package de.jungblut.ner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.SingleEntryDoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.sparse.SparseDoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.tuple.Tuple;
* Convenient helper for creating vectors out of text features for sequence
* learning. Inspired by Coursera's NLP Class PA4.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class SparseFeatureExtractorHelper<K> {
private final List<K> words;
private final List<Integer> labels;
private final SequenceFeatureExtractor<K> extractor;
private final HashSet<Integer> classSet;
private int classes;
private String[] dicts;
* Constructs this feature factory.
* @param words a list of words in sequence to learn on.
* @param labels the corresponding labels in parallel to the words.
* @param extractor the core implementation of the feature extractor.
public SparseFeatureExtractorHelper(List<K> words, List<Integer> labels,
SequenceFeatureExtractor<K> extractor) {
this.words = words;
this.labels = labels;
this.extractor = extractor;
// calculate how many different classes are there (assuming they are
// starting with 0)
this.classSet = new HashSet<>(labels);
this.classes = classSet.size();
* Constructs this feature factory via a given dictionary.
* @param words a list of words in sequence to learn on.
* @param labels the corresponding labels in parallel to the words.
* @param extractor the core implementation of the feature extractor.
* @param dictionary an already given dictionary.
public SparseFeatureExtractorHelper(List<K> words, List<Integer> labels,
SequenceFeatureExtractor<K> extractor, String[] dictionary) {
this(words, labels, extractor);
this.dicts = dictionary;
* Vectorizes the given data from the constructor. Internally builds a
* dictionary that can be saved to vectorize additional data with
* {@link #vectorizeAdditionals(List, List)}.
* @return a {@link Tuple} with the features in the first dimension, and on
* the second the outcome.
public Tuple<DoubleVector[], DoubleVector[]> vectorize() {
return extractInternal(words, labels);
* Vectorizes the given word.
* @return the feature for the given word.
public DoubleVector vectorize(K word) {
return vectorize(word, null);
* Vectorizes the given word with the previous outcome.
* @return the feature for the given word.
public DoubleVector vectorize(K word, Integer lastLabel) {
List<String> computedFeatures = extractor.computeFeatures(
Arrays.asList(word), lastLabel == null ? 0 : lastLabel, 0);
DoubleVector feature = new SparseDoubleVector(dicts.length);
for (String feat : computedFeatures) {
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(dicts, feat);
if (index >= 0) {
feature.set(index, 1d);
return feature;
* Vectorizes the given data. Internally uses a dictionary that was created by
* {@link #vectorize()} or creates one on this data.
* @return a {@link Tuple} with the features in the first dimension, and on
* the second the outcome.
public Tuple<DoubleVector[], DoubleVector[]> vectorize(List<K> words,
List<Integer> labels) {
return vectorizeAdditionals(words, labels);
* Vectorizes the given data. Internally uses a dictionary that was created by
* {@link #vectorize()} or creates one on this data.
* @return a {@link Tuple} with the features in the first dimension, and on
* the second the outcome.
public Tuple<DoubleVector[], DoubleVector[]> vectorizeAdditionals(
List<K> words, List<Integer> labels) {
return extractInternal(words, labels);
* Vectorizes the given data for each label. Internally uses a dictionary that
* was created by {@link #vectorize()} or creates one on this data.
public DoubleVector[] vectorizeEachLabel(List<K> words) {
List<List<String>> stringFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
if (i == 0) {
stringFeatures.add(extractor.computeFeatures(words, 0, i));
} else {
for (int prevLabel : classSet) {
stringFeatures.add(extractor.computeFeatures(words, prevLabel, i));
DoubleVector[] features = new DoubleVector[stringFeatures.size()];
final int dimension = dicts.length;
// translate the feature vector
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
features[i] = new SparseDoubleVector(dimension);
for (String feat : stringFeatures.get(i)) {
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(dicts, feat);
if (index >= 0) {
features[i].set(index, 1d);
return features;
* @return the built dictionary.
public String[] getDictionary() {
return this.dicts;
* Generates the feature vectors and the dictionary.
private Tuple<DoubleVector[], DoubleVector[]> extractInternal(List<K> words,
List<Integer> labels) {
List<List<String>> stringFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
i == 0 ? 0 : labels.get(i - 1), i));
DoubleVector[] features = new DoubleVector[stringFeatures.size()];
DoubleVector[] outcome = new DoubleVector[stringFeatures.size()];
// skip if we already have a dictionary
if (dicts == null) {
// now build the feature space out of the strings, sort the features, so
// they translate to an index in an array.
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>();
for (List<String> feat : stringFeatures) {
// sort it for binary search
dicts = set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
final int dimension = dicts.length;
// translate the feature vector
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
features[i] = new SparseDoubleVector(dimension);
for (String feat : stringFeatures.get(i)) {
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(dicts, feat);
if (index >= 0) {
features[i].set(index, 1d);
if (classes == 2) {
outcome[i] = new SingleEntryDoubleVector(labels.get(i));
} else {
outcome[i] = new SparseDoubleVector(classes);
outcome[i].set(labels.get(i), 1d);
return new Tuple<>(features, outcome);