package org.jtester.json.decoder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jtester.bytecode.reflector.helper.ClazzHelper;
import org.jtester.exception.JSONException;
import org.jtester.json.helper.JSONMap;
import org.jtester.json.helper.JSONObject;
import org.jtester.json.helper.JSONSingle;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public abstract class ObjectDecoder<T> extends JSONDecoder<T> {
protected ObjectDecoder(Class clazz) {
public final T decode(JSONObject json, Map<String, Object> references) {
if (json == null) {
return null;
if (json instanceof JSONSingle) {
String value = ((JSONSingle) json).toStringValue();
return (T) value;
if (!(json instanceof JSONMap)) {
throw new JSONException("illegal type for JavaBeanDecoder. the json[" + json.toString()
+ "] isn't a JSONMap");
JSONMap map = (JSONMap) json;
String referenceID = map.getReferFromJSONProp();
if (referenceID != null) {
Object o = references.get(referenceID);
return (T) o;
} else {
T target = this.newInstance(map, references);
this.parseFromJSONMap(target, map, references);
return (T) target;
* 根据JSONMap在#class属性或者 Decoder传进来的class创建对象实例<br>
* 如果实例被标记了ReferenceID,往references中追加一条记录
* @param map
* @param references
* @return
private T newInstance(final JSONMap map, final Map<String, Object> references) {
this.realTargetType = map.getClazzFromJSONFProp(this.clazz);
if (ClazzHelper.isInterfaceOrAbstract(this.realTargetType)) {
throw new JSONException("the type[" + this.realTargetType.getName()
+ "] is an interface or abstract class,that can't be instnaced.");
if (this.clazz == Object.class) {
Object target = new HashMap();
return (T) target;
} else {
Object target = ClazzHelper.newInstance(this.realTargetType);
String referenceID = map.getReferenceID();
if (referenceID != null) {
references.put(referenceID, target);
return (T) target;
* 解析jsonMap属性,填充target对象的值
* @param target
* @param jsonMap
* @param references
* @return
protected abstract void parseFromJSONMap(T target, JSONMap jsonMap, Map<String, Object> references);