package org.elfinder.servlets.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemStream;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.elfinder.servlets.ConnectorException;
import org.elfinder.servlets.FileActionEnum;
import org.elfinder.servlets.config.AbstractConnectorConfig;
import org.elfinder.servlets.fs.IFsImpl;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* This is superclass for each command implemented by the servlet.<br>
* This is a quick & dirty code translation from PHP connector, probably needs
* some cleanup...
* @author Antoine Walter (
* @date 29 aug. 2011
* @version $Id$
* @license BSD
public abstract class AbstractCommand {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractCommand.class);
private HttpServletRequest request;
private HttpServletResponse response;
private JSONObject json;
private Map<String, Object> requestParameters;
private List<FileItemStream> listFiles;
private List<ByteArrayOutputStream> listFileStreams;
private AbstractConnectorConfig config;
private boolean isResponseTextHtml = false;
private PrintWriter out;
private boolean responseOutputDone = false;
private boolean forceRunInit = false;
public AbstractCommand() {
public void init() {
public abstract void execute() throws ConnectorException;
protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
return request;
protected HttpServletResponse getResponse() {
return response;
public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
this.request = request;
public void setResponse(HttpServletResponse response) {
this.response = response;
protected String getParam(String paramName) {
String param = (String) requestParameters.get(paramName);
if (param != null) {
param = param.trim();
return param;
protected Object getParamObject(String paramName) {
return requestParameters.get(paramName);
public void setJson(JSONObject json) {
this.json = json;
protected void putResponse(String param, Object value) {
try {
json.put(param, value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
logger.error("", e);
protected Object getResponse(String param) {
try {
return json.get(param);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
public boolean isResponseOutputDone() {
return responseOutputDone;
public void setResponseOutputDone(boolean responseOutputDone) {
this.responseOutputDone = responseOutputDone;
public void setRequestParameters(Map<String, Object> requestParameters) {
this.requestParameters = requestParameters;
public void setListFiles(List<FileItemStream> listFiles) {
this.listFiles = listFiles;
public void setListFileStreams(List<ByteArrayOutputStream> listFileStreams) {
this.listFileStreams = listFileStreams;
public void setConfig(AbstractConnectorConfig config) {
this.config = config;
protected List<FileItemStream> getListFiles() {
return listFiles;
protected List<ByteArrayOutputStream> getListFileStreams() {
return listFileStreams;
protected AbstractConnectorConfig getConfig() {
return config;
protected IFsImpl getFs() {
return config.getFs();
protected void setResponseTextHtml() {
isResponseTextHtml = true;
public boolean isResponseTextHtml() {
return isResponseTextHtml;
public PrintWriter getResponseWriter() {
if (out == null) {
try {
out = response.getWriter();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("", e);
return out;
public static void closeWriter(PrintWriter responseWriter) {
public boolean mustRunInit() {
return (forceRunInit || request.getParameter("init") != null);
protected void setForceRunInit(boolean forceRunInit) {
this.forceRunInit = forceRunInit;
// ---------
public void contentCommand() throws ConnectorException {
File path = getExistingDir(getParam("target"), FileActionEnum.READ);
if (path == null) {
path = getRootFile();
boolean isTree = (getParam("tree") != null);
_content(path, isTree);
public void initCommand() throws ConnectorException {
putResponse("disabled", getConfig().getListDisabled());
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("dotFiles", getConfig().getDotFilesAllowed());
params.put("uplMaxSize", getConfig().getUploadMaxSize() + "M");
params.put("archives", getConfig().getListArchives());
params.put("extract", getConfig().getListExtract());
params.put("url", getConfig().getRootUrl());
putResponse("params", params);
/** config methods **/
protected String dateFormat(long time) {
return config.dateFormat(time);
protected String getMime(File file) {
return config.getMime(file);
protected String getMimeDisposition(String mime) {
String[] parts = mime.split("/");
String disp = ("image".equals(parts[0]) || "text".equals(parts[0]) ? "inline" : "attachments");
return disp;
protected String getFileUrl(File file) {
return config.getFileUrl(file);
protected String basename(File path) {
return config.basename(path);
protected String getRoot() {
return config.getRoot();
protected File getRootFile() {
return config.getRootFile();
public boolean _checkName(String n) {
return config._checkName(n);
public boolean _isUploadAllow(String fileName) {
return config._isUploadAllow(fileName);
public boolean _isAccepted(File file) {
return config._isAccepted(file);
public boolean isSpecialDir(File file) {
return config.isSpecialDir(file);
* For some reasons, some setups have to reencode filename before output to
* JSON.<br/>
* Let them override it if needed.
* @param fileName
* @return fileName for output
protected String encodeFileNameForOutput(String fileName) {
return config.encodeFileNameForOutput(fileName);
/** fs methods **/
* Find folder by hash in required folder and subfolders
* @param string
* $hash folder hash
* @param string
* $path folder path to search in
* @return string
protected File _findDir(String hash, File path) {
if (path == null) {
path = config.getRootFile();
if (_hash(path).equals(hash)) {
return path;
File[] children = path.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
if (config._isAccepted(child) && child.isDirectory()) {
if (_hash(child).equals(hash)) {
return child;
File foundDir = _findDir(hash, child);
if (foundDir != null) {
return foundDir;
return null;
* Find file/folder by hash in required folder
* @param string
* $hash file/folder hash
* @param string
* $path folder path to search in
protected File _find(String hash, File path) {
if (path == null) {
return null;
File[] children = path.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
if (config._isAccepted(child)) {
if (_hash(child).equals(hash)) {
return child;
return null;
protected File getExistingDir(String dirHash, FileActionEnum actionCheck) throws ConnectorException {
File dir = null;
if (dirHash != null && !"".equals(dirHash)) {
dir = _findDir(dirHash, null);
if (dir == null) {
throw new ConnectorException("Invalid parameters");
if (!getConfig()._isAllowedExistingDir(dir, actionCheck)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Access denied");
return dir;
protected File getExistingFile(String fileHash, File existingDir, FileActionEnum actionCheck) throws ConnectorException {
File existingFile = _find(fileHash, existingDir);
if (existingFile == null) {
throw new ConnectorException("File not found");
if (!getConfig()._isAllowedExistingFile(existingFile, actionCheck)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Access denied");
return existingFile;
protected File getNewFile(String fileName, File existingDir, FileActionEnum actionCheck) throws ConnectorException {
if (!_checkName(fileName)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Invalid name");
File newFile = new File(existingDir, fileName);
if (newFile.exists()) {
throw new ConnectorException("File or folder with the same name already exists");
if (!config._isAllowedNewFile(newFile, actionCheck)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Access denied");
return newFile;
protected File getNewDirectory(String dirName, File existingDir, FileActionEnum actionCheck) throws ConnectorException {
if (!_checkName(dirName)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Invalid name");
File newFile = new File(existingDir, dirName);
if (newFile.exists()) {
throw new ConnectorException("File or folder with the same name already exists");
if (!config._isAllowedNewDir(newFile, actionCheck)) {
throw new ConnectorException("Access denied");
return newFile;
/** image manipulation **/
* Remove image thumbnail
* @param string
* $img image file
* @return void
protected void _rmTmb(File img) {
// if ($this->_options['tmbDir'] && false != ($tmb =
// $this->_tmbPath($img)) && file_exists($tmb)) {
// @unlink($tmb);
// }
/** "content" methods **/
public String getFileBasenameOrRootAlias(File f) {
String name;
if (f.getPath().equals(getRootFile().getPath())) {
name = config.rootAliasOrBaseName();
} else {
name = encodeFileNameForOutput(basename(f));
return name;
* Set current dir info, content and [dirs tree]
protected void _content(File path, boolean isTree) {
if (isTree) {
File f = new File(config.getRoot());
putResponse("tree", _tree(f));
* Set current dir info
protected void _cwd(File f) {
String name = getFileBasenameOrRootAlias(f);
String rel = name;
Map<String, Object> infos = new HashMap<String, Object>();
infos.put("hash", _hash(f));
infos.put("name", name);
infos.put("mime", "directory");
infos.put("rel", rel);
infos.put("size", "0");
infos.put("date", config.dateFormat(f.lastModified()));
infos.put("read", true);
// return true if we have permission for at least one the following
// actions
boolean canWriteCurrentDirectoryOrCreateNewFilesOrDirectory = config._isAllowedExistingDir(f, FileActionEnum.WRITE)
|| config._isAllowedNewDir(f, FileActionEnum.WRITE) || config._isAllowedNewFile(f, FileActionEnum.WRITE);
infos.put("write", canWriteCurrentDirectoryOrCreateNewFilesOrDirectory);
infos.put("rm", config._isAllowedExistingDir(f, FileActionEnum.DELETE));
putResponse("cwd", infos);
* Set current dir content
* @param string
* path current dir path
* @return void
protected void _cdc(File dir) {
List<Map<String, Object>> infos = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
File[] children = dir.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
if (config._isAccepted(child)) {
Map<String, Object> info = _info(child);
putResponse("cdc", infos);
* Return file/folder info
* @param string
* path file path
* @return array
protected Map<String, Object> _info(File path) {
// type = filetype(path);
// $stat = $type == 'link' ? lstat($path) : stat($path);
// if ($stat['mtime'] > $this->_today) {
// $d = 'Today '.date('H:i', $stat['mtime']);
// } elseif ($stat['mtime'] > $this->_yesterday) {
// $d = 'Yesterday '.date('H:i', $stat['mtime']);
// } else {
// $d = date($this->_options['dateFormat'], $stat['mtime']);
// }
boolean isDir = path.isDirectory();
Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<String, Object>();
info.put("name", encodeFileNameForOutput(basename(path)));
info.put("hash", _hash(path));
info.put("mime", isDir ? "directory" : config.getMime(path));
info.put("date", config.dateFormat(path.lastModified()));
info.put("size", isDir ? getFs().getDirSize(path) : getFs().getFileSize(path));
info.put("read", isDir ? config._isAllowedExistingDir(path, FileActionEnum.READ) : config._isAllowedExistingFile(path, FileActionEnum.READ));
info.put("write",isDir ? config._isAllowedExistingDir(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE) : config._isAllowedExistingFile(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE));
info.put("rm", isDir ? config._isAllowedExistingDir(path, FileActionEnum.DELETE) : config._isAllowedExistingFile(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE));
if (!isDir) {
if (config.isFileUrlEnabled() && true == (Boolean) info.get("read")) {
info.put("url", encodeFileNameForOutput(config.getFileUrl(path)));
if(config.hasThumbnail(path)) {
info.put("tmb", encodeFileNameForOutput(config.getThumbnailUrl(path)));
// if ($this->_options['fileURL'] && $info['read']) {
// $info['url'] = $this->_path2url($lpath ? $lpath : $path);
// }
// if (0 === ($p = strpos($info['mime'], 'image'))) {
// if (false != ($s = getimagesize($path))) {
// $info['dim'] = $s[0].'x'.$s[1];
// }
// if ($info['read']) {
// $info['resize'] = isset($info['dim']) &&
// $this->_canCreateTmb($info['mime']);
// $tmb = $this->_tmbPath($path);
// if (file_exists($tmb)) {
// $info['tmb'] = $this->_path2url($tmb);
// } elseif ($info['resize']) {
// $this->_result['tmb'] = true;
// }
// }
// }
return info;
* Return directory tree (multidimensional array)
* @param string
* path directory path
* @return array
protected Map<String, Object> _tree(File path) {
Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<String, Object>();
info.put("hash", _hash(path));
info.put("name", getFileBasenameOrRootAlias(path));
info.put("read", config._isAllowedExistingDir(path, FileActionEnum.READ));
// we return true if we have permission for at least one the following
// actions
boolean canWriteCurrentDirectoryOrCreateNewFilesOrDirectory = config._isAllowedExistingDir(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE)
|| config._isAllowedNewDir(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE) || config._isAllowedNewFile(path, FileActionEnum.WRITE);
info.put("write", canWriteCurrentDirectoryOrCreateNewFilesOrDirectory);
List<Object> dirs = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (true == (Boolean) info.get("read")) {
File[] children = path.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
if (child.isDirectory()) {
if (config._isAllowedExistingDir(child, FileActionEnum.READ)) {
info.put("dirs", dirs);
return info;
/** utilites **/
* Return file path hash
* @param string
* path
* @return string
protected String _hash(File path) {
String hash = DigestUtils.md5Hex(path.getAbsolutePath());
return hash;