package squidpony.bootstrap;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import squidpony.annotation.Beta;
import squidpony.squidcolor.SColor;
import squidpony.squidcolor.SColorFactory;
import squidpony.squidgrid.gui.TextCellFactory;
import squidpony.squidgrid.gui.SGMouseListener;
import squidpony.squidgrid.gui.SwingPane;
import squidpony.squidgrid.util.DirectionIntercardinal;
* Builds, manages, and displays a JFrame with a SwingPane in it allowing for a minimal-effort construction of a GUI for
* use with SquidLib. Includes a 2-line text output area and side bar for stats.
* The stats bar accepts input as a LinkedHashMap with a String as a key and Integer as value and displays each entry on
* its own line with the following restrictions. The String value is left justified. The Integer value is right
* justified. If there is not enough space to display both, the Integer will take precedence. In any case there will be
* at least one empty space between each String and Integer. If there is enough vertical room, there will also be one
* empty horizontal space between each pair. If there are more pairs than vertical space, they will be displayed in a
* first come, first server order. The stats area has enough width to support "STR: 19" output.
* The output display area has the following restrictions. It displays three lines of text at a time. Because it runs
* under both the map and stats areas, it can display slightly more characters than the width of the main map. It
* includes a clickable scroll function (on the right-hand side) to display older messages. It does not include the
* --MORE-- functionality seen in many roguelikes. When a new message is output, the view is automatically scrolled to
* the bottom. For best use, ensure that either only short messages are used or that messages no longer (in characters)
* than two times the width of the map are used. This will allow all output to be visible when it is output.
* This is purposefully a bare-bones GUI. For more control over appearance and things such as multiple panels, a custom
* JFrame and direct use of SwingPane objects should be used.
* Amongst the limitations in this implementation are that number keys are always treated as direction keys (appropriate
* for the numpad) and can't therefor be used in any other way. Output strings will have any whitespace collapsed into a
* single space, although line returns are respected.
* @author Eben Howard - -
public class BootStrapFrame {
private JFrame frame;
private SwingPane mapPanel, statsPanel, outputPanel;
private final GameLogic logic;
private KeyListener keyListener;
private final int outputLines = 3;
private final int statsWidth = 8;
private final int width, height;
private final ArrayList<String> outputMessages = new ArrayList<>();
private int displayedMessage = 0;
private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> stats = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Font font;
private char upChar, downChar;
* Builds and displays a top level GUI window with the provided grid width and height. The GUI is guaranteed to fit
* within the screen resolution it is opened on.
* The GameLogic class passed in is where a program should respond to input. Any resulting visual changes from that
* input can then be made on this SFrame.
* @param width
* @param height
* @param logic
public BootStrapFrame(int width, int height, GameLogic logic) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.logic = logic;
font = new Font("Lucidia", Font.PLAIN, 72);
upChar = font.canDisplay('▲') ? '▲' : 'U';
downChar = font.canDisplay('▼') ? '▼' : 'D';
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Sets up a JFrame and internal panels for a basic roguelike experience.
public void initFrame() {
frame = new JFrame("SquidLib Bootstrap");
// frame.setUndecorated(true);
try {
frame.setIconImage( File("./icon.png")));
} catch (IOException ex) {
//don't do anything if it failed, the default Java icon will be used
int pixelWidth = frame.getContentPane().getWidth();
int pixelHeight = frame.getContentPane().getHeight();
pixelWidth = (int) Math.ceil(pixelWidth / (width + statsWidth));//convert to pixels per grid cell
pixelHeight = (int) Math.ceil(pixelHeight / (height + outputLines));//convert to pixels per grid cell
TextCellFactory textFactory = new TextCellFactory(font, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, true, 0, TextCellFactory.DEFAULT_FITTING + upChar + downChar);
mapPanel = new SwingPane(width, height, textFactory, null);
mapPanel.put(width / 2 - 4, height / 2, "Loading...");
frame.add(mapPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
statsPanel = new SwingPane(statsWidth, mapPanel.gridHeight(), textFactory, null);
frame.add(statsPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
outputPanel = new SwingPane(mapPanel.gridWidth() + statsPanel.gridWidth(), outputLines, textFactory, null);
outputPanel.put(outputPanel.gridWidth() - 1, 0, upChar, SColor.DARK_BLUE_DYE);
outputPanel.put(outputPanel.gridWidth() - 1, outputPanel.gridHeight() - 1, downChar, SColor.DARK_BLUE_DYE);
for (int y = 1; y < outputPanel.gridHeight() - 1; y++) {//fill in vertical line between scroll arrowheads
outputPanel.put(outputPanel.gridWidth() - 1, y, SColor.SILVER);
outputPanel.addMouseListener(new SGMouseListener(outputPanel.cellWidth(), outputPanel.cellHeight(), new OutputMouseListener()));
frame.add(outputPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
keyListener = initKeyListener();
* Builds a KeyListener with some directional input defaults.
* @return
private KeyListener initKeyListener() {
return new KeyListener() {
private final HashMap<Integer, DirectionIntercardinal> dirKeys;
dirKeys = new HashMap<>();
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, DirectionIntercardinal.LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, DirectionIntercardinal.RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_UP, DirectionIntercardinal.UP);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD4, DirectionIntercardinal.LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD6, DirectionIntercardinal.RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD2, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD8, DirectionIntercardinal.UP);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD1, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN_LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD3, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN_RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD7, DirectionIntercardinal.UP_LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD9, DirectionIntercardinal.UP_RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD5, DirectionIntercardinal.NONE);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_4, DirectionIntercardinal.LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_6, DirectionIntercardinal.RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_2, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_8, DirectionIntercardinal.UP);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_1, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN_LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_3, DirectionIntercardinal.DOWN_RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_7, DirectionIntercardinal.UP_LEFT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_9, DirectionIntercardinal.UP_RIGHT);
dirKeys.put(KeyEvent.VK_5, DirectionIntercardinal.NONE);
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
if (!Character.isDigit(e.getKeyChar())) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (dirKeys.containsKey(e.getExtendedKeyCode())) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
* Displays the provided string in the output area. If the string is too long to fit, it will be broken up at spaces
* if possible. If the string is too long to fit entirely within the output buffer, part of it will be lost.
* In roguelike tradition, the most recent output line will be at the bottom of the output list.
* When this method is called, the output area is automatically scrolled to the bottom of the output queue.
* @param message
public void output(String message) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(message);
outputMessages.add(0, "");//add empty string as spacer between each message
while (scan.hasNext()) {
String working = "";
//scan each line so that line breaks in message are respected
Scanner line = new Scanner(scan.nextLine());
while (line.hasNext()) {
String word =;
if (word.length() >= width + statsWidth - 2) {//word can't fit on its own line, just break it
while (word.length() >= width + statsWidth - 2) {//keep breaking it up as needed
int breaker = width + statsWidth - 3 - working.length();
working += word.substring(0, breaker);
outputMessages.add(0, working);
word = word.substring(breaker);
working = "";
working = word;//the remainder gets put in
} else if (word.length() + working.length() < width + statsWidth - 2) {//word will fit so just add it
working += word + " ";
} else {//word needs a new line
outputMessages.add(0, working);
working = word;
outputMessages.add(0, working);
displayedMessage = 0;
private void updateOutput() {
for (int x = 0; x < outputPanel.gridWidth() - 1; x++) {//clear everything but the scroll arrows
for (int y = 0; y < outputPanel.gridHeight(); y++) {
outputPanel.clear(x, y);
boolean recent = displayedMessage == 0;//only the recent message is message 0
for (int y = 0; y < outputLines; y++) {
int i = displayedMessage + y;
if (outputMessages.size() > i) {
String output = outputMessages.get(i);
if (recent && (output == null || "".equals(output))) {//after the first empty string all messages are old
recent = false;
outputPanel.put(0, y, output, recent ? SColor.DODGER_BLUE : SColorFactory.dimmest(SColor.PALE_CORNFLOWER_BLUE));
public void setStats(LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> statsMap) {
stats = statsMap;
public void updateStat(String stat, Integer value) {
stats.put(stat, value);
private void updateStats() {
int i = 0;
for (String s : stats.keySet()) {
statsPanel.put(0, i, s);
String value = stats.get(s).toString();
statsPanel.put(statsWidth - 1 - value.length(), i, value);
i += 2;
private class OutputMouseListener extends MouseInputAdapter {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.getX() == width + statsWidth - 1) {
if (e.getY() == 0) {
displayedMessage = Math.max(0, displayedMessage - 1);
} else if (e.getY() == outputLines - 1) {
displayedMessage = Math.min(outputMessages.size() - 1, displayedMessage + 1);