package de.jungblut.classification.regression;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector.DoubleVectorElement;
import de.jungblut.math.activation.SigmoidActivationFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.sparse.SparseDoubleRowMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.squashing.HammingLossFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.tuple.Tuple;
* Online regression for multi label prediction. It uses stochastic gradient
* descent to optimize the hamming loss. If a weight value drops below 1e-6, it
* will consider the weight as zero- thus sparsifiying the matrix on the fly. In
* addition, there is a sparsity parameter "lambda" that decays the weight by a
* mixture of L1 lasso and L2 ridge norm: lambda * L1 + (1-lambda) * L2.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class SparseMultiLabelRegression {
private static final SigmoidActivationFunction SIGMOID = new SigmoidActivationFunction();
private static final HammingLossFunction LOSS = new HammingLossFunction(0.5);
private Random random = new Random();
private final double alpha;
private final int epochs;
private DoubleMatrix weights;
private double lambda;
private int reportInterval = 500;
private double nearZeroLimit = 1e-6;
private boolean verbose = false;
* Creates a new multilabel regression.
* @param epochs the number of epochs (full passes over the training data).
* @param alpha the learning rate.
* @param numFeatures the number of features to expect.
* @param numOutcomes the number of labels to expect.
public SparseMultiLabelRegression(int epochs, double alpha, int numFeatures,
int numOutcomes) {
this.epochs = epochs;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.weights = new SparseDoubleRowMatrix(numFeatures, numOutcomes);
public void train(Iterable<Tuple<DoubleVector, DoubleVector>> dataStream) {
DoubleMatrix theta = this.weights;
initWeights(dataStream, theta);
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < epochs; epoch++) {
double lossSum = 0d;
int localItems = 0;
for (Tuple<DoubleVector, DoubleVector> tuple : dataStream) {
DoubleVector feature = tuple.getFirst();
DoubleVector outcome = tuple.getSecond();
DoubleVector z1 = theta.multiplyVectorColumn(feature);
DoubleVector activations = SIGMOID.apply(z1);
double loss = LOSS.calculateError(
new SparseDoubleRowMatrix(Arrays.asList(outcome)),
new SparseDoubleRowMatrix(Arrays.asList(activations)));
lossSum += loss;
DoubleVector activationDifference = activations.subtract(outcome);
// update theta by a smarter sparsity algorithm
Iterator<DoubleVectorElement> featureIterator = feature
while (featureIterator.hasNext()) {
DoubleVectorElement next =;
DoubleVector rowVector = theta.getRowVector(next.getIndex());
double l2 = rowVector.pow(2d).sum();
Iterator<DoubleVectorElement> diffIterator = activationDifference
while (diffIterator.hasNext()) {
DoubleVectorElement diffElement =;
double val = rowVector.get(diffElement.getIndex());
if (val != 0) {
val = val - diffElement.getValue() * alpha;
// apply the decay
if (lambda != 0d) {
val -= ((lambda * val) + (1d - lambda) * l2);
if (Math.abs(val) < nearZeroLimit) {
val = 0;
rowVector.set(diffElement.getIndex(), val);
if (verbose && localItems % reportInterval == 0) {
System.out.format(" Item %d | AVG Loss: %f\r", localItems,
(lossSum / localItems));
if (verbose) {
System.out.format("\nEpoch %d | AVG Loss: %f\n", epoch,
(lossSum / localItems));
this.weights = theta;
* @param nearZeroLimit sets the limit when to consider a weight to be really
* zero.
public SparseMultiLabelRegression setNearZeroLimit(double nearZeroLimit) {
this.nearZeroLimit = nearZeroLimit;
return this;
* @param reportInterval the report interval (after how many items seen) in
* each epoch.
public SparseMultiLabelRegression setReportInterval(int reportInterval) {
this.reportInterval = reportInterval;
return this;
* @param lambda the l_1 + l^2_2 combination parameter.
public SparseMultiLabelRegression setLambda(double lambda) {
this.lambda = lambda;
return this;
* @return sets this regression into verbose mode.
public SparseMultiLabelRegression verbose() {
this.verbose = true;
return this;
* @return the learned weights as a sparse matrix.
public DoubleMatrix getWeights() {
return this.weights;
* @return a prediction based on the weights and the given input vector.
public DoubleVector predict(DoubleVector vec) {
return SIGMOID.apply(weights.multiplyVectorColumn(vec));
void setRandom(Random random) {
this.random = random;
private void initWeights(
Iterable<Tuple<DoubleVector, DoubleVector>> dataStream, DoubleMatrix theta) {
for (Tuple<DoubleVector, DoubleVector> tuple : dataStream) {
// randomly initialize our weight matrix by the data we have seen
DoubleVector feature = tuple.getFirst();
DoubleVector outcome = tuple.getSecond();
Iterator<DoubleVectorElement> featureIterator = feature.iterateNonZero();
while (featureIterator.hasNext()) {
DoubleVectorElement feat =;
Iterator<DoubleVectorElement> outcomeIterator = outcome
while (outcomeIterator.hasNext()) {
DoubleVectorElement out =;
theta.set(feat.getIndex(), out.getIndex(), random.nextDouble());