLast, int[] naRemoveIndex) {
int nalen = naorder.size();
int size = x.size();
RArray.Names names = x.names();
RSymbol[] symbols = names == null ? null : names.sequence();
RArray res;
if (nalen == 0) {
res = Utils.createArray(x, orderLen); // drop attributes
if (symbols == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < orderLen; i++) {
int xi = order[i];
res.set(i, x.get(xi));
} else {
RSymbol[] nsymbols = new RSymbol[orderLen];
for (int i = 0; i < orderLen; i++) {
int xi = order[i];
res.set(i, x.get(xi));
nsymbols[i] = symbols[xi];
res = res.setNames(RArray.Names.create(nsymbols));
} else {
// nalen != 0
int naStart;
int dataStart;
if (naLast == RLogical.TRUE) {
naStart = orderLen;
dataStart = 0;
} else {
assert Utils.check(naLast == RLogical.FALSE); // RLogical.NA => nalen == 0
naStart = 0;
dataStart = nalen;
res = Utils.createArray(x, size); // drop attributes
RSymbol[] nsymbols = symbols == null ? null : new RSymbol[size];
for (int i = 0; i < orderLen; i++) {
int xi = order[i];
int resi = i + dataStart;
res.set(resi, x.get(xi));
if (nsymbols != null) {
nsymbols[resi] = symbols[xi];
for(int i = 0; i < nalen; i++) {
int xi = naorder.get(i);
int resi = i + naStart;
res.set(resi, x.get(xi));
if (nsymbols != null) {
nsymbols[resi] = symbols[xi];
if (nsymbols != null) {
res = res.setNames(RArray.Names.create(nsymbols));
if (naRemoveIndex != null) {
// index.return is true
assert Utils.check(naLast == RInt.NA); // though we could support a more general case than GNU-R
int[] ix = new int[orderLen];
for (int i = 0; i < orderLen; i++) {
int xi = order[i];
int corrected = naRemoveIndex[xi];
ix[i] = corrected + 1; // 1-based
RList list = RList.RListFactory.getFor(new RAny[] {res, RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(ix)}, null, resultNames);
return list;
return res;
public static double[] fixNAs(double[] a, int naLast) {
// all NAs and NaNs will be at the end of the array
if (naLast == RLogical.TRUE) {
return a;
int nna = 0;
for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(a[i])) {
} else {
if (nna == 0) {
return a;
if (naLast == RLogical.NA) {
double[] res = new double[a.length - nna];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, res, 0, res.length);
return res;
// naLast == RLogical.FALSE)
double[] tmp = new double[nna]; // we need tmp because we need to keep the distinction between NA and NaN
System.arraycopy(a, a.length-nna, tmp, 0, nna);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, a, nna, a.length - nna);
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, a, 0, nna);
return a;
public static int[] fixNAs(int[] a, int naLast) {
// all NAs will be at the beginning of the array, because RInt.NA is the smallest integer
if (naLast == RLogical.FALSE) {
return a;
int nna = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length ; i++) {
if (a[i] == RInt.NA) {
} else {
if (nna == 0) {
return a;
if (naLast == RLogical.NA) {
int[] res = new int[a.length - nna];
System.arraycopy(a, nna, res, 0, res.length);
return res;
// naLast == RLogical.TRUE
System.arraycopy(a, nna, a, 0, a.length - nna);
Arrays.fill(a, a.length - nna, a.length, RInt.NA);
return a;