package de.jungblut.clustering;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import de.jungblut.datastructure.KDTree;
import de.jungblut.datastructure.KDTree.VectorDistanceTuple;
import de.jungblut.distance.EuclidianDistance;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
* A one pass exclusive clustering algorithm. As the name suggests, the
* clustering algorithm will iterate once over a constructed kd-tree and find
* nearest neighbours inside a distance threshold. The found neighbours are
* going to be put into a bitset and will be omitted from search in the
* following kd-tree searches. Found clusters are checked against a minimum size
* and maybe discarded when not reaching the configured threshold. This is
* considered a very fast algorithm, it can be used instead of
* {@link CanopyClustering}.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class OnePassExclusiveClustering {
private int minSize;
private int k;
private double t1;
private boolean mergeOverlaps;
* Constructs a one pass clustering algorithm. With unlimited maximum number
* of neighbours retrieved and a minimum cluster size of 2.
* @param t1 the maximum distance of neighbourhood.
public OnePassExclusiveClustering(double t1) {
this(t1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 2, false);
* Constructs a one pass clustering algorithm.
* @param t1 the maximum distance of neighbourhood.
* @param k the maximum number of neighbours to retrieve inside the t1
* threshold.
* @param minSize the minimum size of a cluster.
* @param mergeOverlaps if true, overlapping found centers by t1 distance will
* be merged.
public OnePassExclusiveClustering(double t1, int k, int minSize,
boolean mergeOverlaps) {
this.t1 = t1;
this.k = k;
this.minSize = minSize;
* Cluster the given items.
* @param values the vectors to cluster.
* @param verbose if true, outputs progress to STDOUT.
* @return a list of centers that describe the given vectors.
public List<DoubleVector> cluster(List<DoubleVector> values, boolean verbose) {
ArrayList<DoubleVector> centers = new ArrayList<>();
KDTree<Integer> tree = new KDTree<>();
int index = 0;
for (DoubleVector value : values) {
tree.add(value, index++);
BitSet set = new BitSet(values.size());
int items = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
if (!set.get(i)) {
DoubleVector v = values.get(i);
DoubleVector center = v.deepCopy();
List<VectorDistanceTuple<Integer>> nns = tree.getNearestNeighbours(v,
k, t1);
int sum = 1;
for (VectorDistanceTuple<Integer> nn : nns) {
if (nn.getDistance() < t1 && !set.get(nn.getValue())) {
center = center.add(nn.getVector());
// ignore clusters violating the threshold.
if (sum >= minSize) {
DoubleVector newCenter = center.divide(sum);
if (mergeOverlaps) {
boolean noOverlap = true;
// merge overlapping clusters within our t1
for (int x = 0; x < centers.size(); x++) {
DoubleVector ref = centers.get(x);
double dist = EuclidianDistance.get().measureDistance(ref,
if (dist < t1) {
// average both centers
centers.set(x, ref.add(newCenter).divide(2d));
noOverlap = false;
if (noOverlap) {
} else {
if (verbose && items % 1000 == 0) {
String progressString = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance().format(
items / (double) tree.size());
System.out.format("Processed %d/%d = %s. Centers found: %d.\n", items,
tree.size(), progressString, centers.size());
return centers;