* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.FunctionName;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Functions;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages.ResultMessage;
public class UFTest extends CQLTester
private static final String KS_FOO = "cqltest_foo";
public void createKsFoo() throws Throwable
execute("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS "+KS_FOO+" WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};");
public void dropKsFoo() throws Throwable
public void testFunctionDropOnKeyspaceDrop() throws Throwable
execute("CREATE FUNCTION " + KS_FOO + ".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
Assert.assertEquals(1, Functions.find(new FunctionName(KS_FOO, "sin")).size());
assertRows(execute("SELECT function_name, language FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name=?", KS_FOO),
row("sin", "java"));
execute("DROP KEYSPACE "+KS_FOO+";");
assertRows(execute("SELECT function_name, language FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name=?", KS_FOO));
Assert.assertEquals(0, Functions.find(new FunctionName(KS_FOO, "sin")).size());
public void testFunctionDropPreparedStatement() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int PRIMARY KEY, d double)");
execute("CREATE FUNCTION " + KS_FOO + ".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
Assert.assertEquals(1, Functions.find(new FunctionName(KS_FOO, "sin")).size());
ResultMessage.Prepared prepared = QueryProcessor.prepare("SELECT key, "+KS_FOO+".sin(d) FROM "+KEYSPACE+'.'+currentTable(), ClientState.forInternalCalls(), false);
execute("DROP FUNCTION " + KS_FOO + ".sin(double);");
execute("CREATE FUNCTION " + KS_FOO + ".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
Assert.assertEquals(1, Functions.find(new FunctionName(KS_FOO, "sin")).size());
prepared = QueryProcessor.prepare("SELECT key, "+KS_FOO+".sin(d) FROM "+KEYSPACE+'.'+currentTable(), ClientState.forInternalCalls(), false);
execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + KS_FOO + ";");
public void testFunctionCreationAndDrop() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int PRIMARY KEY, d double)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(key, d) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s(key, d) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s(key, d) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
// simple creation
execute("CREATE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
// check we can't recreate the same function
assertInvalid("CREATE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
// but that it doesn't complay with "IF NOT EXISTS"
execute("CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS "+KS_FOO+".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
// Validate that it works as expected
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, "+KS_FOO+".sin(d) FROM %s"),
row(1, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, Math.sin(3d))
// Replace the method with incompatible return type
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KS_FOO + ".sin ( input double ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(42d);'");
// proper replacement
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(42d);'");
// Validate the method as been replaced
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, "+KS_FOO+".sin(d) FROM %s"),
row(1, 42.0),
row(2, 42.0),
row(3, 42.0)
// same function but without namespace
execute("CREATE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".sin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, "+KEYSPACE+".sin(d) FROM %s"),
row(1, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, Math.sin(3d))
// Drop with and without keyspace
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".sin");
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".sin");
// Drop unexisting function
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".sin");
// but don't complain with "IF EXISTS"
execute("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS "+KS_FOO+".sin");
// can't drop native functions
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION dateof");
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION uuid");
// sin() no longer exists
assertInvalid("SELECT key, sin(d) FROM %s");
public void testFunctionExecution() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (v text PRIMARY KEY)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(v) VALUES (?)", "aaa");
execute("CREATE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".repeat (v text, n int) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();\n" +
" for (int i = 0; i < n.intValue(); i++)\n" +
" sb.append(v);\n" +
" return sb.toString();'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE v="+KEYSPACE+".repeat(?, ?)", "a", 3), row("aaa"));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE v="+KEYSPACE+".repeat(?, ?)", "a", 2));
public void testFunctionOverloading() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (k text PRIMARY KEY, v int)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s(k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", "f2", 1);
execute("CREATE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(v varchar) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'");
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(i int) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f2\";'");
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(v1 text, v2 text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f3\";'");
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(v ascii) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'");
// text == varchar, so this should be considered as a duplicate
assertInvalid("CREATE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(v varchar) RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'");
assertRows(execute("SELECT "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(k), "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(v), "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(k, k) FROM %s"),
row("f1", "f2", "f3")
// This shouldn't work if we use preparation since there no way to know which overload to use
assertInvalid("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(?)", "foo");
// but those should since we specifically cast
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded((text)?)", "foo"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded((int)?)", 3), row(1));
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded((ascii)?)", "foo"));
// And since varchar == text, this should work too
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded((varchar)?)", "foo"));
// no such functions exist...
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(boolean)");
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded(bigint)");
// 'overloaded' has multiple overloads - so it has to fail (CASSANDRA-7812)
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded");
execute("DROP FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded(varchar)");
assertInvalid("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded((text)?)", "foo");
execute("DROP FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded(text, text)");
assertInvalid("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded((text)?,(text)?)", "foo", "bar");
execute("DROP FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded(ascii)");
assertInvalid("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded((ascii)?)", "foo");
// single-int-overload must still work
assertRows(execute("SELECT v FROM %s WHERE k = " + KEYSPACE + ".overloaded((int)?)", 3), row(1));
// overloaded has just one overload now - so the following DROP FUNCTION is not ambigious (CASSANDRA-7812)
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".overloaded");
public void testCreateOrReplaceJavaFunction() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
execute("create function "+KS_FOO+".corjf ( input double ) returns double language java\n" +
"AS '\n" +
" // parameter val is of type java.lang.Double\n" +
" /* return type is of type java.lang.Double */\n" +
" if (input == null) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" double v = Math.sin( input.doubleValue() );\n" +
" return Double.valueOf(v);\n" +
// just check created function
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, "+KS_FOO+".corjf(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, 2d, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, 3d, Math.sin(3d))
execute("create or replace function "+KS_FOO+".corjf ( input double ) returns double language java\n" +
"AS '\n" +
" return input;\n" +
// check if replaced function returns correct result
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, "+KS_FOO+".corjf(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 1d),
row(2, 2d, 2d),
row(3, 3d, 3d)
public void testJavaFunctionNoParameters() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n return Long.valueOf(1L);\n";
String cql = String.format("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s.jfnpt() RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '%s';", KEYSPACE, functionBody);
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name=? AND function_name='jfnpt'", KEYSPACE),
row("java", functionBody));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, "+KEYSPACE+".jfnpt() FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 1L),
row(2, 2d, 1L),
row(3, 3d, 1L)
public void testJavaFunctionInvalidBodies() throws Throwable
"AS '\n" +
"foobarbaz" +
catch (InvalidRequestException e)
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("[source error]"));
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("; is missing"));
"AS '\n" +
"foobarbaz;" +
catch (InvalidRequestException e)
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("[source error]"));
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("no such field: foobarbaz"));
public void testJavaFunctionInvalidReturn() throws Throwable
String functionBody = "\n" +
" return Long.valueOf(1L);\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jfir(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
public void testJavaFunctionArgumentTypeMismatch() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val bigint)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" return val;\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1L);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2L);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3L);
assertInvalid("SELECT key, val, "+KEYSPACE+".jft(val) FROM %s");
public void testJavaFunction() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" // parameter val is of type java.lang.Double\n" +
" /* return type is of type java.lang.Double */\n" +
" if (val == null) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" double v = Math.sin( val.doubleValue() );\n" +
" return Double.valueOf(v);\n";
String cql = String.format("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s.jft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '%s';", KEYSPACE, functionBody);
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name=? AND function_name='jft'", KEYSPACE),
row("java", functionBody));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, " + KEYSPACE + ".jft(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, 2d, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, 3d, Math.sin(3d))
public void testFunctionInTargetKeyspace() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
execute("CREATE TABLE "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" return val;\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".jfitks(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertInvalid("SELECT key, val, " + KEYSPACE + ".jfitks(val) FROM %s");
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, jfitks(val) FROM " + KS_FOO + ".second_tab"),
row(1, 1d, 1d),
row(2, 2d, 2d),
row(3, 3d, 3d)
public void testFunctionWithReservedName() throws Throwable
execute("CREATE TABLE " + KS_FOO + ".second_tab (key int primary key, val double)");
"AS 'return null;';";
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO "+KS_FOO+".second_tab (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
// ensure that system now() is executed
UntypedResultSet rows = execute("SELECT key, val, now() FROM " + KS_FOO + ".second_tab");
Assert.assertEquals(3, rows.size());
UntypedResultSet.Row row = rows.iterator().next();
Date ts = row.getTimestamp(row.getColumns().get(2).name.toString());
// ensure that KS_FOO's now() is executed
rows = execute("SELECT key, val, "+KS_FOO+".now() FROM " + KS_FOO + ".second_tab");
Assert.assertEquals(3, rows.size());
row = rows.iterator().next();
public void testFunctionInSystemKS() throws Throwable
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + ".dateof(val timeuuid) RETURNS timestamp LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';");
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system.jnft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';");
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system.dateof(val timeuuid) RETURNS timestamp LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';");
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION system.now");
// KS for executeInternal() is system
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jnft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';");
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dateof(val timeuuid) RETURNS timestamp LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';");
assertInvalid("DROP FUNCTION now");
public void testFunctionNonExistingKeyspace() throws Throwable
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION this_ks_does_not_exist.jnft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';";
public void testFunctionAfterOnDropKeyspace() throws Throwable
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".jnft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS 'return null;';";
public void testJavaKeyspaceFunction() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" // parameter val is of type java.lang.Double\n" +
" /* return type is of type java.lang.Double */\n" +
" if (val == null) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" double v = Math.sin( val.doubleValue() );\n" +
" return Double.valueOf(v);\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".jnft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name='"+KS_FOO+"' AND function_name='jnft'"),
row("java", functionBody));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, "+KS_FOO+".jnft(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, 2d, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, 3d, Math.sin(3d))
public void testJavaRuntimeException() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(\"oh no!\");\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".jrtef(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE JAVA\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name='"+KS_FOO+"' AND function_name='jrtef'"),
row("java", functionBody));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
// function throws a RuntimeException which is wrapped by InvalidRequestException
assertInvalid("SELECT key, val, "+KS_FOO+".jrtef(val) FROM %s");
public void testJavaDollarQuotedFunction() throws Throwable
String functionBody = "\n" +
" // parameter val is of type java.lang.Double\n" +
" /* return type is of type java.lang.Double */\n" +
" if (input == null) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" double v = Math.sin( input.doubleValue() );\n" +
" return \"'\"+Double.valueOf(v)+'\\\'';\n";
execute("create function "+KS_FOO+".pgfun1 ( input double ) returns text language java\n" +
"AS $$" + functionBody + "$$;");
execute("CREATE FUNCTION "+KS_FOO+".pgsin ( input double ) RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS $$return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));$$");
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name='"+KS_FOO+"' AND function_name='pgfun1'"),
row("java", functionBody));
public void testJavascriptFunction() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
String functionBody = "\n" +
" Math.sin(val);\n";
String cql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '" + functionBody + "';";
assertRows(execute("SELECT language, body FROM system.schema_functions WHERE keyspace_name='"+KEYSPACE+"' AND function_name='jsft'"),
row("javascript", functionBody));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 2, 2d);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 3, 3d);
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, jsft(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, Math.sin(1d)),
row(2, 2d, Math.sin(2d)),
row(3, 3d, Math.sin(3d))
public void testJavascriptBadReturnType() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '\"string\";';");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
// throws IRE with ClassCastException
assertInvalid("SELECT key, val, jsft(val) FROM %s");
public void testJavascriptThrow() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsft(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'throw \"fool\";';");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
// throws IRE with ScriptException
assertInvalid("SELECT key, val, jsft(val) FROM %s");
public void testDuplicateArgNames() throws Throwable
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".scrinv(val double, val text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '\"foo bar\";';");
public void testJavascriptCompileFailure() throws Throwable
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".scrinv(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'foo bar';");
public void testScriptInvalidLanguage() throws Throwable
assertInvalid("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".scrinv(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE artificial_intelligence\n" +
"AS 'question for 42?';");
public void testScriptReturnTypeCasting() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val double)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1d);
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'true;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, true));
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'false;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, false));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = int , return type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS int LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = int , return type = double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS int LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100.;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = double , return type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100d));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = double , return type = double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100.;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100d));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = bigint , return type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100L));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = bigint , return type = double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100.;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 100L));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = varint , return type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS varint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, BigInteger.valueOf(100L)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = varint , return type = double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS varint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100.;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, BigInteger.valueOf(100L)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = decimal , return type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS decimal LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, BigDecimal.valueOf(100L)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
// declared rtype = decimal , return type = double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(val double) RETURNS decimal LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS '100.;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, val, js(val) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, BigDecimal.valueOf(100d)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".js(double)");
public void testScriptParamReturnTypes() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, ival int, lval bigint, fval float, dval double, vval varint, ddval decimal)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, ival, lval, fval, dval, vval, ddval) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 1,
1, 1L, 1f, 1d, BigInteger.valueOf(1L), BigDecimal.valueOf(1d));
// type = int
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsint(val int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, ival, jsint(ival) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1, 2));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsint(int)");
// bigint
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsbigint(val bigint) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, lval, jsbigint(lval) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1L, 2L));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsbigint(bigint)");
// float
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsfloat(val float) RETURNS float LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, fval, jsfloat(fval) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1f, 2f));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsfloat(float)");
// double
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsdouble(val double) RETURNS double LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, dval, jsdouble(dval) FROM %s"),
row(1, 1d, 2d));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsdouble(double)");
// varint
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsvarint(val varint) RETURNS varint LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, vval, jsvarint(vval) FROM %s"),
row(1, BigInteger.valueOf(1L), BigInteger.valueOf(2L)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsvarint(varint)");
// decimal
execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsdecimal(val decimal) RETURNS decimal LANGUAGE javascript\n" +
"AS 'val+1;';");
assertRows(execute("SELECT key, ddval, jsdecimal(ddval) FROM %s"),
row(1, BigDecimal.valueOf(1d), BigDecimal.valueOf(2d)));
execute("DROP FUNCTION "+KEYSPACE+".jsdecimal(decimal)");