package de.jungblut.ner;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import de.jungblut.datastructure.ArrayUtils;
import de.jungblut.distance.CosineDistance;
import de.jungblut.distance.DistanceMeasurer;
import de.jungblut.distance.SimilarityMeasurer;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.DenseDoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.tuple.Tuple;
* Iterative similarity aggregation for named entity recognition and set
* expansion based on the paper
* "SEISA: Set Expansion by Iterative Similarity Aggregation". Those who wonder
* what the package name "ner" stands for, it is "named entity recognition".
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class IterativeSimilarityAggregation {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory
private final double alpha;
// similarity between the term nodes are defined by the similarity of their
// context in which they occur. So the context nodes are the feature of this
// algorithm.
private final SimilarityMeasurer similarityMeasurer;
private final String[] seedTokens;
private int[] seedIndices;
private String[] termNodes;
// could we really cache the similarity between the columns?
private DoubleMatrix weightMatrix;
* Constructs the similarity aggregation by seed tokens to expand and a given
* bipartite graph. The bipartite graph is represented as a two tuple, which
* consists of the vertices (called (candidate-) terms or entities) on the
* first item and the edges between those is a NxM matrix, where n is the
* entity tokens count and m is the number of the context vertices. Alpha is
* set to 0.5 and the cosine distance is used.
public IterativeSimilarityAggregation(String[] seedTokens,
Tuple<String[], DoubleMatrix> bipartiteGraph) {
this(seedTokens, bipartiteGraph, 0.5d, new CosineDistance());
* Constructs the similarity aggregation by seed tokens to expand and a given
* bipartite graph. The bipartite graph is represented as a three tuple, which
* consists of the vertices (called (candidate-) terms or entities) on the
* first item, the context vertices on the second item and the edges between
* those is a NxM matrix, where n is the entity tokens count and m is the
* number of the context vertices. Alpha is the constant weighting factor used
* throughout the paper (usually 0.5). The distance measurer to be used must
* be also defined.
public IterativeSimilarityAggregation(String[] seedTokens,
Tuple<String[], DoubleMatrix> bipartiteGraph, double alpha,
DistanceMeasurer distance) {
this.seedTokens = seedTokens;
this.termNodes = bipartiteGraph.getFirst();
// make sure we transpose to have a better distance lookup
this.weightMatrix = bipartiteGraph.getSecond().transpose();
this.alpha = alpha;
this.similarityMeasurer = new SimilarityMeasurer(distance);
* Initializes the vectorized structures for algorithm use.
private void init() {
TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList();
// the seed tokens must be defined in the term nodes to make this work
for (String token : seedTokens) {
int find = ArrayUtils.find(termNodes, token);
if (find >= 0) {
} else {"Seed token \"" + token
+ "\" could not be found in the term list!");
seedIndices = list.toArray();
* Starts the static thresholding algorithm and returns the expandedset of
* newly found related tokens.
* @param maxIterations if > 0 the algorithm will stop after reached
* maxIterations.
public String[] startStaticThresholding(double similarityThreshold,
int maxIterations, boolean verbose) {
DenseDoubleVector relevanceScore = computeRelevanceScore(seedIndices);
// we start by using all seed tokens, no matter what score they have
int[] relevantTokens = filterRelevantItems(relevanceScore, 0.0d);
int iteration = 0;
while (true) {
DenseDoubleVector similarityScore = computeRelevanceScore(relevantTokens);
DoubleVector rankedTokens = rankScores(alpha, relevanceScore,
int[] topRankedItems = getTopRankedItems(rankedTokens,
// check the tokens for equality, order is important, their score is not
boolean equal = relevantTokens.length == topRankedItems.length;
if (equal) {
for (int i = 0; i < topRankedItems.length; i++) {
if (topRankedItems[i] != relevantTokens[i]) {
equal = false;
if (verbose) { + " | Top ranked item size: "
+ topRankedItems.length);
// simply exchange the old items with the newly found ones
relevantTokens = topRankedItems;
// break algorithm if tokens haven't changed or maxiterations have been
// reached
if (equal || (maxIterations > 0 && iteration > maxIterations)) {
String[] tokens = new String[relevantTokens.length];
// translate the indices back to the tokens
for (int i = 0; i < relevantTokens.length; i++) {
tokens[i] = termNodes[relevantTokens[i]];
return tokens;
* Simple selection sort with filtering function. Can be optimized with a less
* naive algorithm. Currently this is O(n^2+2n) which is really bad.
static int[] getTopRankedItems(DoubleVector pRankedTokens,
double similarityThreshold) {
DoubleVector rankedTokens = pRankedTokens.deepCopy();
int[] sortedIndices = new int[rankedTokens.getLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < sortedIndices.length; i++) {
sortedIndices[i] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < rankedTokens.getLength() - 1; j++) {
int max = j;
for (int i = j + 1; i < rankedTokens.getLength(); i++) {
if (rankedTokens.get(i) > rankedTokens.get(max)) {
max = i;
if (j != max) {
double tmp = rankedTokens.get(max);
rankedTokens.set(max, rankedTokens.get(j));
rankedTokens.set(j, tmp);
ArrayUtils.swap(sortedIndices, max, j);
// filter these tokens
TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList();
for (int sortedIndice : sortedIndices) {
final double val = pRankedTokens.get(sortedIndice);
if (val > similarityThreshold) {
} else {
return list.toArray();
* Computes the relevance for each term in U (universe of entities) to the
* terms in the seedset.
* @param seedSet S a subset of U, this are the indices where to find the
* items in the similarity matrix.
* @return a vector of length of the universe of entities. Which index
* encapsulates the relevance described in the paper as
* S_rel(TERM_AT_INDEX_i,S)
private DenseDoubleVector computeRelevanceScore(int[] seedSet) {
final int termsLength = termNodes.length;
final DenseDoubleVector relevanceScores = new DenseDoubleVector(termsLength);
final double constantLoss = 1.0d / seedSet.length;
for (int i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) {
double sum = 0.0d;
for (int j : seedSet) {
DoubleVector columnVectorI = weightMatrix.getColumnVector(i);
DoubleVector columnVectorJ = weightMatrix.getColumnVector(j);
double similarity = 0.0d;
if (columnVectorI != null && columnVectorJ != null) {
similarity = similarityMeasurer.measureSimilarity(columnVectorI,
sum += similarity;
relevanceScores.set(i, constantLoss * sum);
return relevanceScores;
* Ranks the terms at the indices by their relevance scores and the similarity
* scores. They are multiplied by the given alpha.
* @return a vector which represents the rank of the terms.
static DoubleVector rankScores(double alpha,
DenseDoubleVector relevanceScores, DenseDoubleVector similarityScores) {
DoubleVector multiply = relevanceScores.multiply(alpha);
return similarityScores.multiply(alpha).add(multiply);
* Returns the indices of the relevant items that are above the threshold.
static int[] filterRelevantItems(DenseDoubleVector relevanceScores,
double threshold) {
TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < relevanceScores.getLength(); i++) {
double val = relevanceScores.get(i);
if (val > threshold) {
return list.toArray();