package com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.subgraph.orchid.ConsensusDocument;
import com.subgraph.orchid.Directory;
import com.subgraph.orchid.Router;
import com.subgraph.orchid.TorConfig;
import com.subgraph.orchid.crypto.TorRandom;
public class CircuitNodeChooser {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CircuitNodeChooser.class.getName());
private final Directory directory;
private final TorRandom random = new TorRandom();
private final TorConfigNodeFilter configNodeFilter;
public CircuitNodeChooser(TorConfig config, Directory directory) { = directory;
this.configNodeFilter = new TorConfigNodeFilter(config);
* @param candidates
* @return The chosen exit router or 'null' if no suitable router is available
public Router chooseExitNode(List<Router> candidates) {
final List<Router> filteredCandidates = configNodeFilter.filterExitCandidates(candidates);
return chooseByBandwidth(filteredCandidates, WeightRule.WEIGHT_FOR_EXIT);
public Router chooseDirectory() {
final RouterFilter filter = new RouterFilter() {
public boolean filter(Router router) {
return router.getDirectoryPort() != 0;
final List<Router> candidates = getFilteredRouters(filter, false);
final Router choice = chooseByBandwidth(candidates, WeightRule.WEIGHT_FOR_DIR);
if(choice == null) {
return directory.getRandomDirectoryAuthority();
} else {
return choice;
* @param rule
* @param routerFilter
* @return The chosen router or 'null' if no suitable router is available.
public Router chooseRandomNode(WeightRule rule, RouterFilter routerFilter) {
final List<Router> candidates = getFilteredRouters(routerFilter, true);
final Router choice = chooseByBandwidth(candidates, rule);
if(choice == null) {
// try again with more permissive flags
return null;
return choice;
private List<Router> getFilteredRouters(RouterFilter rf, boolean needDescriptor) {
final List<Router> routers = new ArrayList<Router>();
for(Router r: getUsableRouters(needDescriptor)) {
if(rf.filter(r)) {
return routers;
List<Router> getUsableRouters(boolean needDescriptor) {
final List<Router> routers = new ArrayList<Router>();
for(Router r: directory.getAllRouters()) {
if(r.isRunning() &&
r.isValid() &&
!r.isHibernating() &&
!(needDescriptor && r.getCurrentDescriptor() == null)) {
return routers;
private Router chooseByBandwidth(List<Router> candidates, WeightRule rule) {
final Router choice = chooseNodeByBandwidthWeights(candidates, rule);
if(choice != null) {
return choice;
} else {
return chooseNodeByBandwidth(candidates, rule);
private Router chooseNodeByBandwidthWeights(List<Router> candidates, WeightRule rule) {
final ConsensusDocument consensus = directory.getCurrentConsensusDocument();
if(consensus == null) {
return null;
final BandwidthWeightedRouters bwr = computeWeightedBandwidths(candidates, consensus, rule);
return bwr.chooseRandomRouterByWeight();
private BandwidthWeightedRouters computeWeightedBandwidths(List<Router> candidates, ConsensusDocument consensus, WeightRule rule) {
final CircuitNodeChooserWeightParameters wp = CircuitNodeChooserWeightParameters.create(consensus, rule);
if(!wp.isValid()) {
logger.warning("Got invalid bandwidth weights. Falling back to old selection method");
return null;
final BandwidthWeightedRouters weightedRouters = new BandwidthWeightedRouters();
for(Router r: candidates) {
double wbw = wp.calculateWeightedBandwidth(r);
weightedRouters.addRouter(r, wbw);
return weightedRouters;
private Router chooseNodeByBandwidth(List<Router> routers, WeightRule rule) {
final BandwidthWeightedRouters bwr = new BandwidthWeightedRouters();
for(Router r: routers) {
long bw = getRouterBandwidthBytes(r);
if(bw == -1) {
} else {
bwr.addRouter(r, bw);
if(bwr.isTotalBandwidthZero()) {
if(routers.size() == 0) {
return null;
final int idx = random.nextInt(routers.size());
return routers.get(idx);
computeFinalWeights(bwr, rule);
return bwr.chooseRandomRouterByWeight();
private final static double EPSILON = 0.1;
private void computeFinalWeights(BandwidthWeightedRouters bwr, WeightRule rule) {
final double exitWeight = calculateWeight(rule == WeightRule.WEIGHT_FOR_EXIT,
bwr.getTotalExitBandwidth(), bwr.getTotalBandwidth());
final double guardWeight = calculateWeight(rule == WeightRule.WEIGHT_FOR_GUARD,
bwr.getTotalGuardBandwidth(), bwr.getTotalBandwidth());
bwr.adjustWeights(exitWeight, guardWeight);
private double calculateWeight(boolean matchesRule, double totalByType, double total) {
if(matchesRule || totalByType < EPSILON) {
return 1.0;
final double result = 1.0 - (total / (3.0 * totalByType));
if(result <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return result;
private long getRouterBandwidthBytes(Router r) {
if(!r.hasBandwidth()) {
return -1;
} else {
return kbToBytes(r.getEstimatedBandwidth());
private long kbToBytes(long bw) {
return (bw > (Long.MAX_VALUE / 1000) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : bw * 1000);