package de.jungblut.classification.nn;
import de.jungblut.classification.AbstractClassifier;
import de.jungblut.classification.Classifier;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleMatrix;
import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.activation.ActivationFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.activation.LinearActivationFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.activation.SigmoidActivationFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.dense.DenseDoubleVector;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.CostFunction;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.DenseMatrixFolder;
import de.jungblut.math.minimize.Minimizer;
import de.jungblut.math.squashing.ErrorFunction;
import de.jungblut.writable.MatrixWritable;
* Multilayer perceptron implementation that works on GPU via JCuda and CPU. It
* features l0/1 regularization (lambda) and dropout. A wide variety of
* activation functions and error functions can be configured. You can set this
* network up by using the builder given by {@link MultilayerPerceptron}.
* {@link MultilayerPerceptronBuilder}.
* @author thomas.jungblut
public final class MultilayerPerceptron extends AbstractClassifier {
public static long SEED = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Configuration for training a neural net through the {@link Classifier}
public static final class MultilayerPerceptronBuilder {
private final Minimizer minimizer;
private final int maxIterations;
private final int[] layer;
private final ActivationFunction[] activationFunctions;
private final ErrorFunction error;
private TrainingType type = TrainingType.CPU;
private double lambda = 0d;
private boolean verbose = false;
private double hiddenDropoutProbability = 0d;
private double visibleDropoutProbability = 0d;
private WeightMatrix[] weights;
private boolean stochastic = false;
private int miniBatchSize;
private int batchParallelism = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
private MultilayerPerceptronBuilder(int[] layer,
ActivationFunction[] activations, Minimizer minimizer,
int maxIterations, ErrorFunction error) {
this.layer = layer;
this.minimizer = minimizer;
this.error = error;
this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
this.activationFunctions = activations;
* Sets the training type, it defaults to CPU- so only use if you want to
* use the GPU.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder trainingType(TrainingType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
* Sets the regularization parameter lambda, defaults to 0 if not set.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder lambda(double lambda) {
this.lambda = lambda;
return this;
* Sets verbose to true. Progress indicators will be printed to STDOUT.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder verbose() {
return verbose(true);
* If verbose is true, progress indicators will be printed to STDOUT.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder verbose(boolean verbose) {
this.verbose = verbose;
return this;
* Sets the hidden layer dropout probability.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder hiddenLayerDropout(double d) {
this.hiddenDropoutProbability = d;
return this;
* Sets the input layer dropout probability.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder inputLayerDropout(double d) {
this.visibleDropoutProbability = d;
return this;
* Sets the initial weights, maybe from an already trained network, or from
* a fancy random initialization technique.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder withWeights(WeightMatrix[] weights) {
this.weights = weights;
return this;
* @param size the minibatch size to use. Batches are calculated in parallel
* on every cpu core if not overridden by
* {@link #batchParallelism(int)}.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder miniBatchSize(int size) {
this.miniBatchSize = size;
return this;
* @param numThreads set the number of threads where batches should be
* calculated in parallel.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder batchParallelism(int numThreads) {
this.batchParallelism = numThreads;
return this;
* Sets the training mode to stochastic.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder stochastic() {
return stochastic(true);
* If verbose is true, stochastic training will be used.
public MultilayerPerceptronBuilder stochastic(boolean stochastic) {
this.stochastic = stochastic;
return this;
* @return a new {@link MultilayerPerceptron} with the given configuration.
public MultilayerPerceptron build() {
return new MultilayerPerceptron(this);
* Creates a new TrainingConfiguration with the mandatory configurations of
* the activation functions, the to be used minimizer and the maximum
* iterations.
* @param layer the number of neurons for each layer, each index denotes a
* layer.
* @param activations the activation functions to be used, each index
* denotes a layer.
* @param errorFunction the error function on the last layer.
* @param minimizer the minimizer to be used.
* @param maxIterations how many iterations (epochs) to run.
* @return a brand new training configuration with the given parameters set.
public static MultilayerPerceptronBuilder create(int[] layer,
ActivationFunction[] activations, ErrorFunction errorFunction,
Minimizer minimizer, int maxIteration) {
return new MultilayerPerceptronBuilder(layer, activations, minimizer,
maxIteration, errorFunction);
private final WeightMatrix[] weights;
private final Minimizer minimizer;
private final int maxIterations;
private final int[] layers;
private final ActivationFunction[] activations;
private double lambda;
private double hiddenDropoutProbability;
private double visibleDropoutProbability;
private TrainingType type = TrainingType.CPU;
private boolean verbose;
private ErrorFunction error;
private boolean stochastic = false;
private int miniBatchSize;
private int batchParallelism = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
private MultilayerPerceptron(MultilayerPerceptronBuilder conf) {
this.layers = conf.layer;
this.maxIterations = conf.maxIterations;
this.minimizer = conf.minimizer;
this.lambda = conf.lambda;
this.type = conf.type;
this.hiddenDropoutProbability = conf.hiddenDropoutProbability;
this.visibleDropoutProbability = conf.visibleDropoutProbability;
this.verbose = conf.verbose;
this.error = conf.error;
this.stochastic = conf.stochastic;
this.miniBatchSize = conf.miniBatchSize;
this.batchParallelism = conf.batchParallelism;
// if the activations are not supplied, we are using standard linear-sigmoid
// functions
if (conf.activationFunctions == null) {
this.activations = new ActivationFunction[layers.length];
this.activations[0] = new LinearActivationFunction();
for (int i = 1; i < layers.length; i++) {
this.activations[i] = new SigmoidActivationFunction();
} else {
this.activations = conf.activationFunctions;
Preconditions.checkArgument(layers.length == activations.length,
"Size of layers and activations must match!");
if (conf.weights == null) {
this.weights = new WeightMatrix[layers.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
weights[i] = new WeightMatrix(layers[i], layers[i + 1]);
} else {
this.weights = conf.weights;
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
this.weights[i].getWeights().getRowCount() == layers[i + 1],
"Number of rows must match the layer size of the following layer. Given: "
+ this.weights[i].getWeights().getRowCount() + ". Expected: "
+ layers[i + 1]);
.getColumnCount() == (layers[i] + 1),
"Number of columns must match the layer size of the current layer. Given: "
+ this.weights[i].getWeights().getColumnCount()
+ ". Expected: " + (layers[i] + 1));
* Custom serialization constructor for already trained networks. Used mainly
* to query the network after a training session.
private MultilayerPerceptron(int[] layers, WeightMatrix[] weights,
ActivationFunction[] activations, ErrorFunction error) {
this.layers = layers;
this.weights = weights;
this.activations = activations;
this.error = error;
this.minimizer = null;
this.maxIterations = -1;
* Predicts the outcome of the given input by doing a forward pass.
public DoubleVector predict(DoubleVector xi) {
DoubleVector activationVector = addBias(xi);
final int len = layers.length - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
activationVector = activations[i].apply(weights[i - 1].getWeights()
// only add the bias if we are not in the last layer
if (i != len) {
activationVector = addBias(activationVector);
return activationVector;
* Predicts the outcome of the given input by doing a forward pass. Used for
* binary classification by a threshold. Everything above threshold will be
* considered as 1, the other case as 0.
public DoubleVector predict(DoubleVector xi, double threshold) {
DoubleVector activations = predict(xi);
for (int i = 0; i < activations.getLength(); i++) {
activations.set(i, activations.get(i) > threshold ? 1.0d : 0.0d);
return activations;
// could be simplified now due to a "copy" constructor
private static DoubleVector addBias(DoubleVector activations) {
return new DenseDoubleVector(1d, activations.toArray());
public void train(DoubleVector[] features, DoubleVector[] outcome) {
train(features, outcome, minimizer, maxIterations, lambda, verbose);
* Full backpropagation training method. It performs weight finding by using a
* minimizer. Note that it only guarantees to find a global minimum solution
* in case of linear or convex problems (zero / one hidden layer), of course
* this is also dependend on the concrete minimizer implementation. If you
* have more than a single hidden layer, then it will usually trap into a
* local minimum. It supplies a vector so training can be resumed from a good
* starting point.
* @param features the training examples.
* @param outcome the outcomes for the training examples.
* @param minimizer the minimizer to use to train the neural network.
* @param maxIterations the number of maximum iterations to train.
* @param lambda the given regularization parameter.
* @param verbose output to console with the last given errors.
* @param theta initial spot to start the minimizations.
* @return the cost of the training.
public final double train(DoubleVector[] features, DoubleVector[] outcome,
Minimizer minimizer, int maxIterations, double lambda, boolean verbose) {
CostFunction costFunction = new MultilayerPerceptronCostFunction(this,
features, outcome);
return trainInternal(minimizer, maxIterations, verbose, costFunction,
* Internal training method.
* @param minimizer the minimizer to use.
* @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations to take.
* @param verbose output to console with the last given errors.
* @param costFunction the costfunction to use, normally GPU training uses the
* {@link GPUMultilayerPerceptronCostFunction} and the normal
* training uses {@link MultilayerPerceptronCostFunction}.
* @param initialTheta the initial weights to be used (init with initTheta()).
* @return the cost of the training.
private double trainInternal(Minimizer minimizer, int maxIterations,
boolean verbose, CostFunction costFunction, DoubleVector initialTheta) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(minimizer, "Minimizer must be supplied!");
DoubleVector theta = minimizer.minimize(costFunction, initialTheta,
maxIterations, verbose);
int[][] unfoldParameters = MultilayerPerceptronCostFunction
DoubleMatrix[] unfoldMatrices = DenseMatrixFolder.unfoldMatrices(theta,
for (int i = 0; i < unfoldMatrices.length; i++) {
return costFunction.evaluateCost(theta).getCost();
* @return the folded theta vector, seeded by the current weight matrices.
public DoubleVector getFoldedThetaVector() {
// get our randomized weights into a foldable format
DoubleMatrix[] weightMatrices = new DoubleMatrix[getWeights().length];
for (int i = 0; i < weightMatrices.length; i++) {
weightMatrices[i] = getWeights()[i].getWeights();
return DenseMatrixFolder.foldMatrices(weightMatrices);
public WeightMatrix[] getWeights() {
return weights;
public int[] getLayers() {
return this.layers;
public ActivationFunction[] getActivations() {
return activations;
double getHiddenDropoutProbability() {
return this.hiddenDropoutProbability;
double getVisibleDropoutProbability() {
return this.visibleDropoutProbability;
ErrorFunction getErrorFunction() {
return this.error;
TrainingType getTrainingType() {
return this.type;
double getLambda() {
return this.lambda;
int getBatchParallelism() {
return this.batchParallelism;
int getMiniBatchSize() {
return this.miniBatchSize;
boolean isStochastic() {
return this.stochastic;
* Deserializes a new neural network from the given input stream. Note that
* "in" will not be closed by this method.
public static MultilayerPerceptron deserialize(DataInput in)
throws IOException {
int numLayers = in.readInt();
int[] layers = new int[numLayers];
for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) {
layers[i] = in.readInt();
WeightMatrix[] weights = new WeightMatrix[numLayers - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
MatrixWritable wm = new MatrixWritable();
weights[i] = new WeightMatrix(wm.getMatrix());
ActivationFunction[] funcs = new ActivationFunction[numLayers];
for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) {
try {
funcs[i] = (ActivationFunction) Class.forName(in.readUTF())
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ErrorFunction error = null;
try {
error = (ErrorFunction) Class.forName(in.readUTF()).newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return new MultilayerPerceptron(layers, weights, funcs, error);
* Serializes this network at its current state to a binary file. Note that
* "out" will not be closed in this method.
public static void serialize(MultilayerPerceptron model, DataOutput out)
throws IOException {
// first write all the layers
for (int l : model.layers) {
// write the weight matrices
for (WeightMatrix mat : model.weights) {
DoubleMatrix weights = mat.getWeights();
new MatrixWritable(weights).write(out);
// then write the activation classes
for (ActivationFunction func : model.activations) {