package de.jungblut.clustering;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import de.jungblut.datastructure.KDTree;
import de.jungblut.datastructure.KDTree.VectorDistanceTuple;
import de.jungblut.distance.EuclidianDistance;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.DenseDoubleVector;
* Sequential Mean Shift Clustering using a gaussian kernel and euclidian
* distance measurement.
* @author thomasjungblut
public final class MeanShiftClustering {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MeanShiftClustering.class);
private static final double SQRT_2_PI = FastMath.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
* Clusters a bunch of given points using the Mean Shift algorithm. It first
* observes possible centers that are within the given windowSize. Once we
* have initial centers found, we do a meanshift step and afterwards merge
* centers that are within the mergeWindow of each other. This algorithm is
* guranteed to converge to a minimum solution.
* @param points the points to cluster.
* @param windowSize the window size to observe points arround the center in.
* This is also used to observe initial centers.
* @param mergeWindow the merge window size, if a pair of centers is within
* this mergeWindow the centers are merged together.
* @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations to do before
* breaking.
* @param verbose if true, progress will be reported after each iteration.
* @return the centers of the meanshift algorithm.
public static List<DoubleVector> cluster(List<DoubleVector> points,
double windowSize, double mergeWindow, int maxIterations, boolean verbose) {
// initialize our lookup structure
KDTree<Integer> kdTree = new KDTree<>();
// assign an index to each point
int index = 0;
for (DoubleVector v : points) {
kdTree.add(v, index++);
// start observing the centers
List<DoubleVector> centers = observeCenters(kdTree, points, windowSize,
// now iterate over our found centers
for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
int converged = meanShift(kdTree, centers, windowSize);
// merge if centers are within the mergeWindow
merge(centers, mergeWindow);
if (verbose) {"Iteration: " + i + " | Remaining centers converging: "
+ converged + "/" + centers.size());
if (converged == 0) {
return centers;
* Merges two centers when they are within the given distance of each other.
private static void merge(List<DoubleVector> centers, double mergeWindow) {
for (int i = 0; i < centers.size(); i++) {
DoubleVector referenceVector = centers.get(i);
// find centers to merge if they are within our merge window
for (int j = i + 1; j < centers.size(); j++) {
DoubleVector center = centers.get(j);
double dist = EuclidianDistance.get().measureDistance(referenceVector,
if (dist < mergeWindow) {
centers.set(i, referenceVector.add(center).divide(2d));
// decrement to not omit the following record
* Core mean shift algorithm.
* @param kdTree the kdtree containing the points to cluster.
* @param centers the already observed centers.
* @param h the window size "h".
* @return the number of centers that haven't converged yet.
private static int meanShift(KDTree<Integer> kdTree,
List<DoubleVector> centers, double h) {
int remainingConvergence = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < centers.size(); i++) {
DoubleVector v = centers.get(i);
List<VectorDistanceTuple<Integer>> neighbours = kdTree
.getNearestNeighbours(v, h);
double weightSum = 0d;
DoubleVector numerator = new DenseDoubleVector(v.getLength());
for (VectorDistanceTuple<Integer> neighbour : neighbours) {
if (neighbour.getDistance() < h) {
double normDistance = neighbour.getDistance() / h;
weightSum -= gaussianGradient(normDistance);
numerator = numerator.add(neighbour.getVector().multiply(weightSum));
if (weightSum > 0d) {
DoubleVector shift = v.divide(numerator);
DoubleVector newCenter = v.add(shift);
if (v.subtract(newCenter).abs().sum() > 1e-5) {
// apply the shift
centers.set(i, newCenter);
return remainingConvergence;
* Small one pass exclusive clustering.
private static List<DoubleVector> observeCenters(KDTree<Integer> kdTree,
List<DoubleVector> points, double h, boolean verbose) {
List<DoubleVector> centers = new ArrayList<>();
BitSet assignedIndices = new BitSet(kdTree.size());
// we are doing one pass over the dataset to determine the first centers
// that are within h range
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
if (!assignedIndices.get(i)) {
DoubleVector v = points.get(i);
List<VectorDistanceTuple<Integer>> neighbours = kdTree
.getNearestNeighbours(v, h);
DoubleVector center = new DenseDoubleVector(v.getLength());
int added = 0;
for (VectorDistanceTuple<Integer> neighbour : neighbours) {
if (!assignedIndices.get(neighbour.getValue())
&& neighbour.getDistance() < h) {
center = center.add(neighbour.getVector());
// so if our sum is positive, we can divide and add the center
if (added > 1) {
DoubleVector newCenter = center.divide(added);
if (verbose && centers.size() % 1000 == 0) {"#Centers found: " + centers.size());
return centers;
* @return the gradient of the gaussian with the given standard deviation.
private static double gaussianGradient(double stddev) {
return -FastMath.exp(-(stddev * stddev) / 2d) / (SQRT_2_PI * stddev);