package r.builtins;
import java.util.*;
import r.*;
import r.builtins.LApply.CallableProvider;
import r.builtins.LApply.ValueProvider;
import r.nodes.ast.*;
import r.nodes.exec.Constant;
import r.nodes.exec.*;
import r.nodes.exec.FunctionCall;
import r.runtime.*;
* "outer"
* <pre>
* X, Y -- First and second arguments for function FUN. Typically a vector or array.
* FUN -- a function to use on the outer products, found via (except for the special case "*").
* ... -- optional arguments to be passed to FUN.
* </pre>
final class Outer extends CallFactory {
static final CallFactory _ = new Outer("outer", new String[]{"X", "Y", "FUN", "..."}, new String[]{"X", "Y"});
private Outer(String name, String[] params, String[] required) {
super(name, params, required);
private static final boolean EAGER = true; // NOTE: lazy is now only for integer, expand if needed, now is not faster than eager
@Override public RNode create(ASTNode call, RSymbol[] names, RNode[] exprs) {
ArgumentInfo ia = check(call, names, exprs);
boolean product = false;
if (ia.provided("FUN")) {
RNode fnode = exprs[ia.position("FUN")];
if (fnode instanceof Constant) {
RAny value = ((Constant) fnode).execute(null);
if (value instanceof RString) {
RString str = (RString) value;
if (str.size() == 1) {
if (str.getString(0).equals("*")) {
product = true;
} else {
product = true;
if (product) {
return new MatrixOperation.OuterProduct(call, exprs[ia.position("X")], exprs[ia.position("Y")]);
int cnArgs = 2 + names.length - 3; // "-2" because both FUN, X, Y
RSymbol[] cnNames = new RSymbol[cnArgs];
RNode[] cnExprs = new RNode[cnArgs];
cnNames[0] = null;
ValueProvider xArgProvider = new ValueProvider(call);
cnExprs[0] = xArgProvider;
ValueProvider yArgProvider = new ValueProvider(call);
cnExprs[1] = yArgProvider;
ValueProvider[] constantArgProviders = new ValueProvider[cnArgs];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (ia.position("X") == i || ia.position("Y") == i || ia.position("FUN") == i) {
cnNames[2 + j] = names[i];
ValueProvider vp = new ValueProvider(call);
cnExprs[2 + j] = vp;
constantArgProviders[j] = vp;
RNode funExpr = exprs[ia.position("FUN")];
final CallableProvider callableProvider = new CallableProvider(funExpr.getAST(), funExpr);
final RNode callNode = FunctionCall.getFunctionCall(call, callableProvider, cnNames, cnExprs);
final int posX = ia.position("X");
final int posY = ia.position("Y");
final int posFUN = ia.position("FUN");
return new OuterBuiltIn(call, names, exprs, callNode, callableProvider, xArgProvider, yArgProvider, constantArgProviders) {
@Override public RAny doBuiltIn(Frame frame, RAny[] args) {
RAny argx = null;
RAny argy = null;
RAny argfun = null;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (i == posX) {
argx = args[i];
} else if (i == posY) {
argy = args[i];
} else if (i == posFUN) {
argfun = args[i];
} else {
return outer(frame, argx, argy, argfun);
public abstract static class OuterBuiltIn extends Builtin { // note: this class only exists so that we can call updateParent...
@Child RNode callNode;
CallableProvider callableProvider; // !!! not a child, just a shortcut into callNode
ValueProvider xArgProvider; // !!! not a child
ValueProvider yArgProvider; // !!! not a child
ValueProvider[] constantArgProviders; // !!! not children
public OuterBuiltIn(ASTNode ast, RSymbol[] argNames, RNode[] argExprs, RNode callNode, CallableProvider callableProvider, ValueProvider xArgProvider, ValueProvider yArgProvider, ValueProvider[] constantArgProviders) {
super(ast, argNames, argExprs);
this.callNode = adoptChild(callNode);
this.callableProvider = callableProvider; // !!! no adopt
this.xArgProvider = xArgProvider; // !!! no adopt
this.yArgProvider = yArgProvider; // !!! no adopt
this.constantArgProviders = constantArgProviders; // !!! no adopt
protected <N extends RNode> N replaceChild(RNode oldNode, N newNode) {
assert oldNode != null;
if (callNode == oldNode) {
callNode = newNode;
return adoptInternal(newNode);
assert Utils.check(oldNode != callableProvider); // this not must not be rewritten
assert Utils.check(oldNode != xArgProvider);
assert Utils.check(oldNode != yArgProvider);
return super.replaceChild(oldNode, newNode);
public RAny outer(Frame frame, RAny xarg, RAny yarg, RAny farg) {
// LICENSE: transcribed code from GNU R, which is licensed under GPL
if (!(xarg instanceof RArray && yarg instanceof RArray)) {
Utils.nyi("unsupported type");
return null;
RArray x = (RArray) xarg;
RArray y = (RArray) yarg;
int xsize = x.size();
int ysize = y.size();
RArray expy;
RArray expx;
if (EAGER) {
x = x.materialize(); // FIXME: probably unnecessary (both x and y), could be done on-the-fly in the expansion methods
y = y.materialize();
if (y instanceof DoubleImpl) {
expy = expandYVector((DoubleImpl) y, ysize, xsize);
} else if (y instanceof IntImpl) {
expy = expandYVector((IntImpl) y, ysize, xsize);
} else {
expy = expandYVector(y, ysize, xsize);
if (xsize > 0) {
if (x instanceof DoubleImpl) {
expx = expandXVector((DoubleImpl) x, xsize, ysize);
} else if (x instanceof IntImpl) {
expx = expandXVector((IntImpl) x, xsize, ysize);
} else {
expx = expandXVector(x, xsize, ysize);
} else {
expx = x;
} else {
if (y instanceof RInt) {
expy = lazyExpandYVector((RInt) y, ysize, xsize);
} else {
throw Utils.nyi();
if (xsize > 0) {
if (x instanceof RInt) {
expx = lazyExpandXVector((RInt) x, xsize, ysize);
} else {
throw Utils.nyi();
} else {
expx = x;
callableProvider.matchAndSet(frame, farg);
RArray res = (RArray) callNode.execute(frame);
int[] dimx = x.dimensions();
int[] dimy = y.dimensions();
int[] dim;
if (dimx == null) {
if (dimy == null) {
dim = new int[]{xsize, ysize};
} else {
dim = new int[1 + dimy.length];
dim[0] = xsize;
System.arraycopy(dimy, 0, dim, 1, dimy.length);
} else {
if (dimy == null) {
dim = new int[dimx.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(dimx, 0, dim, 0, dimx.length);
dim[dimx.length] = ysize;
} else {
dim = new int[dimx.length + dimy.length];
System.arraycopy(dimx, 0, dim, 0, dimx.length);
System.arraycopy(dimy, 0, dim, dimx.length, dimy.length);
return res.setDimensions(dim); // triggers materialization of the result
public static RArray expandYVector(RArray y, int ysize, int count) {
int size = ysize;
int nsize = size * count;
RArray res = Utils.createArray(y, nsize);
int offset = 0;
for (int elem = 0; elem < size; elem++) {
Object v = y.get(elem);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
res.set(offset + i, v);
offset += count;
return res;
public static RDouble expandYVector(DoubleImpl yarg, int ysize, int count) {
int size = ysize;
int nsize = size * count;
double[] y = yarg.getContent();
double[] res = new double[nsize];
int offset = 0;
for (int elem = 0; elem < size; elem++) {
double v = y[elem];
Arrays.fill(res, offset, offset + count, v);
offset += count;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res);
public static RInt expandYVector(IntImpl yarg, int ysize, int count) {
int size = ysize;
int nsize = size * count;
int[] y = yarg.getContent();
int[] res = new int[nsize];
int offset = 0;
for (int elem = 0; elem < size; elem++) {
int v = y[elem];
Arrays.fill(res, offset, offset + count, v);
offset += count;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(res);
public static RInt lazyExpandYVector(RInt yarg, int ysize, final int count) {
final int nsize = ysize * count;
return TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(new View.RIntProxy<RInt>(yarg) {
@Override public int getInt(int i) {
int j = i / count;
return orig.getInt(j);
@Override public int size() {
return nsize;
@Override public int[] dimensions() {
return null;
@Override public Names names() {
return null;
@Override public Attributes attributes() {
return null;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {
public static RArray expandXVector(RArray x, int xsize, int count) {
int nsize = xsize * count;
RArray res = Utils.createArray(x, nsize);
int offset = 0;
for (int rep = 0; rep < count; rep++) {
for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) {
res.set(offset + i, x.get(i));
offset += xsize;
return res;
public static RDouble expandXVector(DoubleImpl xarg, int xsize, int count) {
int nsize = xsize * count;
double[] x = xarg.getContent();
double[] res = new double[nsize];
int offset = 0;
for (int rep = 0; rep < count; rep++) {
System.arraycopy(x, 0, res, offset, xsize);
offset += xsize;
return RDouble.RDoubleFactory.getFor(res);
public static RInt expandXVector(IntImpl xarg, int xsize, int count) {
int nsize = xsize * count;
int[] x = xarg.getContent();
int[] res = new int[nsize];
int offset = 0;
for (int rep = 0; rep < count; rep++) {
System.arraycopy(x, 0, res, offset, xsize);
offset += xsize;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(res);
// an attempt for performance improvement: but does not seem faster for now
public static RInt expandXVectorCacheFriendly(IntImpl xarg, int xsize, int count) {
int nsize = xsize * count;
int[] x = xarg.getContent();
int[] res = new int[nsize];
int offset = 0;
int rep = 0;
int lastOffset = 0;
if (rep < count) {
System.arraycopy(x, 0, res, offset, xsize);
lastOffset = offset;
offset += xsize;
for (rep = 1; rep < count; rep++) {
System.arraycopy(res, lastOffset, res, offset, xsize);
lastOffset = offset;
offset += xsize;
return RInt.RIntFactory.getFor(res);
public static RInt lazyExpandXVector(RInt xarg, int xsize, final int count) {
final int nsize = xsize * count;
return TracingView.ViewTrace.trace(new View.RIntProxy<RInt>(xarg) {
@Override public int getInt(int i) {
int j = i % count;
return orig.getInt(j);
@Override public int size() {
return nsize;
@Override public int[] dimensions() {
return null;
@Override public Names names() {
return null;
@Override public Attributes attributes() {
return null;
public void accept(ValueVisitor v) {