package de.jungblut.math.minimize;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
* Gradient descent implementation with some neat features like momentum,
* divergence detection, delta breaks and bold driver and scheduled annealing
* adaptive learning rates. For more sophisticated configuration use the
* {@link GradientDescentBuilder}.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class GradientDescent extends AbstractMinimizer {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GradientDescent.class);
private static final int COST_HISTORY = 3;
public static class GradientDescentBuilder {
private final double alpha;
private double breakDifference;
private double momentum;
private boolean breakOnDivergence;
private boolean boldDriver;
private double boldIncreasePercentage;
private double boldDecreasePercentage;
private int annealingIteration = -1;
private GradientDescentBuilder(double alpha) {
this.alpha = alpha;
public GradientDescent build() {
return new GradientDescent(this);
* Add momentum to this gradient descent minimizer.
* @param momentum the momentum to use. Between 0 and 1.
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder momentum(double momentum) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(momentum >= 0d && momentum <= 1d,
"Momentum must be between 0 and 1.");
this.momentum = momentum;
return this;
* BoldDriver will change the learning rate over time by observing the cost
* of the costfunction. If the cost decreases, it will increase the learning
* rate by 5%. If the cost increases it will cut the learning rate in half.
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder boldDriver() {
return boldDriver(0.5, 0.05);
* BoldDriver will change the learning rate over time by observing the cost
* of the costfunction. If the cost decreases, it will increase the learning
* rate (typically by 5%). If the cost increases it will (typically) cut the
* learning rate in half.
* @param increasedCostPercentage the percentage of the learning rate that
* will be used when cost increases.
* @param decreasedCostPercentage the percentage of the learning rate that
* will be used when cost decreases.
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder boldDriver(double increasedCostPercentage,
double decreasedCostPercentage) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(increasedCostPercentage >= 0d
&& increasedCostPercentage <= 1d,
"increasedCostPercentage must be between 0 and 1.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(decreasedCostPercentage >= 0d
&& decreasedCostPercentage <= 1d,
"decreasedCostPercentage must be between 0 and 1.");
this.boldDriver = true;
this.boldIncreasePercentage = increasedCostPercentage;
this.boldDecreasePercentage = decreasedCostPercentage;
return this;
* If called, this breaks when the gradient descent minimizer starts to
* diverge (costs are growing).
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder breakOnDivergence() {
this.breakOnDivergence = true;
return this;
* Breaks minimization process when the given delta in costs have been
* archieved. Usually a quite low value of 1e-4 to 1e-8.
* @param delta the delta to break in difference between two costs.
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder breakOnDifference(double delta) {
this.breakDifference = delta;
return this;
* Sets a simple annealing (alpha / (1+current_iteration / phi)) where phi
* is the given parameter here. This will gradually lower the global
* learning rate after the given amount of iterations.
* @param iteration the iteration to start annealing.
* @return the builder again.
public GradientDescentBuilder annealingAfter(int iteration) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(iteration > 0,
"Annealing can only kick in after the first iteration! Given: "
+ iteration);
this.annealingIteration = iteration;
return this;
* Creates a new builder.
* @param alpha the learning rate to set.
* @return a new builder.
public static GradientDescentBuilder create(double alpha) {
return new GradientDescentBuilder(alpha);
private final boolean breakOnDivergence;
private final double breakDifference;
private final double momentum;
private final double alpha;
private final boolean boldDriver;
private final double boldIncreasePercentage;
private final double boldDecreasePercentage;
private final int annealingIteration;
private GradientDescent(GradientDescentBuilder builder) {
this.alpha = builder.alpha;
this.breakDifference = builder.breakDifference;
this.momentum = builder.momentum;
this.breakOnDivergence = builder.breakOnDivergence;
this.boldDriver = builder.boldDriver;
this.boldIncreasePercentage = builder.boldIncreasePercentage;
this.boldDecreasePercentage = builder.boldDecreasePercentage;
this.annealingIteration = builder.annealingIteration;
* @param alpha the learning rate.
* @param limit the delta in cost to archieve to break the iterations.
public GradientDescent(double alpha, double limit) {
public final DoubleVector minimize(CostFunction f, DoubleVector pInput,
final int maxIterations, boolean verbose) {
double[] lastCosts = new double[COST_HISTORY];
Arrays.fill(lastCosts, Double.MAX_VALUE);
final int lastIndex = lastCosts.length - 1;
DoubleVector lastTheta = null;
DoubleVector lastGradient = null;
DoubleVector theta = pInput;
double alpha = this.alpha;
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++) {
CostGradientTuple evaluateCost = f.evaluateCost(theta);
if (verbose) {"Iteration " + iteration + " | Cost: "
+ evaluateCost.getCost());
lastCosts[lastIndex] = evaluateCost.getCost();
// break if we converged below the limit
if (converged(lastCosts, breakDifference)) {
// break if we are going in the wrong direction
if (breakOnDivergence && ascending(lastCosts)) {
DoubleVector gradient = evaluateCost.getGradient();
// check the bold driver
if (boldDriver) {
if (lastGradient != null) {
double costDifference = getCostDifference(lastCosts);
if (costDifference < 0) {
// we can increase, because cost decreased
alpha += (alpha * boldDecreasePercentage);
} else {
// we decrease, because cost increased
// we undo the last theta change
theta = lastTheta;
gradient = lastGradient;
alpha -= (alpha * boldIncreasePercentage);
if (verbose) {"Iteration " + iteration + " | Alpha: " + alpha + "\n");
lastGradient = gradient;
// check annealing
if (annealingIteration > 0) {
// always pick the initial learning rate
alpha = this.alpha / (1d + iteration / annealingIteration);
// save our last parameter
lastTheta = theta;
// basically subtract the gradient multiplied with the learning rate
theta = theta.subtract(gradient.multiply(alpha));
if (lastTheta != null && momentum != 0d) {
// we add momentum as the parameter "m" multiplied by the difference of
// both theta vectors
theta = theta.add((lastTheta.subtract(theta)).multiply(momentum));
onIterationFinished(iteration, evaluateCost.getCost(), theta);
return theta;
* Minimize a given cost function f with the initial parameters pInput (also
* called theta) with a learning rate alpha and a fixed number of iterations.
* The loop can break earlier if costs converge below the limit. If the same
* cost was archieved three times in a row, it will also break the iterations.
* @param f the function to minimize.
* @param pInput the starting parameters.
* @param alpha the learning rate.
* @param limit the cost to archieve to break the iterations.
* @param length the number of iterations.
* @param verbose if true prints progress to STDOUT.
* @return the learned minimal parameters.
public static DoubleVector minimizeFunction(CostFunction f,
DoubleVector pInput, double alpha, double limit, int length,
final boolean verbose) {
return new GradientDescent(alpha, limit).minimize(f, pInput, length,
static void shiftLeft(double[] lastCosts) {
final int lastIndex = lastCosts.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
lastCosts[i] = lastCosts[i + 1];
// shift MAX_VALUE into the last position
lastCosts[lastIndex] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
static boolean converged(double[] lastCosts, double limit) {
return Math.abs(getCostDifference(lastCosts)) < limit;
static boolean ascending(double[] lastCosts) {
double last = lastCosts[0];
boolean ascending = false;
for (int i = 1; i < lastCosts.length; i++) {
ascending = last < lastCosts[i];
last = lastCosts[i];
return ascending;
private static double getCostDifference(double[] lastCosts) {
return lastCosts[lastCosts.length - 1] - lastCosts[lastCosts.length - 2];