package r.builtins;
import r.*;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.nodes.exec.*;
import r.nodes.exec.Constant;
import r.nodes.exec.Arithmetic.*;
import java.lang.Double;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
// FIXME: there are some unnecessary casts of the "digits" argument (e.g. to complex or to double), GNU-R has the same problem
// FIXME: make this faster, note there is fround in nmath
// FIXME: fix error messages on non-numeric arguments
final class Round extends CallFactory {
static final CallFactory _ = new Round("round", new String[]{"x", "digits"}, new String[]{"x"});
private Round(String name, String[] params, String[] required) {
super(name, params, required);
public RNode create(ASTNode call, RSymbol[] names, RNode[] exprs) {
ArgumentInfo ia = check(call, names, exprs);
final int digitsPosition = ia.position("digits");
if (digitsPosition == -1) {
return new Arithmetic(call, exprs[0], new Constant(call, RDouble.BOXED_ZERO), ROUND_JAVA);
if (digitsPosition == 1) {
return new Arithmetic(call, exprs[0], exprs[1], ROUND_JAVA);
// digitsPosition == 0;
return new Arithmetic(call, exprs[1], exprs[0], ROUND_JAVA);
static final int MAX_DIGITS = 37; // FIXME: check it reflects R
public static double round(double x, double digits) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R's math library, which is licensed under GPL
int d;
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(x) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(digits)) {
return x + digits;
if (digits == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return 0;
if (digits == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return x;
if (digits > MAX_DIGITS) {
} else {
d = (int) Math.floor(digits + 0.5);
if (!RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isFinite(x)) {
return x; // NOTE: BigDecimal cannot be constructed for a non-finite number
return new BigDecimal(x).setScale(d, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).doubleValue();
public static void round(double[] x, double digits, double[] res) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R's math library, which is licensed under GPL
int size = x.length;
if (digits == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
Arrays.fill(res, 0);
if (digits == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
if (res != x) {
System.arraycopy(x, 0, res, 0, size);
boolean naDigits = RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(digits);
int d;
if (naDigits) {
d = 0;
} else if (digits > MAX_DIGITS) {
} else {
d = (int) Math.floor(digits + 0.5);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double r = x[i];
if (naDigits || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.isNAorNaN(r)) {
res[i] = r + digits;
} else {
res[i] = new BigDecimal(r).setScale(d, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).doubleValue();
// FIXME: check this actually corresponds with the R semantics
// in GNU-R, they do not use the same infrastructure for round as for arithmetic operators
// TODO: and indeed this does not really work, because we should not be casting to the common type here (value and digits)
// yet, it would be nice to be able to use the specializations... and views... as done for the other arithmetic operations
public static final class RoundJava extends ValueArithmetic {
public double opReal(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return round(a, c);
public double opImag(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return round(b, c);
public Complex opComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return new Complex(round(a, c), round(b, c));
public double op(ASTNode ast, double a, double b) {
return round(a, b);
public int op(ASTNode ast, int a, int b) {
return -1;
public void emitOverflowWarning(ASTNode ast) {
public void opComplexEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
public void opComplexScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double c, double d, double[] res, int size) {
// TODO: fix this, not really a binary math operation, we should throw an error if
// the imaginary part is non-zero _or_ if it is zero but the originally passed argument was a complex
round(x, c, res);
public void opScalarComplex(ASTNode ast, double a, double b, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
public void opDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double b = y[i];
double c = round(a, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleScalar(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
double c = round(a, y);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(y)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, double x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double b = y[i];
double c = round(x, b);
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(c)) {
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(x) || RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(b)) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = c;
public void opDoubleIntEqualSize(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = x[i];
int b = y[i];
if (RDouble.RDoubleUtils.arithIsNA(a) || b == RInt.NA) {
res[i] = RDouble.NA;
} else {
res[i] = round(a, b);
public void opIntImplSequenceASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, int yfrom, int yto, int ystep, int[] res, int size) {
public boolean returnsDouble() {
return true;
public void opDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
public void opDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
public void opScalarDoubleInt(ASTNode ast, double x, int[] y, double[] res, int size) {
public void opDoubleIntASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
public void opDoubleIntBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, int[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
public void opIntDoubleEqualSize(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size) {
public void opIntScalarDouble(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double y, double[] res, int size) {
public void opIntDoubleASized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
public void opIntDoubleBSized(ASTNode ast, int[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
public void opComplexASized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int bsize) {
public void opComplexBSized(ASTNode ast, double[] x, double[] y, double[] res, int size, int asize) {
public static final ValueArithmetic ROUND_JAVA = new RoundJava();