package de.jungblut.classification.nn;
import java.util.Random;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.activation.ActivationFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.cuda.JCUDAMatrixUtils;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.DenseDoubleMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.DenseDoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.AbstractMiniBatchCostFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.CostGradientTuple;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.DenseMatrixFolder;
import de.jungblut.math.squashing.ErrorFunction;
* Neural network costfunction for a multilayer perceptron.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class MultilayerPerceptronCostFunction extends
AbstractMiniBatchCostFunction {
private final NetworkConfiguration configuration = new NetworkConfiguration();
public MultilayerPerceptronCostFunction(MultilayerPerceptron network,
DoubleVector[] features, DoubleVector[] outcome) {
super(features, outcome, network.getMiniBatchSize(), network
.getBatchParallelism(), network.isStochastic());
this.configuration.lambda = network.getLambda();
this.configuration.layerSizes = network.getLayers();
this.configuration.unfoldParameters = computeUnfoldParameters(configuration.layerSizes);
this.configuration.activations = network.getActivations();
this.configuration.error = network.getErrorFunction();
this.configuration.trainingType = network.getTrainingType();
this.configuration.visibleDropoutProbability = network
this.configuration.hiddenDropoutProbability = network
this.configuration.rnd = new Random();
protected CostGradientTuple evaluateBatch(DoubleVector theta,
DoubleMatrix featureBatch, DoubleMatrix outcomeBatch) {
return computeNextStep(theta, featureBatch, outcomeBatch, configuration);
* Do a full forward pass and backpropagate the error.
* @param input the input parameters (theta).
* @param x the features.
* @param y the outcome.
* @return a tuple of cost and gradient.
public static CostGradientTuple computeNextStep(DoubleVector input,
DoubleMatrix x, DoubleMatrix y, NetworkConfiguration conf) {
x.getColumnCount() - 1 == conf.layerSizes[0],
"Input layer size must match the given vector dimension! Given: "
+ (x.getColumnCount() - 1) + ", expected: " + conf.layerSizes[0]);
final int m = x.getRowCount();
DoubleMatrix[] thetas = DenseMatrixFolder.unfoldMatrices(input,
DoubleMatrix[] thetaGradients = new DoubleMatrix[thetas.length];
// start forward propagation
// we compute the aX activations for all layers
DoubleMatrix[] ax = new DoubleMatrix[conf.layerSizes.length];
// for zX we constantly null the zero index, since it has no use.
// zX are the values before activation
DoubleMatrix[] zx = new DoubleMatrix[conf.layerSizes.length];
dropoutVisibleLayer(x, ax, conf);
forwardPropagate(thetas, ax, zx, conf);
double regularization = calculateRegularization(thetas, m, conf);
DoubleMatrix[] deltaX = backwardPropagate(y, thetas, ax, zx, conf);
calculateGradients(thetas, thetaGradients, ax, deltaX, m, conf);
// calculate our cost (error in the last layer)
double j = (1.0d / m)
* conf.error.calculateError(y, ax[conf.layerSizes.length - 1])
+ regularization;
return new CostGradientTuple(j,
public static void forwardPropagate(DoubleMatrix[] thetas, DoubleMatrix[] ax,
DoubleMatrix[] zx, NetworkConfiguration conf) {
for (int i = 1; i < conf.layerSizes.length; i++) {
zx[i] = multiply(ax[i - 1], thetas[i - 1], false, true, conf);
if (i < (conf.layerSizes.length - 1)) {
ax[i] = new DenseDoubleMatrix(DenseDoubleVector.ones(zx[i]
.getRowCount()), conf.activations[i].apply(zx[i]));
if (conf.hiddenDropoutProbability > 0d) {
// compute dropout for ax[i]
dropout(conf.rnd, ax[i], conf.hiddenDropoutProbability);
} else {
// the output doesn't need a bias
ax[i] = conf.activations[i].apply(zx[i]);
public static DoubleMatrix[] backwardPropagate(DoubleMatrix y,
DoubleMatrix[] thetas, DoubleMatrix[] ax, DoubleMatrix[] zx,
NetworkConfiguration conf) {
// now backpropagate the error backwards by calculating the deltas.
// also here we are following the math equations and nulling out the 0th
// entry.
DoubleMatrix[] deltaX = new DoubleMatrix[conf.layerSizes.length];
// set the last delta to the difference of outcome and prediction
deltaX[deltaX.length - 1] = ax[conf.layerSizes.length - 1].subtract(y);
// compute the deltas onto the input layer
for (int i = (conf.layerSizes.length - 2); i > 0; i--) {
DoubleMatrix slice = thetas[i].slice(0, thetas[i].getRowCount(), 1,
deltaX[i] = multiply(deltaX[i + 1], slice, false, false, conf);
// apply the gradient of the activations
deltaX[i] = deltaX[i].multiplyElementWise(conf.activations[i]
return deltaX;
public static void calculateGradients(DoubleMatrix[] thetas,
DoubleMatrix[] thetaGradients, DoubleMatrix[] ax, DoubleMatrix[] deltaX,
final int m, NetworkConfiguration conf) {
// calculate the gradients of the weights
for (int i = 0; i < thetaGradients.length; i++) {
DoubleMatrix gradDXA = multiply(deltaX[i + 1], ax[i], true, false, conf);
if (m != 1) {
thetaGradients[i] = gradDXA.divide(m);
} else {
thetaGradients[i] = gradDXA;
if (conf.lambda != 0d) {
thetaGradients[i] = thetaGradients[i].add((thetas[i]
.multiply(conf.lambda / m)));
// subtract the regularized bias
DoubleVector regBias = thetas[i]
.slice(0, thetas[i].getRowCount(), 0, 1).multiply(conf.lambda / m)
thetaGradients[i].setColumnVector(0, regBias);
public static double calculateRegularization(DoubleMatrix[] thetas,
final int m, NetworkConfiguration conf) {
double regularization = 0d;
// only calculate the regularization term if lambda is not 0
if (conf.lambda != 0d) {
for (DoubleMatrix theta : thetas) {
regularization += (theta.slice(0, theta.getRowCount(), 1,
regularization = (conf.lambda / (2.0d * m)) * regularization;
return regularization;
public static void dropoutVisibleLayer(DoubleMatrix x, DoubleMatrix[] ax,
NetworkConfiguration conf) {
// for the first weights, we don't need to compute Z
if (conf.visibleDropoutProbability > 0d) {
// compute dropout for ax[0], copy X to not alter internal
// representation
ax[0] = x.deepCopy();
dropout(conf.rnd, ax[0], conf.visibleDropoutProbability);
} else {
ax[0] = x;
private static DoubleMatrix multiply(DoubleMatrix a1, DoubleMatrix a2,
boolean a1Transpose, boolean a2Transpose, NetworkConfiguration conf) {
switch (conf.trainingType) {
case CPU:
return multiplyCPU(a1, a2, a1Transpose, a2Transpose);
case GPU:
return multiplyGPU(a1, a2, a1Transpose, a2Transpose);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Trainingtype couldn't be anticipated by switch.");
private static DoubleMatrix multiplyCPU(DoubleMatrix a1, DoubleMatrix a2,
boolean a1Transpose, boolean a2Transpose) {
a2 = a2Transpose ? a2.transpose() : a2;
a1 = a1Transpose ? a1.transpose() : a1;
return a1.multiply(a2);
private static DoubleMatrix multiplyGPU(DoubleMatrix a1, DoubleMatrix a2,
boolean a1Transpose, boolean a2Transpose) {
return JCUDAMatrixUtils.multiply((DenseDoubleMatrix) a1,
(DenseDoubleMatrix) a2, a1Transpose, a2Transpose);
* Calculates the unfold parameters to unroll a learned theta vector in their
* matrix.
* @param layerSizes the layer size that the {@link MultilayerPerceptron} got
* instantiated with.
* @return the unfold parameters to feed {@link DenseMatrixFolder} with.
public static int[][] computeUnfoldParameters(int[] layerSizes) {
// the weights that need to be learned are always one less than the number
// of layers
int[][] unfoldParameters = new int[layerSizes.length - 1][];
for (int i = 0; i < unfoldParameters.length; i++) {
// note that this will never lead to array index out of bound execeptions
// because the layer size is always one more than the unfold size.
// also don't forget to add the bias unit on the cols of the matrices.
unfoldParameters[i] = new int[] { layerSizes[i + 1], layerSizes[i] + 1 };
return unfoldParameters;
* Computes dropout for the activations matrix. Each element for each row has
* the similar probability p to be "dropped out" (set to 0) of the
* computation. This way, the network does learn to not rely on other units
* thus learning to detect more general features than drastically overfitting
* the dataset.
* @param rnd the random number generator to consult.
* @param activations activations of units per record on each column.
* @param p dropout probability.
public static void dropout(Random rnd, DoubleMatrix activations, double p) {
for (int row = 0; row < activations.getRowCount(); row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < activations.getColumnCount(); col++) {
if (rnd.nextDouble() <= p) {
activations.set(row, col, 0d);
public static class NetworkConfiguration {
public double lambda;
public int[] layerSizes;
public int[][] unfoldParameters;
public ActivationFunction[] activations;
public ErrorFunction error;
public TrainingType trainingType;
public double visibleDropoutProbability;
public double hiddenDropoutProbability;
public Random rnd;